May The Twoth Be With You… did that work?

AO: greenmachine
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Focker, Chunks, Black Lung, Betty Ford, moneyshot, Grape, NFT, Works for a Guy, t-cell, FeelTheBerns, Jumpstart (DR from Arkansas) , Humper F3 Knoxville,, Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
FNGs: 1 Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
CONDITIONS: The Best; Not too hot Not too cold, just right

WARMUP: SSHG, Good Mornings, WMH, Slow Squats, Marine Merkins (Demo)
Mosey to the Lipscomb amphitheater with a brief stop for pullups.
THE THANG: 50s 100s Lightening Round
Partner Up: Round 1: 50 DIDs: between you
Partner 1 box jumps up the steps x2
Partner 2 The exercise
Flip Flop
Round 2: 100 Palm Squats, Z chairs, Lunges P1 Runs P2 exercise
Round 3 Lightening Round AMRAP P1 Jumps x1 P2 Exercise FF
Mosey Back with the Indigenous Peoples Run to Star Deck
Mary: PAX dealer’s choice.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Natural Ice Games Night Saturday 5/4; Brews Day Tuesday 5/7 12 South Tap Room 4:30

COT: Prayers and Done

Are You Not Entertained!?

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Toothless
PAX: Rocket Mortgage, Betty Ford, Hair Band, Young Pawn, Oatmeal, Subway, sooner, Puzzlah, Focker
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: The rain let up just like I planned it at precisely 5:27am. In scouting the conditions, I encountered a crawdad swimming on the asphalt. True story, will share the evidence.


– SSH x 80 (Colosseum was finished in 80 AD!)
– Willy Mays Hays x 12 (two each side)
– Michael Phelps x 10
– Big Arm Circles x 10
– Reverse Big Arm Circles x 10
– Good Mornings x 10 oyo

THE THANG: Are You Not Entertained!? :crossed_swords: :stadium:

Start with a 4 minute plank for plankpril to “win the crowd”

Count off into 2 groups. For the following rounds, all reps must be completed, but groups may pick up reps from the six to complete. Loser will have a choice of exercise in the next round, team wins will matter at the end.

Round 1
– Bear crawl to fence
– Lunge back
– 50 merkins
All run 2 laps when completed

Round 2
– Chariot (wheelbarrow) to fence
– Broad jump back
– Choice: 50 WWI’s / 100 American Hammers (2ct.)
– Team 2 won Round 1, so Team 1 chose 100 two-count American Hammers
All run 2 laps when completed

Round 3
– Suicides x 3 (each far court line, first & back, second & back, 3rd & back)
– Inchworm Merkin there
– Bernie back (outside line to avoid collision)
– Choice: 50 Euro Steps / 100 Squats
– Team 1 won round 2, so Team 2 chose 100 Squats

30 Burpee buyout, minus 5 per winning round for each team.
– Team 2 won 2 rounds and did 20
– Team 1 won 1 round and did 25.

Back to Startex for Mary – dealers choice of weapon (exercise) and proceed til time.

On a particularly rainy morning, YHC was grateful for the 10 PAX who did not let the fartsack win them over and who came out to test their mettle.

I personally found the playlist invigorating, and while there was mumblechatter, I think all but 2 PAX held the full 4 minute plank! Excellent full body yells on brand from Young Pawn.

Considering the conditions, we stayed pretty dry all the way until Mary when Rocket Mortgage promptly had us down in the water for our first exercise. Thanks for that – made the coffee from sooner taste even better!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: So very many – please see -f3-nashville-general for the full list!

Additional announcement is that Oatmeal and sooner are taking their families camping this weekend to Montgomery Bell State Park, and there’s an open invite to others who want to go!

COT: YHC echoed the message in the pre-blast about the importance of AOQs in F3 and shared gratitude for the 5-6 current and previous AOQs we had around the circle. I reiterate that we want PAX to lead before they’re ready and to leave before their ready, and we are pushing to help that trend solidify.

Prayers shared for recent diagnosis, death of an extended family member, and for a tragic incident in another F3 region with an FNG collapsing & not making it. Will share more as that travels through the grapevine.

Thank you, HIM, for your effort today. May you be better for it!

