Birthday Vibes

AO: atlantis
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Pole Dancer, DintyMoore, Puzzlah, Toothless, CubCadet, Schnauzer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: shoulder work, good mornings, Willy mays Hayes, long mosey around the park

Thing 1
100 Air Squats
80 Lunges
60 Freddy Mercuries
41 Burpees
60 Freddy Mercuries
80 Reverse Lunges
100 Air Squats

Thing 2
Merkins to every PBJ (41) reference

Mosey cool down then Mary to finish

2.0 inspired birthday workout playlist

MOLESKINE: thanks for celebrating 41 years with me.

#Plankpril Continues
Bring an FNG next week 5/2
Ultimate Frisbee convergence 5/9
Official launch the-castle
Official launch pain-train

COT: Prayers for Toothless baby no. 2 and happy, healthy checkups

Freed (for all) to Lead

AO: bomber
Q: hambone , Chunks, CubCadet, Vector, Sherlock, Pep, Firefox, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, Puzzlah
PAX: Chunks, CubCadet, Vector, Sherlock, Pep, Firefox, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, Puzzlah
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Concerned about the AOQ, the pax decided to head out towards casa de Scouten at 5:30. The slight mosey is just what everyone needed to get the blood flowing. Upon arrival, the pax noticed that 1) the houses was dark and 2) it was quiet. Fearing death / an angry M, Chunks opted not to ring the doorbell and instead we moseyed back to the startex.

THE THANG: Ever the positive influence, hambone decided to get the men moving around and routed everyone to the front of the community center with a circle up and chat.

F3 is about leadership, and with all of the accomplished men in the pax, leadership was not hard to find. With a (roughly) 5 minutes per mini-Q, each man was to take his turn leading the crew. Y’know how people would make up stories at camp with a few sentences and pass to the next man? It was gonna be like that except with less maturity.

hambone decided that the men needed to head away from the AO and took his 5(ish) minutes to move a quiet side street. The men proceeded to do “threes” with burpees at each end.

Chunks took the men back to BBQ and proceed to honor DintyMoore with BOMBS. YHC then fired Chunks.

Firefox took us back to the community center and proceeded to lead us in some bench work. Ever jealous of FF’s athleticism, YHC fired FF.

Puzzlah allowed some stretching, but then immediately took us to the hill and threatened to run. Thanks fully it was limited to bear crawls and squats. Since YHC wasn’t wearing gloves, YHC fired Puzzlah.

Understanding that hambone was being biased towards the younger crowd, the reins were turned over to Tim the Toolman who ran us back to the playground for a round of 30, 25, 15, 10 on squats, dips, burpees, pull ups. Thanks, TM–you’re now fired.

Vector, taking early offense at being snubbed because of his advanced age, opted to make the pax run again and honor t-cell with some DIDS except with ridiculous rep counts. DIDS without t-cell? You’re fired, Vector.

CubCadet, Papa Bear, Pep, and Sherlock took us out with some Mary. Truth be told, YHC was a little bit afraid of handing the reigns over to CubCadet because of his propensity for difficult ab work. YHC was confirmed with the 50 IC flutterkicks (wtf). I also want it noted that we didn’t get to Sherlock who is younger and better looking than some of the guys that went first.

MOLESKINE: The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and service small men’s workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. When unfavorable circumstances hit, we will always be prepared to lead. We are not perfect and no man is an island. When circumstances hit a brother, we will always step in and push forward.

5 * 9 is 45, so theoretically 9 men should have gotten their shot. With a late start, a quick trip through the neighborhood, and YHC hogging 5 minutes and 45 seconds, not every man got his full shot. That said, it should be acknowledged that I helped us avoid the 100+ burpee buy in from Pep

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Go enjoy Chunks’ meat next weekend.

COT: Prayers and celebration for the birth of a granddaughter for Papa Bear, and prayers for the health of our brothers.

Ashanti at Sunrise

AO: bomber
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: DintyMoore, Siri, hambone, Puzzlah, Sherlock, Tim the TOOLMAN, Wet Wipes, CubCadet, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp and Clear

WARMUP: Mosey to the North Course, active warmups on the way back

THE THANG: Deck of Death!

