5 by 4

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Reveille, Linus, Flash, #Clippy and Willy Loman from St. Petersburg #Crocs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Below Freezing

WARMUP: Good mornings, WMHs, LBACs OYO

THE THANG: 5×4 = 25×100
For each 1 rep of exercise A, multiply the reps x4 for exercise B. Work from 1 up to 5 and then back down for a total of 25 of A, 100 of B

1: A = Merkins, B = Plank Jacks
2: A = Pull Ups, B = American Hammers
3: A = Squats, B = Dips
4: A = Big Boy Get Ups, B = Merkins

Final Round of Choose Your Own Mary to send us home

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Big plans for a 90 day #BuffPax challenge! Skeet is leading the charge to start a 90 day KB strength training regimen, McAfee is strongly encouraging PAX to take a look at diet and put as many grams of protein as possible on your plate! Rule of Thumb = 1g of protein for every lb of your ideal weight. So if you want to gain 5 lbs of muscle, take your current weight, add 5, that’s your daily protein intake goal in grams!


AO: devilsden
Q: Flash
PAX: McAfee, Skeet
FNGs: None


THE THANG: The number of electoral college votes to become President. The year Pham Hung comes to power in Champa and raids the Chinese-occupied territory of Tonkin. 2 + 7 + 0 = 9, square root of 9 is 3, 3 PAX at Devil’s Den.

Whatever it is, we did 270 burpees. 6 burpees EMOM for 45 rounds.

Simple, effective, tough.


Solid Fundamentals

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet
FNGs: None
Conditions: well below freezing

Warm Up: Farmer’s Carry all the weights to the playground.

The Thang:

Simple, straightforward work; EMOM rounds of 45 seconds, PAX switching between active/dynamic movements and static/isometric exercises.

Round 1:
Weighted Merkins
People’s Chair

Round 2:
Kettlebell/Plate Swings

Round 3:
Squat Thrusters
Dip pause

After 2 cycles it was time to cool down with Farmer’s Carries and Rifle Carries to return the weights.

This Q was about fundamentals, about doing the basics frequently and with exceptional form. No matter what age, experience, or fitness level, PAX can always benefit from going back to the fundamentals.

As in the Q so in life; we will continue to persevere at Devil’s Den until, in God’s timing, the seed of F3 we’ve planted continues to grow and mature into a full fledged region. This is the way.


AO: devilsden
Q: Flash
PAX: Linus, Skeet, McAfee
FNGs: None
Cold at the start, then 30 seconds in – just right.



Encouraged PAX to bring weight vests & everyone answered the call. 321 is:

– 3 minutes of traveling movements
– 2 minutes of stationary movements
– 1 minute of rest

Got in 7 rounds before a mosey back to the parking lot. Rounds were:

Forward Lunges

Bear Crawl
Bird Dogs into Ab Walk Out

Side Squats

Crab Walk
Bicep Pushups

Tippy Toes
Tricep Bridge Dips

Toy Soldiers
Narrow Merkins with a Mountain Climber

Uncle Joe’s




Devils and Coupons v0.2

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Flash, Linus
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Easy and breezey 60s

WARMUP: set up our game pieces, aka Troll Bait, aka Coupons, with PAX getting loose OYO. Special shoutout to Flash for getting in 2 miles via a nice mosey from his house to the AO!

THE THANG: Devils and Coupons v0.2!
There is a nasty troll that lives under the bridge at Devil’s Den, he’s a very nasty troll; slothful, lazy, arrogant, jealous, impatient, unkind, and persistently attempting to bring HIM down to his level. It is the physical embodiment of what Rogan and Goggins refer to as one’s “inner b”, and it must be defeated, again, and again, and again, in perpetuity.

To defeat the troll, our intrepid band took turns rolling for advantage and to determine rep count.
Station 1 – Dips (natural 2x multiplier)
Station 2 – Troll Killers aka Man Makers
Station 3 – Pull Ups (Merkins for the rest of the PAX)
Station 4 – Coupon Shoulder Press

Each round we increased the multiplier from 1x, to 2x, to 3x, and made it to 4x before time. In total each PAX performed ~100 dips, ~75 merkins, ~40 pull-ups, plus man-makers and shoulder press. Safe to say the troll was defeated, as were our arms.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chad Challenge at Misty Mountain on Friday!

