Not the Gauntlet

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Stubs, Sparrow
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Anyone have the remote to hit Pause?


Tabata: 30 seconds on/20 seconds rest. 4 exercises, 2 rounds then run.

– Pull ups
– Squats
– Coupon Rows
– Piccolis
– Lap around park

– Pulls ups
– Lunges
– Coupon presses
– Box jumps
– Lap around park

Round 3
– Pulls ups
– Jump Squats
– Coupon curls
– Jump Squats
– Agility/Speed work

Mary: 2 rounds of
– 20 crunches
– 20 heel taps
– 10 Mountain Summits

Holding on to The Gauntlet workout until we have a bigger group :slightly_smiling_face:


COT: I’ve switched my tactics on teaching Link to clean up the living room to two mantras “What do you notice and what action is needed? Don’t put it down, put it away.” It’s helped a lot in keeping things clean, but I’ve also realized the importance of applying this to everyday emotional tasks as well. Encouragement to all PAX to take the time to ask yourself, “What do I notice in my life? What is working, what isn’t? And what actions do I need to take to stay on the right path?” also… when something comes up, let’s not put it down and out of sight… let’s figure out what we need to do with those emotions and put them away in the right spot.

Back to Basics

AO: pain-train
Q: Cheeks
PAX: G-string, Timber
FNGs: None
Cold and Gloomy

Mosey to Tennis Courts with Sandbags
Motivators from 6
Leg stretches on you own
25x Single Leg Toe Touch

2 sets of:

20x Hand Release Merkins
20x Squats with sandbags
Mode of transportation across Tennis court
(Bear Crawl, Duck Walk, Crawl Bear, Spiderman Pushups)
Hold wall sit or plank until PAX all in

15x Big Boys
15x Ankle Touches
15x Leg Clap V Ups
1 Minute Plank

Mosey back with sandbags


Always try to be prepared. As men we are sometimes called on the spot and have to step up. Taking this Q, I wasn’t well prepared. Easiest thing was to do a simple back to basics workout. I believe we got decent work in. Thanks for joining!


Chiliteria coming this Sunday. Check the general channel for more information.
Tussle coming in November. Volunteers needed. Don’t forget to join a team and signup if you want.

I’m Not a Professional

AO: pain-train
Q: Sooie
PAX: Stubs, Sparrow, Sooie, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
Temperature: :pinched_fingers:
Light: :palm_down_hand: :palm_up_hand: :palm_down_hand:
Wetness: :-1:

OYO stretches head to toe while reviewing Mission/Core Principles/ Credo

Partner up for Dora with obstacle course. Each team to complete:
200 merkins
400 sit-ups
600 squats
Hero style finish
Partner A began work on the 200/400/600 while Partner B ran the obstacle course. PAX switched after Partner B completed the course.

The obstacle course was 4 cones, each spaced 15 yards apart. Cinder blocks at cones 2 and 3.
– Zombie crawl from cone 1 to cone 2
– Murder Bunny from cone 2 to cone 3
– The floor is lava (must remain on a cinder block at all times) from cone 3 to cone 4
– Lift Cindies onto table at cone 4
– Farmer carry from cone 4 to 3 (drop one cindie)
– single carry from cone 3 to 2 (drop cindie)
– Sprint/mosey/crawl from cone 2 to 1
– Switch with partner

Alas time proved to be our great adversary and lo, despite valiant efforts to complete the 200/400/600, the final tally was closer akin to 120/240/360. The floor is lava took longer than anticipated due to me not being a professional.

Isaiah 40:31
but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.

This verse has been on my mind lately and I’ve been thinking about the progression in the latter half of the verse: soar :arrow_right: run :arrow_right: walk. Sometimes we have the strength to soar through the situations life throws at us. Other times we can run. Sometimes all we can do is walk. The LORD supplies the strength we need where we are at.

10/20 Chili cookoff at Shelby Park. M’s and 2.0’s welcome. More deets coming to a channel near you.

Offered prayers for East Tennessee/North Carolina and all who are traveling over fall break.

Enjoyed :boar: :coffee: :tm: and launched a new AI/hardware tech company.

There and Back again

AO: pain-train
Q: G-string
PAX: Cheeks, FLO, Timber, Wolfpack, Siri, Pitmaster, AAA, @Stubbs
FNGs: None
Balmy and beautiful

– Good mornings
– Slow Squats
– Seal Claps
– BACs
– BackBACs
– Shoulder Press
– Michael Phelps
– Mosey to the Coupons then complete the lap

Cones spaced out about 15 yards
Start on one end.
– 40 Merkins
– Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs (coupon) to cone
– 20 Monkey Humpers
– Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs (coupon) back to start
– 40 Coupon Rows
– Bearcrawl to cone
– 20 Monkey Humpers
– Bearcrawl to start
Rinse and repeat for 30, 20, and 10 reps.

