Solve the riddle, escape the beatdown

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: Firefox, Chunks, DintyMoore, Black Lung, Cream Cheese, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, Pep, hambone, Bravefart
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chlly-ish to start

Dynamic warm-up
Arm Circles
a little old man yoga
Cherry pickers


Put together some crummy rhyming riddles in the form of an escape game/puzzle Q that ask the Pax to guess where the next stop on our adventure would be.

I line up in rows, strong and high,
Where kids swing through the sky.
Grip me tight and don’t let go,
Or down to the ground you’ll go!

To escape:
100 Rocky Balboas
25 Incline Merkins
25 Dolly Partons

Mosey to Monkey Bars.

I eat small spheres, then spit them out,
into the bucket, without a doubt.
Before you swing, you must come to me,
Where dimpled orbs are set free.

To escape:
(Option to hit 50) 30 pull-ups – 30 merkins- 30 rows – 30 squats – 2 laps
(partitioned however you want)

Mosey to Driving Range machine.

While today is nice, sometimes it’s not,
Can find this covered spot?
Next to the clubhouse to get some gainz,
It’s where we work out when it rains.

To escape:
Lunge down, Broad jump back length of driving range

Mosey to clubhouse

Practice a gentle tap, get a generous roll,
Avoid the sand, your chip finds the hole.
To complete this puzzle, you must be quick,
A surprise is waiting to do the trick.

To escape:
30 burpees
30 Carolina dry docks
30 mountain climbers (each leg)
30 dips

Mosey to Chipping Green.

Beep Test, either running or a SSH on the side. Congrats to Black Lung for getting to 10.0 :exploding_head: and making it look a lot easier than I’m sure it felt. DintyMoore, Bravefart, and Cream Cheese rounded out the top 4, but Cream Cheese will never see this, so did it really happen? I think each got to Round 8, but I was struggling to focus after I got caught at 7.3 (I think).

Appreciating Firefox’s request of words of gratitude even though I often struggle to put them together. Grateful to lead and put together some (hopefully) fun puzzles for the group.

TONIGHT is Game Night at Chez Firefox
Sign up for Merkin Madness.
Night moves is now March 13.

A number of prayers for family and friends, clarity around jobs, and gratitude for wins of our family and friends.

A Day of Celebrations

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox , Pole Dancer
PAX: Vector, Black Lung, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Puzzlah, Pep, Poppa Lock
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Pole Dancer led us in some active warm-ups:
– 50 SSH
– A skips
– B skips
– Zombie walks

THE THANG: Pole Dancer and YHC could not decide which Feb. 21 national day to celebrate; so, we celebrated all of them.

Thang 1: Sticky Buns Day
To celebrate National Sticky Buns Day, YHC had us do a bit of leg and bun work. PAX did the following circuit as many times as they could within our allotted celebration time. Everyone finished 2, some were about done with their 3rd when we called time.
– Iron Mikes (20x/side)
– Bulgarian Split Squats (20x/side)
– Jump Squats (20x)
– Raised Alabama Prom Dates (20x, with feet elevated on a bench)
– Bear crawl around the circle behind McCabe

Thang 2: Grain-Free Day
To celebrate National Grain-Free Day, Pole Dancer had us do a number of exercises that looked familiar but were ultimately worse. After each set, we ran a bernie around the circle
– Navy Seal Burpees (merkin, knee tuck, merkin, knee tuck, merkin) – 25x (but many shortened to 20 because, wtf)
– Deep Squat Star Jumps – 25x
– Something else, I forget

Thang 3: Caregiver’s Day
To celebrate National Caregiver’s Day, YHC had us partner up. First 1 PAX did sit-ups while the other held feet in a high plank position. We did this for 50s and then swapped. We did 2 rotations of this and then switched to Partner Decline Merkins. 1 PAX held the feet of the other who did merkins for 50s and then swapped. 50s is a long time, y’all.

Thang 4: Boiled Peanuts Day
Pole Dancer was unfamiliar with boiled peanuts and other things we eat here in the South (if we’re not allergic to peanuts). He led us in a number of Southern-themed exercises, with a short jog to the parking lot in-between.
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Hello Dolly’s
– Ragin’ Cajuns (elbow-to-opposite knee crunches)

– Definitely was fun collaborating with Pole Dancer on this!
– Much discussion of the Tomb Raider-esque amalgamation of YHC and Pole Dancer. Vector called it pornography.
– So cold.
– If you want to do a Co-Q mash-up with another of our respected brethren, send me a DM! We’ve got a couple others lined up for the spring.