As always, it’s an honor to lead.
— Toothless :tooth:

Its the end of the world

AO: greenmachine
Q: sooner
PAX: t-cell, Oatmeal, Black Lung, Focker, moneyshot, Cowboy, Betty Ford, Haggis, NFT, Rocket Mortgage, Topanga
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: it’s the end of the world… Pleasant temperatures and mild humidity, but massive radiation and deadly spore outbreaks

A standard active sooner warm up

The world has laid waste to your city. Every day is a fight for basic survival.
“Ab city”
– Fifty LBCs
– Fifty “dolphin kicks”
– Fifty hammers
– Fifty WWI
– upon finding a mangled, mutated t-cell… Added 50 happy crunchy frogs… Note, t-cell actually had turned into a frog from the radiation

Every gas station has been sacked. Homes sit empty. Store fronts shattered. A new world awaits in the great beyond.
– Groups of 3
– Two travel… one by bernie, one by mozie
– One stands watch… 100 x mike tysons; 200 x iron mikes; 300 merkin-jacks (cut short for time)

After the end of the end of a great journey, a eutopia is found deep in the heartland. The pax observed the start of the age as follows
– sprinting at increasing speed x 4
– a bit of yoga/dad stretching
– plank-pril

Leg day!

See slack

Comfort and healing, leadership and loving kindness

Run It Back

AO: greenmachine
Q: Grape
PAX: Salami, moneyshot, Focker, Cowboy, Haggis, Right Said
FNGs: None

WARMUP: normal stuff

THE THANG: round 1, partner runs stairs while other completes

Atomic merkins
Carolina dry docks
Knees to elbows (Peter Parker’s)
Ukrainian hammers
Newtons cradle

Round 2, went to dry ground, partner lunge walks and Bernie’s while other completes

Leg raises
Crunches (I don’t think this is what we did, can’t remember)
Knees to elbows (crunches)
‘Umpers of the monkey variety
Normal merkins

5MoM (including a 2 min plank)

COT: great prayer time and great coffeeteria


March Madness 1994

AO: detention
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Donkey Hammer, Accounts Receivable, Cowboy, Deep State, Esposa, EZ-Go, Focker, moneyshot, Movin On Up, Right Said, Topanga, Matador
FNGs: 1 Matador
In honor of March Madness being upon us we performed 45 minutes of unending movement to the tune of Jock Jams (see below for link if unfamiliar, thank me later).

CONDITIONS: Just right

WARMUP: Indigenous peoples run, parking lot side shuffles, stretch it out

Mens bracket: (suicide between each exercise)
68 – squats
64 – block rows
32 – block mercs
16 – triple arm killers (curl, press, tricep extension)
8 – 8 count body-builder
4 – hand stand push ups
2 minute low plank

Women’s bracket: (15 SSH between exercises)
68 – mountain climbers
64 – hello dollys
32 – block mercs
16 – block raises
8 – 8 count body-builders
4 – burpees
2 min 6 inches

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murder Mile Thursday at greenmachine, get there a few minutes early

Birthday #1s for My 54th

AO: bomber
Q: Vector
PAX: Black Lung, Cream Cheese, DintyMoore, Sherlock, Pep, Papa Bear, CubCadet, Chunks, Tim the Toolman, t-cell, Recharge, Focker, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
So, YHC turned 54 last week (What? I don’t look that old? Oh, stop with all the complements, you . . . ), so time once again for a Birthday Q. Today’s theme, blatantly stolen from a Hi-Viz Q a few years back, was #1 songs from my birthdays of days past.

CONDITIONS: 50s, light breeze – perfect for everyone except Focker who stated at coffeeteria how much he loves the mid-summer, 90s and high humidity workout. And he was serious . . .

1970 (True Day of Birth #1) – Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon & Garfunkel [NOTE: not the best workout song, bit of a downer, but that’s my true birthday #1]
1978 (8th Bday) Night Fever – Bee Gees
1980 (10th Bday) Crazy Little Thing Called Love – Queen
1983 (13th Bday) Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
1984 (14th Bday) Jump – Van Halen
1988 (18th Bday) Never Gonna Give You Up – Rick Astley
1993 (23rd Bday) The Sign – Ace of Base
1997 (27th Bday) Wannabe – The Spice Girls
2003 (33rd Bday) In da Club – 50 Cent
2012 (42nd Bday) We are Young – fun.
2013 (43rd Bday) Happy – Pharrell Williams
2019 (49th Bday) Sucker – Jonas Brothers

54 SSH as per Vector Bday tradition
LBAC x 12
Seal Claps x 12
Overhead Press x 12
RLBAC x 12
WMH x 10 OHO
Good Mornings x 10 OHO

#1: Mosey to playground – 54s
5 exercises x 4 sets with Rec Center run in between each set.
50 Squats
40 Incline merkins
30 Big boy sit ups
20 Lunges
10 Pull ups
(Kudos to Black Lung for ensuring correct forms were followed)

#2: 54 sprint – 5 burpees, run up hill, 4 burpees

#3: DIDs: 18 each of Dips, Incline merkins, Decline merkins (18 x 3 = 54 . . . ’cause math!)

