12 Days of Charlie Daniels Christmas

AO: mistymountain
Q: Flash
PAX: Transporter, McAfee, Skeet, Sanders, Chewy, 3X Mountain Men
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold, but not for very long.

WARMUP: Reindeer Crawl (aka Bear Crawl) 50M

THE THANG: 12 Days of Christmas, Misty Mountain style. Just like the song, work your way up to the 12th day doing movements for each day. Plank until all in.

1 – Spiderman Pushup
2 – Reverse Lunges
3 – Plank Ups
4 – Bird Dogs
5 – Buuuuurrrrpeeeeeees
6 – Squats a Jumping
7 – Mountain Climbers
8 – Dips a Dipping
9 – Jacks a Squatting
10 – Bikes a Peddlin’
11 – Narrow Pushups
12 – Burpees Burping

Every third day, complete a 50M reindeer crawl.

Once we got to 12, we reversed it & went from Day 1 to 12 a single time.

.25 mile mosey & 25M reindeer crawl

2 minutes of flutters, leg raises, plank to close it out.

Ho ho ho!


Solid Fundamentals

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet
FNGs: None
Conditions: well below freezing

Warm Up: Farmer’s Carry all the weights to the playground.

The Thang:

Simple, straightforward work; EMOM rounds of 45 seconds, PAX switching between active/dynamic movements and static/isometric exercises.

Round 1:
Weighted Merkins
People’s Chair

Round 2:
Kettlebell/Plate Swings

Round 3:
Squat Thrusters
Dip pause

After 2 cycles it was time to cool down with Farmer’s Carries and Rifle Carries to return the weights.

This Q was about fundamentals, about doing the basics frequently and with exceptional form. No matter what age, experience, or fitness level, PAX can always benefit from going back to the fundamentals.

As in the Q so in life; we will continue to persevere at Devil’s Den until, in God’s timing, the seed of F3 we’ve planted continues to grow and mature into a full fledged region. This is the way.

Q de Sanders

AO: mistymountain
Q: Sanders
PAX: Skeet, Linus, Flash, McAfee, Daniel Gragg, Transporter, Mountain Man x3 + Mt Man Kotter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold but not horrid

WARMUP: 400M Run

Leg Spread Knee Tuck
Diamond Pushups
Side Plank with Hip Abduction
KB Squats
Flutter Kicks
DB Arnold Press
Sandbag Deadlifts
Changer: Run to the rig to do 10 pull-ups and run back.

announced that Journey Church in Lebanon will be having father/son Bible Studies twice a week, and that there is now a wrestling club for kids/youth at Lebanon high school.

COT: Prayer of thankfulness for the opportunity to fellowship with this group of men.

Shouldering the Burden

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Flash, Transporter, Sanders, Mt. Men x3 + Fly Guy returning from the depths of basketball practice!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold but not horrid

WARMUP: Willy Mays Hays + Deep Squat holds followed by a quick 1/2 mile mosey.

THE THANG: Started off with phase 2 of the Warm-Up, “10” Ultra-Merkins, but each rep consisted of 5 Merkins interspersed with toe taps, spidermans, and hop to standing.

Next we got into the good stuff; PAX took turns helping each other to shoulder the burden (literally) as 2 spotters helped a PAX to set up the appropriate weight for squats, deadlifts, and finally curls, each for reps of 15 (or to failure).

PAX circled through this rotation and performed flutters, American Hammers, J-Los, WW1s, and tons of merkin variations.

Finished off with a quick sprint.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Half Marathon coming up next Thursday 12/14!!

COT: Praying for Rockies’ little daughter who is undergoing surgery today.

Prayed out with an old germanic/norse inspired incantation:

My name is not my own; it is borrowed from my ancestors. I will return it unstained.

My honor is not my own; it is on loan from my descendants. I will give it to them unbroken.

Our blood is not our own; it is a gift to generations yet unborn. We shall carry it with responsibility.


AO: devilsden
Q: Flash
PAX: Linus, Skeet, McAfee
FNGs: None
Cold at the start, then 30 seconds in – just right.



Encouraged PAX to bring weight vests & everyone answered the call. 321 is:

– 3 minutes of traveling movements
– 2 minutes of stationary movements
– 1 minute of rest

Got in 7 rounds before a mosey back to the parking lot. Rounds were:

Forward Lunges

Bear Crawl
Bird Dogs into Ab Walk Out

Side Squats

Crab Walk
Bicep Pushups

Tippy Toes
Tricep Bridge Dips

Toy Soldiers
Narrow Merkins with a Mountain Climber

Uncle Joe’s




Devils and Coupons v0.2

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Flash, Linus
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Easy and breezey 60s

WARMUP: set up our game pieces, aka Troll Bait, aka Coupons, with PAX getting loose OYO. Special shoutout to Flash for getting in 2 miles via a nice mosey from his house to the AO!

