Q: sooner
PAX: Pep, Vector, Papa Bear, Grape, Michelin Man, Young and Restless, Natural Ice – CBO, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None
Dynamic warm-up
Arm Circles
a little old man yoga
Cherry pickers
Put together some crummy rhyming riddles in the form of an escape game/puzzle Q that ask the Pax to guess where the next stop on our adventure would be.
I line up in rows, strong and high,
Where kids swing through the sky.
Grip me tight and don’t let go,
Or down to the ground you’ll go!
To escape:
100 Rocky Balboas
25 Incline Merkins
25 Dolly Partons
Mosey to Monkey Bars.
I eat small spheres, then spit them out,
into the bucket, without a doubt.
Before you swing, you must come to me,
Where dimpled orbs are set free.
To escape:
(Option to hit 50) 30 pull-ups – 30 merkins- 30 rows – 30 squats – 2 laps
(partitioned however you want)
Mosey to Driving Range machine.
While today is nice, sometimes it’s not,
Can find this covered spot?
Next to the clubhouse to get some gainz,
It’s where we work out when it rains.
To escape:
Lunge down, Broad jump back length of driving range
Mosey to clubhouse
Practice a gentle tap, get a generous roll,
Avoid the sand, your chip finds the hole.
To complete this puzzle, you must be quick,
A surprise is waiting to do the trick.
To escape:
30 burpees
30 Carolina dry docks
30 mountain climbers (each leg)
30 dips
Mosey to Chipping Green.
Beep Test, either running or a SSH on the side. Congrats to Black Lung for getting to 10.0 :exploding_head: and making it look a lot easier than I’m sure it felt. DintyMoore, Bravefart, and Cream Cheese rounded out the top 4, but Cream Cheese will never see this, so did it really happen? I think each got to Round 8, but I was struggling to focus after I got caught at 7.3 (I think).
Appreciating Firefox’s request of words of gratitude even though I often struggle to put them together. Grateful to lead and put together some (hopefully) fun puzzles for the group.
TONIGHT is Game Night at Chez Firefox
Sign up for Merkin Madness.
Night moves is now March 13.
A number of prayers for family and friends, clarity around jobs, and gratitude for wins of our family and friends.
Imperial walkers
Arm circles
Mosey over to HCA garage
– Bottom (Ground Floor): 20 Merkins
– 2nd Floor: 20 Squats
– 3rd Floor: 20 Big Boy Sit-ups
– 4th Floor: 20 Burpees
Rd 1: sprint up inclines, mosey to next spot
Rd 2 (coming down): in reverse (Bernie down ramp), mosey to next spot
Rd 3: Bernie up, mosey and laps on roof for 6
Rd 4: mosey down and around.
Burpee for 6
My counts:
90 merkins total
60 burpees (plus any done at Start)
On Johnny Cash’s 102nd birthday, we reflect on redemption.
Game night on Friday
Biscuit run on Saturday
Night Pax
COT: :black_heart:
WARMUP: stretches followed by mental math consisting of pull ups to failure, multiply by 5 and do squats, multiply by 2 and do crunches
On track do the following:
-5 dive bomber push ups
-15 monkey humpers
-20 WW1
Run around track with straightaway sprints
-5 kick throughs
-15 jump squats
-20 dry docks
Run the opposite way
Broke this up by 2 sets of 10,20,30 DIDS
Mosey to start with one legged burpees and Mary to end it
MOLESKINE: lots of grumbling about the math. Yacht rock playlist really was enjoyed by all. Great way to set an intimate mood for the FNG
COT: prayers for shared sorrow and shared joys!
“Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark” James 3:5
^i was an idiot in my marriage yesterday with my words. Learn from my mistakes
NOT cold (after a minute). Pep had some brand of gloves on.
Pre 5:30am warmup to “Lean On” by Major Lazer. I love :heart: that song.
The Pax learned to run :runner: to love :heart: circles :large_green_circle: today. And we did burpees. Q also called for Constant Movement (TM) meaning if we stopped, we did “resting” exercises.
Music: Throwback Bangers to the early 2000s. Debate between Natural Ice – CBO and Puzzlah over whether these songs were recorded in the ’90s or ’00s.Vector feeling really old now…
Thangs 1: We ran an Indian Run with a medicine ball :large_green_circle: in a circle :large_green_circle: around the park 3x, performing a running burpee apocalypse along the way. Sprinkled in copious Side Straddle Hops along the way to wait for various 6s, though overall the PAX kept up well. Pax loved :heart: it.
