The things we do for love

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape
PAX: Focker, t-cell, Go Fish, Tackle Box, Black Lung, Goose, princessaurora, Harbaugh, Baguette, YumYum, Pep, Swiffer, Dollywood
FNGs: 1 Dollywood
CONDITIONS: snowy/icy! My fingers went numb! Just like my cold dead heart


20 SSH
10 Good Mornings OYO
10 OH Claps
10 Seal Claps
10 OH Press
10 Moroccan Night Clubs
mosey to the field



Four corners with a partner
20 hand slap merkins
20 hand slap BBSU’s
20 bropees
10 partner derkins each

One partner runs while other completes exercises for a total of 100 each of:
O Squats
V Ups
Elbows to knees (4 count mountain climbers)

3 MoMary picked from a “box of chocolates”
20 APD’s
20 Freddie Mercs
15 box cutters

MOLESKINE: we followed the journey of a star crossed lover who finally had the confidence to buy his heartthrob some flowers leading to an electric love that ultimately ended with infidelity that led to our hero contemplating the meaning of life. Thankfully, he proclaimed in the end that he would survive.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday tonight, Leanpax starts again in 10.5 months

COT: prayers for Nancy, Zelensky, the Benz family, and for love

What’s the name of the dwarf kingdom?

AO: greenmachine
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Works for a Guy, FeelTheBerns, EZ-Go, Sherlock, Cowboy, Deep State, Black Lung, Esposa, Firefox, t-cell, moneyshot, Focker, monster biscuit, Betty Ford, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Too hot for a hoodie


10 Walk out push ups
20 Imperial walkers
10 Hillbillies
Willy Mays Hayes

Our F3 fellowship had to deliver the Ring (bumper plate) to Mt. Doom. There were 4 stops on our journey with a weighted exercise at every station.

Rivendell – 3 reps for the elven kings
Pick up 15lb ring
IP run around track
– 3 mercs w ring and pass down
– Everyone mercs while we wait

Moria – 7 reps for dwarf lords
Pick up 15lb ring
IP run around track
– 7 ring presses
– Everyone mountain climbers while we wait

Gondor – 9 reps for mortal men
Pick up 25lb ring
IP run around track
– 9 ring squats
– Everyone air squats while we wait

Mt. Doom – 1 ring to rule them all
Pick up 35lb ring
IP run around track
– Overhead ring carry up bleachers
– Everyone burpees while we wait

MARY and Pippin:
Hold 6in until time

Last week of #leanpax!
Brewruck next Tuesday
Potential CSAUP at Greenmachine upcoming

Haggis job search
EZ-Go kids school change

Always a pleasure to be with this crew. Solid showing, solid effort, solid gainz!


Titan Up

AO: titan
Q: Goose
PAX: Black Lung, Sherlock, Right Said, Focker, DintyMoore, Pep, greyalbum, Good Morning America, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Crawlspace, Waterboy, Wolfpack, Tim the Toolman, Mansport
FNGs: 1 Mansport

WARMUP: Forward Fold, Willie Mays, Cherry Pickers, Repeat


200 squats, run a lap after 25 reps

Lunge to the Parthenon

Adora: 250 incline merkins while partner runs lap around parthenon

Circle of Mary


-Welcome  FNG Mansport from the UK

-Tuesday Brewsday at 12 south taproom at 430

-Prayers for Nancy

– Drake concert tonight at Bridgestone

No Abs

AO: detention
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Focker, Topanga, Works for a Guy, EZ-Go, Deep State, Accounts Receivable, Movin On Up, Esposa
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Snowflakes ❄️

WARMUP: mosey to playground

Arm Circles
Mountain Walkers
Knee to Elbow
Plank Toe Touches

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


6 min EMOMs + 2 down and back sprints after each exercise

45/15 Swings
45/15 Deadlift High Pull
45/15 Thrusters
30/30 Decline Merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: BrewRuck coming up after #leanpax, Prayers for @nancy

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Good to be with you this morning

