AO: the-discipline
Q: Grape
PAX: Dilbert, hambone
FNGs: None

WARMUP: 12 x SSH, LBAC F, LBAC R, Michael Phelps

1st grade- Step Ups
2nd grade- Ukrainian Hammers
3rd grade- Merkins
4th grade- Mountain Climbers
5th grade- E2K- LBC
6th grade- Reverse lunges
7th grade- IYT
8th grade- Squats
9th grade- Original burpees
10th grade- V ups
11th grade- skipped
12th grade- Reverse burpees

MOLESKINE: took me an hour to get home due to a wreck on 65. Still worth it to be with you all this morning

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 and 9/14 convergences

COT: prayers for patience, discipline, and diligence


Miles and Smiles

AO: the-discipline
Q: hambone
PAX: hambone
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Kinda cool, nice sunrise

WARMUP: stretch it out a bit–don’t wanna pull those creamy hamstrings.

THE THANG: 3.51 miles total

Warm up lap

Light jog through the park and the neighborhood. Walk every 2ish minutes. Put some effort for the last 1.5 miles.

COT: No circle, only a dot. Next step.

Slow Movin’

AO: the-discipline
Q: hambone
PAX: hambone
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Swampy, gloomy

WARMUP: Stretch hard

THE THANG: Walk a lab. Carry the sandbag a lap. Repeat until time.

MOLESKINE: The old fella that likes to run by us actually stopped and talked to me. He told me (in a nicer way) that he used to be as heavy as I am in his 30s and that if “I keep it up” I’ll get there. Ouch.



T Swifts Greatest Hits

AO: the-discipline
Q: Chunks
PAX: Dilbert, hambone
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to the lower parking lot for some SSH, Arm Circles and stretches


95% of Men over the age of 35 will never sprint again. So, if I Q we will not be in that 95%.

Ran some sprints and skips. Dilbert is faster than expected. Speed and Power.

Then moseyed around the park on the greenway.

Got back to the Startex for some ab work and then some broga to finish with other stretches.

MOLESKINE: Was an honor to lead at the discipline. So excited to see F3 North growing. Small PAX today, but that has become a trend with my Qs recently. LOL

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dilbert accepted a new job. Wow, he’s a man in demand. Congrats bro. Dizzy Doc has added a new addition to his PAX.

COT: Prayers for all the men there and the men not there. Thanks HIMs.

Simple 7s

AO: the-discipline
Q: hambone
PAX: Dylan Wickliffe, Dilbert, Country Parkour, Dizzy Doc
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: post-rain smell

WARMUP: It’s summer–why warmup? My drive from the Great North is enough of a warmup. Let’s roll into it.

THE THANG: We merkined IC x 7, squatted IC x7, and in general had a good mosey around the park.

MOLESKINE: I had a moment of doubt about getting back up that hill on time to end the workout, but we kicked it into gear and finished early.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check the slack machine

COT: Prayers for continued growth

Kudos on a Job…Done

AO: the-discipline
Q: hambone
PAX: DintyMoore, Chunks, Strutter, James Adams, Under the Table, Highway BBQ, Country Parkour, Puma (aka Trophy Husband aka Cougar Slayer), Catchers Face (aka Mit Face)
FNGs: 2 Puma (aka Trophy Husband aka Cougar Slayer), Catchers Face (aka Mit Face)

WARMUP: what’s that for? We have FORTY FIVE minutes. Let’s get right to it.

Basketball court work (including bearcrawls, sprints, skipping, and plenty of complaints).

Head down to the parking lot for the mini Dora–includes sets of Burpees, Squats, Merkins, and Drydocks.

Mini Mary


I have a confession–I did not want to get up this morning. I’ve been pulled in 12 different directions at work with no end in sight. I’ve had to drop a class (ie. $2500 pissed away) because I was in a solid ‘F’ category. My running this week has been very poor. I submitted to stress eating yesterday. I spent 35 minutes on my porcelain throne this AM. My joints (and not my member) were unusually stiff this morning. I would have rated myself 3/10 when I pulled up this morning.

That’s the thing about the-discipline. You get up and show up irrespective of what’s going on in your life. Sometimes you’re even called to lead when things aren’t going well. The daily discipline of the King is often inviting, but sometimes it is completely opposite. the-discipline is cold and indifferent to how you’re feeling.

So you get up and go chase it anyway. That’s just how it works.


Game Night

COT: Prayers and thankfulness for our continued growth as men.

[the-discipline] Welcome to THE DISCIPLINE

AO: the-discipline
Q: hambone
PAX: Chunks, Dilbert, Highway BBQ, Dylan Wickliffe, Under the Table, Country Parkour, Snickers, Hallmark Betty
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cooler than expected

Slight mosey, some SSHs, some squats–simple stuff.

We worked our way down to the bottom of the hill–we stopped to add in some burpees and parking space work.

At the bottom of the hill, the men proceeded to do Quadraphilia and then rest.

MOLESKINE: This is just the start. To keep the discipline, we have to keep repeating


COT: Prayers for the launch of white-house