Redemption Tour

AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: t-cell, Grape, Harbaugh, gov’t mule, Haggis, Shania, Pep, Sherlock, wardas1, Swiffer, Canned Heat, Young and Restless, princessaurora, Howitzer, Big Bird
FNGs: 1 Big Bird
CONDITIONS: near tropical

WARMUP: stretches followed by mental math consisting of pull ups to failure, multiply by 5 and do squats, multiply by 2 and do crunches

On track do the following:
-5 dive bomber push ups
-15 monkey humpers
-20 WW1
Run around track with straightaway sprints

-5 kick throughs
-15 jump squats
-20 dry docks
Run the opposite way
Broke this up by 2 sets of 10,20,30 DIDS

Mosey to start with one legged burpees and Mary to end it

MOLESKINE: lots of grumbling about the math. Yacht rock playlist really was enjoyed by all. Great way to set an intimate mood for the FNG


COT: prayers for shared sorrow and shared joys!
“Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark” James 3:5
^i was an idiot in my marriage yesterday with my words. Learn from my mistakes

Stages of Labor

AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: princessaurora, Foot Drop, Swiffer, Grape, Harbaugh, Black Lung, Tackle Box, Two Face, t-cell, Haggis, Pep, Private Sandman, LorelaiG, Formica, howitzer, Shania, Canned Heat
FNGs: 1 Canned Heat

WARMUP: good mornings and that’s it

Early labor
Dilation 0-6cm
1,2,3,4,5,6 8-count bodybuilders
“Alternate between resting and working to get labor going”
Contractions 5-30 min 15-45 sec
5 merkins, 5 prisoner squats, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Run between sets to rest

Active labor
“actively work through labor with your birthing team”
“Birth affirmations”
Dilation 6-8 cm
Every PAX does 6,7,8 pull ups while everyone affirms them. PAX are doing lt dans—>monkey humpers—>prom dates to “relax” between “contractions”

“Burpee coping method”
Contractions Every 2 minutes for 60-90 sec
Dilation 8-10 cm
8 burpees in 60 sec
9 burpees in 60 sec
10 burpees in 60 sec
1 minute plank
8 burpees in 60 sec
9 burpees in 60 sec
10 burpees in 60 sec

Pushing stage!
“Keep breathing and work with your body, not against it”
Dilated 10 cm
Contractions 3-5 min lasting 30 sec
10 sprints with small la mazze breathing session

Placenta delivery
Core work

MOLESKINE: I think we can all say we appreciate more what the moms in our lives have gone through. We totally get it now

ANNOUNCEMENTS: grow school!

COT: lots of prayers today. Thankful for everyone being open and honest. Missed you Zelenskyy. You and your wife were prayed for.

Back to School!

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape
PAX: LorelaiG, Harbaugh, Swiffer, Pep, Black Lung, princessaurora, Haggis, Two Face, Zelenskyy, Foot Drop, Tackle Box, gov’t mule, t-cell, Formica, Howitzer, Moneyball
FNGs: 1 Moneyball
CONDITIONS: it’s getting darker

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC F + R, Michael Phelps

THE THANG: 10 reps per grade, run after finishing a grade, escalator on exercises (i.e. 1st grade is exercises for 1st and Kindergarten), wait for 6 after run (attempt to increase mumble chatter)

1- LBC (2 count)
2- OH Press
3- Squats
4- WW1
5- Iron Mikes (2 count)
6- American Hammers (2 count)
7- Merkins
8- Mountain Climbers (2 count)
9- Burpees
10- Reverse lunges (2 count)
11- Dry docks
12- 8 count body builders

MOLESKINE: glad we all graduated!

COT: prayers for Pep with his project, PA for Anders and his parents, and all the kids headed back to school



AO: offthebooks
Q: Go Fish
PAX: Grape, Zelenskyy, gov’t mule, Harbaugh, Howitzer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: none

THE THANG: 3.2 miles on the white trail at a 12:00 party pace

MOLESKINE: Will was destined to see those people again.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout this morning!

COT: thanks to Go Fish for the prayer


AO: iiipillars
Q: wardas1
PAX: t-cell, Go Fish, Tackle Box, princessaurora, Grape, gov’t mule, Pep, Two Face, YumYum, moneyshot, Haggis, It’sJUSTLunch, Baguette, ironlung, Harbaugh, Full Monty, Fannie, Secret Stash, Howitzer, Swiffer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: 30 of a lot of different things to try to make this feel like an actual workout

THE THANG: ultimate!

MOLESKINE: I believe the skins defeated the shirts, though it was a hard fought battle. No one knows the rules, and you know what, that’s ok.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout today!

Total Eclipse of the Heart

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape
PAX: Matthew Gillmor, Pep, Go Fish, Pencil Pusher, Harbaugh, wardas1, Haggis, Zelenskyy, grisham, princessaurora, t-cell, DintyMoore, TiVo, Howitzer, Full Monty
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: it always rains on Tuesdays now I guess

10 Imperial Walkers
10 Hillbillies
Mosey to the field

THE THANG: partner up, one partner runs a lap, other partner completes these exercises, then switch (completed three rounds, changes Ab Thrusters to Atomic Merkins and Knees to elbows to Knerkins (knuckle merkins) in round 3)

Ab Thrusters
Carolina Dry Docks
Knees to elbows (Peter Parker’s)

Ukrainian hammers
Newton’s cradle

MOLESKINE: so fun to lead this crew

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday tonight, keep going strong with plankpril

COT: prayers for Pep and PA


Coldballs Warm Heart Can’t Snooze

AO: iiipillars
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Tackle Box, Baguette, Go Fish, Zelenskyy, Pep, Grape, Good Morning America, Focker, princessaurora, Natural Ice, Formica, Hardball, Government Mule, Howitzer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual suspects
SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billies,
Arm Circles, Moroccan Night Clubs
Willy Mays Hays, Good Mornings

Burpee apocalypse, possibly miss counted by YHC. Likely landing at the usual 55 burpees

Pax Froggered to a nearby parking garage and took on a lengthly tabata. Pax performed an exercise for a solid minute, with a 10 second rest.

