
AO: offthebooks
Q: Go Fish
PAX: Grape, Zelenskyy, gov’t mule, Harbaugh, Howitzer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: none

THE THANG: 3.2 miles on the white trail at a 12:00 party pace

MOLESKINE: Will was destined to see those people again.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout this morning!

COT: thanks to Go Fish for the prayer


AO: iiipillars
Q: wardas1
PAX: t-cell, Go Fish, Tackle Box, princessaurora, Grape, gov’t mule, Pep, Two Face, YumYum, moneyshot, Haggis, It’sJUSTLunch, Baguette, ironlung, Harbaugh, Full Monty, Fannie, Secret Stash, Howitzer, Swiffer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: 30 of a lot of different things to try to make this feel like an actual workout

THE THANG: ultimate!

MOLESKINE: I believe the skins defeated the shirts, though it was a hard fought battle. No one knows the rules, and you know what, that’s ok.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout today!

Decision Fatigue

AO: greenmachine
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Focker, moneyshot, Grape, Cowboy, Michelin Man, Haggis, t-cell, DR St. Louis Pax Named?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Muggy. Almost underwater.

WARMUP: Who needs to warm up? Come early to warm up.

THE THANG: Decision Fatigue

1. Ran about 1 mile. Good clip.
2. Bottom of big hilly sidewalk at west end of parking lot. Count off 1s and 2s. 1 and 2 is a team. Team comes up with a stationary exercise for the bottom of the hill, a travel up the hill exercise, a stationary top of hill exercise, and a travel down (very steep!) exercise. No repeats.
3. Teams chose a mixture of lunge walks, merkins, squats, dry docks, flutters, imperial walkers, crawl bear, bernies, etc.
4. Ran about 1 mile back in Indigenous People run formation.
5. Mary – choose your own adventure abs by the Pax.

MOLESKINE: The goal today was for me to make as few decisions as possible as this is my busy work time and I’m in brain overload. As moneyshot noted, the only material thing I picked was the crappy Festival Bangers playlist on Apple Music.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check -f3-nashville-general Toothless report.

COT: Prayers were lifted up. We reflected on Focker’s great Bible Verse decision of Micah 6:8. We listened to the sound of no cicadas.

MM out.

Black Dots

AO: iiipillars
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Black Lung, Grape, Pep, Haggis, gov’t mule, YumYum, t-cell, Go Fish, Teva, Formica, Swiffer, Pipe Dream, Full Monty
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSHs, arm circles, Hillbillys, Imperial Walkers, and a mosey to the track. Then, a 4 minute plank to show that iiipillars has what it takes to match middle-tooth.

THE THANG: Two rounds of a 45s on, 15s upper body circuit punctuated by a lap of the track and followed by 3 minutes of Mary.

MOLESKINE: Thanks to Haggis for coming in clutch with the Rivian:tm: speaker. Playlist is if anyone needs a backup. iiipillars boasts a really delightful group of HIMs, I look forward to being back.

:coffee:️ Coffee provided by the imitable princessaurora on his way to Mammoth Cave.
🧎‍♂️‍➡️ Prayers offered for three with cancer, Haggis job interview, and other requests spoken and unspoken.

Hear us when we call, O God of our righteousness, have mercy on us and hear our prayer.


OTB Party Pace Run

AO: offthebooks
Q: Chunks , Natural Ice, Grape
PAX: Natural Ice, Grape
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and No Rain


4.6 Mile Party Pace run discussing life and other stuff




May The Twoth Be With You… did that work?

AO: greenmachine
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Focker, Chunks, Black Lung, Betty Ford, moneyshot, Grape, NFT, Works for a Guy, t-cell, FeelTheBerns, Jumpstart (DR from Arkansas) , Humper F3 Knoxville,, Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
FNGs: 1 Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
CONDITIONS: The Best; Not too hot Not too cold, just right

WARMUP: SSHG, Good Mornings, WMH, Slow Squats, Marine Merkins (Demo)
Mosey to the Lipscomb amphitheater with a brief stop for pullups.
THE THANG: 50s 100s Lightening Round
Partner Up: Round 1: 50 DIDs: between you
Partner 1 box jumps up the steps x2
Partner 2 The exercise
Flip Flop
Round 2: 100 Palm Squats, Z chairs, Lunges P1 Runs P2 exercise
Round 3 Lightening Round AMRAP P1 Jumps x1 P2 Exercise FF
Mosey Back with the Indigenous Peoples Run to Star Deck
Mary: PAX dealer’s choice.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Natural Ice Games Night Saturday 5/4; Brews Day Tuesday 5/7 12 South Tap Room 4:30

COT: Prayers and Done

Jazz Hands!

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: YumYum, moneyshot, t-cell, Pep, Harbaugh, Ryan Minniear, Grape, Good Morning America, Dollywood, Cowboy, Zelenskyy, grisham, Black Lung, Full Monty, Swiffer, Pipe Dream
FNGs: 1 Pipe Dream
On this International Jazz Day, you never know what note someone could play next.


Plenty damp but the rain thankfully cleared out.


Mosey to the field for a 3/4 lap and then circle up in the middle to get plankpril out of the way with a 4:00 plank to some delightful Italian jazz courtesy of Piero Umiliani.


