Goals and grace

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, AAA, Pebbles, El Capitan, morning star, DB, Bumble bee (2.0). Big red (2.0), Tonk (2.0), Fish biscuit (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 40’s with a hint of spring

YHC and Bumble bee were late … thanks to the PAX for starting the warm up as we showed up.

WARMUP: whatever the PAX did before YHC showed up, followed by: motivator (6 to 1), hard style low slow squats, lazy imperial walkers.

Instructions/set up for the thang: pick a weight if you like … this is an auto-regulated workout … two transition signs to pay attention to: you lose power or feel stiffness in your body or you can’t talk in complete sentences … if you experience one of those drop your weight and do jumps without it or do SSH if you’re working without a weight.

THE THANG: 20 sets of 11 seconds of jump squats (with or without the weight) followed by 49 seconds of active recovery (fast and loose drills; keep moving).

YHC encouraged the PAX to practice appreciation using the GAMES method:
G – gratitude: think of something you’re thankful for right now
A – anticipation: what are you looking forward to?
M – memories: what’s a time in the past you experienced joy?
E – experiences: what’s something you can do to create some relational joy?
S – singing: hum a tune, sing a song ..

We got to memories.

Took a detour before we finished to organize a search party for Bumble bee. We found him at the backstop pretty shaken up. YHC got to practice helping him get back to joy using what I’ve recently learned: VCR (validate, comfort, recover). PAX kept working with the weight ball during this time.

Finished the 20 rounds.

MARY: led by Sooie … flutter kicks, heel touches, something else and breath work.

MOLESKIN: YHC shared about a big goal I went after last year: simple timeless. 10 sets of 10 single arm kettle bell swings followed by 10 turkish getups with a 71lb kettle bell, autoregulated by the talk test.

YHC started with a 30# KB and insured my shoulder. Since then I’ve realized that my approach towards this goal was going to be long and with some detours to strengthen my core, reflexive strength, etc. Now I’m doing things like head nods, crawling, rocking, rolling. This is completely different than swinging or lifting a kettle bell. However, this is my path way towards my goal.

The takeaways:
1 – what big goal are you going for?
2 – give yourself freedom and grace to enjoy the journey and accept that the journey may be different than you imagined

Shared prayer requests and appreciations and YHC took PAX out with a prayer.

Followed by some great conversation around Sooie Brewie.

YCH appreciates this space, you men (and your 2.0s) and the grace and encouragement we offer one another.

Great to see Tonk and Fish biscuit out with us again!

-m out!

dad jokes; lol

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, Wolfpack, G-string (Eli Kresta), The Banker, Pebbles, DB, Malibu, morning star, Link (2.0), Bumble bee (2.0), RP (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark, yet lovely

WARMUP: split into 4 teams and mosey to the tree line while passing a ball among the team … stop at the knoll hill and roll down.

30 SSH (led by RP), motivator x5, balance follow the leader style, 15 low slow squats (led by RP)

THE THANG: mosey to the backstop and split into 4 stations:
1. move rocks into a pile, then do it again
2. Three sets of motivators x 5
3. Crawl forwards and backwards between the backstop benches (change crawling each set)
4. One partner does a body builder burpee, the other does fast and loose drills, then switch

Continue at your station until another team team relieves you. The motivators are the clock, once they finish, they transition to new stations.

Music: Dad jokes music …

MOLESKIN: YHC talked about the importance as men, and especially fathers to learn to get back to joy from challenging emotions. There’s a joy center in our brain that can keep growing as we practice appreciation and connection. Joy is relational, its about being delighted to be with someone. YHC was inspired by a workbook my 2.0s have been going through to create a “calming bag” to help with this. My intention is to go to the bag instead of food when I’m stressed and dysregulated.

YCH encouraged the PAX to reflect on how they are leading by example in their household, especially in the area of soul/heart care.

YHC prayed the PAX out.

– F3 Franklin has a monthly physical challenge; run/walk/ruck at least 1 mile a day … reach out if you want access to the spreadsheet.
– YHC will be taking a mini-break from AOQ for Feb/March, Wolfpack will sub in for me. Honor to Wolfpack for his willingness; excited to grow under your leadership!

Discern the signs

AO: thestronghold
Q: morning star
PAX: Chunks, Skeet, Minnie Pearl, Wolfpack, baggervance, Dan and Dave, Decaf, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Red Skull, morning star, Woodpecker, D Pole, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Evel Knievel, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs, Long Horn, Bill Dance(?), Dantana, Cat Man
FNGs: 1 Cat Man
CONDITIONS: high 20’s and lively

5:30 – disclaimer given … YHC asked men to raise their hands if they were willing to take personal responsibility for their own safety. Modify as necessary.

