Penalty burpees for no HC and burpees for no Merchant show

AO: titan
Q: Pep
PAX: Midwife, preacherman, Right Said, caprate, DintyMoore, Sherlock, Firefox, Young and Restless, SalPal, Salami, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
cool. comfortable fall day

burpee penalty:
– each pax with no HC 10 burpees
– all pax 10 burpees for Merchant
run the square

Dora at the playground:
– 100 pull ups
– 200 windshield wipers
– 300 firehydrants
7’s at the hill: burpees + hand release merkins

– pain lab: Salpal led on Saturday mornings in North Nashville
– chili event:
First Annual F3 Chili Cook Off!
Wolfpack is on Q and leading the charge.

When: October 20th. 1-3pm
Who: PAX, M, and 2.0s!
Where: Riverview Pavilion Shelby Park

– prayer for Midwife in his job search

Because It’s My Destiny To Be The . . .

AO: westeros
Q: Vector
PAX: Grape, DintyMoore, Chunks, Pop-A-Lock, SalPal, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Right Said, Pep, Young and Restless, Hedwig
FNGs: None
Conjuring up this week’s theme, I felt we all needed a little bit of a push to make us better, because as “the kids” say, “No PAIN, no gain.”

CONDITIONS: Painfully pleasant, start of autumn, gloomy morning

WARMUP: To start the pain, we did W-O-R for the duration of Depeche Mode’s extended remix of “A Pain That I Am Used To.”
30 SSH, 30 LBAC, 30 Air Presses, 30 RLBAC, 30 Squats.

To reflect the missing HCs from the PAX, the group had to do 9 burpees. Then we repeated the above until end of song . . . 8 minutes later.

A Pain That I Am Used To – Depeche Mode
King of Pain – The Police
Pain Lies on the Riverside – Live
Joy and Pain – Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? – Culture Club
Pain – De La Sol (f. Snoop Dogg)
Hurts So Good – John Cougar
Sucker for Pain – Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons
Everybody Hurts – R.E.M.

PAIN #1: 50 reps of
Prisoner squats
Ass Kickers
Imperial Walkers
Normal Julgarian Split Squats (“Free Julgaria!”)
Then sprint up and down hill.

PAIN #2: 50 reps of
Plank Jacks
Alabama Prom Dates
Incline Merkins
Normal LBCs
Sprint the hill.

Mosey to Startex for Mary where a grand time was had by all

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday Tuesday this week – Check the Slack

COT: Prayers for Chunks on the passing of his grandmother and SalPal as his wife navigates restarting work life. Was fantastic to have SalPal back out, as his special brand of saltiness fit the theme perfectly . . . Thankful as always for all of the HIM who push me and each other to be better. SYITG, Vec


AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: caprate, Cuban Missile, Spinal Tap, Strutter, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, Shotz
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Rainy in the best way “You Only Get Wet Once”

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Stretching

THE THANG: – – Death by Burpees – –

YHC ran a 1 minute timer and every minute we performed 5 burpees. In between burpees a “resting” exercise was called to give a “break” between sets. Pax performed lunges, bear crawls, LT Dans, and various forms of merry.

Pax made it through 36 sets for a total of 180 burpees but felt called to beat the record I set at greenmachine last year. A final 21 were tagged at the end bringing the total count to 201 burpees.

MOLESKINE: – “My Body Hurts” Spinal Tap


Chili Cook Off – Oct 20th 1-3 pm – bring your 2.0s and Ms
Wolfpack is on Q – more details tbd

AOQ Grow School – October 12th 6 am to 8 am at stonewall
Hair Band on Q

COT: Lifted Prayer

The Standard

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Dan and Dave, Salami, hambone, Schnauzer, Young and Restless, Hair Band, Pole Dancer, Dan Tanna, Shocker (Mark Holmes), toga, Skeet, Spinal Tap, Grape, Right Said, Natural Ice, caprate, Red Skull, C Sharp, Snapper, DreamCast, Old McDonald, Coon Skin, Slash, Pearl, Vera Wang, Big Country, Old G, Humble Boxer, The Raptor(Miami), Zorro, Speedway, Filet O Fish, Ten Pack,, Big Bird
FNGs: 1 Big Bird

WARMUP: No warm up. Gave a 5 min warning to do some stretching.


Circle up and partner up 1:1 F3 – 4:13
Welcome with Disclaimer and the standard: Push yourself

Then explain that during the workout the F3 & 4:13 men are to get to know each other with the F3 man prepared to give the 4:13 man a nickname at the end of the workout.

Right Said recited the Mission of F3.

Then we run in two lines with the F3 man on the left and his partner to his right. The partners sprint to the front as a team when I call out Front. We ran a mile around the campus, Train caused a little pivot to get the whole mile

At 1 mile we stopped and did a set of BOMBS starting at 5 and each exercise increasing the reps by 5 to 25 Squats. Then I talked briefly about how Mental Toughness is perishable. Just because you finished mental toughness week doesn’t mean it lasts forever, you must requalify every day.

Then we ran again following the same method I yelled Front and then stopped for another set of BOMBS starting at 5. Then talked briefly about 1 second decisions. Between now and the end of the 40 days they will have to make a lot of 1 second decisions. It only takes one of those to lose everything. You must gain control of your mind when all you want to do is quit. Cause at some point you will want to quit.

Ran back to start ex with a detour out onto foster ave and around the corner following the same method for a final set of BOMBS starting at 5. Then talked briefly on Performing without Motivation. Right now you have a purpose to finish the 40 days, but there will be times when you don’t have an easy goal like that and you have to Perform without Motivation, you just have to do it. Use these next 40 days to gain control of your mind and body. All these men here and the others that will take this journey with you want to see you succeed and win. But it’s not given without work. This program will push you, but will also support you. Take advantage of this opportunity, forget about your past and live in the present.

Circled up for the naming ceremony. The PAX did not disappoint with some good names this class.

We had and FNG that Red Skull named Big Bird.

Thanks to everyone that came out and the atlantis men.

Always an honor to lead you men.

Strength and Honor,

COT: C Sharp asked to lead the closing prayer in the ball of Man.

Simple workout

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, bluemule, Right Said, Young and Restless, Spinal Tap, DintyMoore, Natural Ice, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock, Hacker
FNGs: None
Cool fall morning

– run around school
– seal claps
– imperial walkers
– hillbillies
– Good mornings
– Willie mays Hayes


100 – pull ups
200 – windshield wipers
300 – fire hydrants

Upcoming chili cook off: if you want to volunteer contact Natural Ice or Wolfpack

Gratitude for right said’s surgery going well
Pep work
Dinty Moore: tough administrative situation at work

F3 Nashville 10th Anniversary Workout

AO: stonewall
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Chunks, moneyshot, DintyMoore, Grape, Black Lung, Focker, hambone, Strutter, Midwife, floppydisk, FLO, Young and Restless, Works for a Guy, Vector, Hi-Viz, osha, Natural Ice, Toothless, Right Said, McAfee, Michelin Man, Spinal Tap, caprate, Siri, Dewey, Cowboy, Zelenskyy, Salami, EZ-Go, sooner, Splitter, Jason Callen (Deep Dish), Pep, Wolfpack, Skinny Pop
FNGs: 1 Skinny Pop
36 PAX posted at the birthplace of F3 Nashville to celebrate 10 years of making better men.


Medium mosey to Soccer Field for COP, all x 10
– Groiners
– Newtons Cradle

Quick mosey to Sunnyside Mansion to show them that we’re all Men from U.N.C.L.E. This phase of the workout honors Jesse “Uncle” Wilker who flew in from Charlotte, NC to teach a handful of us about F3 and prep us for launch approximately 3650 days ago.