C – Crunchy frogs
O – Overhead arm press
L – Lt Dans
D – Diamond merkin
B – Big boy sit ups
A – Alternating shoulder taps
L – Lunge
L – Little baby crunch
S – Squats

W – Wide merkins
A – American hammers
R – Rocky balboa
M – Monkey humpers

H – Heels to the heavens
E – Elbow jack – plank jack at low plank
A – Apollo Ohno
R – Russian twists
T – Turkish get up – lay down don’t use arms or use one to get up

C – Carolina Dry Docks
A – Al Gore Tree Hugger
N – Nolan Ryan – Its a punching newtons cradle
T – Toad Squat – Squat and touch the ground like a toad then hop

S – Star Jump
N – No Surrender
O – Outlaw – On your six legs together an make an O
O – Oblique Crunches
Z – Zoro – Z version of the Outlaw
E – Electric Chair – Wall squat

Pax’s experienced a well rounded tabata and extreme Exicon expansion

Thank you @grape for the opportunity to lead!

The Shoppes of Green Hills

AO: iiipillars
Q: t-cell
PAX: Focker, Black Lung, Baguette, Grape, Pep, Bad Boy, Go Fish, Gov’t Mule, Howitzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold, but warmed up just enough to get colder at Coffeterria

WARMUP: Light stretching while I complained about @blacklung and others being late and messing up my meticulously timed shopping workout.

2.5 (25!) mi jaunt thru the main shopping district to gather gift ideas and look at lights. Generally speaking we did the following along the way.
25 Anthro Abs
25 Lululemon Lunges
25 Kendra Scott Drop Squats
25 Bud’s Liquor Burpees
25 Mall Merkins
2 sets of Doughbird Did
25 King Jewelers Jump Squats

25 Happy Crunchy Frogs from TCell
25 Flutter Kicks from Go Fish
25 crunches from Focker
30(??) split leg sit ups from Black Lung who continued to sabotage my workout until the very end.

LeanPax and Convergence next week at Middle Tooth

Pep and Baguettes dads.
Reminder from Focker that holidays are tough time for so many, including us as fathers, husbands, friends, etc. Stay present and stay alert during the next few weeks.

Coffeteria Festivus:
Grape told me to shut up and just lead the workout.
Focker told us about a workout that’s harder than F3.
We don’t like it when PA works is out too hard.

Passing the Torch

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape , princessaurora
PAX: Harbaugh, Vector, Natural Ice, It’sJUSTLunch, Baguette, Black Lung, YumYum, Go Fish, Focker, Tackle Box, Swiffer, Bard, Govt’ Mule, Howitzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: crisp and bright

WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, WMH, Good mornings, LBAC F, Moroccan night clubs, OH claps, and then a bunch of LBAC R

THE THANG: Partner up to do pull ups or swing set inverted prom date leg rows (or something like that) then flapjack

Jack Webb

2 laps around the track passing the speaker

Burpee relay (one PAX does 2 burpees and calls out an exercise for the rest of the circle to do, second time around the circle increased burpee count to 4)

2 laps around the track passing the speaker

Bear crawl relay with a partner

Most back to startex

ANNOUNCEMENTS: No noise November, hobbling gobbler

COT: prayers for F3 Nancy, for Luka, and for the St Paul Community

Special shout-out to @princessaurora for trusting YHC to take over as AOQ. Excited to continue his strong legacy!

Mediterranean Diet

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape , Go Fish
PAX: Pep, Two Face, princessaurora, wardas1, Pencil Pusher, Harbaugh, Haggis, Gov’t Mule, Swiffer, Howitzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: just right

WARMUP: Mosey to the track – 2x

Starting off our Med diet…

Warmorama: GREENS
Groiners – 15x
Ranger Merkins -15x
Everest – 10x
(2 Sets)
Side Straddle Hop – 20x

Dynamic Stretching: OLIVES (down and back)
Lunge and Twist
Inch Worm
V-Ups – 15x
Elbow to Knee
Single Straight Leg

THE THANG: NUTS (46 reps each for Italy being founded in 1946)
Newton’s cradle
Updog Merkins

FETA (30 reps each for Greece being founded in 1830)
Elbows to knees (LBC)
T Ups

FISH (78 reps divided by 3= 26 reps each for ease sake for Spain being founded in 1978)
Freddie Mercs
Iron Mikes
Hand release merkins

MARY: Three Minutes of Menelaus (Sculptor):
25x Each
American Hammers
Box Cutters
Leg Raises

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Octoburpee, Night Moves

COT: Several St. Paul families with health issues (Cleek, Osenga, Igo)
Paul Dent’s friend in Iowa

Sorry for the delayed BB and if I missed any PAX or any COT!