Mary with flutter kicks, boxcutters and some god awful exercise from Focker called Seal Crunches . . . form was definitely varied across the circle on those

– Thanks for Black Lung’s M with a new job
– bluemule beer event – check Slack (like literally EVERY single channel)
– Murder Mile next week at Green Machine

COT: Moment to take in the day and then thanks to the HIM who continue to push me and make me feel much younger than 54. I did appreciate hearing that many were gassed by the workout, with the highest praise coming from t-cell: “This is a workout that Vector would complain about if he wasn’t Q.” Well said, my friend. Well said. SYITG, Vector

L.E.A.P. D.A.Y.

AO: greenmachine
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Breadsticks, Cowboy, Focker, Grape, moneyshot, Rocket Mortgage, t-cell, Topanga, Works for a Guy, monster biscuit, Haggis
FNGs: None
Practically arctic juxtaposed with the balmy weather just days before

Mosey to midfield for a little COP:
– Randies
– Moroccan Night Clubs
– Fire Hydrants

Line up in the end zone for a L.E.A.P. D.A.Y. escalator. Each round, PAX perform exercise, Bernie to 50-yard line, and jog back. With each successive round, PAX are adding the next exercise on top of previous exercises before their runs.

Lunges x 10
– Eccentric Squats (3-ct down) x 20
– Apolo Ohnos x 30
– Plyo Jumps x 40

400m lap to shake the legs out, and then, in keeping with the day’s “extra” theme, perform final round with all four exercises one more time.

Moving into the upper body portion with the same format.

– Dive Bomber Merkins x 10
– Ab Thrusters x 20
– Y-Raises x 30

200m lap followed by an extra round of all three, then mosey to the pull-up bars.

Split into groups of three. One group calls ab exercise while they perform 29 pull-ups each as a team (modified for time, but not before t-cell, moneyshot, and YHC tested the original plan).


Soundtrack consisted of bonus/hidden tracks through the years, and there were some real nostalgic gems in there.

Always a great group at greenmachine. Thanks to Focker for letting me take the reins on this extra day and for caffeinating us all. I might need to make GM a part of my routine.

Murder Mile – 3/28
Plankpril – 4/1-4/30

My BIL and his wife’s pregnancy
Haggis’s job search

PA out.


AO: iiipillars
Q: Vector
PAX: Bard, Black Lung, Dollywood, Focker, wardas1, Go Fish, Grape, Harbaugh, Natural Ice, Pep, princessaurora, Tackle Box, t-cell, YumYum, Haggis, TiVo, Fanny (Kotter with a long-forgotten name)
FNGs: 2 TiVo, Fanny (Kotter with a long-forgotten name)
YHC became a smidge nervous when our AOQ Grape announced todays’ session as one I’d be “committing crimes against our bodies,” although that did prompt a HC from Natural Ice due to interest in an “awkward” workout . . . Then the lightning storm prior to start had me possibly scrambling with a workout other than “let’s stand in the middle of a field at the top of a hill.” But the storm passed, the weather was perfect, and (I think) no bodies had crimes committed against them.

For today’s theme, I unearthed a playlist used up in Louisville during a recent visit to see pumpkin spice — the Louisville PAX, not ones to note the brilliance of a theme playlist, didn’t take too kindly to some of the cheesy selections, even at one point grabbing the Vector-o-jukebox to change songs. Party foul, bro. I knew the HIM of iiiPillars were far more appreciative of cheesy playlists, so this one, about partners, seemed perfect.

CONDITIONS: Post storm perfection – nice breeze, good temp.

It Takes Two – Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
Why Can’t We Be Friends – War
I Got You – Split Enz
Just the Two of Us – Grover Washington Jr w/ Bill Withers
We Can Work it Out – Beatles
Best Friend – English Beat
Get Together – The Youngbloods
With a Little Help from My Friends – Beatles
Together Forever – Rick Astley
You’re the One that I Want – Olivia Newton-John/John Travolta
Team – Lorde
Come Together – Beatles

(10 burpees to start due to the flag falling to the ground followed by 5 more due to some PAX sass re: YHC following his own instructions). Mosey to field.
Started with counting off and noting your partner, who you’d be stuck with the rest of the morn.
SSH x 20, LBC x 20, Seal claps x 10, Overhead claps x 10, Overhead press x 10, RLBC x 20. WMH and Good Mornings OYO x 10 each.

#1 PAIR: Plankjacks, Abd crunches, Incline Merkins, and “Regular” Squats – total 200 per exercise per pair, one exercises while partner runs lap.

#2 DUO: Dips, Underdogs, Overhead Squats x 200 with laps

Mosey back to Startex and high 5 partner for job well done.

