Penalty burpees for no HC and burpees for no Merchant show

AO: titan
Q: Pep
PAX: Midwife, preacherman, Right Said, caprate, DintyMoore, Sherlock, Firefox, Young and Restless, SalPal, Salami, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
cool. comfortable fall day

burpee penalty:
– each pax with no HC 10 burpees
– all pax 10 burpees for Merchant
run the square

Dora at the playground:
– 100 pull ups
– 200 windshield wipers
– 300 firehydrants
7’s at the hill: burpees + hand release merkins

– pain lab: Salpal led on Saturday mornings in North Nashville
– chili event:
First Annual F3 Chili Cook Off!
Wolfpack is on Q and leading the charge.

When: October 20th. 1-3pm
Who: PAX, M, and 2.0s!
Where: Riverview Pavilion Shelby Park

– prayer for Midwife in his job search

Because It’s My Destiny To Be The . . .

AO: westeros
Q: Vector
PAX: Grape, DintyMoore, Chunks, Pop-A-Lock, SalPal, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Right Said, Pep, Young and Restless, Hedwig
FNGs: None
Conjuring up this week’s theme, I felt we all needed a little bit of a push to make us better, because as “the kids” say, “No PAIN, no gain.”

CONDITIONS: Painfully pleasant, start of autumn, gloomy morning

WARMUP: To start the pain, we did W-O-R for the duration of Depeche Mode’s extended remix of “A Pain That I Am Used To.”
30 SSH, 30 LBAC, 30 Air Presses, 30 RLBAC, 30 Squats.

To reflect the missing HCs from the PAX, the group had to do 9 burpees. Then we repeated the above until end of song . . . 8 minutes later.

A Pain That I Am Used To – Depeche Mode
King of Pain – The Police
Pain Lies on the Riverside – Live
Joy and Pain – Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? – Culture Club
Pain – De La Sol (f. Snoop Dogg)
Hurts So Good – John Cougar
Sucker for Pain – Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons
Everybody Hurts – R.E.M.

PAIN #1: 50 reps of
Prisoner squats
Ass Kickers
Imperial Walkers
Normal Julgarian Split Squats (“Free Julgaria!”)
Then sprint up and down hill.

PAIN #2: 50 reps of
Plank Jacks
Alabama Prom Dates
Incline Merkins
Normal LBCs
Sprint the hill.

Mosey to Startex for Mary where a grand time was had by all

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday Tuesday this week – Check the Slack

COT: Prayers for Chunks on the passing of his grandmother and SalPal as his wife navigates restarting work life. Was fantastic to have SalPal back out, as his special brand of saltiness fit the theme perfectly . . . Thankful as always for all of the HIM who push me and each other to be better. SYITG, Vec

A little rain never…

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Firefox, Pop-A-Lock, Pep, Vector, el conductor
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: steady rain and perfect temps

WARMUP: A few OYO stretches,

1 minute on, 30 seconds off x 8
Jump Squat
Iron Cross
Jump Lunge
Carolina Dry Docks
Freddie Mercuries

Lap around the building to see if it was still raining, then do it 2 more times and finish up with a few extra rounds of burpees.

Simple workout under the bag drop cover.

With national one-hit wonder day yesterday, we jammed out to some lisa loeb, soft cell, and the one and only Harold Faltermeyer where we got a breakdown of the full scene from Beverly Hills Cop…Good stuff. Thanks for being my hype man, Pep.
Impressed by the commitment of these HIMs to show up in the gloom and put in a good effort on a dark, rainy morning.

Brews-day on Tuesday.
10th anniversary shirts for sale

Prayers for safety for our growing families, our travelling families, and all those who are and will be affected by the hurricane.

Simple workout

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, bluemule, Right Said, Young and Restless, Spinal Tap, DintyMoore, Natural Ice, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock, Hacker
FNGs: None
Cool fall morning

– run around school
– seal claps
– imperial walkers
– hillbillies
– Good mornings
– Willie mays Hayes


100 – pull ups
200 – windshield wipers
300 – fire hydrants

Upcoming chili cook off: if you want to volunteer contact Natural Ice or Wolfpack

Gratitude for right said’s surgery going well
Pep work
Dinty Moore: tough administrative situation at work

F3 Nashville 10th Anniversary Workout

AO: stonewall
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Chunks, moneyshot, DintyMoore, Grape, Black Lung, Focker, hambone, Strutter, Midwife, floppydisk, FLO, Young and Restless, Works for a Guy, Vector, Hi-Viz, osha, Natural Ice, Toothless, Right Said, McAfee, Michelin Man, Spinal Tap, caprate, Siri, Dewey, Cowboy, Zelenskyy, Salami, EZ-Go, sooner, Splitter, Jason Callen (Deep Dish), Pep, Wolfpack, Skinny Pop
FNGs: 1 Skinny Pop
36 PAX posted at the birthplace of F3 Nashville to celebrate 10 years of making better men.


Medium mosey to Soccer Field for COP, all x 10
– Groiners
– Newtons Cradle

Quick mosey to Sunnyside Mansion to show them that we’re all Men from U.N.C.L.E. This phase of the workout honors Jesse “Uncle” Wilker who flew in from Charlotte, NC to teach a handful of us about F3 and prep us for launch approximately 3650 days ago.

Partner up. With P1 running a lap around Sunnyside Mansion, P2 performs reps of the following exercises until they reach 100 cumulative for each.
– Uneven Merkins (aka Staggered Merkins)
– Newton’s Cradle (2 is 1)
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Lunges (1 is 1)
– Elbows to Knees (alternating sides every 10 reps or so)

Abs of choice while waiting for six.

Mosey to Tennis Courts

Line up along court #1 doubles sideline for some shuttle runs. PAX perform 10 jump squats followed by a shuttle run to center service line, court #2 doubles sideline, court #2 center service line, and court #2 far doubles sideline. Drop one rep and repeat all the way down to 1 Jump Squat and a shuttle.

Sticking around the courts, PAX circled up for everybody’s favorite jerk, Jack Webb: Merkins and Air Presses in a 1:4 ratio. We took this one all the way up to 10:40, and everyone LOVED it.

Mosey to Sunnyside Hill

Lining up with previous partner at the base of the hill, P1 performed LBCs while P2 sprinted up to the flag. RnR x 3.

Since we didn’t get here alone, one last AYG with everybody together up the hill before a mosey back to the startex.

– Boxcutters x 10
– Crunchy Frogs x 10 (missed you t-cell)

One ten-second good morning to close things out!


It was truly an honor to lead this workout. I had no idea what the heck I was getting into 10 years ago, but I’m glad I didn’t let that stop me. Really grateful for the all the men that have stepped up to lead along the way. Whether it’s been as a workout Q, an AOQ, or a position at the regional level, you are making me and countless others better for it. I don’t take that for granted. Nor should you.

Can’t wait to see what the next decade holds!

Also, a special thanks to all of you who brought coffee, baked goods, and other refreshments for extended coffeeteria. What a great way to end!

Prayers for job changes, job searches, ailments, and recoveries.! Deadline to orders yours is 10/5.

PA out.

Friday the 13th

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: Papa Bear, Vector, Pep, Right Said, Hedwig, Wet Wipes, DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, Moroccans

THE THANG: thirteen reps of the following exercises, mosey to a different location after 2 sets (we also changed up the exercises because I got tired of doing so many burpees…I think we did like 200 burpees though when you put it all together)

Jump squats
Ab thrusters
Original burpees
Normal merkins

MOLESKINE: enjoyed the conversation about music. I have included the playlist below!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: come workout tomorrow!

COT: prayers for Wet Wipes mom, Right Said elbow, Hedwig F-I-L and S-I-L and M, for our country, for peace in the Middle East


Missed Opportunities

AO: westeros
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Pep, Tim the Toolman, Young and Restless, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: heating up

WARMUP: SSHs, Burpees, WMHs

With no Q in sight we all took to heart the words of our assigned Q and former nantan that we are all free to lead.

