Total Body AMRAP

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Puzzlah, Half Lyfe, Wolfpack, FLO, Pole Dancer, Lady Liberty, Siri, Stubs, G-string, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Love when 27 feels warm.

WARMUP: Mosey to pick up coupons, mosey to the playground. 10 SlowSquats. 10 Slow Merkins.


3 rounds of 10 minute AMRAP.
10 reps of 3 exercises.
Run around inner path at 5 minute mark.
5 reps of each exercise for remaining time.

Round 1:
Goblet Squats w/ coupon
Bavarian Deadlifts w/ coupon

Round 2:
Iron Mikes
Big Boy Sit-ups w/ coupon
Blockees (Burpee w/ coupon press)

Round 3:
Monkey humpers
Alternating V-ups
Coupon curls

MOLESKINE: Solid mumble chatter throughout as usual here at PT! Unintentional Guitar Hero playlist slaps.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, Spartan race, biscuit run, check the slack!

COT: Patience. I’m struggling with it with the kids at the moment. Constantly reminding myself to take a breathe, give some grace, and take a little longer to connect before responding. Encouragement to Pax to do the same. Where can you find patience with yourself and those around you through the day?

Ten Trees

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Wolfpack, Stubs, Half Lyfe, Pebbles
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold for the first 10 minutes

WARMUP: SSHs til Siri gets out of his car. What was he doing in there?

Mosey to get coupons and carry to river table.

Ten Trees:

Split into two groups. One person runs and touches a tree while the other completes a workout. You cannot touch the same tree twice throughout the workout.

River table: Coupon Squats

Walk to playground with coupon over head

Playground: Bent over Rows

Walk to back stop with coupon over head

Backstop: Floor to Ceilings

Walk to street with coupon over head and return them to Pebbles house. Mosey back to startex.

Thang 2 – PlankUps Ring of Fire
Pax lines up at pull up bars. Everyone holds a high plank. First Pax does a pull up goes back to high plank, second pax follows, all the way down the line. When complete, Pax rotates so first is last and everyone moves up. Now hold low plank and go for two. Rotate. High plank for 3 pull ups each. Rotate. Low plank for 4 pull ups. Rotate. High plank for five.

MOLESKINE: There are not ten trees close to the backstop

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, push up challenge, Franklin’s Biscuit Run, Spartan code in general channel

COT: struggled to get out of bed this morning. Only reason I made it is because I was leading and I knew others depending on that. Made me think… I led therefore I showed up, but how often in my life am I showing up to lead? How often am I being intentional about not just being in a place, but taking on leadership… Am I being proactive about finding opportunities to lead? Encouragement to Pax to seek out places in their life where they can show up.

Cinderblocks to Exhaustion (pt 2)

AO: pain-train
Q: Siri
PAX: Half Lyfe, Stubs, Pitmaster
FNGs: None

Get us warm with SSH, shoulder work, and a lap around the park with mobility.

3 Burpees + 3 cinderblock Front Squats with Overhead Press*

*On the minute, perform 3 Burpees + 3 Front Squats with Overhead Press. Burpees stay at 3-Reps every minute. The Front Squats increase by 1-Rep every minute (ex: 3 Burpees +1 FS, 3+2, 3+3, 3+4…and so on). Continue climbing the ladder of Front Squats until you can not complete the reps in that minute.

-Active Rest b/t Sets-
– mosey one lap followed by alternating sets of 15 (2-count) imperial walkers and 15 (4-count) SSH. 3 sets of each.

(Score is Highest Number of Squats from Set 1 + Highest Number of Squats from Set 2)


Great work everyone!



We did this not because it is easy, but because we thought it would be easy.

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: Half Lyfe, Pebbles, Sooie
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: :cold_face: brrrr-ning up :cold_face:

Good Morning OYO
Head circles
Front Shoulder taps
Air presses

Circle up hold a low plank.
When first PAX collapses, all run to the tree line and back (~0.24 mile). PAX who gave up first does exercises. Remaining PAX resume plank competition. Repeat. Since there were only three of us, we did 3 full rounds. Pebbles was the overall victor with Half Lyfe in a close second.

After the plankapalooza we each did 30 DIDs.
Finished with Mary.