Partner up. With P1 running a lap around Sunnyside Mansion, P2 performs reps of the following exercises until they reach 100 cumulative for each.
– Uneven Merkins (aka Staggered Merkins)
– Newton’s Cradle (2 is 1)
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Lunges (1 is 1)
– Elbows to Knees (alternating sides every 10 reps or so)

Abs of choice while waiting for six.

Mosey to Tennis Courts

Line up along court #1 doubles sideline for some shuttle runs. PAX perform 10 jump squats followed by a shuttle run to center service line, court #2 doubles sideline, court #2 center service line, and court #2 far doubles sideline. Drop one rep and repeat all the way down to 1 Jump Squat and a shuttle.

Sticking around the courts, PAX circled up for everybody’s favorite jerk, Jack Webb: Merkins and Air Presses in a 1:4 ratio. We took this one all the way up to 10:40, and everyone LOVED it.

Mosey to Sunnyside Hill

Lining up with previous partner at the base of the hill, P1 performed LBCs while P2 sprinted up to the flag. RnR x 3.

Since we didn’t get here alone, one last AYG with everybody together up the hill before a mosey back to the startex.

– Boxcutters x 10
– Crunchy Frogs x 10 (missed you t-cell)

One ten-second good morning to close things out!


It was truly an honor to lead this workout. I had no idea what the heck I was getting into 10 years ago, but I’m glad I didn’t let that stop me. Really grateful for the all the men that have stepped up to lead along the way. Whether it’s been as a workout Q, an AOQ, or a position at the regional level, you are making me and countless others better for it. I don’t take that for granted. Nor should you.

Can’t wait to see what the next decade holds!

Also, a special thanks to all of you who brought coffee, baked goods, and other refreshments for extended coffeeteria. What a great way to end!

Prayers for job changes, job searches, ailments, and recoveries.! Deadline to orders yours is 10/5.

PA out.

PSL Hill Work

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Pep, Crawlspace, Young and Restless, Spinal Tap, Salami, caprate, Black Lung, Papa Bear, Old Maid, Right Said, Dirtbag, Tim the Toolman, preacherman, Dragon Spark, Sherlock, Sharkbait, For Closure
FNGs: 1 For Closure
CONDITIONS: Perfectly Pleasant

WARMUP: 30 SSH (I am just going to keep pushing that number up, because everyone starts to stop at 20), Little Baby Arm Circles, OHP, Seal Claps, Light Stretching

THE THANG: Hill Work
Pax Partnered Up. While partner 1 made the loop up and down the hill, partner 2 performed an exercise from the list provided by YHC. Upon returning, partner one performed the same exercise until both completed. Rinse and repeat all the way down the list.

Exercises in order:
**Plank Jacks**
**Mountain Climbers**
**Plank to Push-Up**
**Kraken Burpees**
**Imperial Walkers**
**Nolan Ryans**

**Squats** –
**Peter Parkers*
**Inch Worms**

Pax performed WW1s as we waited on the six.

We ended with Sprints, because 95% of people over the age of 30 will never sprint again.

Sharkbait clocked 2 miles of total running

MOLESKINE: We have 85 days left of pumpkin spice season. Enjoy it while you can.

Mens Group with YHC and Spinal Tap kicking off tonight 7:30 at the Ice Haus.
Wednesday 911 Convergence at the state capitol steps 5:30 launch
SATURDAY 10 year anniversary at Stone wall 6:00 am launch

COT: Prayers for travel and Right Said upcoming surgery

Boat Body – Pontoon Rock

AO: bomber
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Cream Cheese, Dirtbag, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, Crawlspace, Marcus Wilcock (Homer), Black Lung, McAfee, Papa Bear, Hedwig, Firefox, Skeet, Spinal Tap, Linus, Strings, Tater, Dirtbag
FNGs: 1 Dirtbag
CONDITIONS: Felt like the last Friday of Summer

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, Arm Circle, Air Press, M Night Clubs,

THE THANG: 3 mile mosey with periodic merkins and core

We took off for a mosey and as we hit the trail, Robert Frost’s words echoed in my mind – two paths diverged in a yellow wood. But unlike the poet, there was no luxury of contemplation. With the last shirtless weekend of summer calling I ditched my plan and pushed the PAX through the 3 mile loop around McCabe.

