I believe I can fly

AO: thebuffalo
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: Ultratecht, greyalbum, The Bobs, Goose, Hot Route, Giving Tree
FNGs: None
Surprisingly warm surprisingly rainy

A little mosey and a little stretching

– Jog down to the lake with some burpees along the way
– Ab waterfall
–> Group did a combination of LBCs, WWIs, Freddie Mercuries, Mountain Climbers while one guy ran
– Jog back up to the bball court with some more burpees
– 11s: Curls and Squats with a coupon rifle carry in between

– @greyalbums mother in law

Starting the New Year Off Right

AO: toratoratora
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: Ultratecht, greyalbum, The Bobs, Hot Route, Giving Tree, Goose, Culture Shock, Peaches
FNGs: None


30 seconds on 15 seconds off for 5 sets of each exercise with a sprint up the hill in between each exercise
– Mercins
– Squats
– WWIs
– Burpees

5 minutes of Mary to close things out

– Not too late to get in on leanpax
– Sign up to lead a workout 🙂

– @greyalbum getting adjusted to life with a baby again
– Everyone heading back to school
– General sickness…

The First Buffalo

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Goose
PAX: Chunks, Ultratecht, 40 Minutes, greyalbum, The Bobs, Hot Route, Giving Tree, Third Coast, Goose
FNGs: None

WARMUP: forward fold, willie mays hays, cherry pickers, elbow stretch

THE THANG: Mosey around the block
Elevens: squats/ merkins, SSH/ WW1
Circle of Mary

-Hendersonville Launch 1/13 contact chunks for details
– Get FNGs!
-Please share Q signup sheets to Buffalo & Tora channels
-Fleet Feet Green Hills 5k this Saturday, free merch give away

The Natty Ice Titan Special

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Good Morning America, Grape, Supernova, Goose, greyalbum, Chunks, Detective Pikachu, Black Lung, Crawlspace, porcelain, Sherlock, DintyMoore, Salpal, Red Skull, bluemule, Natural Ice
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A perfect 25F

WARMUP: SSH and Stretching


Thing 1: Running Grapevine Burpee Apocalypse
A combination of @grape ‘s caboose is loose run while carrying the speaker, and @bluemule ‘s traveling burpee apocalypse. Pax ran exactly 1 mile and performed 55 burpees.

Thing 2: Classic Hilly Titan 11’s Now with 4 Bonus Bearcrawls

Pax took advantage of the fantastic hill with 11’s consisting of LT Dans at the Base and WW1s at the top. With one caveat, Pax had to bearcrawl up the hill 4 of the 10 times of their choosing.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Hendersonville is Rising! YHC was given a funny cowboy hat. Leanpax sugar/alcohol detox is in full effect!

This mornings playlist was a group effort of alternative rock starting with @chunk ‘s request for higher by Creed. I shamelessly added in a Green River Ordinance radio hit at the end.

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead!

New Shoes

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: greyalbum, Sandlapper (David Suggs), Double Bass, Ultratecht, 40 Minutes, Splitter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Climate Change



1. We ran 1/2 mile out and then 1/2 mile back. We then did a set of PDICOs – 5 Pullup / 10 Dips / 15 IYTs / 20 Carolina Dry Docks / 25 Overhead Press
2. We did that again.
3. We did that again.

MARY: Solid Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many given. I’ll note the announcements are in the thoughtfully crafted pre-blast on the #f3-nashville-general channel each week.

COT: Many given. Of note, Ultratecht was really into his colonoscopy and suggested we all get one too.


AO: thebuffalo
Q: greyalbum
PAX: greyalbum
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Was already pretty warm

THE THANG: Looked around in all directions for possible PAX

Poured myself a cup of coffee

Drove away at 5:33am 😂


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy Thanksgiving let me know if you want to grab a Q spot!