WARMUP: mosey to the light, circle up … motivator x5, lazy imperial walkers x10, hard style low slow squats x11

YHC taught PAX how to do fast and loose drills (active recovery) … dubbed “Mickey’s” or “Soviet Sprinter Shakes” … the idea is to shake the tension out of your limbs as if you were shaking water off after a shower.

THE THANG: partner up and stay in a circle. 11 seconds of jump squats, then 49 seconds of active recovery …. for 30 minutes. pairs take turns carrying coupons around the basketball counts, completing 5 supermans between the far two goals.

PAX were instructed to transition from jump squats to SSH if they experienced 1 of 2 signs: lots their power on the jump or had trouble singing along/talking between sets of squats.

It was long and monotonous and we passed our time by encouraging each other, signing along with “Lean on me” (which was on repeat). The challenge was to stay mentally engaged the whole time; powerful jump squats and constant movement during active recovery.

Mary: baby crawl, bear crawl, cat crawl, imperial walkers, skipping … all done while moving in a circle.

MOLESKIN: YHC shared the story of when my mom kicked my dad out of our apartment when I was 13. Talked about how that flipped my world upside down. I cried myself to sleep that night, lonely and afraid. Ultimately my parents got divorced and my adolescence was an experience of me being emotionally orphaned; there was not a place in my home for my heart to express itself or grow in maturity.

YHC shared how I used to avoid my past, the painful memories and even grew to despise my story.

However, as I’ve leaned to go back to those traumatic moments, bring them into the light, share them with others … I’ve found the capacity to offer grace, kindness and tenderness to parts of my heart that were frozen in time. As I practice this, I grow in resilience.

Just as we had 2 signs that we used to transition exercises during the workout we also have signs that our heart and body gifts us with: emotions. Each emotion I experience can be a doorway into my story. And if I discern it and go back with curiosity and kindness I have an opportunity to find healing and ultimately grow in maturity.

New approach to consider: we accelerate our capacity to do hard things not by gritting our teeth but by offering tenderness to our hearts.

So, go forth and do the hard internal work … do it with a guide (a trusted friend or mentor or counselor) and see your maturity advance!

YCH blessed the PAX and we ended with “Heart on 3”.

Was wonderful to finally make it out to the stronghold.
– m out!

Count off by two’s for no reason

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Banker
PAX: morning star, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Siri, AAA, Wolfpack, Malibu, Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: chilly to freezing

21’s on SSH, we nailed it!
41 SSH
Slow squats
Slow merkins
Willie May Hayes

Partner Dora AMRAPs at table with one partner running to home plate and back while the other performs exercise
3X each exercise

Step ups
Single leg sit to stand
Single leg squat

Partner carry

Perfect Merkins
Shoulder presses


Mary- knee-ups and hour v-ups

ANNOUNCEMENTS: see channels


AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: AAA, morning star, Sooie, Malibu, G-string (Eli Kresta), Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Balmy 40 degrees and sloppy

-motivators 10
-arm circles forward and back
-Don Quixote’s
-stretch on your own

To stay out of the mud, 11s were done on Goodpasture from the top of the hill down to the first power pole. Each round was Hero style. First PAX to complete ends the round for everyone.

Thang 1 – Iron Mike’s and Burpees
Walk to stop sign to lower heart rate
Thang 2 – Dry Docks and Merkins

-Mountain Climbers
-J Los
-Plank to side Plank
-Imperial Walkers 3min

Check slack

Snowmagedditon Pt. II

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: El Capitan, morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
A balmy 17 degrees

Baby arm circles
Back BAC
Don Quixotes
Good mornings
Split jacks
Imperial walkers

6 cones setup in the middle of the snow blanketed field. 6 reps of an exercise at each cone going out. Mosey back. Various MOT between cones for each exercise.
– plank shoulder taps. MOT: human snow machine (hands on sled, push with feet)
– squats. MOT: Marty McFly’s (lay back on sled, push with feet)
– Big boy sit-ups. MOT: Paddle Boat (6 or stomach on sled, propel using arms only)

Mosey to the hill.
Partner up:
Partner A rides sled downhill and uphill.
Partner B keeps up with Partner A downhill, pulls Partner A uphill. Reverse, repeat.

Downhill free for all:
Grab a sled, ride it downhill, mosey back up. Only rule is you can’t use the same sled consecutively. (5 PAX, 4 Sleds). Odd man out does step ups at the flood table.

Lean PAX continues through Valentine’s Day

Prayers for requests mentioned
🐗☕️™️ after

Snowmagedditon Pt. I

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: Sooie, Pebbles, morning star, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None

Joint mobility special led by Morning Star

Mosey through the snow around the knoll to the flood table.

Dips at the table
Sled down the hill
Floor to ceilings with sled full of snow at the bottom.
Jog up.

Mosey back to the playground
Big boys
Flutter kicked
Sled planks

None. Expect more of the same Thursday for Snowmageddon Pt. II

El Cap’s Indie Rock Block

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: morning star, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Sooie, Wolfpack, El Capitan, AAA, @BigRed (2.0), @Link (2.0), @Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Starlit, upper 30s

TUNES: Indie / Alternative Jams


– Climb stretch routine
– Willie Mays Hayes (3x each side)
– Don Quixotes (in cadence)
– Cherry pickers (in cadence)
– On your own stretch



Caboose-is-loose up Harpeth knoll hill, right at Harpeth Bend, back up to the coupon tree.


Four light cones. PAX will team up in pairs of two, choose a coupon, & line up at starting line.

With coupon in tow, Player 1 will LUNGE to each cone.

First cone: 15x goblin squats

Second cone: 15x overhead presses

Third cone: 15x curls

Leave coupon at third cone & bear crawl to backstop benches for 15 step ups

Bear crawl back to third cone & pick up coupon to mosey to starting line.

Player 2 will do the following exercise, then rest (one exercise per round):

– 100x American hammers (2 is 1) with coupon
– 50x big boy sit-ups with coupon at chest or in lap
– Hold plank until Player 1 begins step ups.

Rotate & repeat (3x Rounds)

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Convergence in Brentwood on 01/12 in honor of a Knoxville-based PAX that passed away one year ago.

Moleskin: Read a poem titled “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden. Encouraged the PAX to continue to serve their families well (even when it feels thankless & nobody sees).

Prayer requests:

– for @Sooie to get back into the mental groove at work
– for @ElCapitan ’s home recently invaded by ants (#stressful)
– for @Timber as he leads his wrestling team

Thank you @morningstar for the ginger tea!

One for Twenty Twenty-Four

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, @Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and frosty morning…not a lot to say

Hill Mosey, light sprint, high knees, butt kickers.
Imperial Walkers
Don Quixote

Partner Tabata.
1 partner works for 1 minute while the other partner recovers. Focused on form and power

Lunges into leg lifts
Jump Squats
Plank jacks
Power merkins (try to get hands and feet off the deck)
Mtn. Climbers
Rinse, repeat 3x

PAX led round-robin:
Merican Hammers
Emperor penguins
Freddie Mercs
Dead Bugs
Big Boys
Jane Fonda’s

Lean PAX
Plan to schedule a single PAX to lead both Tuesday and Thursday workouts at The Knoll on a given week.

Expressed gratitude for the men who post at The Knoll. Looking forward to facing 2024 together. Prayer requests mentioned. Prayers offered.

2024 NYD Convergence – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

AO: greenmachine
Q: Toothless , Michelin Man
PAX: Works for a Guy, faulkner, Black Lung, morning star, Red Skull, Crawlspace, Michelin Man, Vector, Deep State, Esposa, Spinal Tap, hambone, Pop-A-Lock, McAfee, 40 Minutes, Chunks, moneyshot, Wolfpack, sooner, DintyMoore, Natural Ice, Grape, Toothless, Cuban Missile, baggervance, Haggis,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp, overcast, still, expectant


– 24 x Side Straddle Hops
– 12 x Willy Mays Hays, 2 each side
– 12 x Cherry Pickers
– 12 x Butt Kickers
– 12 x High Knees
– 12 x Windmills
– 12 x Good Mornings

Count off by 5s, take a lap and line up at the far goal line


12’s – Round 1
– Hand Release Merkins
– Squat Jumps
– Bernie both ways for travel

Field Work
– Group up in teams, bear crawl 100 yds as a group
– Bear leads the group, all others lunge, side lunge, or broad jump for travel
– Stop and collect every 25 yds for 10 burpees done as individuals (including endzone)
– Repeato! Drop burpees to 5 at each 25 yds

Stair Work
– Stay in groups, run 24 flights as a group, up and down counts as one, split up flights however you like
– Runner calls out exercise for the rest of the group to perform while runner runs flights

12s – Round 2 (12 + 12 = 24!)
– Big Boy Sit-Ups
– Double count Dips
– Mosey for travel

– Sprint both ways
– 70% to 15 & back, to 20 & back
– 80% to 25 & back, to 30 & back
– 90% to 30 & back


– 24 x Happy Crunchy Frogs
– 24 x J-Lo’s
– 24 x Flutter Kicks


– #leanpax starts tomorrow, ends the day before the Super Bowl, sign-up sheet is in the channel
– Convergence at #iiipillars tomorrow 1/2 with #middle-tooth traveling to #iiipillars
– Hendersonville kick-off on Saturday 1/13, @Sunshine for details
– 4:13 is back in action week after next, week of 1/15
– One more big one from @Michelin_Man, but that will come later from him!

It was an honor leading you this AM, and it continues to be an honor to serve the PAX of F3 Nashville! Best way I could have asked for to start out the new year – thank you HIM for all you bring to F3, your communities, and our city!