Basically iiiPillars at Middletooth

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Focker
PAX: Black Lung, Betty Ford, Pep, Two Face, Harbaugh, Cowboy, moneyshot, Zelenskyy, High School Musical (DR), Formica
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Various stretches while waiting on Black Lung

THE THANG: This workout was designed around praying at Yuri’s house. He is a dear friend of moneyshot who is undergoing surgery today for pancreatic cancer.
-Run one mile to his home. Every turn we did 10 burpees, 15 dry docks, 10 lunges.
-Had the chance to pray over this family and their home with time for reflection
-Run one mile back with turn workouts being 10 jump squats, 15 diamond push ups, 20 monkey humpers
-upon arrival back to startex, we did 10 ww1 and 10 prisoner squats, then 20, then 40, then 23.6. These sets were broken up by sprints. Total of 93.6 for average number of days in the summer

MOLESKINE: somehow we ran uphill both ways, full light during the whole workout.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday coming up! 2.0 workout this Saturday! Reach out to Grape.

COT: Opened up about how my first reaction to Yuri’s house being a mile away was thoughts of inconvenience/not ideal for this workout. The Lord used this to convict me of my selfishness and allowed me to reflect on the importance of physical places in our life. There is a reason we visit our old homes, have memorials where things have happened, and worship at buildings. Being somewhere holds power cause we are physical beings. moneyshot thanks for the chance to come into Yuri’s life and y’all’s friendship this morning

Jazz Hands!

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: YumYum, moneyshot, t-cell, Pep, Harbaugh, Ryan Minniear, Grape, Good Morning America, Dollywood, Cowboy, Zelenskyy, grisham, Black Lung, Full Monty, Swiffer, Pipe Dream
FNGs: 1 Pipe Dream
On this International Jazz Day, you never know what note someone could play next.


Plenty damp but the rain thankfully cleared out.


Mosey to the field for a 3/4 lap and then circle up in the middle to get plankpril out of the way with a 4:00 plank to some delightful Italian jazz courtesy of Piero Umiliani.


With plankpril complete, it was time for today’s jazzy escalator workout. PAX complete the first exercise in the list below and take a lap around the track. Build on round 1 with the next exercise followed by another lap. RnR, continuing to build on the previous round all the way through to the final round of all 10 exercises.

1. Jump Squats x 5
2. Ab Thruster x 10
3. Z Chair x 15
4. Z Press x 20
5. E2K x 25
6. Ranger Merkin x 30
7. Crab Cakes x 35
8. Imperial Squat Walkers x 40
9. SSH x 45
10. Extenders x 50 cut for time

Mosey back to Startex for COT/BOM.


What started off relatively tame quickly escalated into an unpredictable sensory experience that, before we knew it, reached its end rather abruptly. But that’s jazz sometimes!

Welcome to FNG David Gilpin nka Pipe Dream, a nod to his unrealized potential as an organist. If this is news to you, I invoked Q rule 17.3 during coffeeteria. IYKYK


Pencil Pusher needs some help moving next Saturday, May 11. See Fish’s message above for details


– Continued prayers for Pep’s next project.
– Prayer for Go Fish selection
– Prayer for Full Monty as he steps into a new chapter in his career

I felt honored to see so many given the rainy morning, and it was a pleasure to lead each of y’all. Keep showing up!

Still jazzed,

Total Eclipse of the Heart

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape
PAX: Matthew Gillmor, Pep, Go Fish, Pencil Pusher, Harbaugh, wardas1, Haggis, Zelenskyy, grisham, princessaurora, t-cell, DintyMoore, TiVo, Howitzer, Full Monty
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: it always rains on Tuesdays now I guess

10 Imperial Walkers
10 Hillbillies
Mosey to the field

THE THANG: partner up, one partner runs a lap, other partner completes these exercises, then switch (completed three rounds, changes Ab Thrusters to Atomic Merkins and Knees to elbows to Knerkins (knuckle merkins) in round 3)

Ab Thrusters
Carolina Dry Docks
Knees to elbows (Peter Parker’s)

Ukrainian hammers
Newton’s cradle

MOLESKINE: so fun to lead this crew

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday tonight, keep going strong with plankpril

