Overtime Pickleball

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Chunks
PAX: sooner, Schnauzer, Pole Dancer, Toothless, Betty Ford, hambone, Hanes, Young and Restless
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey around the park
Light stretching

5 Burpees EMOM for 10 mins
With Big Boy Sit up, Squats and Rest till the top of the next minute


Head to the Tennis Court for Overtime Pickleball
Winner Servers and then Winner of the rally stays on the court
Loser picks the exercise for the PAX to do while waiting.


Don’t worry about criticism from someone you wouldn’t ask advice from.


COT: Prayers for Betty Ford and family, also for Sooner’s coworker battling cancer


AO: atlantis
Q: Grape , Oatmeal, sooner, Tea Party, Pole Dancer
PAX: Oatmeal, sooner, Tea Party, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Indigenous peoples run with a disc

THE THANG: Ultimate, 3v2, Pole Dancer and Tea Party traded off being full time offense

MOLESKINE: there were some amazing catches, lots of diving, some questionable rules (always), and tons of fun. Oatmeal and sooner won, and they both had Pole Dancer and Tea Party on their team at some point, so I was the only true loser. To add insult to injury, YHC lost his car keys in the big field, and is typing this BB from the back of an Uber. Live and learn.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 and 9/14

COT: prayers for God to be in control

Five x Five

AO: middle-tooth
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: sooner, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Pole Dancer, Schnauzer, DrRupp, Betty Ford
FNGs: None

Good Mornings
Imperial Walkers
Willy Mays

Five Stops w/ Mosey around Big Field
5 Exercises EMOM
Min 1 – Burpees 10
Min 2 – Air Squats 15
Min 3 – 15 Merkins
Min 4 – 20 Staggered RDLs
Min 5 – 20 BB Situps


9/11 Convergence
10 year Anniversary Convergence

Renewing your tags is advised but not mandatory?

Toothy Tuesday

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Goose
PAX: sooner, DrRupp, Oatmeal, Toothless, moneyshot, Cowboy, Hanes, Starblade Mcoy, Steak Knives
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie mays hays, cherry pickers, arm stretches, arm circles

– 2 laps Indian runs
– 100 merkins and ww1 in 25 rep increments with run in between reps
– Lunges down and back with 10 squats every 5 strides
– Dora: 250 ssh while partner runs
– Jailbreaks
– Circle of Mary


Tuesday Brewsday tonight 430pm at 12 south taproom

Back 2 School!!!! :books:

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Toothless
PAX: DrRupp, Triple Pane, Cowboy, moneyshot, Pole Dancer, Cal Worthington, sooner, Hanes, Pollo Loco
FNGs: 1 Pollo Loco
CONDITIONS: Honestly, balmier than advertised. Cool breeze cut down significantly on what would have been a bona fide hot yoga session. Sunrise rivaled toratoratora to boot :sunrise:

PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/04KkhaUX0fj1nwynplCZMW?si=a37a6268af3c4544

– 30 x SSH
– 10 x WMH (2 count)
– 10 x Windmills
– 15 x Overhead Claps
– 15 x Seal Claps
– 15 x Moroccan Night Clubs
– 15 x Imperial Walkers
– 5 x Scorpions, each side half

THE THANG: Back 2 School!! :books:

School Bus Route :bus: :octagonal_sign:
Start with a one-mile Indian run “school bus” around the perimeter. Every time the rotation completes the stop sign comes out and the PAX have to give 10 Prisoner Squats. After all, schools are basically prisons. Aim for 100+ squats, 10+ stops.

Route went southeast to the corner, northeast past the playground and then up behind the school. Continue to tennis courts and turn left to cut up through the middle of the AO past startex. Turn right at Lone Oak on the sidewalk and reenter the park on the small path. Turn right onto the main field path, make a full loop and return to started.

Core Subjects :male-teacher:
Split into 5 groups, post up at each station with 1 group running around the parking lot loop 2x. The other groups split up and go to 1 of 4 stations, performing an exercise until the runners return. Repeato with the timer group running 1 lap instead of 2.

– “Apart” vs “a part”
– Hello Dollys, spread those legs “apart”

– Ratios, multiplication
– Captain Thors 1:4 ratio of Big Boy Sit-ups to American Hammers

– Inertia
– J-Lo’s, it takes force to stop movement in a given direction

– First public school in the country predates the country’s founding
– Boston Latin School founded in 1635
– 1 Clerkin, 6 Supermans, 3 Peter Parkers, 5 Mountain Climbers

Once PAX complete each station and are back to their “homeroom”, they serve detention. Complete 20 burpees. SSH in silence to get out of detention, otherwise more burpees, repeat til successful.

YHC was sucking wind after the bus route and appreciated the pace pushers who made it more of a challenge. The sunrise was so nice the Q called a Salute the Sunrise between the sets with a 10 burpee salute. As for detention, the PAX didn’t get out of detention immediately, but they were much more eager to avoid the burpees the second time and got out after only 2 rounds.

Also of note, sooner finally pulled a great name out of his hat and gets credit for Pollo Loco, who was a fantastic EH apparently by Michelin Man though the Mich himself was not in attendance :eyes:

YHC also brought some home-brewed Gatorade for coffeeteeria. If there was ever a morning for it, this was it, and it hit the spot as a preamble to sooner’s excellent carafe of bean juice.