MOLESKINE: Named FNG TiVo (given prior h/o of work with Direct TV) and a Kotter who had forgotten his name from long ago — as per renaming rules, the second name must be more embarrassing (assuming he was not the FNG once named “Soft Wood,” an unfortunate choice that led to never seeing that HIM again). princessaurora noted with the HIM’s initials BG that a Bee Gees song name was appropriate, specifically “Fanny” – a song about a woman who needed to be “tender with [the] love” of the 3 Australio-UK Disco singers. Natural Ice, there’s your awkward . . .

1. Biscuit Run Half Marathon this weekend – check slack for deets.

1. Prayers for Yuri
2. A lot of mumblechatter about the 60s flavor of the playlist . . . YHC took no offense, as great music is timeless, my friends.
3. Grateful for the PAX of HIM for allowing me to lead, tolerating once again (and far more that Louisville PAX) the playlist, and making me stronger and better each day.


Workout in the key of G-string

AO: greenmachine
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: Focker, Esposa, Betty Ford, Breadsticks, baggervance, Grape, moneyshot, Cowboy, Deep State, FeelTheBerns, Haggis
FNGs: None
Warm, light breeze, perfect for a beatdown

– Motivator x7
– BACs
– Back-BACs
– Overhead Claps
– Evolution of Man (There and back)
– 5 yard inchworm
– 10 yard Alligator Crawl
– 15 yard Bear Crawl
– 20 yard Gorilla Run
– 50 yard Sprint to the Endzone

(Split into two teams and each team takes a sandbag)
Two Rounds of both relays

– Team is all in high plank
– one-by-one each PAX does 10 endorphins
– Run ten yards and return to plank (Al Gore when you fail plank)
Losing team does five burpees
Another relay
– Team does slow squats
– PAX with the sandbag does 15 thrusters
Losing team does five burpees

Back on the line for a burner. Twenty yards of lunges, twenty merkins, then lunge back and twenty more merkins.

Twenty yards burpee broad jumps with twenty squats at the end. Return with the same MOT and squats at the end zone

– High plank while we went over the mission, core principles, and credo. 5 Merkins after each.
– Slow ass leg raises x20
– Penguin Heel taps x20

My dad wasn’t the most present father when I was growing up, but he was adamant about faith. And one of his favorite quotes when I was being a typical teenager was “honor your father and mother.” There came a day when I was in college when I realized “honor” and “obey” are NOT the same. There is honor and respect in telling your father when he has done wrong. There is love in correction. Even correction of a parent/family member.

Murder mile (no clue what it is actually called) coming up in April
Any of y’all are welcome to come to workouts at the brig where I am AOQ. It’s Wednesdays @ Grassland park 5:45am
Biscuit Run Saturday, March 2. (message me if you want details on either)

Intentions were shared, prayers were said

Anterior Mid Cingulate Cortex

AO: bomber
Q: Chunks
PAX: Crawlspace, hambone, Sherlock, Hair Band, CubCadet, Michelin Man, Tim the Toolman, Focker, Vector, Papa Bear, Firefox, Right Said, Wet Wipes, DintyMoore, Pep, 8 Ballz
FNGs: 1 8 Ballz
CONDITIONS: Brisk but Nice

WARMUP: Not today!

Today’s goal was to grow our Anterior Mid Cingulate Cortex by doing hard things to accelerate our tenacity.

10 Burpee Buy In
Mosey to rock circle on the greenway
9 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
8 Burpees
Boo Boo Bear Crawl to first island with left leg up
Boo Boo Bear Crawl to next island with right leg up
Mosey back to starting island
7 Burpees
Mosey to rock circle on the greenway
6 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
Peter Parker/Alligator Merkins to first island
LT Dan Broad Jumps to next island
Mosey back to starting island
5 Burpees
Mosey to rock circle on greenway
4 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
3 Burpees
Lunge Walk to last island
Mosey back to starting Island
3 Burpees
Mosey to rock circle on greenway
4 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
5 Burpees
Squat shuffle left foot first to first island
Squat shuffle right foot first to next island
Mosey back to starting Island
6 Burpees
Mosey to Startex
7 Burpees
8 Burpees
9 Burpees
10 Burpees
20 LBCs
30 secs of flutter kicks

Always an honor to lead at any AO, but this being my first time to Q at the illustrious Bomber was special. Hope everyone had a good time and grew their aMCC.

Welcome to 8 Ballz!
Brew Ruck 2/17/24 check slack or connect with Red Skull
@papabear needs some helpers to move a few pieces of furniture tomorrow at 9 am.
Prayers for @cowboy and family
Prayers for mental health. Don’t suffer in silence. Seek out others to talk to. We are not meant to do this thing called life alone.