Go to church or the devil will getchya!

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Stubs, Siri, G-string, Pitmaster, Wolfpack, FLO, Waffle, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Shorts are back on the menu!

WARMUP: The usual suspects.

Run to Bellevue Church of Christ
10 rounds of:
10 second high plank hold
10 merkins
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low squat hold
10 squats
10 second rest

Run to Cross Timbers Freewill Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second hollow body hold
10 big boy sit-ups
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Presbyterian Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low plank hold
5 burpees
10 second rest

Run back to red caboose

Loved the counting rhythm we organically fell into. I think it really helped us lock into the workouts and push it together.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: biscuit run march 1st. Boardgame night Feb 28

COT: My mom sent me a book of daily devotions as she felt it may be good to bring into our COTs when I lead. The thoughtfulness of wanting to share something that was meaningful to her because she felt it would help me too really made an impact on me this week. It made me ask myself the question, am I actively listening to others and am I actively supporting and providing for them based on what I hear? Encouragement to PAX (including myself!) to listen more and take action to better the lives of those around us. Thanks Mom 😀

Total Body AMRAP

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Puzzlah, Half Lyfe, Wolfpack, FLO, Pole Dancer, Lady Liberty, Siri, Stubs, G-string, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Love when 27 feels warm.

WARMUP: Mosey to pick up coupons, mosey to the playground. 10 SlowSquats. 10 Slow Merkins.


3 rounds of 10 minute AMRAP.
10 reps of 3 exercises.
Run around inner path at 5 minute mark.
5 reps of each exercise for remaining time.

Round 1:
Goblet Squats w/ coupon
Bavarian Deadlifts w/ coupon

Round 2:
Iron Mikes
Big Boy Sit-ups w/ coupon
Blockees (Burpee w/ coupon press)

Round 3:
Monkey humpers
Alternating V-ups
Coupon curls

MOLESKINE: Solid mumble chatter throughout as usual here at PT! Unintentional Guitar Hero playlist slaps.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, Spartan race, biscuit run, check the slack!

COT: Patience. I’m struggling with it with the kids at the moment. Constantly reminding myself to take a breathe, give some grace, and take a little longer to connect before responding. Encouragement to Pax to do the same. Where can you find patience with yourself and those around you through the day?

Iron & Fire

AO: pain-train
Q: Sooie
PAX: Wolfpack, Half Lyfe, Siri, G-string, Cheeks, Sooie, Stubs, Pitmaster
FNGs: None
Balmy 33 degrees.
Fire playlist courtesy of Wolfpack

Loosen up OYO.
Circle up on our six and fire up the bellows: 30 breaths Wim Hoff style to the rhythm of “We Will Rock You”.
Hammer the Anvil: on the last breath transition to high plank. Exhale. AMRAP merkins on a single breath. TClaps to G-string for getting the most reps…probably like 100 or something.
Plank head, shoulders, knees, and toes 5x OYO
Plank jacks 5x in cadence

Mosey to get cinder blocks.

– 15lb dumbbell farmer carry around the perimeter of the playground holding the dumbbell by the weight rather than the handle. After 1 lap, PAX rotate to next station.
– IYT MERKIN: plyo merkin with hands and feet leave my the ground. Arms make an “I”, then arms make a “Y”, then arms make a “T”
– SUPER IYT: superman position arms in “I” position gripping 5lb dumbbells. Move arms to “Y”, move arms to “T”, back to “Y”, back to “I”

All PAX completed each station. Mosey around the perimeter then repeat. Timer exercise for second round was 12lb dumbbell punches 20x.

New years intentions have a better chance of success in the presence of community.

Hearing regarding ADA compliant equipment to Harpeth Knoll parks Thursday, January 9th. Thanks Stubs for putting this on our radar!

Prayers and requests lifted. Enjoyed the delicious :wolf: :coffee: for coffeeteria

…Held [indoors], rain or shine

AO: pain-train
Q: Siri
PAX: Pebbles, Stubs, Pitmaster, Cheeks, Wolfpack
FNGs: None

Dark and damp. Perfect for coffeeteria.


Side straddle hops, shoulders, mosey to grab a couple coupons and then rendezvous at a pavilion.


Grab the extra large cinder block and two regular cinder blocks.
One person do short bursts with the 54# cinder block while everyone else does various maintenance exercises.

