MM under the sea

AO: atlantis
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Toothless, Salpal, Chunks, Hair Band, Oatmeal
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: acceptable

WARMUP: most of us ran. Oatmeal walked.

THE THANG: 1 burpee followed by 10 reps of an exercise called out by each successive PAX. 5 rounds: upper, lower, ab, total body, and traveling. Run the water tower loop in between.

MARY: nah


COT: Thankful.

Hey Gravity!

AO: westeros
Q: Sooie
PAX: Salpal, Chunks, Siri, Grape, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Wolfpack, Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice, Right Said, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Black Lung, Solo Cup, Sooie, Cashcab
FNGs: None
It’s been colder.

BAC 15
Don Quixote 10
Imperial walkers 15
SSH 15

Pull-ups 30 sets of 1 EMOM. Between pull-ups AMRAPs of the following
Spicolli’s 3x
Squats 3x
Low plank 3x
Spicolli jumps 3x
Jump squat 3x
Plank thigh tap 3x
Leg raises 3x
Big boy sit-ups 3x
Mtn climbers 3x
Iron Mikes 1x
Burpees 1x
High/low planks 1x

Big boys from 0614-0615

Mosey from Dose (Murphy road) 0530 tomorrow. See @chunks.
@Grape on Q at #iiipillars tomorrow
#no-noise-november in full swing. Never too late to get in on it.
YHC shared how No Noise November is already having a positive impact on my habits. Offered up prayer for prayer requests mentioned. Enjoyed some Sooie Brewie™️ and maybe…just maybe we witnessed what will be known as The Westeros Miracle: my thermos is 64 oz yet all 16 PAX enjoyed the Sooie Brewie and there was enough left over for a full cup when I returned home. So take a moment to day to recognize the miraculous in the mundane.

On Turning 30 and Batman

AO: westeros
Q: Siri , Salpal
PAX: DintyMoore, Siri, Crawlspace, Salpal, Pep, Red Skull, Black Lung, Vector, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Grape
FNGs: None

WARMUP: everyone took a card to randomly assign roles for the workout. RedSkull was Batman, Right Said was Joker, and the rest of us were citizens of Gotham initially loyal to Batman. SalPal led us through some semi-wet warmups.

THE THANG: burpees and pull ups, pull ups and burpees, courtesy of SalPal. Training the PAX for the canonical 1,000 lbs that Batman was able to lift. Then we hustled off to the tennis courts where Siri took over.

Joker do side straddle hops and call different exercises for team Batman to do, and call cadence. ~5 minutes. Intent is for joker to play games with his enemy. Anyone who needs to bow out can join team joker and do side straddle hops.

Freeze tag for Joker to pick off members of Batman’s crew. Joker has 30 seconds to tag as many people as possible. Whoever he tags joins his team and helps him tag others.
Rest of the workout is a competition between team Batman and team joker.

Relay race: bear crawl up the steps, crawl bear back down, one pax at a time. Rest of the PAX do merkins while they wait. Winning team gains one of the other team’s members.

Relay race across the field. Each person sprint down and back then tag the next person. PAX do abs while they wait. Everyone sprints 2 times.

Relay race at the playground. Each person does 30 merkins while his team does dips. Everyone goes twice.

At this point the teams were pretty evenly split between Batman and Joker.
2-minute Ring of Fire to close out.




20 Swashbucklin Questions

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Toothless, Salpal
FNGs: None

Disclaimer issued promptly at 0531

Air Press
Michael Phelps
Imperial Walkers
Willie Mays Hayes

Round 1:
10 stations of 10 burpees around the park, mosey in between, pirate movie related questions preceding each round of burpees: Salpal 5, Toothless 3,

Round 2:
At the playground: a set of 10 rows and 10 iron mikes (2 count), preceded again by pirate movie questions: Salpal 1, Toothless 2

Mosey the long way back to Start X

MARY: 3 min of ab exercises no rest

Salpal declared winner in a narrow 6-5 victory over toothless

– board game night at Firefox’s, check main channel for deets
– Salpal leading a disconnected november (presently forgetting the creative name), go HC for that
– info coming about potential Hobblin Gobbler this year for TG

– each man shared, Toothless asks for prayers for brother’s father in law, Salpal asked for success in his wife getting her paper published, I asked for safe travels and a peaceful trip as my mom goes to scotland for my Great Gran’s funeral
– please reach out to your fellow PAX and remind them you are thinking about them, praying for them, and are there for them if they need anything

F&$# the DMV: Don’t Let The Gov’ment Steal Your Joy

AO: westeros
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Salpal, Grape, Spinal Tap, Pep, DintyMoore, Vector, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Zero Dark Thirty

WARMUP: Mosey to Clay Pit. Shuffle-run between bases
Grapevine-run between bases

THE THANG: Kickball!
Pax got one pitch. Fouls were outs. Every 3 outs = 10 burpees. At 100 burpees, Pax switched to squat jumps

Winner: Team 2
Play of the Game: Salpal throwing out Toolman to prevent a tie
Man of the Match: Spinal Tap for his honesty when thrown out

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of 2nd F events coming up. I think every Friday for the rest of the month has a 2nd F event. 3rd F challenge for November coming soon.

