Joy Sustains Power

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, Wolfpack, Timber, AAA, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Ex-Pat, Malibu, Bumble Bee (2.0), Smoltz (2.0). Big Red (2.0)
FNGs: None
Pleasantly chilly.

Split into two teams to mosey around field, playing catch with football. Once everyone touched the ball once do a 10 count ground movement.

Circle up for little baby arm circles (balancing on one leg), soviet sprinter shakes, imperial walkers, plank jacks, shoulder taps.

THE THANG: Power + Joy
Round 1:
Two power exercises in 5, 3, 1 descending ladder: squat jumps and elevating merkins. One partner does reps, the other does soviet sprinter shakes. Mosey to the backstop after each ladder and do 3 star jumps together in celebration of something.

Plank / bridge to finish round 1 while sharing what we celebrated.

Round 2: game of infection.

Round 3: human knot.

MARY: follow the leader back through the playground.

– Thanksgiving run next Thursday
– Cold plunge at the knoll next week
– New year convergence, more details to come
– Keep up with #no-noise-november

COT: YHC shared about healthy power and the practice of joy. Many times in my life I’ve burned out and wasn’t able to sustain pursuits. I’m now learning about submitted power and how joy brings endurance. Encouraged everyone to consider a need and a desire they have and how they might apply their power to it + how they might connect with joy around it.

Appreciate this space and you PAX … it’s been a great place for me to practice submitted power and joy.

Mighty Ducks/Flying V

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: Sooie, Malibu, morning star, Ex-Pat, Wolfpack, Siri, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), AAA, Timber, Smoltz 2.0, Bumble Bee 2.0, Big Red 2.0
FNGs: None
No complaints

1. Mosey to stop sign and back
2. Arm Circles
3. Don Quixotes
4. Slow Merkins
5. Slow Pushups

Triple Deke!
Partner up to complete 100 Merkins, 200 big boys, 300 squats. 1 partner runs to backstop and back while the other is doing reps.

Triple Deke (Part Deux)
Partner up to complete 25 Pull Ups, 50 American Hammers, 75 step ups. 1 partner “Apollo Ono’s” around the playground (ice skating)

3 reps of run down the hill, politician back up

15 Supermans with 3 count hold called out by @malibu

No Noise November
Hoblin Gobbler Run on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Cold Plunge with @Morning_star

Prayers for those men who could not make it this morning and those on the fence about coming.

My college coach ended every workout by saying, “Take care of yourself, then if you can, take care of someone else.” For a long time I thought this was selfish. Aren’t we called to be men for others?

As I age, I realize it is impossible to take care of others unless I’m fundamentally fit – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Thankful to this group of men who are helping me in all three areas.

Visit to the Burpee Zoo

AO: the-knoll
Q: Salpal
PAX: morning star, AAA, The Banker, Wolfpack, G-string (Eli Kresta), Timber, Pebbles, Ex-Pat, Malibu, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Great day to go to the zoo.

WARMUP: OYO Stretching + Warmup Run


Today we are going to the burpee zoo. It’s like any other zoo, except instead of animals, there are burpees. Also, all transactions are done in burpees.

When we first arrive, we have to pay for parking.

10 Burpee Buyin

As we arrive to the front gate, we have to pay the price of admission. 50 burpees!

10 Burpee Emom – 5 minutes

Now inside, we can go see all the burpees on display.

Ladder of Burpees (each station starts at 1, add 1 more as you go around, end at 5):

Set one:
– 1st station: bodybuilder burpees
– 2nd station: shoulder tap burpees

Set two:
– 1st station: spider monkey burpees (burpee + peter parkers)
– 2nd station: kraken burpees

Big Cat Exhibits!
Cheetah Burpees – Burpee Sprints:
– Suicides, but a burpee at each cone before running back.

Tiger burpees – Bear crawl to each cone, 5 burpees

MARY: Isometric Merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of social events. See #3f channel for details on Side-Straddle-Hops, Night Moves, Game Night, and Cookout.

COT: Prayers for my wife, Elizabeth, and firefighter Jake.

Touch the Trees

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, DB, El Capitan, Ex-Pat, G-string (Eli Kresta), Hot Stuff, Malibu, morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, Wolfpack, Bumble Bee, Big Red, Link, Wrenaldo, Monkey (FNG) [all 2.0’s]
FNGs: None
60 degrees, light of the moon, perfect!

Top to bottom warm-up:
Overhead claps
imperial walkers
OYO Shake out

Thang 1:
Breakdancer Merkin countdown from 5. X2 air presses between. Plank for the six’s

Thang 2:
Touch the trees in the Knoll, perform exercises at each tree:
Mtn Climbers
Big boy sit-ups
Iron mikes
Floor to ceilings
Jog down hill/Politician back up
Crawl bear down/ Bear crawl up (#FatBearWeek)
Step ups
Mosey to the rest of the trees
Hang until you can’t x3
Hold a low squat between hangs 30 seconds

Pax picked the exercise 15 reps
Flutter kicks
Happy crunchy Frogs
Leg lifts
Hold legs 6″ above the deck for 1 minute
Spell the alphabet with your legs


YHC reminded Pax that pain is temporary. Shared prayer requests. Prayed. Enjoyed some Sooie Brewie.

Breaking Wind

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: DB, morning star, Ex-Pat, AAA, Squints (Will Simpson), The Banker, Sooie, Pebbles, Timber, BigRed2.0, Bumblebee2.0
FNGs: None
Beautifully fall and foggy.

400 meter mosey
side straddle hops
back bacs
slow squats
stretch on your own

2-mile relay race
-split into 2 teams
-as a team complete 8 consecutive laps around improvised 400m track
– during race, Pax complete 100 merkins, 100 squats, 100 dips

400 meter mosey

Worlds Fastest Man
– Pax run 1 lap at marathon world record pace (5:40 mile pace) 85 second lap
Eliud Kipchoge is world record holder @ 2:01:09. Dude is 40 years old! Should be an inspiration for all.

Pull Ups x 30 or Swing Ups x 45

BONUS: Javelin Thow! Pax competed to see who could throw a big stick the farthest.

5-min of Mary’s


Decide to be good. Always give your best.
When we see successful athletes or people we often assume they are naturally gifted. This is often not true. @Pebbles shared his personal journey from back of the pack JV cross-country runner to relatively successful D1 athlete. The “secret” to success was simply deciding he wanted to be better, then putting in the hard work to get there. As men we can apply this to our daily family and work duties.