Somebooty Will Be Sore

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Works for a Guy, monster biscuit, bluemule, Topanga, Cowboy, sooner, Michelin Man, Oatmeal, Toothless, moneyshot, Pole Dancer, Crawlspace, DrRupp
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: threatening to pour

Mosey on track
50 SSHs
Moving WMHs
High knees
Butt kickers

Take cones to field and set up

10 burpees buy in each round
Burnie to middle cone
20 iron mikes (per leg)
Burnie to far cone
30 drop squats
Burnie back
Hold plank til all in
Repeat x3

10 burpees buy in each round
Lung walk to middle cone
20 V-ups
Lunch walk to far cone
30 happy crunchy frogs
Squat walk to back
Hold plank til all in
Repeat x3

Mosey back to start-x, hold low squat for 2 minutes


– brewsday was last night, success!
– Murder mile on the 28th, check greenmachine for deets

– everyone shared a prayer request, requests for work, being better parents, health of friends and family, losses in family, being more in the present

It is always a pleasure go come lead middle-tooth! Thank y’all for having me

Rock on,

Hair Band

Texas Independence Day – 2024 edition

AO: middle-tooth
Q: sooner
PAX: DrRupp, Oatmeal, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Michelin Man, Rocket Mortgage, Cowboy, Betty Ford, moneyshot, monster biscuit, Gilmore Girl
FNGs: 1 Gilmore Girl
CONDITIONS: a truly warm spring texas-like morning with a whipping wind carrying the scent of freedom

WARMUP: an active warm up


Battle of the Alamo
– pull ups to exhaustion, hang until all in, lap, repeat x3
– swing decline merkins to exhaustion, plank till all in, lap x3

Go for reinforcements
– texian run down granny white and back

Remeber the Alamo! 13 days of battle (aka 13s)
– Iron mikes + star jumps
– murder/redurum bunny travel (much like the alamo, we were overcome by exhaustion and converted to mozy/bernie travel halfway through the battle)

Long live the Alamo
13 star jump buy out

MOLESKINE: Michelin Man is disappointed by presence of a Texas Battle flag on the shovel

ANNOUNCEMENTS: toothless has much better posts than his predecessor

COT: prayers for family, grief and healing

Pinch Hitter

AO: atlantis
Q: Salpal , Natural Ice
PAX: Toothless, Right Said, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Balmy Mid-40s

WARMUP: Slowzy + Light Stretching

THE THANG: @Natural_Ice was down for the count, but sent ahead 3 rounds of apocalypse countdowns:

Mega Apocalypse 1 + Mosey


Mega Apocalypse Deux + Mosey

2 Count Iron Mikes
Carolina Dry Docks

Mega Apocalypse Returns Again + Mosey

Hand release merkins
Lt Dan

We modified to count down burpees for time, had a minute left for light stretching.
Prayer intentions for firm foundations, healthy pregnancies, and life decisions. High quality discussion at coffeteria on sci-fi literature, corporate matchmaking services, the nature of changing behavior, and the ethics of true crime entertainment.

In Defense of Middle Earth! :swords: :one-ring:

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Toothless
PAX: Breadsticks, Pole Dancer, Esposa, sooner, Betty Ford, Rocket Mortgage, Young Pawn, Hair Band, Focker, Transfer (F3 Birmingham)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Prime. Starry. Brisk. Medieval. The stuff of legends.

– SSH (Scarecrows) x 20
– Cherry pickers (Carrot pickers) x 10
– Willy Mays Hays (Eaves dropping) x 10
– Windmills x 10
– Michael Phelps (Brandybucks) x 10
– Good mornings x 10

10 burpees
Mosey out to the school drive through
10 burpees

Dwarf Workout
10’s, from lower entrance to basketball goal, Bernie up mosey down
– Burpees (Forge Bellows) (45 total here)
– Lunges (Striders)

10 pull ups
Bear crawl to upper entrance

Elf Workout
10’s from upper entrance to basketball goal, Bernie out mosey back
– Carolina Dry Docks (Bow Benders)
– Jump squats (Branch Grabbers)

10 burpees

Hobbit Workout
10’s, from school entrance to swings, mosey both ways
– 4 count American hammers (Pint Passers)
– Swerkins (Wheelbarrows)

The Q didn’t keep an eye on time and we ran out of it! Ran back to Post to the Shire pub tune of The Green Dragon.

Mad T-Claps to @breadsticks who came IN COSTUME AS A HOBBIT.

Also props to those intrepid PAX who made sure to round out their 100 burpees for the day during coffeeteeria, graciously provided by @sooner, when I left them 15 short due to time.

– Night Moves this Thursday @ 6, come early to park
– Side Straddle Hops this Friday @ 7, see #2ndF for details
– Bunch of other things coming in October, check that calendar!
– Of course, #octoburpee continues

– Prayers for Betty Ford’s 3 mo who is sick
– Prayers for wisdom for Hairband with a potential job opening
– Prayers for Bareback, his father in law, and their family

>From _The Return of the King_:
> “What do you fear, lady?” he asked. “A cage,” she said. “To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.”

Remember that today is all we have in this life, and even that is not for granted. I’m glad you all came to get better this morning, but don’t let it stop there. Take the strength you build here and bring that back to your friends, families, communities, and workplaces. Make the most of the time we’re all blessed with in the ways that matter most.

— :tooth: