Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Topanga, Oatmeal, sooner, moneyshot, Toothless, DrRupp, Focker, Warning Track
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and Dry
WARMUP: Indian Run around the park while the lead dribbled a basketball; 10 burpees for the group if you lose the dribble.
THE THANG: Circuit set adding one exercise each cycle. No running in between if someone made a free throw- we were 1/5.
10x Burpees
10x Burpees
25x Merkins
10x Burpees
25x Merkins
50x Lunges
10x Burpees
25x Merkins
50x Lunges
100x LBC’s
10x Burpees
25x Merkins
50x Lunges
100x LBC’s
150x Squats
Finally made a basket- no running!
Played pickup for the last 20 minutes. In the words of Topanga, “Look for layups- shooting isn’t the answer.”
MOLESKINE: Toothless has an egg on his ankle and is questionable for Game 3 of the NBA Finals, along with Porzingis
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The 2.0 Workout has no affiliation with the Middle Tooth AO
COT: Prayers for Toothless’ stepmom and family, Larry Allen’s family, and for Topanga’s wedding anniversary
Playlist: I post ’em even when they’re bad- songs from the TD Garden playlist;