
AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: Tackle Box, moneyshot, Black Lung, Michelin Man, princessaurora, Go Fish, Formica
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark and wet outside, dry and well lit in parking garage

WARMUP: run to garage, various stretching to time limit, no reps counted

THE THANG: concentration on form and muscle activation, no reps counted (it’s like the opposite of a CrossFit pull up)
TABATA 50 sec on, 10 sec rest (8 rounds total)

Round 1: drop squats and merkins
Round 2: IYTs and monkey humpers
Round 3: dive bombers merkins and donkey kick/fire hydrant hip circuit

MARY: PAX chose various exercises to varying time limits

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hobbling Gobbler on Thursday at #greemachine

COT: Reminder of 2 things
-Holidays are number one time for addiction relapse, but also when lots of us go back into unhealthy living whether that be physically, emotionally, mentally. So be gracious with your family, remain disciplined, and be responsible for yourself and how you respond.
-The first holiday after a loss is incredibly weird and full of so many emotions. Don’t forget about those who lost loved ones this year, especially those at Covenant. Reach out to someone and just let them know their loss and pain isn’t forgotten.

Stay classy out there

AO: iiipillars
Q: Zelenskyy
PAX: Grape, princessaurora, Pep, Tackle Box, Go Fish, Black Lung, Harbaugh, wardas1, YumYum, Two Face, Old Crow, Swiffer, Bard
FNGs: 1 Bard
CONDITIONS: warm and bright

WARMUP: mosey to field and do 2 laps
15 SSH
15 Face pulls
20 mountain climbers
15 WMH

THE THANG: 1. Bearpees: 🐻
Line up across the field, OYO 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bearcrawl forward. Once you get to other side, rinse and repeat adding another Burpee. Get to 4 burpees.
2. Aiken Legs 🦵
Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Iron Mikes (10 each leg forward). 3 sets. Run a lap
3. B.O.M.B.s 💣
Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to the other end of the field. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps are: 30- Burpees / 60- Overhead Claps / 90- Merkins / 120- Big Boy Sit-ups

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hobblin’ Gobbler on Thanksgiving
No noise November

COT: prayers for Pep traveling to see his dad
Prayers for Mike and his ALS diagnosis
Prayers for various health issues at SPCA (Florez, Cleek, Osenga)

Bond, James Bond

AO: iiipillars
Q: Vector
PAX: Focker, Go Fish, Grape, princessaurora, Pep, t-cell, Zelenskyy, Formica, Haggis, Harbaugh, Swiffer, Tacklebox
FNGs: None
In celebration of James Bond Day (October 5th – who knew? Dr. No, the first Bond film was released in 1962 on that day) and because I thought it’d make a cool playlist, we put on our big boy spy shoes to celebrate 007.

CONDITIONS: Shaken, not stirred

PLAYLIST: Bond themes:
James Bond Theme – John Barry
Live and Let Die – Paul McCartney & Wings
The World is Not Enough – Garbage
Goldfinger – Shirley Bassey
The Living Daylights – a-ha
Nobody Does it Better – Carly Simon
Skyfall – Adele
A View to a Kill – Duran Duran
Goldeneye – Tina Turner
Die Another Day – Madonna
Another Way to Day – Jack White & Alicia Keys

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, Seal Claps, Overhead Presses, Overhead Claps, RLBCs, Good Mornings, and Willy Mays Hayes to get prepped.

“007s” – To help those PAX on their Octoburpee Challenge, 10 burpee buy-in and the 7s x 3 rounds: each with burpees, of course (and some grumbling about why @Blacklung wasn’t there), with jump squats, Lt Dans, and WWIs as the other paired exercise. In between, a 10 count and a PAX note of their favorite Bond film . . . Moonraker? Hmm . . . sure.

“SPY”s to honor the PAX member most suave like Bond, T-cell, we did his favorite exercises renamed to fit the theme: Super DIPs, Perfect Incline Merkins, Your Favorite Decline Merkins . . .

MARY: Rounds of exercises starting with Alabama Prom Dates, because Bond has, ahem, other skills too . . .
And the astute among us (@GoFish) counted we were up to 93 burpees, so 7 more to get us to 100.

