Staying Warm by the Fire 🔥

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Toothless
PAX: Topanga, sooner, Rocket Mortgage, monster biscuit, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Black Lung, Firefox, moneyshot, Young Pawn
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp and clear, some mumblechatter about it being too cold and being ready for spring. The Q was prepared to address this concern.



– SSH x 30
– Active warmups down lot to light pole


PAX count off forming three groups

– Group 1 does an Indian run for 2 laps
– Group 2 does an exercise on the ground
– Group 3 does a standing exercise around Group 2

All shuffle when G1 returns. Runners to the ground, ground stands up, and standing group runs.

Do four sets (2 mins AMRAP in each station based on runners):
1. Hand Release Merkins, Tree Huggers
2. American Hammers, Burpees
3. Carolina Dry Docks, Lt. Dans
4. Big Boy Sit Ups, SSHs

Circle up for…

Rings of Fire 🔥

– High and low plank, up or down on “thunder”
– SSH / Burpees on “Roxanne”
Flower (Bring Sally Up)
– Squats, up or down as directed

– Night Moves at Frothy Monkey in the Nations Wednesday at 1800 hours
– Last 2 weeks of #leanpax

It was an honor to have a little homecoming back to #middle-tooth. Everyone showed up for corporate 😆 The men all pushed themselves this AM and I dare say managed to stay warm!

— Toothless 🦷

BlackLung Monday Mayhem #1

AO: westeros
Q: Black Lung
PAX: Spinal Tap, Crawlspace, Vector, Firefox, Pep, Chunks, Wolfpack, Siri, Natural Ice, Salpal, Grape, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock
FNGs: None
Chunks decided that once a month, Westeros is holding a “Monday Mayhem” with intentionally difficult workouts. I was honored to be invited for the inaugural event and did my best to deliver.

CONDITIONS: Cold and dreary
WARMUP: non-existant
Burpee apocalypse (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3)
Run to tennis courts

Ab blaster:
30 WWIs, 30 4-ct flutter kicks, 20 leg lifts, 100 mountain climbers, 30 WWIs, 25 flutter kicks, 15 leg lifts, 50 mountain climbers, 20 WWIs

Tabata: (40 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest); 3 sets per round (9 minutes):
Round 1: Jump Squats, Burpees, WWIIs
3 Tennis Court Sideline Suicide Runs

Round 2: Iron Mikes, Hand Release Merkins, LBCs
3 Tennis Court Sideline Suicide Runs

Run back to start just in time for 20 more hand-release merkins (~80 total) and 10 more burpees (~100 total)

Always a pleasure to lead. Thanks to Chunks for the invitation.

Oh, oh, it’s MAGIC

AO: titan
Q: Vector
PAX: Black Lung, Chunks, Detective Pikachu, DintyMoore, Firefox, Freakonomics, Good Morning America, greyalbum, hambone, Natural Ice, Pep, preacherman, Right Said, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, 15-Love
FNGs: 1 15-Love
As is often the case with a Vector Q, the workout planning involves weeks of theme playlist curating and then a frantic 24 hours of “crap, how do I create a workout to match my super cool playlist?” So, in that spirit:

While many may try to use instant supplements or crazy muscle building ideas to get swole, you can’t rely on magic to get fit. So in honor of Harry Houdini, born 150 years ago in 1874, I present a different kind of magic to get y’all in shape.

CONDITIONS: Damp yet perfect

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot to the far side of the Parthenon. Willy Mayes Hayes x 10, LBAC x 10, Seal claps x 10, Overhead Press x 10, Reverse LBAC x 10, and Good Mornings x 10 OHO

MAGIC #1 – 150 reps of each exercise and a run around the Parthenon between each:
M – Merkins
A – Alabama Prom Dates
G – Gorilla Humpers (which I had to example multiple times . . . hmm)
I – Iron Mikes
C – Carolina Dry Docks
(Fair amount of mumbling that each leg should not count only 1/2 on these exercises . . . I did not waiver).

MAGIC #2: 150 reps but no running in between due to time
M: Mountain Climbers
A: Ass Kickers
G: Great Form Squats
I: Incline Merkins
C: Crunches (Little Baby)

Ended at time – welcomed FNG 15-Love a recently married tennis fan EH’d by Detective Pikachu.

PRAYERS: To Grey Album on impending adoption and associated stress, friend Yuri and family facing pancreatic cancer, and others I forgot (apologies!)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hunger Games this weekend, Hike/Ruck with 2.0s to give M’s a break – see Slack for deets.

Honored to lead and that you all continue to tolerate my Q-uirkiness (see what I did there?) in leading . . . SYITG

Insert Generic Witty Title About Cold Weather Here

AO: atlantis
Q: Salpal
PAX: DintyMoore, Firefox, Young Pawn, Hair Band
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Almost, but not quite, in the single digits club. Maybe next year boys.

WARMUP: A few misc. routines and an ill-advised lap around a frozen parking lot.

THE THANG: EMOM Stations: Burpees, Lt. Dan’s, 35 lb. KB Swings, Jump Squats, BB Sit-ups.

Ring of Fire + Howler Monkeys + Dealer’s Choice Mary to Close.

I took off a few clothes.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: PARTY @Firefox feat. @Natural_Ice MEAT NEXT SATURDAY LETS GO. If you really wanna shop around F3 events, @Hair_Band has an event before at the Cookery. Night moves + new Atlantis AOQ announcement.

Prayers for Hairband’s family, Dinty’s Reno, Young Pawn’s wife RTO (first time this week), Foxy’s wife’s grant, and the homeless and isolated of Nashville.

Reply below if I missed anything. Honor to lead. GreenSallyOut.