– Saturday Breakfast Q at Focker’s
– Game night next Friday
– Other things that are on the calendar

– Much gratitude

Love is . . .

AO: bomber
Q: Vector
PAX: Pep, Firefox, DintyMoore, sooner, Sherlock, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Puzzlah, Fish Food (DR)
FNGs: None
YHC was the Q-pid for today’s Valentine’s Day prep for the PAX. I even had a bow . . . seriously.

CONDITIONS: Chilly, 23 degrees with love in the air

Theme of “Love is . . .”
Love is like Oxygen – Sweet
Love is a Battlefield – Pat Benatar
Love is an Open Door – Kristen Bell/Santino Fontana (from Frozen, not Moana sooner)
Love is the Drug – Roxy Music
Love is the Answer – Aloe Blacc
Love is a Stranger – Eurythmics
Love is in the Air – John Paul Young
Love is Blindness – Jack White
Love is the Answer – Dan Seals
Love is Dangerous – Fleetwood Mac
Love is Strange – Mickey & Sylvia
Love is a Long Road – Tom Petty

Mosey in heart-shaped circles
LBAC x 20
Seal Claps x 20
Overhead Presses x 20
RLBAC x 20
WMH x 10 OHO
Good Mornin’s x 10 OHO
SSH x 20

Q-pid started his work by having the PAX partner up and do several partner themed exercises:
Partner merkins x 20 (with clap between rep)
Partner WWI x 20 (with claps at top)
Partner chair squats x 30 sec x 3

Mosey to playground for some LOVES
Lunges x 100
Overhead presses x 100
V-shaped Pull-Ups x 100
Excellent form incline merkins x 100
Sexy squats x 100

[Aside: at some point sooner got caught up in the love and might have been twerking on the swing set pole . . . Q-pid supports all kinds of love, so go crazy HIM)

Mosey to flag for V-Day Mary of Alabama Prom Dates, J Los, Monkey Humpers, Jane Fondas to get those special parts trained for the day. So good, we rinsed and repeated.

– No Beer Ruck this weekend
– Game Night at Firefox abode Feb 28 at 7p
– Night Moves March 6 at 7:30pm

COT: Words of gratitude, prayers, and praises lifted up. Listened to the morning for a bit. Thankful for all of the HIM during what for me has been a very stressful time in both my personal (losing my mom) and professional (funding uncertainties, colleagues losing jobs abruptly) lives. Thankful to the PAX for pushing me each day.

SYITG, Q-pid (aka Vec)

Rain, Rain, Go Awayy

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: CubCadet, Papa Bear, Jordan OpLibertas, Tim the Toolman, Pep, doge, Michelin Man, Firefox, Right Said
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: rainy, but it went away

WARMUP: mosey to the clubhouse

THE THANG: partner up
One partner runs around the clubhouse while the other does a set then flapjacks

Regular squats
Apollo Ohnos
Imperial walkers
Normal merkins

Regular dips
Air presses
Iron mikes
Normal merkins

Gorilla humpers
O squats

Alabama prom dates
American hammers
Yellowjacket run to startex

COT: loved everyone sharing one thing they are grateful for. Prayers for Vector’s mom, for our nations leadership, for health of friends and family, for airplane crash victims


Filipino Friday

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox
PAX: Vector, Tim the Toolman, Crawlspace, CubCadet, Sherlock, Wet Wipes, Puzzlah, Pep, DintyMoore, Right Said
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Calm before the Snow

Having returned from 2.5 weeks in the Philippines, YHC queued up a playlist of Filipino/Filipino-American artists, equipped the PAX with 25lb bags of rice and led the mosey to the upper parking lot.

20x SSH
15x Air Presses
15x Filipino Night Clubs

Part 1: PAX split up into 2 groups of 5, each with a bag of rice. Groups did an indigenous peoples’ run around the parking lot, passing the bag of rice back to the last person, who would run it back to the front. In my group’s case, the pass was more of a toss. 2 laps around the lot.

Part 2: PAX split up into 4 groups of 2 or 3. Laying on the ground, PAX did a WWI to grab the bag of rice in front of them and then pass it back to partner, then getting up to reposition on the ground behind their partner to receive the bag of rice again. We did this down half the length of the parking lot and then did the reverse back to the starting point.