Pebbles has a cool F3 book he’s willing to lend after he finishes it.

Prayers spoken and offered. Great coffeeteria provided by Pebbles

Iron & Fire

AO: pain-train
Q: Sooie
PAX: Wolfpack, Half Lyfe, Siri, G-string, Cheeks, Sooie, Stubs, Pitmaster
FNGs: None
Balmy 33 degrees.
Fire playlist courtesy of Wolfpack

Loosen up OYO.
Circle up on our six and fire up the bellows: 30 breaths Wim Hoff style to the rhythm of “We Will Rock You”.
Hammer the Anvil: on the last breath transition to high plank. Exhale. AMRAP merkins on a single breath. TClaps to G-string for getting the most reps…probably like 100 or something.
Plank head, shoulders, knees, and toes 5x OYO
Plank jacks 5x in cadence

Mosey to get cinder blocks.

– 15lb dumbbell farmer carry around the perimeter of the playground holding the dumbbell by the weight rather than the handle. After 1 lap, PAX rotate to next station.
– IYT MERKIN: plyo merkin with hands and feet leave my the ground. Arms make an “I”, then arms make a “Y”, then arms make a “T”
– SUPER IYT: superman position arms in “I” position gripping 5lb dumbbells. Move arms to “Y”, move arms to “T”, back to “Y”, back to “I”

All PAX completed each station. Mosey around the perimeter then repeat. Timer exercise for second round was 12lb dumbbell punches 20x.

New years intentions have a better chance of success in the presence of community.

Hearing regarding ADA compliant equipment to Harpeth Knoll parks Thursday, January 9th. Thanks Stubs for putting this on our radar!

Prayers and requests lifted. Enjoyed the delicious :wolf: :coffee: for coffeeteria

Memory Game Part Deux!

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Pitmaster, Sparrow, morning stār, Sooie, Half Lyfe, Stubs, El Capitan, @Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: :cold_face:

TUNES: “Lost in the Dream” by War on Drugs


Climb stretch routine (1.5x speed)
Joint work!
Overhead presses
Seal claps
Moroccan Night Clubs
Motivators to 7


18 pairs of cards, each with a workout written on them.

PAX will circle around cards & take turns drawing.
If the cards drawn don’t match, all PAX will perform both card’s exercises 5x

If cards do match, no exercise is performed & the drawer can draw again.

Repeat until all cards are matched


happy crunchy frogs
Bulgarian split squats (2 is 1)
Mountain climbers (2 is 1)
SSH (4 count)
Cherry Pickers
Step Ups (2 is 1)
Flutter kicks (4 is 1)
Elevated Merkins
Sky Thrusters
Broken Bicycle
Yerkins (clap merkins)
Lunges (2 is 1)
WW1 Snow Angel
hacky sacks (4 is 1)
Ukrainian hammers
Don Quixotes (4 count)

Welcome the New Year with 25 pull-ups! (Deduct the number of matched cards you found from your total).


Shared how I really enjoyed the Q workout on Tuesday & was excited to create a Volume 2 for today. Sometimes the formula works when you’re Q’ing multiple times – take what works, tweak it a bit, and share it with the PAX!


LeanPax starts soon!

TClaps to morning stār for writing up a letter to our local government leaders in favor of adding ADA-compliant playground equipment to the-knoll! Thanks also to Stubs for bringing it to our attention. :muscle:


Nameorama, Countorama, prayers of gratitude lifted up, and :el-capitan: :coffee: enjoyed.

Memory Game 2024

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Half Lyfe, Papa Bear, Stubs, AAA, El Capitan, @TheJudge (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Low 40s & overcast


– Pilates flow stretches
– Run to tree line & back (25%, 50%, 100%)


18 pairs of cards, each with a workout written on them.

PAX will circle around cards & take turns drawing.

If the cards drawn don’t match, all PAX will perform both card’s exercises 5x

If cards do match, no exercise is performed & the drawer can draw again.

Repeat until all cards are matched

We ended with 4 minutes to spare so waved goodbye to 2024 with 24 pull-ups.


As we begin the new year, who in your life could you reach out to that’s lonely or “broken”? The memory game caused me to remember those in my family that struggle with mental issues or are sick and spend a lot of time alone or only with a caregiver. If every person is an Image-bearer, then every person is worthy of respect & your compassion. Who can you spend more time with in the New Year that could use a friend?