Octoburpee, Stairs and Yoga

AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Pep, Supernova, Right Said, Salpal, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, caprate, Spinal Tap, Grape, Rocket Mortgage, Cuban Missile, slumlord, Mario (F3 Huntsville), DoubleMint (F3 Richmond)
FNGs: None
Cool, Dark and a little foggy

41 SSH
Right over Left
Left over right
Good Mornings
Little baby Arm Circles forwards and backwards

10 Burpee Buy In – Focus on Form Don’t Rush

Pass the Speaker mosey to Stairs

10 Burpees at top of Stairs

Mosey Down Stairs

10 Burpees

Stairway to Heaven – Push up on each step to top – Jog across each landing

10 Burpees

Mosey Down Stairs

10 Burpees

Lunge up to first landing

10 Burpees

Both Feet Each Step

Squat each step

Partner Up Wheel Barrel

Switch Partner Up Wheel Barrel

10 Burpees
Mosey to Bottom of Stairs

10 Burpees
Run to Top of Stairs

10 Burpees

Mosey to Startex
10 Burpees
Octoburpee Challenge complete

Transitioned to Active P90X Yoga – Downward dog, Warrior 1, 2 and Reverse Warrior
5 mins of Dealer Choice
Night Moves Next week on 10/12
Firefox Game night
Toolman SSH on 10/27


Elden Ring George RR Martin Tribute

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Spinal Tap, Chunks, DintyMoore, Detective Pikachu, Supernova, Black Lung, Pep, Hayes Carll – Solo Cup, hambone, Salpal, Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Pax skipped through the initial warm up tutorial and proceeded as Leeroy Jenkins straight to Stormviel Castle. In route Pax encountered ravenous rats, after a 10 burpee battle that resulted in our death and respawn at the Startdex.

THE THANG: Over 2 miles of running to the top of love circle and 110 burpies. We laughed, we cried, we did some pull ups, squats and dips, a dragon killed us with a meteorite. A typical day in the Lands Between.

Rannis Rise and Glintstone Dragon Adula were conquered. Pax gained the Moonveil Katana.
The journey to become Elden Lord is far from complete.


MARY: 3 minutes of straight WW1s

I am always honored for the opportunity to lead

Onward and Upwards

Nintendo 64!

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Slumlord, Frasier, Natural Ice, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Freakonomics, Rocket Mortgage
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: early mist to cool us down

10 OH claps
10 Seal claps
10 Moroccan night clubs
10 OH press
10 IW
10 Hillbillies
Mosey to bottom of steps

THE THANG: 64 reps each on the way up the stairs, 16 on each landing, then run back down and start together on next exercise

Newton’s Cradle
No hand merkins
T ups
Elbows to knees
No surrenders
O squats

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday Tuesday, night moves on 10/12, octoburpee begins Monday

COT: prayers for @salpal travels
Prayers for @slumlord business partner Ronnie
Prayers for @natural_ice with layoffs at work

Runnin’ and Burpin’

AO: titan
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: DintyMoore, Right Said, Chunks, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Michelin Man, Blue Mule, Pep, Firefox, Preacher Man, Bad Boy, Solo Cup, SalPal, Bham DR Pax, Charlotte DR Pax
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Still too hot

WARMUP: YHC was two minutes late so we went right into it!

THE THANG: Easy. Last man to the front run around the great lawn. Burpee apocalypse along the way at opposite corners. When we finished the burpee apocalypse we split into two groups and did the same thing again.

MARY: 4 burpees to get YHC to 100.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many announcements. Check for details.

COT: Its my birthday! Also, I’m grateful for all of you.

Bill of Rights

AO: westeros
Q: Grape
PAX: Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Red Skull, DintyMoore, Sherlock, Michelin Man, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Hayes Carll – Solo Cup, Pep, Black Lung, bluemule, Salpal, Vector, Samoa, Purple Haze, Just Work Out
FNGs: 2 Purple Haze, Just Work Out
THEME: The bill of rights was passed in congress 234 years ago, so we celebrated some of our rights and freedoms with an Americana playlist and an American BD

CONDITIONS: just right

WARMUP: long mosey (saw some nice houses) and some shoulder warmup

THE THANG: Right to assemble: Dora 234 (234 years ago)
234 squats
234 LBC’s
234 Jane fonda’s (117 each side)

Right to bear arms: ring of fire merkins, if out then hold high plank/squat/SSH

Mosey to bottom of hill

Right to a speedy trial: sprints on the hill

Mosey to startex


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Octoburpee is almost here

COT: prayers for Purple Haze’s partner
Prayers for @salpal boss
Prayers for guys who haven’t come around in awhile