Shaking off the Rust

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Cowboy, moneyshot, Black Lung, Goose, Betty Ford, t-cell
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: touch of cool

WARMUP: various stretches to look at the stars

“Fake 11s”
3 chin ups, Bernie up hill, 8 jump squats
Rinse and repeat

Real 11s
Dive bomber merkins, Bernie up hill, prisoner squats

400m run
20,15,10 dip, incline, decline merkin
300m run
20,15,10 DIDs
200m run
20,15,10 DIDs
100m sprint
Wait for 6

5 minutes of gut work

MOLESKINE: Black Lung mouthing off like usual, Cowboy getting a trip down memory music lane, declines continue to be a man-maker exercise

ANNOUNCEMENTS: multiple 5K’s this Saturday, future chili cook off this Fall

COT: the word “legacy” has been bouncing around my head lately. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us. So if today is our last day here or our last day of good health, what will our legacy be?
I butchered a quote, so here is the original:
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems” – James Clear from “Atomic Habits”

Go Skyhawks!

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Oatmeal, sooner, Hanes, DrRupp, Betty Ford, Cal Worthington, Schnauzer, The Rafter, Smokey
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey around the school, dynamic warmup, dynamic stretching, static stretching

THE THANG: Hearkening back to my track days we ran 200m repeats with a 150m jog and 50m walk in between. No stopping, rolling right into the next rep. Great pacing by the pack keeping each lap within ~15 seconds.

An anti-running contingent performed a traveling exercise-a-palooza around the loop.

Groups reconvened for 10 minutes of Mary, a round of Big 10 er… 11 (10 merkins, 1 WW1, 9 merkins, 2 WW1 and so on), and some side straddle hops to reach 6:15.

MOLESKINE: Keeping an eye on a future attempt to break the marathon record via PAX relay event; we would have to double our pace on those 200s, and do so across 10 reps instead of 6 (with considerably more rest in between, but point being we’ve got our work cut out for us)!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: No major announcements following last week’s convergences. Brewsday is always on the horizon.

COT: Prayers for the future of our country, and a meditation on embodying the personal improvement path of the ultimate meritocracy; track and field.

PLAYLIST: A varied sampling of my Stonehill College era favorites;

Overtime Pickleball

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Chunks
PAX: sooner, Schnauzer, Pole Dancer, Toothless, Betty Ford, hambone, Hanes, Young and Restless
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey around the park
Light stretching

5 Burpees EMOM for 10 mins
With Big Boy Sit up, Squats and Rest till the top of the next minute


Head to the Tennis Court for Overtime Pickleball
Winner Servers and then Winner of the rally stays on the court
Loser picks the exercise for the PAX to do while waiting.


Don’t worry about criticism from someone you wouldn’t ask advice from.


COT: Prayers for Betty Ford and family, also for Sooner’s coworker battling cancer

Five x Five

AO: middle-tooth
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: sooner, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Pole Dancer, Schnauzer, DrRupp, Betty Ford
FNGs: None

Good Mornings
Imperial Walkers
Willy Mays

Five Stops w/ Mosey around Big Field
5 Exercises EMOM
Min 1 – Burpees 10
Min 2 – Air Squats 15
Min 3 – 15 Merkins
Min 4 – 20 Staggered RDLs
Min 5 – 20 BB Situps


9/11 Convergence
10 year Anniversary Convergence

Renewing your tags is advised but not mandatory?

Dragonslaying and Other Recreational Activities

AO: handsomizer
Q: SalPal
PAX: Black Lung, Freakonomics, Strutter, Cuban Missile, Rocket Mortgage, Frasier, Betty Ford, Patty, Natural Ice, Blueliner
FNGs: None


THE THANG: Tiamat is a legendary five headed dragon goddess with high armor class, limited magical immunity, elemental resistance, the works.

How do you take down this dragon? Sweet sweet sustained damage per second.

Start with 1 Durpee at the bottom of the stairs. Run up to each landing and back, doing a durpee at the bottom. Each landing is 5 Dips, 5 Derkins, 5 Dive Bombers, 5 Diamond Merkins.

Repeato, increase Durpee by 1 and landing reps by 5. Finish doing 5 durpees at the bottom and 25 reps at each landing.

MOLESKINE: Black Lung made a healing joke. I laughed/coughed up blood.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: A lot happening. Bourbon run (see Strutter), Brew Ruck, Hunger Games, Night Moves, Castle Run, Gulliver’s Travels.

Lift up the men who need F3.

Clydesdales Unite!