Thang 2: We then ran to the school loop and did timed runs around the circle :large_green_circle:. Each time we had to beat our time to decrease the burpee counter. First run was 32(?) seconds/5 burpees around and we made it all the way down to 21(?) seconds/1 burpee before failure to beat time. Much better showing than last week. Pep efficiently completed the circle :large_green_circle: runs. 1 pax carried the medicine ball :large_green_circle: on each trip. Pax loved :heart: it.
Thang 3: We ran to the bottom of the parking lot hill and did sprints up the hill with 5 burpees descending to 1 burpee after each sprint. 1 pax carried the medicine ball :large_green_circle: on each trip. Pax loved :heart: it.
We returned to startex to do SSH plus toss the medicine ball :large_green_circle: in a counter-clockwise fashion. Pax loved :heart: it.
Then we let our heart rates come down. Constant Movement (TM) completed. We run :runner: to love :heart: circles :large_green_circle:.
I honestly was in a terrible mood on Sunday, feeling very de-energized and burned out. This post really inspired my day so thank you for that PAX.
WARMUP: various stretches and short mosey
THE THANG: Tabata “6”s
50 seconds on
10 seconds off
6 minutes total per round (3 sets of each exercise)
Round 1: drop squats and merkins
Round 2: IYTs and monkey humpers
Round 3: dive bombers merkins and bird dogs
Round 4: burpees and flutters
Run hill
MOLESKINE: thanks everyone for coming out to #thenursery for its first and maybe only workout. Charlie loved meeting everyone. Special shout out to Tim the Toolman for homemade kolaches.
WARMUP: Pole Dancer led us in some active warm-ups:
– 50 SSH
– A skips
– B skips
– Zombie walks
THE THANG: Pole Dancer and YHC could not decide which Feb. 21 national day to celebrate; so, we celebrated all of them.
Thang 1: Sticky Buns Day
To celebrate National Sticky Buns Day, YHC had us do a bit of leg and bun work. PAX did the following circuit as many times as they could within our allotted celebration time. Everyone finished 2, some were about done with their 3rd when we called time.
– Iron Mikes (20x/side)
– Bulgarian Split Squats (20x/side)
– Jump Squats (20x)
– Raised Alabama Prom Dates (20x, with feet elevated on a bench)
– Bear crawl around the circle behind McCabe
Thang 2: Grain-Free Day
To celebrate National Grain-Free Day, Pole Dancer had us do a number of exercises that looked familiar but were ultimately worse. After each set, we ran a bernie around the circle
– Navy Seal Burpees (merkin, knee tuck, merkin, knee tuck, merkin) – 25x (but many shortened to 20 because, wtf)
– Deep Squat Star Jumps – 25x
– Something else, I forget
Thang 3: Caregiver’s Day
To celebrate National Caregiver’s Day, YHC had us partner up. First 1 PAX did sit-ups while the other held feet in a high plank position. We did this for 50s and then swapped. We did 2 rotations of this and then switched to Partner Decline Merkins. 1 PAX held the feet of the other who did merkins for 50s and then swapped. 50s is a long time, y’all.
Thang 4: Boiled Peanuts Day
Pole Dancer was unfamiliar with boiled peanuts and other things we eat here in the South (if we’re not allergic to peanuts). He led us in a number of Southern-themed exercises, with a short jog to the parking lot in-between.
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Hello Dolly’s
– Ragin’ Cajuns (elbow-to-opposite knee crunches)
– Definitely was fun collaborating with Pole Dancer on this!
– Much discussion of the Tomb Raider-esque amalgamation of YHC and Pole Dancer. Vector called it pornography.
– So cold.
– If you want to do a Co-Q mash-up with another of our respected brethren, send me a DM! We’ve got a couple others lined up for the spring.
– Saturday Breakfast Q at Focker’s
– Game night next Friday
– Other things that are on the calendar
– Much gratitude
WARMUP: pre 5:30am warmup to “Lean On” by Major Lazer. No time to warm up during my Q.
The Pax love to run in circles after today. And we’ll do burpees. Q also called for Constant Movement (TM) meaning if we stopped, we did “resting” exercises.
Music: 1st: Pink Pony Club by Chappel Roan. Then hits from 1998… the year Chapel Roan was born. Feel old yet Vector?
Thangs 1: We ran a circle around the park 3x, performing a running burpee apocalypse along the way. Sprinkled in copious Side Straddle Hops, Plank Jacks, and Indian Runs along the way to wait for various 6s. bluemule fell down.