Struggle bus: Grisham WOD

AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Skeet, Red Skull, Crawlspace, Right Said, Dan and Dave, Hair Band, greyalbum, Mullet, toga, Ginger, Decaf, Knuckles, Ringworm, baggervance, Thunder Duck, Hacker (Franklin), Young and Restless, Shocker (Mark Holmes), backtrack, pizzalot?, hops, re-inlist, peewee, sally the camel, peach fuzz, flipper, red shark, cool cucumber, iron lung, two more that split before the count
FNGs: None

Burpee-pocalypse 10 down to 1

Burpee over block x 5
Block press x 5
R&R x 10, 15. 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

The Grisham WOD was the welcome party workout for STRUGGLE 001 so YHC thought it only fitting to show the 4:13 men who opted out, and the F3 PAX who were unable to attend, what was up. The STRUGGLE 001 class endured this workout, q’d by @bigbang, after admin and before leaving the grounds. After completing this workout they still had 8hrs and 10+ miles left to go. Mad respect for these men, they absolutely crushed it then and did it again with confidence this morning.

Re-inlist was Team Lead for this portion during Struggle 001 so I thought it was only fitting he bring us home for the last 4 rounds

I felt like the 4:13 men earned the right to choose Mary so they had the option of typical core work or the burpee-pocalypse. @IronLung loudly chose burpees for the group, which was super fitting for this class. He even took over calling out the rounds “3 BURPEES SIR, DOWN!” 😂

– Praise report for the Gunn family
– Prayers for @HairBand and his family navigating the death of a great-grandparent and the related family strife
– Praise again for the $5k from the F3 Foundation
– YHC shared that on Nov 21 we’ll be adopting a little girl we’ve been fostering for 1.5 years now
– Signing Day tomorrow!

Rain on Rain on Rain

AO: toratoratora
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: greyalbum, Hot Route, Ultratecht, Quik Stik, The Bobs
FNGs: None
Lots of Rain

Standard stuff

“The Alex Workout” Had to call an audible due to the rain, so we ran to the bridge and back with some burpees interspersed.

No noise november about to kickoff

Thankful for brotherhood

Hold It – F3 Nashville 9 year Anniversary

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Right Said, CubCadet, EZ-Go, Michelin Man, Cowboy, Vector, PegLeg, DintyMoore, Supernova, t-cell, Betty Ford, Toothless, Salpal, Crawlspace, bluemule, princessaurora, Peg Leg, McAfee, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, greyalbum, Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Popper (Alpha), Truffle , Bocephus
FNGs: 1 Bocephus

Mosey to the field
In the field w/ Arms out
High Knees – 9 yards
Butt Kickers – 9 yards
Super Mario’s – 9 yards
Willy Mays Hays – 9 OYO
Good Mornings – 9 OYO

Hold It! AMRAP – as many rounds as possible
Divide up in 6 groups, about 4-6 people per group. 

There are five stations that are AMRAPs with a twist. One person in each team has to hold an exercise for as long as they can while the other 3 people are working the AMRAP. When person 1 can no longer hold the exercise, everyone completes 3 burpees. Then a new group member starts the holding exercise.

The 6th station is the time keeper, run for 6 minutes. Quickly, rotate stations at the end of 6 minute run.

Base of Steps
Station 1 – balance quadruped position (all fours with knees slightly off the ground. Good alignment required!
3 burpees at switch
1. 9 diamond merkins
2. 9 merkin to side plank
3. 9 mountain climbers (R+L=1)
4. 9 tricep dips

Facing First Bank
Station 2 – hold a decline plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 swings w coupon
2. 9 squats w coupon
3. 9 around the world w coupon
4. 9 OHP w coupon

Open Field
Station 3 – hold a low plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 big boy sit-ups
2. 9 vector ups
3. 9 freddy mercuries (R+L=1)
4. 9 American Hammers (R+L=1)

Station 4 – hollow body hold, 3 burpees at each switch
1. 9 iron mikes (R+L=1)
2. 9 Bonnie Blairs (R+L=1)
3. 9 broad jumps
4. 9 star jumps

Inside the Circle
Station 5 – hold a Coupon in a front lateral raise, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 pogo jumps
2. 9 seated vertical jumps
3. 9 super Mario’s
4. 9 approach jumps

Station 6 – run 6 minutes
1. Run the loop and complete as many laps as possible in the time limit. Keep track of groups total laps

Rotate when runners return after 6 minutes.
keep track of the number of switches or burpees each group completes.

Scoring –
Subtract total number of burpees from total laps

MARY: No Time


COT: Thankful for the opportunity to meet together and share in the celebration of this community that is so much more than a workout group.