THE THANG: Devils and Coupons v0.2!
There is a nasty troll that lives under the bridge at Devil’s Den, he’s a very nasty troll; slothful, lazy, arrogant, jealous, impatient, unkind, and persistently attempting to bring HIM down to his level. It is the physical embodiment of what Rogan and Goggins refer to as one’s “inner b”, and it must be defeated, again, and again, and again, in perpetuity.

To defeat the troll, our intrepid band took turns rolling for advantage and to determine rep count.
Station 1 – Dips (natural 2x multiplier)
Station 2 – Troll Killers aka Man Makers
Station 3 – Pull Ups (Merkins for the rest of the PAX)
Station 4 – Coupon Shoulder Press

Each round we increased the multiplier from 1x, to 2x, to 3x, and made it to 4x before time. In total each PAX performed ~100 dips, ~75 merkins, ~40 pull-ups, plus man-makers and shoulder press. Safe to say the troll was defeated, as were our arms.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chad Challenge at Misty Mountain on Friday!

Struggle bus: Grisham WOD

AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Skeet, Red Skull, Crawlspace, Right Said, Dan and Dave, Hair Band, greyalbum, Mullet, toga, Ginger, Decaf, Knuckles, Ringworm, baggervance, Thunder Duck, Hacker (Franklin), Young and Restless, Shocker (Mark Holmes), backtrack, pizzalot?, hops, re-inlist, peewee, sally the camel, peach fuzz, flipper, red shark, cool cucumber, iron lung, two more that split before the count
FNGs: None

Burpee-pocalypse 10 down to 1

Burpee over block x 5
Block press x 5
R&R x 10, 15. 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

The Grisham WOD was the welcome party workout for STRUGGLE 001 so YHC thought it only fitting to show the 4:13 men who opted out, and the F3 PAX who were unable to attend, what was up. The STRUGGLE 001 class endured this workout, q’d by @bigbang, after admin and before leaving the grounds. After completing this workout they still had 8hrs and 10+ miles left to go. Mad respect for these men, they absolutely crushed it then and did it again with confidence this morning.

Re-inlist was Team Lead for this portion during Struggle 001 so I thought it was only fitting he bring us home for the last 4 rounds

I felt like the 4:13 men earned the right to choose Mary so they had the option of typical core work or the burpee-pocalypse. @IronLung loudly chose burpees for the group, which was super fitting for this class. He even took over calling out the rounds “3 BURPEES SIR, DOWN!” 😂

– Praise report for the Gunn family
– Prayers for @HairBand and his family navigating the death of a great-grandparent and the related family strife
– Praise again for the $5k from the F3 Foundation
– YHC shared that on Nov 21 we’ll be adopting a little girl we’ve been fostering for 1.5 years now
– Signing Day tomorrow!

Ready for Battle (Working Phase)

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Skeet, Knuckles, Decaf, Thunder Duck, Ringworm, Jalisco (F3SH), Shocker (Mark Holmes), Noble Virus, Pizzalot
FNGs: None
Explain the workout and divide into teams Concrete and Steel

Ask Trivia Question – F3 Mission
13 SSH
Ask Trivia Question – 4:13 Core Values: break the mold, trust the process, be brave, never give up

Mosey – Two Columns Concrete and Steel – Caboose is Loose – I’ll set the pace and speed up from time to time.

Recover and ask a Trivia Question – Everyone in Plank Position. Must do a Merkin before jumping up to answer
How long were the Israelites slaves in Egypt? – 400 years

Deconstructed Burpee
30 Merkins
35 Big Boy Situp
40 Squats

Recover and ask a Trivia Question – Everyone in Plank Position. Must do a Merkin before jumping up to answer
What city was Jesus born in? – Bethlehem

Mosey – Two Columns Concrete and Steel – Caboose is Loose – I’ll set the pace

Recover and ask a Trivia Question – Everyone in Plank Position. Must do a Merkin before jumping up to answer
What are the 4 Expenses that need to be covered first? Food, Utilities, Shelter, Transportation

Deconstructed Burpee
25 Narrow Merkins
30 Navy Seal Situps 15 each side
35 Drop Squats