Thang 2:
Teams of three
– Dora for the team
– 150 merkins
– 150 rows
– Then the three coupons must be moved to the far cones. One pax carries one coupon while the other two wheelbarrow.

Finished with four minutes of Mary.

I am anticipating the loss of my great-grandmother any minute. She was given two days to live four days ago, and every time my phone buzzes, I tense up. I am dreading a call that I know will come which is stealing my joy and wearing me out.
Grani would never stand for this. She used to say “Live for the punchline.” By that, she meant find the joy and the story in everything that happens. I shouldn’t allow this fear of pain cause me to suffer more. It can’t cripple me.
Instead, I suggest we should look to the past with gratitude and toward the future with hope. It isn’t criminal to mourn, but we have to remember joy.

There will be a chili cookoff some time in October

It was a heavy morning. Prayers were offered up and we grew in fellowship.

Thank you for the honor of leading you gentlemen this morning.

Loose Caboose… Pain Train Style

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: FLO, Wolfpack, Cheeks, The Banker, Siri, G-string
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: I love the rain.

WARMUP: SSH, BAC, BACBAC, WMH, Mosey to stage

Loose caboose pain-train style…
10 cones were set in varying distances around the 1/5 mile track around the park.

PAX carried Coupons (1-54lbs, 2-25lbs, 2-35lbs, 2-35 lbs, 2-20lbs, caboose sprints to cone with no Coupon) from cone to cone, stopping at each cone to perform 1 Burpee and 10 reps of an exercises, switching exercises every 6 cones. In total we did:

– 3/5 miles of Coupon Carries (3 laps)
– 30 Burpees
– 60 Coupon Shoulder Presses
– 60 Merkins
– 60 Coupon Bent Over Rows
– 120 Coupon Goblet Squats

10x Leg raises
10x Crunch frogs
10x American hammers

MOLESKINE: The little half 20lbs coupons were the worse… my fingers are feeling it.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10th anniversary f3 Nashville tomorrow at Sever Park. Clowncar leaving from pain-train at 5:30am tomorrow morning.

COT: Led PAX on a 5 minute gratitude and meditation exercise. Namaste brothers :pray:

Phat Cinderblock Workout

AO: pain-train
Q: Siri
PAX: The Banker, Timber, G-string, FLO, Pitmaster, Wolfpack, Sooie, Cheeks
FNGs: None

stretching + shouldermania + mosey to stage to pick cinderblocks

3 Burpees + 3 cinderblock Front Squats with Overhead Press*

*On the minute, perform 3 Burpees + 3 Front Squats with Overhead Press. Burpees stay at 3-Reps every minute. The Front Squats increase by 1-Rep every minute (ex: 3 Burpees +1 FS, 3+2, 3+3, 3+4…and so on). Continue climbing the ladder of Front Squats until you can not complete the reps in that minute.

-Active Rest b/t Sets-
– mosey one lap followed by alternating sets of 15 (2-count) imperial walkers and 15 (4-count) SSH. 3 sets of each.

T-claps to G-string for making it to 28 reps with a 54 lb cinderblock, and to The Banker and Timber for getting to 31 reps with standard cinderblocks :clap: :clap:

9/11 and 9/14 convergences. Some convo about the possibility of a Bellevue edition of Hunger Games Pitmaster Wolfpack :eyes:

Prayers lifted up. Thank you for letting me lead!

Emd of summer 9Square Arena Challenge!

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack , Sooie, Siri
PAX: Bean Burger (Fairview, TN), Timber, Cable News, Cheeks, Siri, Sooie, Stu Cook, Wolfpack, Rosie
FNGs: 1 Rosie
CONDITIONS: Warm enough to sweat easily and cool enough to be comfortable.

WARMUP: SSHs waiting for Cheeks annnndddd mosey to the 9Square Arena. Shoulder-rama then stretches while 9Square rules explained

– King (center square) gets 1 point for each round they stay in the center.
– Two 15 minutes halves were played with a 1/4 mile Loose Caboose run at halftime
– Whomever has the most cumulative points gains title as International F3 9Square Champion of the Universe
– In between rounds…
– King does a burpee equal to amount of points won
– Corner squares do 5 Merkins
– Middle squares do 5 air squats
– If King is kicked out has to do a slalom cone run and sprint back (75-100ish yards)

By our expert math skills at least 250 reps of squats/merkins were performed and over 1500 yards were sprinted.

G-string was not in attendance and has forfeited his opportunity to defend his title. We missed ya buddy! Next time!