Short bursts:
5 floor-to-ceiling raises
5 bent over rows (increased to 15 halfway through)
10 goblet squats
Farmers carry two smaller cinder blocks, about 10-15 yards

Maintenance exercises:
Monkey humpers
Big boy sit-ups
And whatever else I felt like

Go until everyone has completed 3 rounds with the big coupon.


Rain is not an excuse to miss the pain train.


– LeanPax starting January 1. Head to the LeanPax channel to refresh on the rules, grab an accountability buddy, and sign up on the spreadsheet.
– NYE Convergence at Titan led by Grape.
– F3 Franklin 10-year anniversary coming in hot. I don’t remember the details…


Personal details shared, prayer lifted up, Go Team.

Friday the 13th

AO: pain-train
Q: G-string
PAX: Timber, Wolfpack, FLO, Half Lyfe, Cheeks, Pebbles
FNGs: None
Crisp and still

– BACs
– Back-BACs
– Slow squats
– Slow merkins
– Willie-Mays-Hayes

Mosey to grab some coupons
Partner up for a little Dora
– 150 Floor to ceilings
– 200 One-Arm coupon merkins
– 250 Coupon goblet squats
other partner is running a lap around the playground
– 50 Pull-ups
– 100 Lunges
other partner is doing bear crawls around the small jungle gym

King and Country Drummer Boy challenge

Happy Friday the 13th! In my family, Friday the 13th is a holiday. My Great-great-grandfather Wynn (who my son is named after) instituted this holiday in the 1930s, and the tradition is that every Friday the 13th he would take off work and pull his daughter, my Grani, out of school and take her to see a movie and get ice cream. It was one way he showed her that their relationship was more important than work or school. She passed away this September at 96 years old and still said her dad was the best man she had ever known.

This tradition has been passed down every generation since, and I will continue it with my children. I share all of this because traditions are important only inasmuch as they connect us through time. Love, family, and community are all remembered and celebrated through carrying on these traditions. As the holidays approach and are celebrated, take a moment to appreciate not only your family’s traditions but why you do them and where they come from. Then communicate all of that to your children. Then maybe one day in 90+ years, your great-great grandchildren will still know your name and treasure what was important to you.

– Franklin 10th anniversary on January 4th.

– Prayers were offered up.

Thanks for letting me lead you fine gentlemen! G-String out


AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Timber, Siri, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chilly but not too bad

WARMUP: Stretches and SSH


Played in traffic
– 20 minute run down 70 (on the sidewalk)
– 5 merkins for every oncoming car that drives by
– 5 squats for every oncoming truck or bigger that drives by
– 5 burpees for a padiddle
– 5 second speed pick up everytime a vehicle going same direction passes

Ring of Fires
– Squat ROF to 10
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– Merkin ROF to 10
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– Burpee ROF to 5
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– BB Sit-ups ROF to 10

MOLESKINE: Apparently nobody drives trucks at 5:30am in Bellevue. Need to remember to pay the random Padiddle car doing laps $5.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Keep eye on slack for F2 events

COT: just replaced my living room floor. Came with some frustrations along the way but so worth it in the end. Reminder to PAX to push through minor setbacks and focus on the bigger wins ahead.

Long Warmup for an Explosive Workout

AO: pain-train
Q: Siri
PAX: Stubs, Wolfpack, Cheeks, G-string
FNGs: None
Chilly, but refreshing once we started moving.

We took our time warming up with some extended stretching, merkin snacks, moseying, and dynamic warmups for our legs (butt kickers, high knees, etc)

We grabbed 4 cinder blocks and headed to the front doors of the church for our beatdown.

Two teams. One person from each team does Farmers Carry around the perimeter of the parking lot. Everyone else does a designated number of reps of an exercise. When the six is in, the person doing the farmers carry stops and their teammates sprint to where they stopped. New exercise/rep count called out and new person does the farmers carry. Get around the parking lot as fast as possible.
10 big boy sit-ups
20 Sit throughs (each side is half)
30 4-count J-Los
40 Mountain climbers (each side is half)
50 monkey humpers

When the person doing the farmers carry crosses the finish line, their teammates must still finish all their reps. First team to get all their teammates across the finish line wins.