– U-Haul themed workout this Saturday AM for Detective Pikachu
– brewsday next Tuesday @ 12S Taproom, 4:30p
– 10th Anniversary of F3 Nashville coming up on 9/13

Prayers for…
– Pole Dancer’s wife in the job search, turned out down, looking for the right fit
– sooner spoke for all parents & kids coming into the school year, prayers for a clean sheet for the rest of summer to start the school year off right
– YHC shared prayers for my wife with the due date 1 month away, prayers for a healthy full term baby and a smooth delivery

Men, Cal Worthington once again mentioned this may be his last week in Nashville, and while that may or may not be true, I do want to share a hearty thank you for the energy and camaraderie he’s brought during his extended time with us. Be sure to say thanks and send him off well throughout the week!

It’s always an honor to lead you men – thanks for an excellent morning, wouldn’t have wanted to spend it any other way!

— Toothless :tooth:

Catch me if you Can 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏃🏻‍♂️

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Cal Worthington
PAX: DrRupp, Michelin Man, Rocket Mortgage, sooner, Oatmeal, bluemule, Cowboy
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Steamy :hot_face:

Another steamy day in the gloom as 8 schweaty pax braved the moisture to come see what YHC had in store! We :man-running:. We :package: jumped. We :burpee: . Then we ran some more, mixed in some other exercises and :burpee: :burpee: :burpee: :burpee: at the end because why not!?!?

Imperial Walker
Toy Soldiers
Stay down 4 stretch, left & right
Worlds Greatest Stretch

Catch me if you Can Burpee – to Picnic Benches

Pick a Partner, one runs while the other does a burpee. Catch your partner, they drop for a burpee and you run, rinse and repeat till destination.

THANG 2: 11’s
:burpee:s & 📦 Jumps

Catch me if you Can :burpee: back to parking lot!

THANG 4: Parking Lot ⭕️ Sprints x20

Partner Up! Partners run in opposite direction around the whole parking lot. When they meet, drop and do the exercises below then keep running back to the start. 20 count on all exercises / Ab exercises in cadence!

T Clap Merkins
Big Boys
Flutters IC
Freddy Mercuries IC

Announcements: Hop on slack
COT: Grateful for F3 Nash
:pray: : Families/ Marriages/ :us:


Cal Worthington

It’s not back to back frisbee when the week in between is cancelled

AO: atlantis
Q: SalPal
PAX: Detective Pikachu, Chunks, sooner, Cable News, Subway, Three Stooges, Tea Party, Hair Band, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Dr. Stoogie (sp?), Lotso
FNGs: 2 Dr. Stoogie (sp?), Lotso
CONDITIONS: Damp and moist.

WARMUP: Misc stretches + fence jumps.


3 burpicides to give the illusion of a proper workout. Then, ultimate frisbee!

MOLESKINE: Call out your favorite moments in the comments.

1st F: Brew Ruck, Night Movez, GEODIS 5k, Gulliver’s Travels
2nd F: Sooie Party, Hunger Games

COT: Lotsa prayers – family difficulties, work, kids, changes in living situation, career. Keep offering it up fellas.

The Fourth F

AO: atlantis
Q: Firefox
PAX: SalPal, Pole Dancer, sooner, Oatmeal, Subway, Siri, Toothless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Misty with a light haze of bugs

WARMUP: Mosey down to the farthest field, plus some SSH, WMH, and GM.

Part 1: F3 Disc Golf
All PAX were given a disc golf putter. A Kanjam goal was set at the other end of the field. PAX had to get their disc into the goal in as few throws as possible.
– Lunge walk to the landing spot of your first throw
– Bear crawl to the landing spot of your second throw
– Murder bunny to all subsequent landing spots until complete
We multiplied the best and worst scores to determine how many burpees to do, which I believe ended up being 3 x 5 on the first pass.

We repeated this except doing bear crawls to the first landing spot and murder bunnies thereafter. Results were much better with us doing 3 x 4 burpees on the second round.

Thang 2: Ultimate!
Between points, scoring teams did 10 merkins, scored-upon teams did 5 burpees.
SalPal Pole Dancer Toothless and Subway (shirts) versus YHC, sooner Oatmeal and Siri (pasty white skins). It was a back-and-forth affair to start until Team PWS started pulling ahead. Shirts made a nice mini-run at the end.

MOLESKINE: Thanks for the push to pivot on the plan today. The real birthday Q at bomber tomorrow!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Oh so many. Check the calendar. Off the top of my head:
– Hunger Games
– Brewsday farewell to Bareback
– Night Moves
– Run at Geodis

– Disappointment to process and new challenges to navigate for SalPal and family
– Road trip well wishes for Toothless

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! Post any favorite moments/plays in the thread!

Special 11

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Rocket Mortgage
PAX: sooner, Betty Ford, DrRupp, moneyshot, Toothless, Oatmeal
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual. Sooner was tired.

THE THANG: Ran to playground. 3 sets of
10 Pushups
20 Carolina DDs
25 Squats
Lap around the playground

Ran to Tennis courts

11s – Burpees on one end, Star Jumps on the other. Mode of travel was lunges (painful) one way – Bernie on the way back. Was hard. Y


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Busy July – check Slack

COT: Prayers for travel & mental acuity.

Thanks for being tired with me!

Happy Accidents

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Haggis, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, sooner, FeelTheBerns, Esposa, LorelaiG, Squints (DR)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pleasant with a great view of the sunrise

WARMUP: Lots of hip flexor activation

THE THANG: mosey to the track where we did Noah’s Ark (duck walk, frog jump, gorilla walk, bear crawl, bunny hop)

100 m sprint 80 drydocks, 80 monkey Humpers, 80 leg lifts
200 m sprint 40,40,40
400 m sprint 20,20,20
200 m sprint 40,40,40
100 m sprint 80,80,80

MOLESKINE: “ running fast is the hardest workout”- FeelTheBerns
Like most workouts, we know Esposa wasn’t counting his reps since he was talking most of the time


COT: do justice, love kindness, walk humbly