Sneaky Murph

AO: westeros
Q: Grape
PAX: bluemule, DintyMoore, Michelin Man, Pep, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Breadsticks, Hedwig, Wedding Singer, Poutine, Griswold, The Pharmacist, Spear
FNGs: 3 Griswold, The Pharmacist, Spear
CONDITIONS: great weather for no sleeves

WARMUP: typical shoulder burner

THE THANG: sneaky Murph
Ran to the top of Love Hill and stopped at various points to do Merkins, completed 200

Took in the sunrise with several other groups of lovers

Ran back down to the playground with stops at various points to do squats, completed 300

Pull ups to failure at the playground

Back to startex with a sprint along the way

MOLESKINE: really glad we had a moment to catch our breaths at the top of the hill, it was great getting to take in the sunrise over Nashville with brothers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout on 6/8! Check f3dads for more details, but come on out!!!

COT: praises for Hedwig for landing the job, prayers for Breadsticks as he moves in 2.5 weeks, prayers for Pep for work travel (or maybe Comi-Con, who knows)


Tortoise & Hare v2

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Thunder Duck, baggervance, bluemule, Right Said, Chunks, Michelin Man, Hair Band, Decaf, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Tealfin, Midnight Club, Clean Plate, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Double Flush, Dr. Seuss, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect running weather – 63 degrees with a beautiful sunrise.

WARMUP: Circle warm-up with some SSH, IWs, Tappy Taps, stretches and squats.

THE THANG: Pair up and RUN!!! We had three 4:13 Strong PRs this morning. We also recorded the slowest 3 mile run since the inception of the program – 59:17. Thanks to Chunks for sticking it out with Cruise Line and offering some encouragement along the way. We have plenty of room for improvement.

We managed to work through a Burpee Apocalypse with an equal number of squats plus some good core work while waiting for the six.

COT: Prayers for family, strength, wisdom and encouragement.

Salute to Lt. Dan

AO: westeros
Q: Toothless
PAX: Vector, Tim the Toolman, bluemule, Spinal Tap, Natural Ice, Andrew Flood, DintyMoore, Breadsticks, Salami, hambone, Chunks, Pep, Michelin Man, Siri, Solo Cup, caprate, Cheech, Hot Wax, Jockey, Hedwig, Underage
FNGs: 2 Hedwig, Underage
CONDITIONS: Sublime overcast morning, light mist from the field sprinklers

20 x SSH
12 x Willy Mays Hays, 2 each side
30 count x toe touch
30 count x flamingo, both sides
1/2 mile light mosey around park perimeter

THE THANG: Four Corner Dora
Partner travels around 4 corners with a mosey/shuffle/bernie/shuffle per the 4 sides

PAX wait for 6 to rotate (low plank/pick up reps), Lt. Dans to rotate between each station

Corner One: 50 Iron Mikes (2 ct)
Corner Two: 100 Jump Squats
Corner Three: 200 Bonnie Blairs (2 ct)
Corner Four: 400 Side Straddle Hops

Wrapped with some prisoner squats, reverse lunges, star jumps, and sprinters stretch to bring us to time.

PAX were surprisingly good natured about the exercises, but the conditions were just right and the group energy was high so I think we all felt a lift from the good vibes. Stereotypical rock playlist did not distract from the chatter but gave rhythm to the calisthenics.

It was an honor to have men from the Asgard region in town as well as Jockey from across the pond! Also had two FNGs from DintyMoore, great to meet them and welcome them in to this crazy thing we do.

Coffee at Dose was exceptional, took over the whole cafe & got a little rowdy. :coffee:

– may-you-pull-up continues, never too late to join!
– Fresh cohort for thestronghold starts this Thursday

YHC had an injured wrist, hence the leg day, so my message was for the PAX to appreciate the health we all had that allowed us to get up and get out to a workout, and to not take what isn’t promised for granted.

Prayers for Siri with summer childcare, Pep with his current project at work, and FNG Hedwig for job prospects.

As always, it was an honor to lead, men!
— Toothless :tooth:

Staying Dry

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Cal Worthington / Nantan / F3 Charleston Cent, bluemule, Nutty Professor, Cowboy, moneyshot, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet with eventual sunny sunrise

WARMUP: various stretches

THE THANG: 10 – 1
– Hand Release Merkins
– Y’s
– T’s
10 – 1
– Squats
– Lunges
– humpers
10 – 1
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Jane Fonda L
– Jane Fonda R
10 – 1
– ww1
– Leg Raises
– Reverse Crunch

One lap
20 low and slow squats
20 carolina dry docks
20 diamond merkins
20 legs raises
20 crunchy frogs

MOLESKINE: the rain tricked us but we remained dry and content. Cal Worthington / Nantan / F3 Charleston Cent brought good energy once again this week. Nutty Professor looked right at home on the track.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: pain-train launching tomorrow! greenmachine Will be closed next week for thestronghold

COT: prayers lifted for perspective in this life. No day is guaranteed so be quick to love, quick to forgive, slow to speak and slow to anger. Gratefulness for Haggis and his new job!

Final Tortoise & Hare for Class 2

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Right Said, bluemule, Decaf, Michelin Man, Longhorn, Skeet, Hacker (Franklin), Detective Pikachu, John Deere, Yak, Frozen, Westside, Pacer, C#, Triple Sevens, Blitz, Sgt Meatball
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A perfect morning for a run. 43 degrees, a beautiful sunrise, a train and a locked gate.

WARMUP: Westside took us through our warmup – SSH, IW, Stretches, Squats and Tappy-Taps

THE THANG: Pair up – each 4:13 Strong man picked an F3 running partner and set a goal time for the run. The pairings seemed to work well as today was our fastest run of the class. We were “All In” by 34:00 with 7 out of 8 4:13 Strong men setting a new PR.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day is this Friday, 11:30am. Come celebrate what these men have accomplished and stick around for some lunch and fellowship. It is one of the best ways to spend your Friday lunch hour.