COT: prayers for Pep and PA


Shuffle The Deck

AO: iiipillars
Q: Goose
PAX: DintyMoore, Harbaugh, Zelenskyy, princessaurora, Grape, Go Fish, Black Lung, Skeletor (F3Roco), moneyshot, Howlitzer, Formica, Cowboy, Hagus, Fully Monty, Lora Lei
FNGs: 2 Fully Monty, Lora Lei

WARMUP: Willie mays hays, forward fold, cherry pickers, arm stretch

THE THANG: mosey to parking garage

The Deck of Cards

ANNOUNCEMENTS: murder mile at Green Machine this Thursday

Plankpril is approaching

Spring Training…for a CSAUP!! :tulip: :muscle:

AO: iiipillars
Q: Toothless
PAX: Grape, t-cell, Roboto (F3 Tulsa), Pep, Tackle Box, princessaurora, Harbaugh, Go Fish, Black Lung, Governmentt Mule, Frenchie, Haggis, Formica, Fanny
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clear, crisp, winter’s final frost before spring sets in for good.

– Mosey to field, circle up in middle
– SSH x 30
– Toe touch, left over right x 20 count
– Toe touch, right over left x 20 count
– Flamingos, each side x 20 count
– Windmills x 10
– Little baby arm circles x 10
– Big arm circles reversed x 10
– Michael Phelps x 10
– Scorpions x 10 then stretch OYO for explainer

Plank and wait for the six between laps, all laps completed on the provided 200m track (half of a regulation sized track)
– Burpee broad jump a lap
– Modified to 1 burpee every 5 broad jumps
– Bear crawl a lap
– Lunge walk a lap
– Run a lap (cut for time)

Return to startex

Rings of Fire
– Song: Thunderstruck
– Exercise: Planks up and down on “thunder”
– Note: Good training for Plankpril
– Song: Roxanne
– Exercise: SSH then burpee on “Roxanne”
– Song: Flower
– Exercise: Squats up and down as directed

YHC was pleased with the grumblechatter this AM – proved that the workout plan was sufficiently challenging. Could not place the man behind me that would shout out in a chipper voice “thank you, sir” for every exercise announced, had to be someone like Go Fish. The Q-drenaline helped push me this AM for sure, great work to the rest of the PAX who pushed themselves to get better.

– The Murder Mile CSAUP is next Thursday 3/28! Same time same place, extended workout time to accommodate the special event
– Plankpril coming up in just a couple of weeks!

– PA shared prayers for close relatives who are expecting
– Grape shared prayers for a close friend’s family working through a new cancer diagnosis
– YHC shared praise for the 2nd trimester allowing the wife’s nausea to improve
– Haggis shared gratitude for the F3 community after returning from a trip abroad where strong community is not as easily found

It was an absolute honor to lead this AM, men! You put in the work and you’re better for it! Thankful to be along for the journey, and I hope to see many of you out at the CSAUP next week now that you’re ready!!

— Toothless :tooth:


AO: iiipillars
Q: Vector
PAX: Bard, Black Lung, Dollywood, Focker, wardas1, Go Fish, Grape, Harbaugh, Natural Ice, Pep, princessaurora, Tackle Box, t-cell, YumYum, Haggis, TiVo, Fanny (Kotter with a long-forgotten name)
FNGs: 2 TiVo, Fanny (Kotter with a long-forgotten name)
YHC became a smidge nervous when our AOQ Grape announced todays’ session as one I’d be “committing crimes against our bodies,” although that did prompt a HC from Natural Ice due to interest in an “awkward” workout . . . Then the lightning storm prior to start had me possibly scrambling with a workout other than “let’s stand in the middle of a field at the top of a hill.” But the storm passed, the weather was perfect, and (I think) no bodies had crimes committed against them.

For today’s theme, I unearthed a playlist used up in Louisville during a recent visit to see pumpkin spice — the Louisville PAX, not ones to note the brilliance of a theme playlist, didn’t take too kindly to some of the cheesy selections, even at one point grabbing the Vector-o-jukebox to change songs. Party foul, bro. I knew the HIM of iiiPillars were far more appreciative of cheesy playlists, so this one, about partners, seemed perfect.

