Titan Up

AO: titan
Q: Goose
PAX: Black Lung, Sherlock, Right Said, Focker, DintyMoore, Pep, greyalbum, Good Morning America, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Crawlspace, Waterboy, Wolfpack, Tim the Toolman, Mansport
FNGs: 1 Mansport

WARMUP: Forward Fold, Willie Mays, Cherry Pickers, Repeat


200 squats, run a lap after 25 reps

Lunge to the Parthenon

Adora: 250 incline merkins while partner runs lap around parthenon

Circle of Mary


-Welcome  FNG Mansport from the UK

-Tuesday Brewsday at 12 south taproom at 430

-Prayers for Nancy

– Drake concert tonight at Bridgestone

Wake up, It’s The First of the Month

AO: greenmachine
Q: Goose
PAX: moneyshot, Cowboy, Black Lung, Sherlock, Betty Ford, Deep State, Works for a Guy, Topanga, FeelTheBerns, Movin On Up, t-cell, Hagus
FNGs: None

Forward Fold, Willie mays hays, Cherry pickers x2

Indian Runs 2 laps

Adora: 300 squats and 300 LBC while partner runs to midfield.

100 yard lunge

Adora: 500 SSH while partner runs to midfield

Circle of Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tuesday Brewsday at the Capital View Juice Bar on Tuesday!

Heavy Dora + Futbol

AO: titan
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Salpal, Freakonomics, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, CubCadet, Spinal Tap, Natural Ice, preacherman, Good Morning America, bluemule, Avalanche
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Slightly chilly

WARMUP: Grabbed coupons and mosey to oval track

Round 1: Heavy Dora
100 block bench presses
100 curls
100 block squats

Intermission: Indigenous Peoples Run around oval track until everyone had gone. Sprinted back to blocks

Round 2: 50 reps of each instead of 100

Finale: Futbol. Took absolutely forever for anyone to score, but once the floodgates were open, Q’s team lost.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Final stretch of leanpax. Hang in there. Prayers for Salpal and M as M is finishing her PhD and they’re expecting 2.1. Prayers for my M as she passed her closed doctoral defense and will prep for open defense and start the job hunt

Staying Warm by the Fire 🔥

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Toothless
PAX: Topanga, sooner, Rocket Mortgage, monster biscuit, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Black Lung, Firefox, moneyshot, Young Pawn
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp and clear, some mumblechatter about it being too cold and being ready for spring. The Q was prepared to address this concern.

TUNES: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/459qwYOyQ4j1hCmtMHFZsC?si=aHk7_t1wRMOsKetBfl43wQ&pi=u-KhB6nvHMTeuB


– SSH x 30
– Active warmups down lot to light pole


PAX count off forming three groups

– Group 1 does an Indian run for 2 laps
– Group 2 does an exercise on the ground
– Group 3 does a standing exercise around Group 2

All shuffle when G1 returns. Runners to the ground, ground stands up, and standing group runs.

Do four sets (2 mins AMRAP in each station based on runners):
1. Hand Release Merkins, Tree Huggers
2. American Hammers, Burpees
3. Carolina Dry Docks, Lt. Dans
4. Big Boy Sit Ups, SSHs

Circle up for…

Rings of Fire 🔥

– High and low plank, up or down on “thunder”
– SSH / Burpees on “Roxanne”
Flower (Bring Sally Up)
– Squats, up or down as directed

– Night Moves at Frothy Monkey in the Nations Wednesday at 1800 hours
– Last 2 weeks of #leanpax

It was an honor to have a little homecoming back to #middle-tooth. Everyone showed up for corporate 😆 The men all pushed themselves this AM and I dare say managed to stay warm!