COT: Red Skull closed with a prayer.

Triangle of Sadness

AO: thestronghold
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Chunks, Red Skull, Dan Tanna, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Decaf, Hacker (Franklin), Swingline / Jason Aeverman, bluemule, Skeet, Dan and Dave, Shoota, McFly (Franklin), Sunshine (Franklin), Woopie (Franklin), Noble Virus (Franklin), Blitz, Fozen, C Sharp, Yeti, Sgt. Meatball, Pacer, Westside, Trajectory,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and damp

WARMUP: SSH, Mosey, Arm Circles, Seal Claps

THE THANG: 3 station beatdown. PAX separated into 3 groups and partnered up within those groups. Group 1 grabbed coupons for their station and we all moseyed to the bball court. Each group started at a different station and rotated throughout.

Station 1
Overhead Press

Station 2
Bolt 45s

Station 3
Big Boys
American Hammers (2=1)
Leg Lifts

Perform 5 reps of each exercise, then move on to the next station. After completing all 3 stations, go up 5 reps to 10 total. Next round, 15 reps. So on until Mary.

Mary consisted of the song “Roxanne.” SSH through the song, performing a burpee every time Roxanne is said.

MOLESKINE: Sometimes we act like life gets easier the older you get, always looking to the next stage you think will be easier than the present. Like this workout, though, it often gets harder. You may find your groove or sweet spot, but then you up it by 5 reps, making it more difficult. Moments like that are when you lean on your battle buddy.


COT: YHC was too busy trying not to splash merlot to finish up after Moleskine.

Tortoise & Hare

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: bluemule, Hacker (Franklin), Skeet, Longhorn, Decaf, Judy, Chunks, Buritto (Franklin), Yak, Frozen, Westside, Pacer, Trajectory, C#, Triple 7s, Blitz, Sgt Meatball
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect running weather – 63 and no rain!

WARMUP: Yak took us through a warm up which included SSH, IW, and a little stretching.

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 miles around the campus. No train, no rain, a little pain. We have multiple PRs this morning – 5 from the 4:13 Strong guys and a couple from the F3 crowd. Overall, a great morning at The Stronghold.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The 4:13 Strong annual fundraiser is this Thursday. Several of our men will be on the stage sharing a testimony or performing some original music. It is going to be a great night!

COT: Yak closed us with a prayer.

Soft Landings Only

AO: titan
Q: Chunks , Natural Ice
PAX: Tim the Toolman, Sherlock, Black Lung, bluemule, preacherman, Right Said, Good Morning America, Brother Bluto – Chicago
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Spring time in Tennessee

Imperial Walkers
Good Mornings
Willie Mays Hayes
Right over left; left over right
Natural Ice Lead the PAX on a mosey around the lawn while I got the Computer setup

A continuation from Monday at Westeros, we enlisted the godfather of F3 Tony Horton to lead us in a Plyometrics (Jump Training) Workout.

The word of the day was: SOFT LANDINGS PAM!!!

Here is a link to the workout if your so inclined to do it again:

Moseyed back to Startex for a 10 burpee buy out and 5 mins of Mary


Natural Ice had a good word about how working out is better with friends. P90X has it’s place, but doing it alone is a challenge. He challenged all of us to find those Sad Clowns in our life and bring them out to F3. Good word brother.


Manly Mile tomorrow at Green Machine for those tough enough
UFC 300 watch party 4/13 in Hendersonville. Check 2ndf for all the details


Prayers for the families of the Covenant School as today marks the 1 yr anniversary.

Thanks as always the honor to lead. Tony will make a guest appearance again, but not for a while.


Tortoise & Hare #1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: bluemule, Longhorn, Hacker (Franklin), Right Said, Chunks, Decaf, Young and Restless, Big Country, Wookie, D Pole, Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, Comeback, Army Surplus, Frozen, For the Girls, Westside, Pacer, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Sevens, Blitz, Sgt. Meatball
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Very cold 27 degrees

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Squat. WMH, stretches

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 mile loop around the campus. Not bad for the first official run. Fastest time for the new class was 28:23, and all in at 40:18. Had a little time at the end for some Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy 37th birthday to bluemule. Thank you for starting your day at The Stronghold!

COT: Comeback closed us out with a prayer.

First One – Done!

AO: thestronghold
Q: Right Said
PAX: Dan and Dave, moneyshot, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Minnie Pearl, bluemule, Red Skull, Sunshine, Bill Dance, Wookie, D Pole, Comeback, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Pacer, Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
FNGs: 9 Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
CONDITIONS: Absolutely perfect at 57 degrees

Mosey to the front parking lot for:
– SSH, LBAC, R-LBAC, Seal Claps, Good Mornings, WMH
– Partner Up – 1 F3 PAX to 1 4:13 Strong Participant (we had the perfect number to get to our 1:1 ratio!)
Mosey to the basketball court with a quick stop at the Block Pile to pick up one block per pair.

Assemble along the baseline – Partner 1 works while Partner 2 moves the length of the court and back, swap and then hold plank for all in.
– Round 1: Block Curls, Suicides
– Round 2: Block Squat, Lunge
– Round 3: Overhead Block Press, Suicides
– Round 4: Block Wings, Suicides

Circle up for the Doomsday Circle (Ring of Fire) – Each man does one merkin, advancing around the circle until 500 merkins were completed. If a break was needed, complete 15 SSHs and then re-enter the circle.

Mary – Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercuries,

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The newest class is off and running. Thanks to the PAX from greenmachine who joined us this morning. It was great to have you out!

Six more weeks with this class. Come out and join them.