Part 3: In the same groups, 1 PAX held a plank while the other run the length of the parking lot, holding the bag of rice over their head. Second time through, we run half the length of the parking lot.

Part 4: Mosey down to the playground. PAX had to answer questions about the Philippines. We did reps of an exercise related to the answer. If anyone in the group could answer within a specified margin of error, 5 penalty burpees would be waived.

– 117 mountain climbers for the ~117 million people who live in the Philippines (+ five penalty burpees)
– 76 flutter kicks for the over 7600 islands in the Philippines (+ five penalty burpees)
– 124 plank jacks for the 124 islands in the Hundred Islands (at low tide) (+ five penalty burpees)
– 15 pull-ups (times 2 sets) for the 15 million people that live in Metro Manila
– 16 hanging leg lifts for the 16 Tennessees it would take to make up the population of the Philippines (+ five penalty burpees)
– 64 fire hydrants for the 64″ average height of Filipino men
– 61 dips for the 61 foot length of the longest recorded whale shark (+ five penalty burpees)
– 48 kick throughs for the differential between today’s low temperature and the low temperature in Manila

MOLESKINE: No bags of rice were harmed during this Q.
Also, YHC introduced “One More Thing” after Count-o-rama and Name-o-rama. Each PAX shared a word or sentence of gratitude to kick the day off on a positive and thankful note.

Also, also, our tunes were highjacked when my younger decided that 6am was a great time to be playing Chappell Roan on my Spotify account. Actual playlist below.


– Safety for all those traveling and/or affected by fires and winter weather
– Many thanks to DintyMoore for his leadership as AOQ for the last year and change

It was an honor and pleasure leading y’all today!

Adaptive TABATA

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, Papa Bear, Vector, Bottle Cap (F3 Cincinnati), Swivel Hips (new to Nashville)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to clubhouse, SSHs, Toe Touches, Cherry Pickers, Inchworm Merkins

TABATA – 45 work / 15 rest
45/15 @ 5 rounds
Reverse Burpees
Surfer Lunges
Kickstand Deads
Bear squat merkins
Burpees over Blocks

Mosey to Start X
Seated Jump Squats
Julgarian Split Squat Jumps
Single Leg Side Hops

MOLESKINE: Welcome 2025 – it’s time to start making some new connections and bringing them into F3.

Convergence NYD at #titan from tel:0600-0700

leanpax starts on 1/6

JuiceDay – 1/7

COT: keep an eye on slack for our fellow pax members Hedwig and Pop-A-Lock who will become new dads this week.

Motivational Holiday Mosey

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Vector, Chunks, CubCadet, hambone, Blueprint, Pep, Pop-A-Lock, Right Said, Sherlock, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: mosey on

Mosey to north nipple –
20 merkin/mountain climbers

Mosey to circle –
20 squat kickers

Mosey to answer –
20 shoulder tap jacks

Mosey to free will church –
20 drop squat jumps

Mosey to 51st playground –
20 pull up burpees

Mosey to small field –
20 step up high knees

Mosey to start X –
20 line lunges merkins

Mary to finish or lap around big field and community center

Great to have our flag back thanks to Hedwig and Tim the Toolman

leanpax coming in January – join the channel

#brewruck was yesterday

COT: new life and new starts both require steps of faith and embracing the uncertainty, unknown, and discomfort. Best of luck to Blueprint Hedwig and Pop-A-Lock as they enter a new chapter of life.

Keep it movin

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Chunks, hambone, Puzzlah, SalPal, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSHs, Willy Mays, Good Mornings,

Long Mosey with five stops for the following:
5 Tuck/Box Jumps
10 Merkins
15 Burpees
20 Lunges
25 Squats

Finished with sevens on the hill.
Merkins at the top
Komodo Dragon Walk at the bottom

Be grateful

BrewsDay on Tuesday
BrewRuck on 12/14
One month until leanpax 2025

Be grateful

Fire hydrants?!?!?!

AO: bomber
Q: Pep
PAX: Puzzlah, Firefox, DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Cream Cheese, Papa Bear, Hedwig
FNGs: None
cold. Cold enough for Cream Cheese to wear a beenie


burpee penalty:
– non-hc: 15 burpees
– hc: hold plank


Run to nipple and then to playground

Dora at the playground:
– 100 pull ups
– 200 windshield wipers
– 300 firehydrants

3’s (same as 7’s) at the hill: burpees + merkins  

– Thursday Fun Run – check slack
– Saturday Fun Run – check slack