AOQ Grow School

AO: -f3-nashville-general
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Toothless, Right Said, Young and Restless, Natural Ice – CBO, Firefox, Pebbles, t-cell, hambone, SalPal, Tim the Toolman, Hair Band, F3 Omaha: @Lot Lizard, @g-string
FNGs: None

Hair Band was late so Toothless and the boys took us through a warm up

Once HB finally showed, we moseyed to the hill by the flag and had a relay race.

2 teams
Both teams do burpees
1st person does a 10 burpee buy in then runs up the hill, touches the flag, and them back down tagging the next person
The next person does not have to do the buy since they have been doing burpees the whole time
First team to complete gets to choose next exercise
Rinse repeat
Winning team gets first dibs at breakfast/coffee

During the beatdown HIMs were encouraged to discuss:
1 What “hooked” you into joining F3?
2 What leadership did you witness?

Final Tally
Team 1: IIII
Team 2: II

Breakfast is served

We were joined by Black Lung, Jason Callen (Deep Dish), & one other who i’m forgetting

t-cell shared some wisdom and thoughts surrounding the starting of F3 Nashville. He read some emails sent to him from F3 Charlotte when F3 Nash was first getting kicked off.

We split into two groups and had discussion time prompted by a list of questions the SLT put together. Groups were encouraged to pick the questions that stuck out, not necessarily go through all. :party_parrot: I encourage each of you to read these questions and answer one that sticks out to you below, let’s keep the discussion going!

List of questions:

1 Who is your favorite AOQ? And why? 
2 What makes you afraid of being an AOQ/stepping into leadership? What are your insecurities as an AOQ? 
3 What should the trajectory of an AOQ look like?
4 What makes a quality transition? How can new AOQs be lead best? 
5 What’s the one thing you do that makes your AO successful? 
6 What does success look like as an AOQ? 
7 1⭐️-10⭐️ AOQ experiences? What would perfection look like?
8 What are their experiences as AOQs? 
9 What is a good FNG intake process? 
10 How do we reconnect with Kotters? 
11 How can the AOQ be the Chief Energy Officer?
12 Best practices to achieve? 
13 What makes a good AOQ? 
14 What makes a bad AOQ? 
15 Where are AOQs not performing their duties? 
16 What should the trajectory of an AOQ look like?
17 What makes a quality transition? How can new AOQs be lead best?

– “It’s about the led, not the leader”
– Growth trajectory of AOQ:
1. Aware of breadth of influence:
1. Tone
2. Energy
3. Expectations
4. Connection
5. Give “permission” to others
1. Grow in confidence and skill
2. Set other men on fire to lead and grow

– As soon as you start feeling comfortable in the role, start looking for and investing in your replacement – basically lead before you’re ready and leave before you’re ready. You’re stewarding the time in the role well as a servant leader, not holding onto it forever.
– Personal connection is magic of F3
– Main fear to starting as an AOQ is “will anyone show up?”
– Best AOQs have a “presence,” I.e. they are felt when there and immediately missed when gone, they set the tone
– Many AOQs may stop at the logistics level, but it’s important to be intentional in thinking of the impact beyond logistics
– Big focus should be on growing leaders for sake of not just F3, but for how that shapes them as they go back to their families & workplace

• Cruel Hall Butterball Crawl! See main channel for details

• family & friends going into surgery, HIMs with new borns and babies on the way

Thanks so very much to everyone that attended, I would love to do this again. Special shout out to Toothless, Right Said, Natural Ice – CBO, & Chunks for their invaluable help in planning and putting this together. Additional thanks to t-cell for spending time with us and sharing.

It was a pleasure to Q this, I had an absolute ball.

Rock on,

Hair Band

Candy Crush

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Crawlspace, Cream Cheese, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Firefox, Michelin Man, Papa Bear, Hedwig, Puzzlah, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Wet Wipes
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a little soggy

WARMUP: typical activities

There is candy for all in this adventure.

There are five locations. Teams must travel together between exercise locations. Teams travel together as a group via different modes of transportation. Each workout location requires you to find 10 pieces of candy per team.

The game locations.
Stairs by Community Center – first challenge
Twenty merkins at base of stairs then bear crawl to top of steps across street.

Parking Lot – second challenge
Sprint from roundabout side toward clubhouse, bring back one piece of candy via Bernie from picnic table by driving range until all pieces have been accumulated. Other team members hold plank.

Playground – third challenge
25 Pull Ups
Locate Candy by swings after completing pull ups. Hold plank for six.