LeanPax begins 01/01. Q schedule for the-knoll is open for January!


Countorama, Nameorama, and closed with a prayer of thanksgiving + supplication for the sick.

Thank you Half Lyfe for bringing the coffee!

Grateful for y’all.


Friday the 13th

AO: pain-train
Q: G-string
PAX: Timber, Wolfpack, FLO, Half Lyfe, Cheeks, Pebbles
FNGs: None
Crisp and still

– BACs
– Back-BACs
– Slow squats
– Slow merkins
– Willie-Mays-Hayes

Mosey to grab some coupons
Partner up for a little Dora
– 150 Floor to ceilings
– 200 One-Arm coupon merkins
– 250 Coupon goblet squats
other partner is running a lap around the playground
– 50 Pull-ups
– 100 Lunges
other partner is doing bear crawls around the small jungle gym

King and Country Drummer Boy challenge

Happy Friday the 13th! In my family, Friday the 13th is a holiday. My Great-great-grandfather Wynn (who my son is named after) instituted this holiday in the 1930s, and the tradition is that every Friday the 13th he would take off work and pull his daughter, my Grani, out of school and take her to see a movie and get ice cream. It was one way he showed her that their relationship was more important than work or school. She passed away this September at 96 years old and still said her dad was the best man she had ever known.

This tradition has been passed down every generation since, and I will continue it with my children. I share all of this because traditions are important only inasmuch as they connect us through time. Love, family, and community are all remembered and celebrated through carrying on these traditions. As the holidays approach and are celebrated, take a moment to appreciate not only your family’s traditions but why you do them and where they come from. Then communicate all of that to your children. Then maybe one day in 90+ years, your great-great grandchildren will still know your name and treasure what was important to you.

– Franklin 10th anniversary on January 4th.

– Prayers were offered up.

Thanks for letting me lead you fine gentlemen! G-String out


AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: morning stār, Sparrow, Stubs, El Capitan, FLO, Half Lyfe, Papa Bear, Pebbles, Pitmaster, Sooie, @Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: damp & foggy; mid-50s


10 minutes of Pilates Warrior Flow with speed cardio mixed in (mountain climbers, scissor kicks)


Part 1: Held a 90-30-Run around the Flood Table

Workouts included:
1. Elevated merkins
2. dips
3. Step-ups
4. Elevated shoulder taps
5. Elevated crunches

Work for 90 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, run to backstop & back as a group.

Discussed the F3 Mission Statement, Credo, and what F3 means to us as men during the rest breaks.

Part 2: Light Battle

Split into two teams / three light-up cones per side

Object of game is to change color of all three lights of other team first by hitting the (hard-to-push) buttons.

If you are tagged (two hand touch) by a defender, you must return to your side’s end zone & perform 5 Lt. Dan’s before returning to game.


December is an extremely busy month. I’m grateful for the opportunity to simplify with a straight-forward workout & focus on stretching (something I haven’t had time to do in weeks!). I encouraged the Pax to remember the Advent season with the word “Immanuel” (God with us). The birth of Jesus & His Presence with us through the Holy Spirit is a great comfort in the chaos.


LeanPax starts in January. Enjoy those treats while you can. 😀

COT: Countorama, Nameorama, and ended with Mountain Mojo + Mochas.

I’m grateful for y’all! :el-capitan:

Freed to Lead

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles , The Banker, AAA
PAX: morning stār, Timber, Half Lyfe, Wolfpack, Stubs, Bumble Bee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and windy

Half mile run with various dynamic movements (not stretching)

Randomly selected 3 PAX to lead 10min of the workout. Surprise!

Banker – monkey humpers, partner carry, wall sit
AAA – AMRAP merkins, squat jumps, pull ups, big boys
Bumble bee – game of infection

T-Claps to The Banker, AAA, and Bumble for stepping up to lead with no notice. It’s tough to lead with no prep, but as men we need to be ready to step in and step up.

I was up all night with a sick two year old and was not in good mental shape to lead the workout.

Shared that I was grateful for the time I spent comforting my 2.0. Time goes by fast and she won’t need me for long.


COT: Prayers