Tim the Toolman started with a mosey to the bridge with 5 merkins at all driveways and 10 burpees at all cross streets and ended with lunges across the bridge.

DintyMoore took over and led everyone on a mosey left toward West End with stops in memory of FALCON from STL and 26 reps for each exercise.
Flying Squirrel Burpees
American Hammers
One Lap across 440
No Cheat Merkins

Finished with 14 SSHs to commemorate the ORIGINAL Q.

Pep finished off the workout with Sevens of WW2 and Carolina Dry Docks before he decided to end the workout early in order to make time to right a code that triggers Michelin Man alarm clock on days when he is scheduled to Q.

MOLESKINE: While we are all freed to lead, we are here for one another and each of us are capable and being present is enough sometimes.

9/11 Convergence at Percy Warner steps
9/14 Nashville 10-year Anniversary

COT: prayers for Pep getting off the bench.

Silent Q

AO: pain-train
Q: Cheeks
PAX: G-string, Timber, Cheeks, Wolfpack, DintyMoore, Bean Burger (Fairview, TN), El Capitan
FNGs: None
Getting darker as Winter comes

20 SSH
16 Baby Arm Circles
16 Backs
16 Moroccan Night Clubs
Lat Stretch on Your Own

5 Sets
25 Kettlebell Swings
15 Deadlifts
15 Low Merkins
75yrd dash and back

20 WW1
25 LBC
16 American Hammers in cadence
Back Stretch (I believe we all needed that)
10 Alternating V-ups
1 Minute Plank
Ring of Fire to 3 and back
20 Carolina Dry Docks
10 Burpees

– Arrington Vineyards August 17th 11:30-2. Check Franklin General feed for more info
– F3 Dads swim party. Check Franklin General feed for more info
– Fairview AO starting up

Prayer request for El Capitan as he and his family move.

Prayers for Bean Burger (Fairview, TN) as he fosters growth and fellowship with the great men of Fairview.

Thank you gentlemen for allowing me to lead! I appreciate each and every one of you! Let’s go be lights in the world and serve our communities!

Cones and Toys

AO: atlantis
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Toothless, CubCadet, Schnauzer, DintyMoore, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Fall… is that you???

WARMUP: Mosey around the park and back to the flag for some shoulder warm ups and OYO GMAs/WMHs

3 exercises. 4 sets each. 40 second work. 20 second rest.

Round 1
– Cindy Shoulder Presses
– Reverse Snow Angels
– Weighted Lunges

1 lap around parking lot

Round 2
– Merkins
– Palms Up Cable Pulls
– Single Leg Kickstand Deadlifts

Jog to baby Pizza Hut

Bonus round!
– Dips
– Mountain Summits (Gonna rename these to Everests)

Jog back to flag. ALL IN!

MOLESKINE: With school coming back the “Can you help me with my homework?” requests have begun. Really has made me start thinking again on how much our kids rely on us to help set routines and offer our support. So just a quick reminder that there are those that rely on us and it’s important to try and think ahead on what we can do for them, whether that’s our kids, significant others, co-workers, friends, and even ourselves.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots coming in September!

COT: Silent reflection for prayers both said and unsaid.

Tortoise & Hare, episode 4

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Crawlspace, Right Said, Michelin Man, Hair Band, Chunks, Natural Ice, hambone, SalPal (retired), bluemule, Focker, Judy, Decaf, DintyMoore, Spammer (Charlotte), Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Unc, Skid Mark, Long Way, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Unbelievable beautiful mid-August morning – 68 degrees and a break in the humidity.

WARMUP: Standard pre-run warmup – SSH, HBWs, Squats, Leg Stretches, WMH OYO.

THE THANG: Find your Pace Partner and RUN!! Congrats to Judy and Focker for bringing their group in with a PR two weeks in a row! We had a total of 4 PRs this morning among the 4:13 Strong men. Thank you to my F3 brothers for such a strong showing and for being so encouraging.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 Convergence, The Struggle on 11/1, Tennessee Tussle on 11/9

COT: Prayers for focus, strength and endurance.