FeelTheBerns V-2024-Q

AO: greenmachine
Q: FeelTheBerns
PAX: Cowboy, Deep State, Topanga, Focker, Movin On Up, Grape, Betty Ford, FeelTheBerns, Rocket Mortgage, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Extreme fog, miserable rain, balmy 60 degrees, no moneyshot

WARMUP: SSH, Black Friday/Good Mournings OYO, WMH OYO

The Pax were led down a dark alley to a secluded parking garage, where they were assigned a partner, and proceeded to complete
– 50 Burps
– 150 Ceiling Touches
– 250 WW1s
– 100 Ceiling Touches
– Completed individually while your partner orbited the lower-level of the garage, forward lap and Bernie Lap

The event concluded with a ring of fire to 180 ‘merican’s.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many, please see Slack. Focker provided an update on Nancy, who we hold in all of our prayers.

SHOUTOUTS: Focker provided navigational support, and supplied the Spirit, while Grape supplied the tunage. We are deeply appreciative for their support of my Qs.

RESULTS: I, and several other PAX, had the DOMS for the following 2 days, including in my feet. a Bottom 5 Q, living up the originally promised misery.

Turn It Up To 11!!!

AO: greenmachine
Q: Toothless
PAX: Focker, Grape, Goose, moneyshot, Chunks, Betty Ford, Topanga, Rocket Mortgage, bluemule, Cowboy, Black Lung, Sherlock, Pedialyte, Esposa, monster biscuit, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clear, still dark, crisp like a cold seltzer (definitely not a cold beer these days #leanpax 👀)


In lot to catch stragglers
– Side straddle hops x 30
– Willy mays hays
– High knees
– Windmills
– Butt kickers
– Carrot pullers
– Mosey to field


11s V1
– Hand-release merkins
– Squat jumps
– Mosey to 20 yd line, Bernie back

11s V2
– Big boy sit-ups
– Prisoner squats
– Mosey to 20 yd line, Bernie back

4 Corners
Partnered, Dora style, one exercise at each corner, wait for six before rotating to next corner.

Travel exercise was to run out to 50 yd line, side shuffle across field, Bernie back to end zone, then shuffle back across goal line.

– 50 Body builders
– 100 Supermans
– 200 Dry docks
– 400 American hammers

The side shuffles were a crowd “pleaser”, with several “compliments” along the way. “That’s where I’m most likely to be sore, in one of those muscles right in here” – Black Lung, as he gestures to his pelvic box 👀

Playlist was a set from the Rock Band video game. Witnessed Grape and Focker reliving their glory days as singer and drummer 🎤 🥁 🎸

– Grape shared
– Dinty is moving down street to finished renovation, details for moving day to come

Shield Lock
This is a group of 3-5 guys who are consistently spending time with one another, ready to lock shields in support against life’s challenges. Do you have one? Are you investing in those relationships outside the family structure that will be there through ups and downs? I encourage you to build those relationships before you need them, you’ll be glad you did.

Coldballs Warm Heart Can’t Snooze

AO: iiipillars
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Tackle Box, Baguette, Go Fish, Zelenskyy, Pep, Grape, Good Morning America, Focker, princessaurora, Natural Ice, Formica, Hardball, Government Mule, Howitzer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual suspects
SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billies,
Arm Circles, Moroccan Night Clubs
Willy Mays Hays, Good Mornings

Burpee apocalypse, possibly miss counted by YHC. Likely landing at the usual 55 burpees

Pax Froggered to a nearby parking garage and took on a lengthly tabata. Pax performed an exercise for a solid minute, with a 10 second rest.