Burpees for Spades
Merkins for Clubs
Double Crunches for Diamonds
Lunges for Hearts

Aces & Jokers were a 60 second plank hold and loop around the lot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Plank challenge coming up in April

COT: Prayers for consistency and determination


3, 2, 1…let’s count!

AO: atlantis
Q: Grape
PAX: Three Stooges, Cable News, Sally, Right Said, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold, but not cold enough for sleeves

Quick run around the parking lot to warm up my arms (@Sally reminded me that’s not how it works)
20 SSH
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Hillbillies
10 OH Claps
10 Seal Claps
10 Moroccan Night Clubs

Let’s count animals!
1 Bear Crawl around the parking lot
2 minutes of Monkey humpers (this was much harder than I was expecting)
3 sets of 3×3 inchworm merkins
4 sets of 4 crunchy frogs

Mosey to the bigger parking lot

Let’s count down!
Dora 3-2-1
300 Squats
200 Merkins
100 BBSU’s
50 Burpees (I don’t think any group finished this)
Runner was going to the second tree and back

Mosey back to startex for Mary

MOLESKINE: super proud of the guys working hard. Was worried about Cable News for a bit, but like a true HIM he powered through! Also loved when Puzzlah would say “sweet” in a high pitched voice every time I gave him the rep count in the Dora. Thanks for having me y’all!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday, plankpril, murder mile

COT: everyone shared an intention, including prayers for family members and friends who are battling cancer, high school decisions for Puzzlah, and work stuff for Sally


Firehydrants are not easy at 300 count

AO: bomber
Q: Pep
PAX: Puzzlah, Papa Bear, Chunks, Right Said, Pep, Einstein, Mall cop, snowden
FNGs: 2 Mall cop, snowden
CONDITIONS: drizzly but warm-ish

– little baby arm circles : 15
– reverse little baby arm circles : 15
– seal claps: 15
– imperial walkers: 15

– run to Mercedes (do not touch the honey pot)
– exercises
– burpee: 100
– american hammer: 200
– firehydrants: 300
– dips: 200

– beer tasting at Blue Mule’s
– plank+april coming

– papa bear’s niece had a premature baby that passed

That’s One Mötley Crüe

AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Toothless, Siri, Sally, Three Stooges, Hair Band, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and Dry

WARMUP: Mosey, Active Warmups, Stretching

THE THANG: Plyo-rama! Perform exercises 1 minute on, 1 minute rest (run around the parking lot, back to start)

– Merkins
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Star Jumps
– Dips
– WW1s
– Supermans
– Mountain Climbers
– Diamond Crunches
– Iron Mikes
– Plank
– Left Plank
– Right Plank
– Squats
– Leg Raises
– Burpees

Finished up with Mary set to Shout at the Devil

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday for St. Paddy’s with bluemule, convergence at the end of the month

COT: Prayers for strength and courage through difficult decisions at work across PAX and family, along with prayers for grieving friends and family in their time of need.


Boo Boo

AO: titan
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Salpal, greyalbum, MySpace, Black Lung, Tim the Toolman, Puzzlah, Supernova, CubCadet, Chunks, Wolfpack, Goose, Good Morning America, Firefox, Siri, hambone, Sherlock, Pep, Red Ryder, Derail, Tom Bodet
FNGs: None

Mosey around park
50 SSHs

Lunge walk (In the grass) from bricks to concrete
Skull crushers on benches 30 reps
Turn around
Broad jump back to benches
Repeat 2 more times for total of 3
Plank until all in

Next set:
Boo boo bear crawls right leg (in grass)
Turn around
BBBCs left leg back
Alabama prom dates x40
Repeat 2 more times for total of 3
Hold plank

END with Mary


– F3 Franklin Half Marathon March 2nd, check Middle TN channel
– 4:13 Strong 5k this Saturday

– every man shared, family, health, work, and babies on the way!

It was an honor and a pleasure to lead y’all.