4 Corners and Yoga

AO: devilsden
Q: Chunks
PAX: Skeet, Reveille, McAfee, Linus, Flash
FNGs: None
Brisk and Invigorating

Mosey Around front parking lots to double check the layout for 4 corners
Good Mornings
Right over left
Left over right
Little Baby Arm Circles fwd & Reverse
Overhead press
Moroccan Night clubs
Seal Claps
Grab a coupon and head to the parking lot

Corner 1 – 15 Burpees
Carry Coupon to Corner 2
Corner 2 – 20 Overhead press with Coupon
Pass the speaker caboose it loose run to Corner 3
Corner 3 – 25 Merkins
Lunge Walk to Corner 4
Corner 4 – 30 Big Boy Situps
Pass the Speaker caboose is loose run to Corner 1
Corner 1 – 10 Burpees
Lunge, Lunge Squat to Corner 2
Corner 2 – 15 Overhead press
Mosey back to Startex with Coupon
20 Merkins
25 Big boy Situps

Finished with 10 mins of P90X Yoga

Night Moves tomorrow night 10/12 at 6:00 pm
SSH at Toothless’ house 10/13
Game Night at Firefox’s 10/21
SSH at Toolman’s house 10/27

Coffeeteria included talk to 4:13 Strong and how to donate shoes, books and final participant for The Struggle was secured.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Solid group of HIMs and look forward to seeing the east east side continue to grow.


DevilsDen is On the Books!

Backblast: 2/8/23

Conditions: 50ish, clear, and perfect for the kickoff

Q: Reveille

Pax: Skeet, McAfee, Linus, Coxswain, Toothless, Detective Pikachu, Rev

Disclaimer was given before a short mosey to the light post followed by Warm-O-Rama


    • x15 LBC each way
    • x15 T-Claps
    • OYO Good Mornings
    • x15 Imperial Walkers
    • x25 SSH

The Thang: F3 Lebanon 2.0

YHC decided to rehash the first Lebanon workout from a few years ago. What followed was a version of DORA:

    • Swerkins x50
    • Caroling Dry Docks x100
    • Rows x150
    • Air Squats x 200
    • Partner runs to the parking lot fence and back

Once the first round was finished, we condensed to a second round

    • Incline Merkins x 30
    • x60
    • Lt. Dans x120 (I think the most we got to was ~65)
    • Partner lunges halfway across the painground and back.

Mosey back to startex for some cool-down stretches

    • Tricep pulls
    • Cross-body arm stretch
    • Runners Stretch
    • Up Dog
    • Down Dog

COT: Appreciation was shown for Coxswain (Murfreesboro), Toothless (Nashville), and Detective Pikachu (Nashville) for making the trek to celebrate the official opening of Devils Den.

F3 2.0 workout this Saturday, Feb. 11 (details from Skeet on Slack).

Brewsday is on Monday of next week at 12 South. Open Tab that following Friday.

Misty Mountain OTB Friday mornings at Charlie Daniels park. QSource to follow.

It was an honor to lead you HIM this morning!



Deck of Many Tears

Backblast: 11/16/22

Conditions: Cold, dark, gloomy…perfect for the Devil’s Den

Q: Reveille

Pax: Skeet, Mcafee, Rev

Disclaimer given after a short mosey to the light post followed by a quick warmup of Windmills, LBAC, T-Claps, Imperial Walkers, and SSH.

The Thang: Deck of Many Tears:

YHC has been dying to use his official F3 card deck for a while, and this was a perfect opportunity. We cut the deck into thirds and made 3 stations. Each Pax drew a card and completed the exercise indicated with the value shown (base value + 10, face cards = 25, Ace = 100). After all Pax complete their card, rotate stations. Rotate until all 3 stations are completed then follow up with a short recovery mosey. Rinse and Repeat until 6:10.

Recovery consisted of active stretching from the bottom up until time.

COT: No major announcements made. Focusing on EH-ing men here on the Far East side. Debating on whether or not we should hit up Pop’s for coffeeteria or begin providing our own.

