AO: westeros
Q: Siri , Salpal
PAX: DintyMoore, Siri, Crawlspace, Salpal, Pep, Red Skull, Black Lung, Vector, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Grape
FNGs: None
WARMUP: everyone took a card to randomly assign roles for the workout. RedSkull was Batman, Right Said was Joker, and the rest of us were citizens of Gotham initially loyal to Batman. SalPal led us through some semi-wet warmups.
THE THANG: burpees and pull ups, pull ups and burpees, courtesy of SalPal. Training the PAX for the canonical 1,000 lbs that Batman was able to lift. Then we hustled off to the tennis courts where Siri took over.
Joker do side straddle hops and call different exercises for team Batman to do, and call cadence. ~5 minutes. Intent is for joker to play games with his enemy. Anyone who needs to bow out can join team joker and do side straddle hops.
Freeze tag for Joker to pick off members of Batman’s crew. Joker has 30 seconds to tag as many people as possible. Whoever he tags joins his team and helps him tag others.
Rest of the workout is a competition between team Batman and team joker.
Relay race: bear crawl up the steps, crawl bear back down, one pax at a time. Rest of the PAX do merkins while they wait. Winning team gains one of the other team’s members.
Relay race across the field. Each person sprint down and back then tag the next person. PAX do abs while they wait. Everyone sprints 2 times.
Relay race at the playground. Each person does 30 merkins while his team does dips. Everyone goes twice.
At this point the teams were pretty evenly split between Batman and Joker.
2-minute Ring of Fire to close out.