— Toothless 🦷

Under the sea, under the fog

AO: atlantis
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Salpal, Oatmeal, sooner, Hair Band, Black Lung
FNGs: None

SSH, GM, WMH, short mosey 🏃‍♂️
30ish each of squat tucks, iron mikes, burpees, and side plank with reach interspersed with hand target sparring  🥊

🏋️‍♂️ 50 lb sand bag carry to playground
💪 45 on, 15 off upper body circuit for 10 min
👣 Heavy Dora: pax alternated carrying sandbag around the picnic shelter and exercising until total was reached: 50 dips, 50 step ups, 50 squats (called off early for time)
🏋️‍♂️ Back to startex
⭕️ Mary and stretching

🍽️ #leanpax continues
🍖 The Hunger Games on Saturday
🐒 Night Moves next Wednesday, starting from The Nations Frothy Monkey
🔱 New Atlantis AOQ announced next Thursday
🙏 Gratitude for family wins for @Oatmeal @Black_lung and a work win for @Salpal, supplication for family strife for @sooner @Hair_band and YHC
🗣️ Closing words: James 3:13, 17f “… the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere…”

Oh, oh, it’s MAGIC

AO: titan
Q: Vector
PAX: Black Lung, Chunks, Detective Pikachu, DintyMoore, Firefox, Freakonomics, Good Morning America, greyalbum, hambone, Natural Ice, Pep, preacherman, Right Said, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, 15-Love
FNGs: 1 15-Love
As is often the case with a Vector Q, the workout planning involves weeks of theme playlist curating and then a frantic 24 hours of “crap, how do I create a workout to match my super cool playlist?” So, in that spirit:

While many may try to use instant supplements or crazy muscle building ideas to get swole, you can’t rely on magic to get fit. So in honor of Harry Houdini, born 150 years ago in 1874, I present a different kind of magic to get y’all in shape.

CONDITIONS: Damp yet perfect

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot to the far side of the Parthenon. Willy Mayes Hayes x 10, LBAC x 10, Seal claps x 10, Overhead Press x 10, Reverse LBAC x 10, and Good Mornings x 10 OHO

MAGIC #1 – 150 reps of each exercise and a run around the Parthenon between each:
M – Merkins
A – Alabama Prom Dates
G – Gorilla Humpers (which I had to example multiple times . . . hmm)
I – Iron Mikes
C – Carolina Dry Docks
(Fair amount of mumbling that each leg should not count only 1/2 on these exercises . . . I did not waiver).

MAGIC #2: 150 reps but no running in between due to time
M: Mountain Climbers
A: Ass Kickers
G: Great Form Squats
I: Incline Merkins
C: Crunches (Little Baby)

Ended at time – welcomed FNG 15-Love a recently married tennis fan EH’d by Detective Pikachu.

PRAYERS: To Grey Album on impending adoption and associated stress, friend Yuri and family facing pancreatic cancer, and others I forgot (apologies!)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hunger Games this weekend, Hike/Ruck with 2.0s to give M’s a break – see Slack for deets.

Honored to lead and that you all continue to tolerate my Q-uirkiness (see what I did there?) in leading . . . SYITG

Winter Wonderland

AO: westeros
Q: Grape
PAX: Chunks, Pep, Black Lung, Red Skull, MySpace, Uke (F3 Geneva, IL), DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold, but not that cold

WARMUP: 1 mile run to find dry ground
Seal claps
OH claps

THE THANG: Today was about doing the same thing over and over

Dora 1-2-3-4
100 Squats
200 Newton’s cradle
300 OH Press
400 WWI’s
(Did anyone realize we spelled snow?)
Partner ran up the hill and back down (wouldn’t call it a sprint, too dangerous)

3 minutes of Lt. Dans to end

ANNOUNCEMENTS: hunger games on 1/27
H’ville has @chunks on Q on 1/27 as well
Prayers for Uke and @myspace on their pending children


Turn It Up To 11!!!