Three miles of sweat and glory lay ahead, punctuated by surprise stops for merkins and core-busters. The Playlist? Pure pontoon rock – think yacht rock’s rowdier country cousin. As we pushed through, letting the six catch up at each pit stop, we sculpted our summer bodies with every step.

MOLESKINE: No one was planning on running that far, and everyone pushed through it! Do Hard Things

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Big shout out to Strings and Marcus Wilcock (Homer) joining us down range from the UK, and also Linus from Tacoma WA! is Sept 20-22 if you can make a last minute trip across the pond

COT: Prayers were lifted!

Thank you men of bomber and DintyMoore for inviting me to lead. It was great to come back to the original AO where I first joined F3 4 years ago!


Bust a Move

AO: handsomizer
Q: Old Maid
PAX: Spinal Tap, Rocket Mortgage, Freakonomics, Strutter, caprate, Dragon Spark, Natural Ice, Cuban Missile, Old Maid, Young and Restless, Donkey Hammer, Patty
FNGs: None
Clear, blue, and 22

Good mornings OYO
Hamstring stretches
Willie Mays OYO

Non-stop fun paired with some glorious tunes.

1. Squats – Flower by Moby
2. Mosey to stairs- You Make My Dreams (Come True) by Hall & Oats (3:11)
3. Low Plank, Merkins, Side Planks, more
Merkins — I Love Rock N’ Roll by Joan Jett
4. Stair run (x3) – Watch Your Step by Ted Hawkins
5. Bear Crawls, Tricep Dips, Mosey to turf –
Bust a Move by Young MC
6. Circle Burp (Up Downs) – The Spark by
Kabin Crew
7. SSH, Mosey – Fire In My Soul – Tom
Staar Remix
8. Bicycle Crunches, WWls, American
Hammers — Gas Pedal Dave Audé Remix
9. Frog Jumps, Flying Nuns (Lunge walk with little baby arm circles) – Come and Get Your Love by Redbone
10. Merkins low and slow, Planks – End of the Line by Traveling Wilburys



– Convergence w/ Detention coming up soon
– Natural Ice is looking for 2ndf suggestions
– Something else I can’t remember

– Prayers for those training for half and full marathons
– Prayers for injuries and recovery

Handsomizer 8/16/24

AO: handsomizer
Q: Salami
PAX: Spinal Tap, Patty, Old Maid, Natural Ice, Rocket Mortgage, El Pollo Loco, Goofy, Wedding Singer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A touch cooler than lately

Motivators from 7
Mosey around the stadium
Butt kickers
High knees
Arrive back at grass
Jane fondas IC 10 each leg

10 merks
16 Freddie Mercurys
10 diamond merks
16 plank jacks
10 wide merks
16 mountain climbers

Run to side of stadium and back

10 drop n chops (squat, left knee up, squat, right knee up = 1 rep)
16 leg lifts
10 Peter Parkers
16 WWIs
10 squats
16 V-ups

Stair run

30 Moroccan night clubs IC
20 Supermans IC
20 AL prom dates IC
10 burpees

Run through parking lot and back
10 8ct body builders

2 mins of Mary


Wedding Singer F3 disc golf @ Crockett Park 0600 Saturday 8/17
Natural Ice wants more ideas for 2nd F shindigs
8/21/24 convergence at III Pillars

COT: Wedding Singer reminds us to be present for our kids/loved ones while they are around
Keep Blueliner in your thoughts and prayers, stop by if you can. Bring stogies