CONDITIONS: Post storm perfection – nice breeze, good temp.

It Takes Two – Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
Why Can’t We Be Friends – War
I Got You – Split Enz
Just the Two of Us – Grover Washington Jr w/ Bill Withers
We Can Work it Out – Beatles
Best Friend – English Beat
Get Together – The Youngbloods
With a Little Help from My Friends – Beatles
Together Forever – Rick Astley
You’re the One that I Want – Olivia Newton-John/John Travolta
Team – Lorde
Come Together – Beatles

(10 burpees to start due to the flag falling to the ground followed by 5 more due to some PAX sass re: YHC following his own instructions). Mosey to field.
Started with counting off and noting your partner, who you’d be stuck with the rest of the morn.
SSH x 20, LBC x 20, Seal claps x 10, Overhead claps x 10, Overhead press x 10, RLBC x 20. WMH and Good Mornings OYO x 10 each.

#1 PAIR: Plankjacks, Abd crunches, Incline Merkins, and “Regular” Squats – total 200 per exercise per pair, one exercises while partner runs lap.

#2 DUO: Dips, Underdogs, Overhead Squats x 200 with laps

Mosey back to Startex and high 5 partner for job well done.

MOLESKINE: Named FNG TiVo (given prior h/o of work with Direct TV) and a Kotter who had forgotten his name from long ago — as per renaming rules, the second name must be more embarrassing (assuming he was not the FNG once named “Soft Wood,” an unfortunate choice that led to never seeing that HIM again). princessaurora noted with the HIM’s initials BG that a Bee Gees song name was appropriate, specifically “Fanny” – a song about a woman who needed to be “tender with [the] love” of the 3 Australio-UK Disco singers. Natural Ice, there’s your awkward . . .

1. Biscuit Run Half Marathon this weekend – check slack for deets.

1. Prayers for Yuri
2. A lot of mumblechatter about the 60s flavor of the playlist . . . YHC took no offense, as great music is timeless, my friends.
3. Grateful for the PAX of HIM for allowing me to lead, tolerating once again (and far more that Louisville PAX) the playlist, and making me stronger and better each day.


The things we do for love

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape
PAX: Focker, t-cell, Go Fish, Tackle Box, Black Lung, Goose, princessaurora, Harbaugh, Baguette, YumYum, Pep, Swiffer, Dollywood
FNGs: 1 Dollywood
CONDITIONS: snowy/icy! My fingers went numb! Just like my cold dead heart


20 SSH
10 Good Mornings OYO
10 OH Claps
10 Seal Claps
10 OH Press
10 Moroccan Night Clubs
mosey to the field



Four corners with a partner
20 hand slap merkins
20 hand slap BBSU’s
20 bropees
10 partner derkins each

One partner runs while other completes exercises for a total of 100 each of:
O Squats
V Ups
Elbows to knees (4 count mountain climbers)

3 MoMary picked from a “box of chocolates”
20 APD’s
20 Freddie Mercs
15 box cutters

MOLESKINE: we followed the journey of a star crossed lover who finally had the confidence to buy his heartthrob some flowers leading to an electric love that ultimately ended with infidelity that led to our hero contemplating the meaning of life. Thankfully, he proclaimed in the end that he would survive.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday tonight, Leanpax starts again in 10.5 months

COT: prayers for Nancy, Zelensky, the Benz family, and for love


AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: bluemule, Focker, sooner, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Movin On Up, Grape, Go Fish, Harbaugh, Tackle Box, moneyshot, Bard, Formica, Haggis
FNGs: None



Big balls in hand, mosey to the field for a little COP

– IYTs
– SnL Squats
– Fire Hydrants R/L
– Good Mornings


Swole 30 – In honor of LeanPax commencing, YHC thought we’d keep a strict WHOLE 30 diet. 30 reps of the following exercises, each exercise separated by a lap around the track.