1) Octoburpee continues — grumbling as today’s workout “only benefitted @Focker” as he’s the only one participating, but didn’t we all benefit?
2) Game night at @Firefox’s house which already happened and was epic
3) BBQ at Tim’s with @Chunk’s brisket

Honor to lead you all! SYITG

Mediterranean Diet

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape , Go Fish
PAX: Pep, Two Face, princessaurora, wardas1, Pencil Pusher, Harbaugh, Haggis, Gov’t Mule, Swiffer, Howitzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: just right

WARMUP: Mosey to the track – 2x

Starting off our Med diet…

Warmorama: GREENS
Groiners – 15x
Ranger Merkins -15x
Everest – 10x
(2 Sets)
Side Straddle Hop – 20x

Dynamic Stretching: OLIVES (down and back)
Lunge and Twist
Inch Worm
V-Ups – 15x
Elbow to Knee
Single Straight Leg

THE THANG: NUTS (46 reps each for Italy being founded in 1946)
Newton’s cradle
Updog Merkins

FETA (30 reps each for Greece being founded in 1830)
Elbows to knees (LBC)
T Ups

FISH (78 reps divided by 3= 26 reps each for ease sake for Spain being founded in 1978)
Freddie Mercs
Iron Mikes
Hand release merkins

MARY: Three Minutes of Menelaus (Sculptor):
25x Each
American Hammers
Box Cutters
Leg Raises

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Octoburpee, Night Moves

COT: Several St. Paul families with health issues (Cleek, Osenga, Igo)
Paul Dent’s friend in Iowa

Sorry for the delayed BB and if I missed any PAX or any COT!

Hold It – F3 Nashville 9 year Anniversary

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Right Said, CubCadet, EZ-Go, Michelin Man, Cowboy, Vector, PegLeg, DintyMoore, Supernova, t-cell, Betty Ford, Toothless, Salpal, Crawlspace, bluemule, princessaurora, Peg Leg, McAfee, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, greyalbum, Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Popper (Alpha), Truffle , Bocephus
FNGs: 1 Bocephus

Mosey to the field
In the field w/ Arms out
High Knees – 9 yards
Butt Kickers – 9 yards
Super Mario’s – 9 yards
Willy Mays Hays – 9 OYO
Good Mornings – 9 OYO

Hold It! AMRAP – as many rounds as possible
Divide up in 6 groups, about 4-6 people per group. 

There are five stations that are AMRAPs with a twist. One person in each team has to hold an exercise for as long as they can while the other 3 people are working the AMRAP. When person 1 can no longer hold the exercise, everyone completes 3 burpees. Then a new group member starts the holding exercise.

The 6th station is the time keeper, run for 6 minutes. Quickly, rotate stations at the end of 6 minute run.

Base of Steps
Station 1 – balance quadruped position (all fours with knees slightly off the ground. Good alignment required!
3 burpees at switch
1. 9 diamond merkins
2. 9 merkin to side plank
3. 9 mountain climbers (R+L=1)
4. 9 tricep dips

Facing First Bank
Station 2 – hold a decline plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 swings w coupon
2. 9 squats w coupon
3. 9 around the world w coupon
4. 9 OHP w coupon

Open Field
Station 3 – hold a low plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 big boy sit-ups
2. 9 vector ups
3. 9 freddy mercuries (R+L=1)
4. 9 American Hammers (R+L=1)

Station 4 – hollow body hold, 3 burpees at each switch
1. 9 iron mikes (R+L=1)
2. 9 Bonnie Blairs (R+L=1)
3. 9 broad jumps
4. 9 star jumps

Inside the Circle
Station 5 – hold a Coupon in a front lateral raise, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 pogo jumps
2. 9 seated vertical jumps
3. 9 super Mario’s
4. 9 approach jumps

Station 6 – run 6 minutes
1. Run the loop and complete as many laps as possible in the time limit. Keep track of groups total laps

Rotate when runners return after 6 minutes.
keep track of the number of switches or burpees each group completes.

Scoring –
Subtract total number of burpees from total laps

MARY: No Time


COT: Thankful for the opportunity to meet together and share in the celebration of this community that is so much more than a workout group.