Thang 2: We then ran to the school loop and did timed runs around the circle. Each time we had to beat our time to decrease the burpee counter. First run was 38 seconds/5 burpees around and we made it all the way down to 27 seconds/1 burpee before failure to beat time. We then did 5x burpees since we didn’t beat time. Pep completed some of the circle runs… creatively.
We returned to startex to do plank jacks and Side Straddle Hops and Mountain Climbers.
Then we let our heart rates come down. Constant Movement (TM) completed. We live to run in circles.
For President’s Day:
“For his fellow-citizens, if their prayers could have been answered, he would have been immortal. For me, his departure is at a most unfortunate moment. … His example is now complete, and it will teach wisdom and virtue to magistrates, citizens, and men, not only in the present age, but in future generations, as long as our history shall be read.”
— John Adams, second President of the United States, in a Dec. 23, 1799 reply to Congress following the death of George Washington nine days earlier.
WARMUP: pre 5:30am warmup to “Lean On” by Major Lazer. No time to warm up during my Q.
The Pax love to run in circles after today. And we’ll do burpees. Q also called for Constant Movement (TM) meaning if we stopped, we did “resting” exercises.
Music: 1st: Pink Pony Club by Chappel Roan. Then hits from 1998… the year Chapel Roan was born. Feel old yet Vector?
Thangs 1: We ran a circle around the park 3x, performing a running burpee apocalypse along the way. Sprinkled in copious Side Straddle Hops, Plank Jacks, and Indian Runs along the way to wait for various 6s. bluemule fell down.
Thang 2: We then ran to the school loop and did timed runs around the circle. Each time we had to beat our time to decrease the burpee counter. First run was 38 seconds/5 burpees around and we made it all the way down to 27 seconds/1 burpee before failure to beat time. We then did 5x burpees since we didn’t beat time. Pep completed some of the circle runs… creatively.
We returned to startex to do plank jacks and Side Straddle Hops and Mountain Climbers.
Then we let our heart rates come down. Constant Movement (TM) completed. We live to run in circles.
For President’s Day:
“For his fellow-citizens, if their prayers could have been answered, he would have been immortal. For me, his departure is at a most unfortunate moment. … His example is now complete, and it will teach wisdom and virtue to magistrates, citizens, and men, not only in the present age, but in future generations, as long as our history shall be read.”
— John Adams, second President of the United States, in a Dec. 23, 1799 reply to Congress following the death of George Washington nine days earlier.
CONDITIONS: Chilly, 23 degrees with love in the air
Theme of “Love is . . .”
Love is like Oxygen – Sweet
Love is a Battlefield – Pat Benatar
Love is an Open Door – Kristen Bell/Santino Fontana (from Frozen, not Moana sooner)
Love is the Drug – Roxy Music
Love is the Answer – Aloe Blacc
Love is a Stranger – Eurythmics
Love is in the Air – John Paul Young
Love is Blindness – Jack White
Love is the Answer – Dan Seals
Love is Dangerous – Fleetwood Mac
Love is Strange – Mickey & Sylvia
Love is a Long Road – Tom Petty
Mosey in heart-shaped circles
LBAC x 20
Seal Claps x 20
Overhead Presses x 20
RLBAC x 20
WMH x 10 OHO
Good Mornin’s x 10 OHO
SSH x 20
Q-pid started his work by having the PAX partner up and do several partner themed exercises:
Partner merkins x 20 (with clap between rep)
Partner WWI x 20 (with claps at top)
Partner chair squats x 30 sec x 3
Mosey to playground for some LOVES
Lunges x 100
Overhead presses x 100
V-shaped Pull-Ups x 100
Excellent form incline merkins x 100
Sexy squats x 100
[Aside: at some point sooner got caught up in the love and might have been twerking on the swing set pole . . . Q-pid supports all kinds of love, so go crazy HIM)
Mosey to flag for V-Day Mary of Alabama Prom Dates, J Los, Monkey Humpers, Jane Fondas to get those special parts trained for the day. So good, we rinsed and repeated.
– No Beer Ruck this weekend
– Game Night at Firefox abode Feb 28 at 7p
– Night Moves March 6 at 7:30pm
COT: Words of gratitude, prayers, and praises lifted up. Listened to the morning for a bit. Thankful for all of the HIM during what for me has been a very stressful time in both my personal (losing my mom) and professional (funding uncertainties, colleagues losing jobs abruptly) lives. Thankful to the PAX for pushing me each day.
SYITG, Q-pid (aka Vec)