Hollow body rocks
Overhead Squats
Eight Count Body-Builders

Various Ab work to wait for six

Slam Ball Lines – PAX form two lines each with a slam ball, and line up behind goal line. PAX 1 performs explosive slam ball chest pass toward other end zone and runs to back. Cycle through line all the way to other end. RnR return trip. Switch to reverse slam ball toss for round 2.

Pull-up Set – Quick mosey to find some pulling space on the jungle gym and swing set. PAX perform pull-ups to failure, followed by rest of seconds equal to reps. RnR until you can only get one.

LeanPax Tabata – Mosey back to middle of field for LEANPax Ab Tabata. 20” of work followed by 10” of rest. 8’ total=4 rounds of each exercise

Leg Raises
Elbows to knees (one side only each round)
Ab Thrusters
Newton’s Cradle

Soundtrack to this section was Don McLean’s 8-ish minute hit “American Pie” as the LeanPax-ers have in fact said bye-bye to processed desserts among other things.


Prayers for @tackle_box nephew and for my mom.

Many of us have set some sort of goals this year. We are surrounded by guys who want to help us achieve those goals, so be accountable to someone and be an encouragement. Grateful to lead y’all once again.

Name that Tune (90 & early 00’s Rock)

AO: iiipillars
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, Hair Band, Pep, Black Lung, Focker, t-cell, Tackle Box, princessaurora, Go Fish, Harbaugh, Haggis, Formica, Swiffer
FNGs: None
Brisk, but nice

2 mile Pre Party run @hairband @grape @harbaugh @blacklung and YHC

Left the friendly confines for the parking garages of Burton Hills Office Park. Quickly crossed Hillsboro road and made our way to the second hill between two of the parking structures. While moseying, Yacht Rock was the playlist
Before we started playing Name that Tune, we did 5 mins of Mary Dealers Choice, but must be 20 reps. Flutter kicks, Happy Crunchy Frogs, Box Cutters, Freddie Mercs (while a Queen song played) and LBCs

Name That Tune 90 & Early 00s rock Edition
PAX was given 20 seconds to name that song and artist, but once you answered correctly you could not answer again until all the rest of the PAX had answered. Incorrect answers resulted in 5 8-Count body builders at the bottom and top of the hill. If a PAX named the song and artist correctly, they got to pick the exercise to do at the bottom and top of hill. YHC still chose the mode of transportation up the hill. Next time per feedback of the group, I will have more variety. Everyone loved the Lunge walk up the hill. Maybe we just do sprints, who knows.
PAX got the majority of the songs right and hopefully fun was had by all.
Moseyed back to the Startex with a little sprint/race to the finish. We found PA back at the startex, and was given some brotherly feedback. 😉 Thanks for the coffee PA.
Finished with Name that Tune for two songs, so PA could be a part.

Brewsday Today at 4:30 12 South Tap Room 2for1
Brewruck on Dec 16th talk to Red Skull for all the deets
Several convergences coming up for iiipillars and middeltooth
January 13th at 6:00 am at Memorial Park in Hendersonville. Please invite any friends you have in Hendersonville to join us.
Prayers for Hairband traveling
Prayers for little Luca battling an illness

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. No better way to start your morning than with you men in the Gloom.


Passing the Torch

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape , princessaurora
PAX: Harbaugh, Vector, Natural Ice, It’sJUSTLunch, Baguette, Black Lung, YumYum, Go Fish, Focker, Tackle Box, Swiffer, Bard, Govt’ Mule, Howitzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: crisp and bright

WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, WMH, Good mornings, LBAC F, Moroccan night clubs, OH claps, and then a bunch of LBAC R

THE THANG: Partner up to do pull ups or swing set inverted prom date leg rows (or something like that) then flapjack

Jack Webb

2 laps around the track passing the speaker

Burpee relay (one PAX does 2 burpees and calls out an exercise for the rest of the circle to do, second time around the circle increased burpee count to 4)

2 laps around the track passing the speaker

Bear crawl relay with a partner

Most back to startex

ANNOUNCEMENTS: No noise November, hobbling gobbler

COT: prayers for F3 Nancy, for Luka, and for the St Paul Community

Special shout-out to @princessaurora for trusting YHC to take over as AOQ. Excited to continue his strong legacy!