Home Plate – fourth challenge
Run to first base, crab walk to second, bear crawl to third, lunge to home plate, find candy in first base dugout.

Start Ex – Final Challenge
25 wall jumps
Army crawl to picnic table. Return to start ex and hold plank and candy bag until all team members return.

MOLESKINE: 4:13 Strong commitment day and Struggle 003

ANNOUNCEMENTS: BrewsDay on Tuesday at 12South Taproom


Earning Your Right to Walk Upright

AO: titan
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock, Young and Restless, Schnauzer, Pep, DintyMoore, Firefox, Papa Bear
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: chilly and damp

50 SSHs
5min Hair Band Mary
Mosey around lawn

Starting from statue area on west side of parthenon:
Round 1
Lunge down 4 benches
Bear crawl back
Broad jump 4 benches
Bear crawl back
Sprint to each bench for 10 burpees a pop
Bear crawl back

Round 2
Reverse lunge 4 benches
Crawl bear back
Inch worm (with or without pushup, mod as necessary) 4 benches
Crawl bear back
Bernie to each bench for 10 burpees a pop
Crawl bear back

DintyMoore talks a lot of smack

Chiliteria this Sunday Oct 20th at Shelby Bottoms (see main channel for deets)
Mid Tennessee Tussle! Nov 9, sign up sheets and info come out today
AOQ Grow School! Nov 16th, see main channel for details!

Prayers for health of families and friends, prayers for support of victims of Hurricanes Helene & Milton (please give to any of the orgs out there helping with relief like samaritans purse & red cross)

Thanks Tim the Toolman for having me out this morning! Had a great time leading

Rock on,

Hair Band

Penalty burpees for no HC and burpees for no Merchant show

AO: titan
Q: Pep
PAX: Midwife, preacherman, Right Said, caprate, DintyMoore, Sherlock, Firefox, Young and Restless, SalPal, Salami, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
cool. comfortable fall day

burpee penalty:
– each pax with no HC 10 burpees
– all pax 10 burpees for Merchant
run the square

Dora at the playground:
– 100 pull ups
– 200 windshield wipers
– 300 firehydrants
7’s at the hill: burpees + hand release merkins

– pain lab: Salpal led on Saturday mornings in North Nashville
– chili event:
First Annual F3 Chili Cook Off!
Wolfpack is on Q and leading the charge.

When: October 20th. 1-3pm
Who: PAX, M, and 2.0s!
Where: Riverview Pavilion Shelby Park

– prayer for Midwife in his job search

A little rain never…

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Firefox, Pop-A-Lock, Pep, Vector, el conductor
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: steady rain and perfect temps

WARMUP: A few OYO stretches,

1 minute on, 30 seconds off x 8
Jump Squat
Iron Cross
Jump Lunge
Carolina Dry Docks
Freddie Mercuries

Lap around the building to see if it was still raining, then do it 2 more times and finish up with a few extra rounds of burpees.

Simple workout under the bag drop cover.

With national one-hit wonder day yesterday, we jammed out to some lisa loeb, soft cell, and the one and only Harold Faltermeyer where we got a breakdown of the full scene from Beverly Hills Cop…Good stuff. Thanks for being my hype man, Pep.
Impressed by the commitment of these HIMs to show up in the gloom and put in a good effort on a dark, rainy morning.

Brews-day on Tuesday.
10th anniversary shirts for sale

Prayers for safety for our growing families, our travelling families, and all those who are and will be affected by the hurricane.

Sinple Things

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Black Lung, Crawlspace, Cream Cheese, Firefox, Papa Bear, Pep, Right Said, SalPal (indefinitely fartsacking), Sherlock, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Wet Wipes
FNGs: None

Mosey around neighborhood block to coupons
– stops @ cross streets for 10 merkins and 10 squats

1) Grab coupon for each PAX at Cage

tel:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Devils Press
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Squats

Mosey around ball field

12’ EMOM
10 Coupon Squats
10 Merkins
5 Coupon Swings

Put coupons away and Dealers Choice Mary to finish
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Prom Dates

MOLESKINE: choose to love on those in your life and lead boldly

5k walk/race day tomorrow
Walk for Apraxia
Hustle for the House
Shade Tree 5k

COT: prayers for our country and peace in the Middle East. Great to see SalPal (indefinitely fartsacking) at coffeeteria


AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: CubCadet, Firefox, Papa Bear, Pep, Sherlock, Tim the Toolman, Wet Wipes, Puzzlah, Hedwig, Dirtbag, Ronaldo 2.0, Leonardo 2.1
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect according to Wet Wipes

WARMUP: mosey around big field to batting cages

Jog around baseball field to the batting cage

Backside of batting cage has lots of coupons and grab 1 coupon per PAX

Two Rounds of 10 – EMOM
20 Bent Row
20 Alabama Prom Dates
20 Shoulder Press
20 Kremlin Twists
20 Elevated Push-Ups
20 Toes to Chin High Pull
20 Blockees
20 Alternating Shoulder Taps
20 Leg Raises
20 Lunges

After two rounds – run to school playground for basketball game. Split teams based on numbers and play 3v3 (both ends) with 20 second shot clock. Defense calls out shot clock while defending. Two five minute games were played.

Mosey back to flag

It’s great to be back at the most respected AO in Nashville. Thanks for granting time away for gullivers-travels-challenge and for all our guest Qs during August.

23-year 9/11 Memorial Convergence at Capitol steps next Wednesday
10-year F3 Nashville Anniversary Convergence at Sevier Park next Saturday

COT: We all need a little more grace.

Boat Body – Pontoon Rock

AO: bomber
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Cream Cheese, Dirtbag, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, Crawlspace, Marcus Wilcock (Homer), Black Lung, McAfee, Papa Bear, Hedwig, Firefox, Skeet, Spinal Tap, Linus, Strings, Tater, Dirtbag
FNGs: 1 Dirtbag
CONDITIONS: Felt like the last Friday of Summer

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, Arm Circle, Air Press, M Night Clubs,

THE THANG: 3 mile mosey with periodic merkins and core

We took off for a mosey and as we hit the trail, Robert Frost’s words echoed in my mind – two paths diverged in a yellow wood. But unlike the poet, there was no luxury of contemplation. With the last shirtless weekend of summer calling I ditched my plan and pushed the PAX through the 3 mile loop around McCabe.

Three miles of sweat and glory lay ahead, punctuated by surprise stops for merkins and core-busters. The Playlist? Pure pontoon rock – think yacht rock’s rowdier country cousin. As we pushed through, letting the six catch up at each pit stop, we sculpted our summer bodies with every step.

MOLESKINE: No one was planning on running that far, and everyone pushed through it! Do Hard Things

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Big shout out to Strings and Marcus Wilcock (Homer) joining us down range from the UK, and also Linus from Tacoma WA! is Sept 20-22 if you can make a last minute trip across the pond

COT: Prayers were lifted!

Thank you men of bomber and DintyMoore for inviting me to lead. It was great to come back to the original AO where I first joined F3 4 years ago!



AO: bomber
Q: sooner , Oatmeal
PAX: Papa Bear, Pep, Vector, Schnauzer, Grape, Tim the Toolman, Firefox, CubCadet, Cream Cheese, Hedwig, Wet Wipes
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: respectable

WARMUP: mozy and a respectable amount of stretching


Sooner begins we’ll choreographed routine

Thang 1: Ab circuit
– 50 crunches
– 50 heel taps
– 50 leg extensions
– 50 Freddie mercs
– 50 crunchy frogs
– 50 hammers
– 50 big boys

Oatmeal gets tired of ab work, throws sooners plan to the winds and takes over

Battle for the most respect (aka f3 bocce)
Split the pax in 2 groups… Sooner gets stuck doing 11s (burpees+star jumps) whilst oatmeal has fun and games getting his friends to play with his ‘bocce’ balls

There was a winner. They are now respected.

MOLESKINE: endeavor to follow in the footsteps of your respected forebearers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: September stuff

COT: healing and gratitude from oatmeal

2.0 Fun

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Cream Cheese, DintyMoore, Firefox, Hedwig, Puzzlah, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Wet Wipes, Clue, Leonardo, Ronaldo
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: last perfect morning

SSHs – 5
Toe Touches – 7
Side Jumps – 5
Donkey Kicks – 7
Bird dogs – 5
Imperial Walkers – 7

Home plate – 7 burpees
Gorilla Crawl
1st base – 5 iron mikes
Backwards Crab Walk
2nd base – 5 Burpees
Frog Jumps
3rd base – 7 merkins
Army Crawl

Kickball until 6:12
3 outs = 5 burpees
1 run = 5 lunges
Fielders = jumping jacks
Non-kickers = fence sit
Runners = hold plank

Quality time with our 2.0s was a fun way to spend the morning.

Hedwig starts new job on Monday