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Subway
PAX: Betty Ford, bluemule, Cowboy, Cal Worthington, Goose, Hipster, moneyshot, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Toothless, Starblade McKoy (Sp?)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey, burpees , stretching


5 / 5 minute rounds

Supersets 20 reps

Merkins (your choice)

Calf Raises

Side Straddle Hops
Step Ups

Taint Scrapers

Overhead Press

W/ coupons when applicable

Guantanamo Bay followed by dealers choice ab work


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday and Saturday stuff- check slack!

COT: Prayers for Bareback and his family as they move westward!

Thank you for letting me lead- it was a pleasure! SYITG

Special 11

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Rocket Mortgage
PAX: sooner, Betty Ford, DrRupp, moneyshot, Toothless, Oatmeal
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual. Sooner was tired.

THE THANG: Ran to playground. 3 sets of
10 Pushups
20 Carolina DDs
25 Squats
Lap around the playground

Ran to Tennis courts

11s – Burpees on one end, Star Jumps on the other. Mode of travel was lunges (painful) one way – Bernie on the way back. Was hard. Y


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Busy July – check Slack

COT: Prayers for travel & mental acuity.

Thanks for being tired with me!

A morning with sooner

AO: middle-tooth
Q: sooner
PAX: Triple Pane, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Rocket Mortgage, Oatmeal, starlord hook
FNGs: 1 starlord hook

WARMUP: we did some active stretching and opened up cowboys hips


First… Ab City
– 50 LBCs plus 25 leg lifts
– 50 LBCs plus 25 alternating leg lifts
– 50 LBCs plus 25 WW1

Second… Choose your own adventure
-pardner up
– player 1 runs the long way round to meet player 2 to finish exercises
– Player 2 run short leg to do exercise
– Alternate players
– Exercises were merkins, dips, iron mikes and jump squats

Third… Goaltimate
– Basically make it take it ultimate

I took too long in cot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots, we have a great nantan… Read his posts

COT: family, travel, praise for healing

Basically iiiPillars at Middletooth

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Focker
PAX: Black Lung, Betty Ford, Pep, Two Face, Harbaugh, Cowboy, moneyshot, Zelenskyy, High School Musical (DR), Formica
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Various stretches while waiting on Black Lung

THE THANG: This workout was designed around praying at Yuri’s house. He is a dear friend of moneyshot who is undergoing surgery today for pancreatic cancer.
-Run one mile to his home. Every turn we did 10 burpees, 15 dry docks, 10 lunges.
-Had the chance to pray over this family and their home with time for reflection
-Run one mile back with turn workouts being 10 jump squats, 15 diamond push ups, 20 monkey humpers
-upon arrival back to startex, we did 10 ww1 and 10 prisoner squats, then 20, then 40, then 23.6. These sets were broken up by sprints. Total of 93.6 for average number of days in the summer

MOLESKINE: somehow we ran uphill both ways, full light during the whole workout.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday coming up! 2.0 workout this Saturday! Reach out to Grape.

COT: Opened up about how my first reaction to Yuri’s house being a mile away was thoughts of inconvenience/not ideal for this workout. The Lord used this to convict me of my selfishness and allowed me to reflect on the importance of physical places in our life. There is a reason we visit our old homes, have memorials where things have happened, and worship at buildings. Being somewhere holds power cause we are physical beings. moneyshot thanks for the chance to come into Yuri’s life and y’all’s friendship this morning

May The Twoth Be With You… did that work?

AO: greenmachine
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Focker, Chunks, Black Lung, Betty Ford, moneyshot, Grape, NFT, Works for a Guy, t-cell, FeelTheBerns, Jumpstart (DR from Arkansas) , Humper F3 Knoxville,, Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
FNGs: 1 Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
CONDITIONS: The Best; Not too hot Not too cold, just right

WARMUP: SSHG, Good Mornings, WMH, Slow Squats, Marine Merkins (Demo)
Mosey to the Lipscomb amphitheater with a brief stop for pullups.
THE THANG: 50s 100s Lightening Round
Partner Up: Round 1: 50 DIDs: between you
Partner 1 box jumps up the steps x2
Partner 2 The exercise
Flip Flop
Round 2: 100 Palm Squats, Z chairs, Lunges P1 Runs P2 exercise
Round 3 Lightening Round AMRAP P1 Jumps x1 P2 Exercise FF
Mosey Back with the Indigenous Peoples Run to Star Deck
Mary: PAX dealer’s choice.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Natural Ice Games Night Saturday 5/4; Brews Day Tuesday 5/7 12 South Tap Room 4:30

COT: Prayers and Done