Recover and ask a Trivia Question – Everyone in Plank Position. Must do a Merkin before jumping up to answer
Who needs a budget? Everyone

Mosey – Two Columns Concrete and Steel – Caboose is Loose – I’ll set the pace

Recover and ask a Trivia Question – Everyone in Plank Position. Must do a Merkin before jumping up to answer
What does OSHA stand for? Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Trivia Question – Everyone in Plank Position. Must do a Merkin before jumping up to answer
What are the two free thing you can bring to your job? Attitude and Effort

Mosey – Two Columns Concrete and Steel – Caboose is Loose halfway to start Ex

Marched in formation back to StartEx, just like we finished the Struggle

Final Trivia Question with 5 points.
What are the 4:13 Strong graduation requirements?
$1,500 Emergency Fund
Payoff Court Fees, Fines and Child Support
Get driver’s license
Purchase a CASH car and insure it
Four months continuous employment

There was some debate on who answered the question correctly without help. So we settled it the only way we know how.

Iron Lung was victorious giving Concrete the WIN for the first time.

Shared my story of what F3 and 4:13 mean to me. You had to be there.

Thanks for the honor to lead.

Strength and Honor

How bad we need each other

AO: thestronghold
Q: greyalbum
PAX: Chunks, Michelin Man, Ball Box, Skeet, Red Skull, Decaf, Sunshine, Right Said, Dan and Dave, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Ringworm, Phelps, Red Shark, Cool Cucumber, Peach Fuzz, and many more. (I thought I was filming, but failed to press record), @ThunderDuck
FNGs: 1 @ThunderDuck
COUNT: More than listed here
CONDITIONS: Honeycrisp Apple


Mosey up to the stop sign and back
Seal claps
Imperial walkers
Good mornings
Little baby arm circles
World’s greatest stretch

Mosey to grab coupons and head to basketball court


PAX circled up and counted off into 1s and 2s. Each team was stationed along their respective side of the court with coupons in hand.

The event was a race against the other team to finish. Each man was to complete a set of 4 exercises and then help anyone else on their team complete reps before planking and waiting as a team when done. Each round carried increasing difficulty as well as increasing points as reward.

ROUND 1 (worth 1 point):

20 overhead press w/ coupon
20 squat w/ coupon
10 Burpees

Round 2 (worth 2 points):

20 overhead press w/ coupon
20 squat w/ coupon
15 Burpees

ROUND 3 (worth 3 points):

20 overhead press w/ coupon
20 squat w/ coupon
20 Burpees

ROUND 4 (worth 4 points):

50 Little baby crunches
50 Mountain climbers (2 is 1)
25 Burpees

ROUND 5 (worth 10 points to keep it exciting bc Team 1 was leading 9-1):

20 overhead press w/ coupon
20 squat w/ coupon
30 Burpees

Mosey to return coupons and circle up in parking lot for MARY. We won’t kiss and tell here to reveal the winner. You had to be there.


Diamond merkins
Imperial walkers
Prom dates
Homer & Marge
Monkey humpers
Plank and hold merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: See #-f3-nashville-general


4:13 HIM asked for renewed focus and determination to stay the course

4 Corners and Yoga

AO: devilsden
Q: Chunks
PAX: Skeet, Reveille, McAfee, Linus, Flash
FNGs: None
Brisk and Invigorating

Mosey Around front parking lots to double check the layout for 4 corners
Good Mornings
Right over left
Left over right
Little Baby Arm Circles fwd & Reverse
Overhead press
Moroccan Night clubs
Seal Claps
Grab a coupon and head to the parking lot

Corner 1 – 15 Burpees
Carry Coupon to Corner 2
Corner 2 – 20 Overhead press with Coupon
Pass the speaker caboose it loose run to Corner 3
Corner 3 – 25 Merkins
Lunge Walk to Corner 4
Corner 4 – 30 Big Boy Situps
Pass the Speaker caboose is loose run to Corner 1
Corner 1 – 10 Burpees
Lunge, Lunge Squat to Corner 2
Corner 2 – 15 Overhead press
Mosey back to Startex with Coupon
20 Merkins
25 Big boy Situps

Finished with 10 mins of P90X Yoga

Night Moves tomorrow night 10/12 at 6:00 pm
SSH at Toothless’ house 10/13
Game Night at Firefox’s 10/21
SSH at Toolman’s house 10/27

Coffeeteria included talk to 4:13 Strong and how to donate shoes, books and final participant for The Struggle was secured.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Solid group of HIMs and look forward to seeing the east east side continue to grow.