Sooie may or may not have been asleep and was heavily targeted by PAX. Made an epic run there at the end, but it just wasn’t enough…

FNG @Rosie made his mark at pain-train, but again… just not enough for the title…

All PAX gave it their all and all was given and in the end… our new… undisputed… INTERNATIONAL… F3 9SQUARE… CHAMPIOONNNN OF THE UUNNIIVEERRSEEEE….

Cable News!!!!

He has the height. He has the Burpee stamina. It was all CableNews on the morning show in the gloom this AM. Well done! Your name will live on forever on the PainTrain shovel flag!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergences coming… check the Slack.

F3 Fairview launching next Thursday!

COT: Find the fun in the hard stuff and make sure to bring a friend along when it gets real tough!

ThunderBunny Beatdown (aka LrThe’s Awakening)

AO: pain-train
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Wolfpack, The Banker, G-string, Sooie, Bean Burger (Fairview, TN), Cheeks, Timber, Siri, Pitmaster, FLO, El Capitan
FNGs: None
clear skies, low 60s, almost Yosemite

– Downward dog + cobra + sprinter-stretch merkins 3x both sides, PE stretch
– BAC + BacBACs + Turkish Moroccan Night Clubs: 12x
– Willie Mays Hays OYO
– PAX collected coupons (one each) and returned to sidewalk


Part 1: ThunderBurpees

– All PAX circle up, play song “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC.
– SSH throughout – burpee every time you hear the word “Thunder”. :skull_and_crossbones:

Part 2: Sudoku Murder Bunny Special

SOUNDTRACK: Weezer Blue Album

Downloaded two easy sudoku puzzles from internet, printed on 11×14″ sheets, laminated, supplied dry erase markers + paper towels

Split up into two teams.

Six stations. One PAX from each team per station, lined up along sidewalk.

Station #1: Plank, work on a sudoku puzzle

Station #2: Murder bunny to cone with coupon, carry on shoulder back. (All PAX rotate to next station when he returns.)

Station #3: floor-to-ceilings with coupon

Station #4: straight-arm squats with coupon

Station #5: sky thrusters on back with coupon

Station #6*: wild card! options include…

1. 6x hops + elevated elbow-to-knees over coupon (3x per side)
2. bench press on back with coupon
3. American hammers with coupon
4. Speed step-ups on coupon
5. Curls with coupon

Rotated until PAX (almost?) solved the puzzles.

Bonus Round at 6:10 AM: in lieu of sudoku, each team tried to name all 25 AO’s in F3 Nashville while rotating through the reps.


Shared how grateful I am for the fellowship of the PAX and encouraged those who may be nervous about Q’ing to reach out for help/advice – it is worth it. Such a joy to lead y’all this morning!


Check Slack for September updates (including 9/11 and 9/14 anniversary convergences) coming soon!


Countorama, Nameorama, shared requests, and closed in prayer.

Special shout-out to Wolfpack for the delicious & courageous LupusBrewpus rebound this morning!

We are grateful for you & hope that your kitchen counters recover from any & all coffee-related trauma.


Silent Q

AO: pain-train
Q: Cheeks
PAX: G-string, Timber, Cheeks, Wolfpack, DintyMoore, Bean Burger (Fairview, TN), El Capitan
FNGs: None
Getting darker as Winter comes

20 SSH
16 Baby Arm Circles
16 Backs
16 Moroccan Night Clubs
Lat Stretch on Your Own

5 Sets
25 Kettlebell Swings
15 Deadlifts
15 Low Merkins
75yrd dash and back

20 WW1
25 LBC
16 American Hammers in cadence
Back Stretch (I believe we all needed that)
10 Alternating V-ups
1 Minute Plank
Ring of Fire to 3 and back
20 Carolina Dry Docks
10 Burpees

– Arrington Vineyards August 17th 11:30-2. Check Franklin General feed for more info
– F3 Dads swim party. Check Franklin General feed for more info
– Fairview AO starting up

Prayer request for El Capitan as he and his family move.

Prayers for Bean Burger (Fairview, TN) as he fosters growth and fellowship with the great men of Fairview.

Thank you gentlemen for allowing me to lead! I appreciate each and every one of you! Let’s go be lights in the world and serve our communities!

Scavernger Pain train style

AO: pain-train
Q: The Banker , Cheeks, FLO, G-string, Siri, Sooie, voucher, Wolfpack
PAX: Cheeks, FLO, G-string, Siri, Sooie, voucher, Wolfpack
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Good morning, stretching, slow merkins, slow squats

THE THANG: 5 stations 5 burpees buy-in for each
1. Suicide at Tennis Courts 3 ea
2. 200 squat jumps at football field
3. 100 Pull-ups at 9 square
4. 100 Floor to ceilings behind stage
5. Lap around plus 100 flutter kicks



COT: choose to be grateful even when it doesn’t seem like reason to.