Salute to Lt. Dan

AO: westeros
Q: Toothless
PAX: Vector, Tim the Toolman, bluemule, Spinal Tap, Natural Ice, Andrew Flood, DintyMoore, Breadsticks, Salami, hambone, Chunks, Pep, Michelin Man, Siri, Solo Cup, caprate, Cheech, Hot Wax, Jockey, Hedwig, Underage
FNGs: 2 Hedwig, Underage
CONDITIONS: Sublime overcast morning, light mist from the field sprinklers

20 x SSH
12 x Willy Mays Hays, 2 each side
30 count x toe touch
30 count x flamingo, both sides
1/2 mile light mosey around park perimeter

THE THANG: Four Corner Dora
Partner travels around 4 corners with a mosey/shuffle/bernie/shuffle per the 4 sides

PAX wait for 6 to rotate (low plank/pick up reps), Lt. Dans to rotate between each station

Corner One: 50 Iron Mikes (2 ct)
Corner Two: 100 Jump Squats
Corner Three: 200 Bonnie Blairs (2 ct)
Corner Four: 400 Side Straddle Hops

Wrapped with some prisoner squats, reverse lunges, star jumps, and sprinters stretch to bring us to time.

PAX were surprisingly good natured about the exercises, but the conditions were just right and the group energy was high so I think we all felt a lift from the good vibes. Stereotypical rock playlist did not distract from the chatter but gave rhythm to the calisthenics.

It was an honor to have men from the Asgard region in town as well as Jockey from across the pond! Also had two FNGs from DintyMoore, great to meet them and welcome them in to this crazy thing we do.

Coffee at Dose was exceptional, took over the whole cafe & got a little rowdy. :coffee:

– may-you-pull-up continues, never too late to join!
– Fresh cohort for thestronghold starts this Thursday

YHC had an injured wrist, hence the leg day, so my message was for the PAX to appreciate the health we all had that allowed us to get up and get out to a workout, and to not take what isn’t promised for granted.

Prayers for Siri with summer childcare, Pep with his current project at work, and FNG Hedwig for job prospects.

As always, it was an honor to lead, men!
— Toothless :tooth:

Lord of the Rings BD

AO: the-castle
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Strutter, hambone, Pep, Salami
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool, crisp, and moist

WARMUP: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Low & Slow Squats, SSH

THE THANG: Tabata-style workout, 1:40 on, 20 sec rest. PAX move through all exercises at each station. Repeat until Mary.

Fellowship of the Ring
– You Shall Not Pass Thrusters (Coupon Thrusters)
– Curls for Arwen
– Anduin Canoe Crunches
Two Towers
– Helm’s Deep Squats (Coupon Squats)
– Two Towers of Power (Tower of Power)
– Toss the Dwarf (Coupon Swings)
Return of the King
– Mount Doom Climbers (Mountain Climbers)
– One Ring Hurleys (Bobby Hurleys)
– I Can’t Carry Your Burden… (Coupon Lunges)

Mary: Dealer’s Choice- LBCs, Flutter Kicks, 8-Count Body Builders, Dying Cockroaches

MOLESKINE: Samwise Gamgee’s speech at the end of Two Towers. It can be easy to get overwhelmed and despair at the darkness in the world. Look for the good to fight for.


COT: Strutter’s move. Sunshine’s M and 2.0 on the way

May the 4th Be With You

AO: the-castle
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Splitter, Salami, hambone, Chunks, Dilbert, Pep, Cowboy, Cash Cab
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and muggy

WARMUP: Imperial Walkers, SSH, Good Mornings

THE THANG: Star Wars themed beatdown with all 6 episodes of the original saga represented. 1 station for each movie. Exercises were performed at each station, and travel to the next station were bear crawls while transporting the coupon.

Episode I – The Phantom Menace
– Jar Jar Goofballs – x15 (2=1)
– Podracer Steering Wheels – x10 (2=1)
– Droid Army Getups – x10
Episode II – Attack of the Clones
– Kaminoan Canoe Crunches – x10 each side
– Clone Army Body Builders – x10
– Curls for Padmes – x20
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
– “Do It” Seal Claps – x20
– Youngling Yeets – x15
– High Ground High Jumps -x15
Episode IV – A New Hope
– Blue Milk Mixers – x10
– Tusken Raider Presses – x15
– X-Wing Crunches – x10 each side
Episode V – Empire Strikes Back
– Skywalker Prom Dates – x20
– Dagobah Squats – x20
– Luke Curls (alt. Luke Lawnmowers) – x10 each side
Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
– Slave Leia’s – x15 each side
– Ewok Humpers – x20
– Palpatine Presses – x15
Repeat until Mary
Mary: Dealer’s Choice




Hold On

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox
PAX: Papa Bear, DintyMoore, CubCadet, hambone
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Light mosey up to the clubhouse

THE THANG: With a balky knee, YHC put together a workout devoid of jumping, lunges, and running (except for a couple short moseys between locations), incorporating a lot of static holds and hanging exercises to a playlist featuring songs with “Hold” in the title.

Thang 1: Plank to the Alabama Shakes “Hold On”

Thank 2: PAX partnered up. 1 PAX held a static hold position while the other performed 10 reps of an exercise and then alternated. Partners performed each exercise 3x.

1. Hold: Table Top (or high bridge); Exercise: Table Top alternating toe touches (10x each side)
2. Hold: Superman; Exercise: Hand Release Merkins
3. Hold: Hollow Body Hold; Exercise: WWIs
4. Hold: Reverse Plank; Exercise: Reverse Plank leg raises (10x each side)
5. Hold: High Plank; Exercise: Plank with leg raises (10x each side)

Thang 3: Mosey down to the playground, then OYO:

1. 10x Hanging Leg Lifts, 20x Merkins, 30x Plank Jacks – 3 total circuits
2. 10x Hanging Knee Crunches, 20x Dips, 30x Mountain Climbers (each side is 1/2) – 2 total circuits
3. 10x Pull-Ups, 20x Candlesticks/Butt-Ups, 30x Buzzsaw Planks – 1 circuit

Mary: Dealer’s Choice
– Freddie Mercury’s
– LBCs
– Flutter Kicks
– Heel Touches

– Hunger Games
– Hendersonville Launch
– Paintrain
– Symphony tickets
– All the things (check the calendar)

COT: Everyone shared a moment of gratitude or reflection

Always an honor and joy to lead. Also, apologies that the Respect : No-Respect ratio was not in favor of the Respect cohort, CubCadet.


AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks
PAX: hambone, Pep, Right Said, Dilbert, Straight Racket (F3 Bowling Green, KY), Redline (Lucas from Bowling Green), Skeet, McAfee, Chicken Chaplain, Redline
FNGs: 2 Chicken Chaplain, Redline
CONDITIONS: Colder than the rest of the week and drizzle


Mosey around the AO
Circled up under the shelter
4 exercises for 20 reps
Imperial Walkers
LBAC – Reverse


Partner Up for a DORA
140 – Burpees
140 – Big Boy Situps
140 – LT Dans

Partner ran the tennis court perimeter.

Dealer’s Choice Mary to finish


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Launch of F3 Bowling Green 4/22

COT: Excited to see the growth in Bowling Green and Hendersonville.

Ultimate Frisbee

AO: the-castle
Q: Disc Jockey
PAX: Chunks, Splitter, Sunshine, hambone, Desk Pop, Pep
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Arm Circle, SSH, Low & Slow Squats

THE THANG: Mosey over to the HS field for some ultimate frisbee. When the disc hits the ground, a pre-chosen exercise is performed by all for 5-10 reps.
Repeat until 6:45

MOLESKINE: In the spirit of fasting for Lent, ask yourself if you desire God more than (fill in the blank).



Another Dora

AO: the-castle
Q: Pep
PAX: Chunks, Sunshine, Dilbert, hambone
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold for April

– little baby arm circles
– seal claps
– Good mornings
– Willie mays hayes

– run: around two of the tennis courts
– Exercises:
– burpees: 100
– American hammers: 200
– fire hydrants: 300
– big boy sit ups: 200
– dips: 100

Hambone said…
oops. I don’t it’s safe to repeat what he said.

Next Saturday at Chunk’s house is ufc + brisket


[the-castle] Coupon Work

AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks
PAX: hambone, Dilbert, Disc Jockey
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: No rain or wind

Normal warm up: SSH, Left over Right, Good Mornings, Little Baby Arm Circles

Coupon work
Every HIM grabbed a coupon and moseyed to the lacrosse field
PAX did an exercise with a coupon while a HIM moved with different modes of travel as the timer.
Exercises: Curls, Squats, Burpees with sand bag toss, overhead press, Head, Shoulder Knees and Toes, Big Boy Situps
Mode of Travel: Murder Bunnies, Run with Sandbag, Run
Rifle carry back to Startex
Paused for a moment to take in the sunrise and think about the meaning of the upcoming Easter Weekend.
Shared a little bit of what I said at my Grandfathers funeral about being present in everything we do
UFC 300/BBQ on 4/13/24 at my house
Prayed for Easter Weekend

Ashanti at Sunrise

AO: bomber
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: DintyMoore, Siri, hambone, Puzzlah, Sherlock, Tim the TOOLMAN, Wet Wipes, CubCadet, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp and Clear

WARMUP: Mosey to the North Course, active warmups on the way back

THE THANG: Deck of Death!

Burpees for Spades
Merkins for Clubs
Double Crunches for Diamonds
Lunges for Hearts

Aces & Jokers were a 60 second plank hold and loop around the lot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Plank challenge coming up in April

COT: Prayers for consistency and determination


Bomber, Friendly or Intimate (depends on who you ask)

AO: bomber
Q: CubCadet
PAX: Crawlspace, CubCadet, hambone, Wet Wipes, Pep, sooner, Papa Bear, Blueprint
FNGs: None
COUNT: 8, yes rather light for Bomber
CONDITIONS: 56, sort of damp

WARMUP: Normal stuff plus 90 second merkin to failure. Entertainment provided by mumble chatter about ‘aiming’ problems.

THE THANG: Ran as a group to Richland Park pavilion. Three sets of:
– 30 ski jumpers
– 25 dips on picnic table
– 20 lateral lunges
– 15 incline merkins
– 10 box jumps onto table (bench or top)
– Lap around the library / pavilion in between

Release run back to start. (Total run ~ 2.1 miles). Hold plank or peoples’ chair.

Wrapped it up with 50 4 count flutters.

MOLESKINE: Missed a lot of the Bomber regulars this morning, including our AOQ DintyMoore who I learned this week has quite the reputation as a bowling coach. Hope it went well with thebuffalo Overheard “I miss it when Vector is here for our runs” and “this is a good playlist, CubCadet” (recycled from a 2021 St. Patty’s Day titan workout)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Not much, check slack. I hear is loaded with useful information.

COT: Safe travels and a chance to recharge for those going on break. Prayers to make us better leaders and men. Thanks for the chance to be with you today. You inspire me to be better.