Kultimate Kans

AO: atlantis
Q: sooner
PAX: Oatmeal, Salpal, Crawlspace, Detective Pikachu, Hair Band, Firefox
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: brisk but not bright

WARMUP: active stretching


four things relay, lots of coaching… round 1-4 travels forward and back: murder bunny/redrum bunny, bear crawls/crawl bears, broad jump/backwards broad jump, mozey/jog

new game!!!
Ultimate KanJam, aka “Kultimate”
teams of 3, periodic exercises dictated by the q, general ultimate rules apply (5 stall count), hit the can-2 pts, in the kan-4 pts, in the slot-10 pts… play to 40… I thought we’d play best of 3, but turned into a turnover fest and only played 1 game.

share favorite memory below
– rugby scrum for the miss

a surprising number of announcements, leanpax, Firefox game night+hairband show on Jan 27, a special Atlantis night moves in February, others im sure im forgetting

Bomber vs Handsomizer – 2023

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice , DintyMoore
PAX: Detective Pikachu, Wolfpack, Siri, Salpal, Firefox, Spinal Tap, bluemule, Chunks, Grape, Crawlspace, DintyMoore, Rocket Mortgage, Frasier, Natural Ice, Down Range – Hunch Back, Pizza the Hut, Long Horn, Silver Spoon 2 DR FNGs Trainer and Couch Potato, 2 DR FNGs Trainer , Couch Potato
FNGs: 2 2 DR FNGs Trainer , Couch Potato

WARMUP: We took the downrange visitors and #bomber brothers on a quick tour of Handsomizer ending with our traditional Geodis Warm Up, the Bearway2Heaven (bear crawl up the steps with a push up on each of the 92 stairs)

THE THANG: Bomber vs Hansomizer Kick ball
Pax performed five Burpees after three outs.

Bomber destroyed Handsomizer, with a little help from the youthful FNGs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: LeanPax is nigh upon us! Bulk up and put on mass while you can!

Prayers for Corporate and the broken foot!

I am incredibly thankful for all you!

Here is to another great year!
2024 : The Year of the Shred Part III – Brought to you by Ninja Ice

4 Alarm Fire

AO: titan
Q: Chunks
PAX: Firefox, t-cell, bluemule, Crawlspace, Detective Pikachu, Red Skull, Sarge, fiftycent
FNGs: None

Mosey around the Parthenon Grass stopping at each corner for some Burpees 1,3,5 (Stop1) 7,9 (Stop 2) 10,8(Stop 3), 6,4,2 (Stop 4)

A – Arms
L – Legs
A – Abs
R – Run
M – Merkins
PAX completed 4 Rounds for a 4 ALARM fire with the PAX choosing different exercises and a couple rounds with Hollow Body HO HO Holds since @firefox was in attendance. Last round was 5 burpees for each letter except the run around the circle.

Circled up for some P90X Yoga

Moseyed back to Startex for a 5 Burpee buy out and some Hollow Body HO HO HOlds to wrap up.
New Years Day Convergence at Green Machine
LeanPax starts 1/2/24
Hendersonville relaunch 1/13 at Memorial Park

Thanks as always for the honor to lead this group of men.


12 Days of Christmas Blast

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Vector, Papa Bear, Pep, Cream Cheese, Sherlock, hambone, Firefox, Recharge
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cloudy and crisp

WARMUP: mosey around clubhouse before WMHs, LBACs, Low n Slow Squats, Low n Slow Merkins

12 Days of Christmas
1 Run up the hill
2 Star Jumps
3 Pullups
4 Imperial Walkers
5 Burpees
6 Broad Jumps
7 Vector Ups
8 Hand Release Merkins
9 WW1s
10 Air Squats
11 Flutter Kicks
12 Reverse Lunges

Mary to finish with WallSits passing ‘coal’ back and forth before Hollow Body HoHoHolds

#LeanPax starts Jan. 2nd, Christmas Day workout at Westeros, New Calendar for Q and hosting events, Dec. 29 workout at Handsomizer – Bomber AO Closed for Kickball Competition

Merkins and Abs

AO: bomber
Q: Siri
PAX: Puzzlah, Firefox, Vector, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Crawlspace, Focker, DintyMoore, Black Lung, hambone, Wet Wipes, Cream Cheese, Young Pawn, Apologies to those who I can’t remember! Tag in the comments.
FNGs: None

WARMUP: mosey

THE THANG: mosey, merkins, mosey, merkins, mosey, etc. (merkin count: 120)

Abs at the playground:
3 sets of:
40 flutter kicks
10 merkins
30 LBCs
10 merkins
20 American Hammers
10 merkins
10 V-ups
10 merkins
(Merkin count: 240)

Miscellaneous exercises for the remaining 10 minutes including 70 incline merkins and 5 minutes of broga.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: NYD convergence at Green Machine, 6-7am
Lean PAX starting 1/2/24
BrewRuck happening soon – ask Hambone


Blood and Honey

AO: bomber
Q: Salpal
PAX: Chunks, Right Said, Firefox, Solo Cup, Puzzlah, Cuban Missile, Detective Pikachu, hambone, DintyMoore, Papa Bear, Critical Fail
FNGs: 1 Critical Fail
Full from Thanksgiving dinner.

A simple warning that this was gonna suck.

Crawlbear up the hill. Bearcrawl to islands in parking lot, 5 burpees at each. Bearcrawl Paula Abduls. Bearcrawl back down the hill. Pullups, burpees and big boy situps from 1 to 7 and back down again, ‘cuz people wanted to stop bearcrawling.

Dealers Choice

– Brewruck Dec. 16th.
– Game Night @ Firefox Residence Dec. 2
– Jan. 1st convergence.

– Prayers for the homeless of Nashville.
– Prayers for safe travels of loved ones.

Coffee at Star Bagel.