Rock On,

Hair Band

Just Another Rainy Friday

AO: bomber
Q: hambone
PAX: Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, Pep, Vector, Aquafina, Avalanche, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Firefox, Spinal Tap, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet and quiet

15 x SSH IC
12 x IST IC
14 x TS IC
13 x Squats IC

Mosey to McCabe Pub, 5 Merkins IC
Mosey down the street; 5 mins of bear crawls
Mosey north for a bit, squats for the six
Mosey south for a bit, squats for the six

6 mins of Mary

Mosey to the bottom of our favorite hill; Pax completed Jacob’s Ladder (7 trips up the hill, increase burpees on each one)

1) YHC wanted to do some moving around. Coming off of a busted ankle, I appreciate the pax putting up with some slow jogging as we checked the area out.

2) While walking into coffeeteria, @Puzzlah pointed out to me that his entire front size was wet but back side was dry. This is the upside to doing burpees

3) Distance totaled 2.5 miles for the whole workout

1) Prayers for Cub Cadet’s coworker being recently diagnosed with throat cancer. Prayers for peace and strength in a difficult time
2) Prayers for @Supernova’s mother-in-law after her passing after illness. We pray she is safe in the Lord’s arms and that his family finds peace in a difficult time.

Q D’etat

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band , Salpal
PAX: Grape, Salpal, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: shrinkage with a side of fog and legs

2 laps mosey around parking lot
Imperial walkers

Sprints: 50%x2, 75%x2, 100%x1
Lunge walk around parking lot

5min of Hairy (Hair Band Mary, dubbed Hairy by @grape)

30 iron mikes
30 squat jumps

Mosey to Pizza Hut
3 rounds of Isometrics, holding 1min, If you break form everyone does a burpee
– squat
– plank
– balls to the wall

Arms Finisher:
– as many derkins as you can do in a minute, then half of that number for 3 more rounds. Hold squat when done

Normal Mary to finish

– @salpal is Atlantis’ new AOQ!!
– the new shovel flag was unveiled, see picture
– brewruck February 17th, check channel for deets
– brewsday/juiceday, @natural ice for the deets
– leanpax finishes up on saturday february 10th, stay strong fellas

Each man shared as Atlantis is a 3F AO and we take that more seriously than anything
– @puzzlah wife going into surgery next week, prayers for success, high quality and easy recovery
– @salpal wife finishing PhD, preparing for new baby in August, and work conversations
– @grape inviting a coworker to read through John with him
– YHC, traveling this weekend, for continued wisdom and resistance to temptation and glory to God in my relationship with Liz

It has been a great honor having Atlantis be my first leadership position in F3. I’m excited to see what’s in store next and I’m comforted knowing I’ve left this premier AO in good hands.

Rock on,

Hair Band

New Year Revolution 2024

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: DintyMoore, Black Lung, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: icy cool

WARMUP: mosey let’s call it 1012 meters

Move the body a bit. Hit the shoulders and calves and hips.

Kicked off 2024 with a 2024 inspiration

Do 20 of each movement, quick mosey down the hill, sprint up the hill, 24 of each movement, then repeat quick mosey and sprint.


(Jump?) Lunges
Carolina Dry Docks
Skaters/curtsy lunge
Plank shoulder taps

Recover and mosey another let’s call it 1012 m to our finisher. That’s more or less 2024 m round trip.

We finished off with the 20 m (actually 20.24 m) beep test  📟📟📟 of V02 max capacity. Two lines of cones separated by 20(.24) m. Man starts running on the beep, then aims to reach the cone before the next beep. And beep. And beep. And beep. Every minute or so, the time between beeps decreases. See info here:

Quick aside: The test is hard. It was introduced to me by my old men’s league rugby coach, a wild, brilliant, ferocious South African who told us that his coach growing up would back an ambulance up to the pitch and make them run 20 m back and forth in 100 degree heat until that truck was filled with the bodies of the men who were able to drag themselves of the field. By comparison, this was pleasant. Shout out to my old coach Eugene wherever you are in the world.

Back to today, congrats to all the men who pushed their limit and a special shout out to the few who reached the 8th round. Hope to try again post #leanpax to see how we’ve pushed ourselves. Thanks for your support as a first time Q today.


Game night January 27.