C – Crunchy frogs
O – Overhead arm press
L – Lt Dans
D – Diamond merkin
B – Big boy sit ups
A – Alternating shoulder taps
L – Lunge
L – Little baby crunch
S – Squats

W – Wide merkins
A – American hammers
R – Rocky balboa
M – Monkey humpers

H – Heels to the heavens
E – Elbow jack – plank jack at low plank
A – Apollo Ohno
R – Russian twists
T – Turkish get up – lay down don’t use arms or use one to get up

C – Carolina Dry Docks
A – Al Gore Tree Hugger
N – Nolan Ryan – Its a punching newtons cradle
T – Toad Squat – Squat and touch the ground like a toad then hop

S – Star Jump
N – No Surrender
O – Outlaw – On your six legs together an make an O
O – Oblique Crunches
Z – Zoro – Z version of the Outlaw
E – Electric Chair – Wall squat

Pax’s experienced a well rounded tabata and extreme Exicon expansion

Thank you @grape for the opportunity to lead!

Back to School

AO: detention
Q: Grape
PAX: Movin On Up, Esposa, Topanga, Works for a Guy, Accounts Receivable, EZ-Go, Deep State, Focker
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, seal claps, OH claps, 1+ mile “heard it through the grapevine” run around the hood

THE THANG: Dora 1-2-3 with coupons

100 Burpees
200 Sumo squats
300 OH press (modified to chest press halfway through)
Partner ran parking lot loop

Sprints at various percentages (60, 67, 80, 100, 98, 90, 82, 75, @esposa speed, etc.)

5 MoM


Hendersonville rising on 1/13 at 6am

COT: prayers for @focker to have patience and a longer fuse with family, prayers for @ez-go to have peace about middle schoolers and grades, praise for @accountsrecievable and continued blessing of marriage counseling

It was an honor gentlemen!! Thanks for having me!



AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: bluemule, Focker, sooner, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Movin On Up, Grape, Go Fish, Harbaugh, Tackle Box, moneyshot, Bard, Formica, Haggis
FNGs: None



Big balls in hand, mosey to the field for a little COP

– IYTs
– SnL Squats
– Fire Hydrants R/L
– Good Mornings


Swole 30 – In honor of LeanPax commencing, YHC thought we’d keep a strict WHOLE 30 diet. 30 reps of the following exercises, each exercise separated by a lap around the track.

Hollow body rocks
Overhead Squats
Eight Count Body-Builders

Various Ab work to wait for six

Slam Ball Lines – PAX form two lines each with a slam ball, and line up behind goal line. PAX 1 performs explosive slam ball chest pass toward other end zone and runs to back. Cycle through line all the way to other end. RnR return trip. Switch to reverse slam ball toss for round 2.

Pull-up Set – Quick mosey to find some pulling space on the jungle gym and swing set. PAX perform pull-ups to failure, followed by rest of seconds equal to reps. RnR until you can only get one.

LeanPax Tabata – Mosey back to middle of field for LEANPax Ab Tabata. 20” of work followed by 10” of rest. 8’ total=4 rounds of each exercise

Leg Raises
Elbows to knees (one side only each round)
Ab Thrusters
Newton’s Cradle

Soundtrack to this section was Don McLean’s 8-ish minute hit “American Pie” as the LeanPax-ers have in fact said bye-bye to processed desserts among other things.


Prayers for @tackle_box nephew and for my mom.

Many of us have set some sort of goals this year. We are surrounded by guys who want to help us achieve those goals, so be accountable to someone and be an encouragement. Grateful to lead y’all once again.

Christmas Caroloing

AO: westeros
Q: Chunks
PAX: Salpal, Grape, hambone, Right Said, Crawlspace, Detective Pikachu, Vector, Focker
FNGs: None

25 SSH
Some other stretches
Mosey across West End for a tour of the neighborhood and lights.
Stopped at every house that had lights to do a variety of exercises.
Stopped along the way to deliver a christmas present to one of out fellow PAX
Mosey back to the hill near the startex for some dealers choice while one PAX ran up and down the hill
One more lap around the AO stopping at one last house for some exercises.
Mosey back to StartEx.
My gift to the PAX was ending a couple minutes early.
New Year’s Day Convergence
Lean Pax #leanpax
Hendersonville re launch 1/13
DP’s family after loss of grandmother
Focker’s coworker’s husband

Always an honor to lead. Christmas is a time to be with family and you guys have become my family. So grateful to be a part of this group. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.