With plankpril complete, it was time for today’s jazzy escalator workout. PAX complete the first exercise in the list below and take a lap around the track. Build on round 1 with the next exercise followed by another lap. RnR, continuing to build on the previous round all the way through to the final round of all 10 exercises.

1. Jump Squats x 5
2. Ab Thruster x 10
3. Z Chair x 15
4. Z Press x 20
5. E2K x 25
6. Ranger Merkin x 30
7. Crab Cakes x 35
8. Imperial Squat Walkers x 40
9. SSH x 45
10. Extenders x 50 cut for time

Mosey back to Startex for COT/BOM.


What started off relatively tame quickly escalated into an unpredictable sensory experience that, before we knew it, reached its end rather abruptly. But that’s jazz sometimes!

Welcome to FNG David Gilpin nka Pipe Dream, a nod to his unrealized potential as an organist. If this is news to you, I invoked Q rule 17.3 during coffeeteria. IYKYK


Pencil Pusher needs some help moving next Saturday, May 11. See Fish’s message above for details


– Continued prayers for Pep’s next project.
– Prayer for Go Fish selection
– Prayer for Full Monty as he steps into a new chapter in his career

I felt honored to see so many given the rainy morning, and it was a pleasure to lead each of y’all. Keep showing up!

Still jazzed,

Concrete vs Steel

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Shocker (Mark Holmes), Dan Tanna, Young and Restless, toga, Grape, Dan and Dave, Skeet, Decaf, Red Skull, Right Said, Frozen, C#, Blitz, Sgt Meatball, Westside, Pacer, Triple 7, Yak, Wes (DR Seattle)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: More than Pleasant

WARMUP: No Warm Up – Played the Song “Great Day to Be Alive” as a 4 min warning and opportunity to stretch


TRIVIA Concrete vs Steel

Divided the 4:13 men into their fraternities and divided the rest of the PAX

Must perform a Burpee before answering the question
Q1 – Core Principles of 4:13 Strong
13 SSH
Q2 – Mission of F3

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 2 – Bible
Q1 – Noah’s Sons Names
BOMBS – Starting at 5 and adding 5 reps each exercise
Q2 – How many years were the israelites enslaved

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 3 – Finances
Q1 – Reasons to save money
BOMBS – Starting at 10 and adding 5 reps each excercise
Q2 – Who needs a budget

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 4 – Work
Q1 – What does OSHA stand for
BOMBS – Starting at 10 and addeing 5 reps each excercise
Q2 – What are two free things you can bring to the job

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Stopped at stop sign and walked back to the Startex together.

Last Question for 5 points:
What are the requirements to graduate 4:13?

Group stuggled to answer this question, so we settled it with a Ring of Fire won by West Side.

Game ended in a tie for the first time.

Always honored to lead at 4:13. Thanks, Chunks

SIGNING DAY 4/26 AT 11:30 AM! Come support these men as they start the real work at their new jobs.

I pity the fool that thought this would be a “fun, light-hearted workout”

AO: westeros
Q: Sally
PAX: Natural Ice, Red Skull, Spinal Tap, Pep, Chunks, Vector, Michelin Man, Crawlspace, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Grape, Cash Cab
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Foolish and Foolhardy. Definitely sleeves-optional.

WARMUP: Warmup mosey to courts + active stretches upon arrival.

1. EMOM – alternate suicides with 10 burpees.
2. Deconstructed Burpees (atomic thrusters, merkins, squat jumps, burpees) from 1 to 10
3. Hill sprints forwards + backwards, some dealer’s choice routines.

MOLESKINE: (Can someone tell me the difference between this and announcements?)

– Plankril
– UFC Fight Night – see 2nd F channel
– Franklin vs. Huntsville contest

– Shooting victims at restuarant in Nashville.
– For those returning to church at Easter
– Gratitude for my wife finishing her defense.

Quote from “Into the Breach”:
I hope, too, that you will take what is helpful, bring it to the Lord in prayer, and go forward confidently in your vocation as men. Our life in Christ is not one of “do’s and don’ts,” but an adventure in authentic freedom. Embrace that freedom in order to place your life at the service of Christ, beginning in your home and radiating into the world.

Always a pleasure to lead. Sally out.


AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Spinal Tap, Grape, Right Said, Red Skull
FNGs: None

Mosey to the Parking Garage
Normal warm up of SSH, Imperial Walkers, Little Baby Arm Circles
Exercise at the bottom of the ramp, mode of travel up the ramp to half way do the exercise again, mode of travel to the top of the ramp excercise again
Exercises: Merkins, Hand release merkins, big boy situps, LBCs, Lunges, Jump Squats
Mode of Travel: Bear Crawl, Lunges, Mosey, Bernie

Pass the Speaker Caboose is loose run back to the startex
Reach the top of the parking garage
Paused for a moment to take in the sunrise and think about the meaning of the upcoming Easter Weekend.
Shared a little bit of what I said at my Grandfathers funeral about being present in everything we do

4:13 Class in need of encouragement, so make plans to come and encourage these men as they start a new life.
UFC 300/BBQ on 4/13/124 in Hendersonville. Check out 2ndf for details
Plankpril startes 4/1/24. Check slack for all the details

Closed in prayer for Easter and all of us dads to be present with our kids.