AO: greenmachine
Q: Toothless
PAX: Focker, Grape, Goose, moneyshot, Chunks, Betty Ford, Topanga, Rocket Mortgage, bluemule, Cowboy, Black Lung, Sherlock, Pedialyte, Esposa, monster biscuit, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clear, still dark, crisp like a cold seltzer (definitely not a cold beer these days #leanpax 👀)


In lot to catch stragglers
– Side straddle hops x 30
– Willy mays hays
– High knees
– Windmills
– Butt kickers
– Carrot pullers
– Mosey to field


11s V1
– Hand-release merkins
– Squat jumps
– Mosey to 20 yd line, Bernie back

11s V2
– Big boy sit-ups
– Prisoner squats
– Mosey to 20 yd line, Bernie back

4 Corners
Partnered, Dora style, one exercise at each corner, wait for six before rotating to next corner.

Travel exercise was to run out to 50 yd line, side shuffle across field, Bernie back to end zone, then shuffle back across goal line.

– 50 Body builders
– 100 Supermans
– 200 Dry docks
– 400 American hammers

The side shuffles were a crowd “pleaser”, with several “compliments” along the way. “That’s where I’m most likely to be sore, in one of those muscles right in here” – Black Lung, as he gestures to his pelvic box 👀

Playlist was a set from the Rock Band video game. Witnessed Grape and Focker reliving their glory days as singer and drummer 🎤 🥁 🎸

– Grape shared
– Dinty is moving down street to finished renovation, details for moving day to come

Shield Lock
This is a group of 3-5 guys who are consistently spending time with one another, ready to lock shields in support against life’s challenges. Do you have one? Are you investing in those relationships outside the family structure that will be there through ups and downs? I encourage you to build those relationships before you need them, you’ll be glad you did.


‘24 Kickoff: Discover you have abdominals

AO: westeros
Q: Hair Band
PAX: sooner, Pep, Siri, Chunks, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Sherlock, CubCadet, bluemule
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: chilly willy

50 SSHs
Cherry picker-good mornings
Calf stretches
Imperial walkers
Air presses
Michael phelps

5min Hair Band Mary (rest position V sit)
Each exercise goes to 24

Run to love circle
Stop along the way for

– Marion Barbers on bridge
– 24 Metronomes at top of first hill where grass & gravel is

Do a wrap around love circle

Ascend Love Circle
– plank till all in
– 24 j-los with elbow knee tap

Run back to start-x
WW1s til all in

– #leanpax is in full swing!
– Brewruck Saturday after Leanpax ends

New Year Revolution 2024

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: DintyMoore, Black Lung, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: icy cool

WARMUP: mosey let’s call it 1012 meters

Move the body a bit. Hit the shoulders and calves and hips.

Kicked off 2024 with a 2024 inspiration

Do 20 of each movement, quick mosey down the hill, sprint up the hill, 24 of each movement, then repeat quick mosey and sprint.


(Jump?) Lunges
Carolina Dry Docks
Skaters/curtsy lunge
Plank shoulder taps

Recover and mosey another let’s call it 1012 m to our finisher. That’s more or less 2024 m round trip.

We finished off with the 20 m (actually 20.24 m) beep test  📟📟📟 of V02 max capacity. Two lines of cones separated by 20(.24) m. Man starts running on the beep, then aims to reach the cone before the next beep. And beep. And beep. And beep. Every minute or so, the time between beeps decreases. See info here: www.beeptestguide.com/table.htm

Quick aside: The test is hard. It was introduced to me by my old men’s league rugby coach, a wild, brilliant, ferocious South African who told us that his coach growing up would back an ambulance up to the pitch and make them run 20 m back and forth in 100 degree heat until that truck was filled with the bodies of the men who were able to drag themselves of the field. By comparison, this was pleasant. Shout out to my old coach Eugene wherever you are in the world.

Back to today, congrats to all the men who pushed their limit and a special shout out to the few who reached the 8th round. Hope to try again post #leanpax to see how we’ve pushed ourselves. Thanks for your support as a first time Q today.


Game night January 27.