An extended Farmers carry is significantly more difficult than I anticipated. There was a moment where my vision started darkening, and I definitely had a light flavor of blood in my mouth by the end. The whole workout took about 15 minutes tops, even with two laps around the church, but that was all it took to wipe me out.

Butterball Crawl family 5k and 1 mile fun run on T’Giving Day. Also a workout at The Knoll will occur that day.

Prayers for everyone’s holiday coming up.

The Gauntlet

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Cheeks, Sooie, Timber, G-string, Pitmaster, Stubs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Little mist in the air. Perfect to hit the gauntlet.



Timer set to 30 minutes

Cones set out all 10-20 yards apart. Performed an exercise at each cone and movement between cones as listed below:
– Walk
– Squat
– Mosey
– Merkin
– Mosey
– Crunch frog
– Mosey
– Burpee
– Mosey
– Coupon suitcase carry
– Bear crawl
– Sprint

Started with 1 Rep and increased reps by one each lap.

Ended with 5 minutes of breathing and Yoga

Tclaps to G-string and Timber for completing 16 LAPS! That’s 136 reps of squats, merkins, crunchies and burpees. Phew!!

Tclaps to all the PAX who came out and pushed today!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: tussle coming. Volunteers needed.

No Noise November has begun. Grab an accountability partner and tone down the electronic use and tone up self reflection.

COT: Reminder to all PAX that to get stronger you have to add reps. Don’t be afraid to push yourself!

There and Back again

AO: pain-train
Q: G-string
PAX: Cheeks, FLO, Timber, Wolfpack, Siri, Pitmaster, AAA, @Stubbs
FNGs: None
Balmy and beautiful

– Good mornings
– Slow Squats
– Seal Claps
– BACs
– BackBACs
– Shoulder Press
– Michael Phelps
– Mosey to the Coupons then complete the lap

Cones spaced out about 15 yards
Start on one end.
– 40 Merkins
– Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs (coupon) to cone
– 20 Monkey Humpers
– Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs (coupon) back to start
– 40 Coupon Rows
– Bearcrawl to cone
– 20 Monkey Humpers
– Bearcrawl to start
Rinse and repeat for 30, 20, and 10 reps.

Thang 2:
Teams of three
– Dora for the team
– 150 merkins
– 150 rows
– Then the three coupons must be moved to the far cones. One pax carries one coupon while the other two wheelbarrow.

Finished with four minutes of Mary.

I am anticipating the loss of my great-grandmother any minute. She was given two days to live four days ago, and every time my phone buzzes, I tense up. I am dreading a call that I know will come which is stealing my joy and wearing me out.
Grani would never stand for this. She used to say “Live for the punchline.” By that, she meant find the joy and the story in everything that happens. I shouldn’t allow this fear of pain cause me to suffer more. It can’t cripple me.
Instead, I suggest we should look to the past with gratitude and toward the future with hope. It isn’t criminal to mourn, but we have to remember joy.

There will be a chili cookoff some time in October

It was a heavy morning. Prayers were offered up and we grew in fellowship.

Thank you for the honor of leading you gentlemen this morning.

Loose Caboose… Pain Train Style

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: FLO, Wolfpack, Cheeks, The Banker, Siri, G-string
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: I love the rain.

WARMUP: SSH, BAC, BACBAC, WMH, Mosey to stage

Loose caboose pain-train style…
10 cones were set in varying distances around the 1/5 mile track around the park.

PAX carried Coupons (1-54lbs, 2-25lbs, 2-35lbs, 2-35 lbs, 2-20lbs, caboose sprints to cone with no Coupon) from cone to cone, stopping at each cone to perform 1 Burpee and 10 reps of an exercises, switching exercises every 6 cones. In total we did:

– 3/5 miles of Coupon Carries (3 laps)
– 30 Burpees
– 60 Coupon Shoulder Presses
– 60 Merkins
– 60 Coupon Bent Over Rows
– 120 Coupon Goblet Squats

10x Leg raises
10x Crunch frogs
10x American hammers

MOLESKINE: The little half 20lbs coupons were the worse… my fingers are feeling it.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10th anniversary f3 Nashville tomorrow at Sever Park. Clowncar leaving from pain-train at 5:30am tomorrow morning.

COT: Led PAX on a 5 minute gratitude and meditation exercise. Namaste brothers :pray: