It’s Not About You

Why do we post Back Blasts?
As my dad would have said to me when I was a kid, “Because I told you to!” Obviously, that didn’t work for me then and it doesn’t work for us now as GAM, grown ass men.
I have been thinking a lot lately about the importance of the Back Blast coming off the Memphis launch, a host of new and reworked AOs and a great Nantaan call recently.
As I understand them, the Back Blast is the following:
  • A recap of the workout
  • A place to recognize those who posted
  • A way to track numbers and growth
  • A way to commemorate a break through
  • A way to commemorate someone splashing merlot for posterity
  • A way to make announcements
  • A way to document new and different exicon from the PAX
  • You’re a leader and part of Qing a workout is writing the BB
I’m sure there’s more on that from DREDD & OBT in Freed to Lead but I can’t get my hands on it right now.
All the above is great and I wholeheartedly agree with #1-8 and with the Nantaan of the Nation and the Great Weasel Shaker at WWHQ in their excellently penned Freed to Lead (which I still can’t find). But to me, the real reason we post the BB I realized today when I got a text from country code +44. At first glance I thought it was spam. Upon further inspection, it was from the one and only Scribe of F3Nashville Faulkner. So, without blabbing on, here’s what he wrote (I edited the very end)
“Been doing three F3 workouts a week by following the backblasts. Off days I run 4 miles. Miss the camaraderie and spiritual support. Tell everyone I said hey. Praying for those mentioned in backblasts, particularly the Kemps. Glad to see how F3 is growing … In this pic, I just finished Edible Arrangement’s latest Qed workout. The park I work out in mainly behind me. Hope you’re well.”

The title of this post is from the people at GoRuck.  I was constantly reminded of this over the past weekend in the 9-11 Memorial Ruck.  Ultimately, the BB isn’t about us being too busy, too lazy or too indifferent because it’s not about us and how we feel about posting the BB…it’s what someone else gets out of it.
So if not for #1-8 and for F2L, do it for the Faulkner’s, the Rooms2Go and others that find themselves DR for an extended period of time and that miss y’all, that miss F3Nashville and miss the 15 Burpess every minute for 10 minutes from that jerk Funyuns!

Westeros – 08/21/17 – “Brotality”

QIC: Princess Aurora

The PAX: Third Person, Crawfish, Porcelain, T-Cell, Iron Lung


6 PAX posted at Westeros for some sun salutation before the Great American Eclipse. YHC had promised it was gonna get weird, and YHC delivered.




Long mosey to the gym parking lot by West End Middle to initiate launch sequence aka COP. All exercises IC.


  • SSH x 33
  • IW x 33
  • Air Press x 33
  • Merkin x 33 (1ct)


Head over to the lot off of Bowling . PAX pair up for a tribute to the day’s 22nd member of Solar Saros 145. Similar to Dora 1-2-3, P1 runs to the top of the hill and back while P2 performs AMRAP of first exercise. Team goals for each are 145.


  • Squats
  • Air Presses
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Overhead Squats
  • Smurf Jacks


Hop onto the wet soccer field for some Copernicus-inspired work. And now a long, but totally worthwhile explanation: PAX form a group in the middle of a circle (drawn out in the dew in this case) to play the role of the Sun. Keeping the same partner, two PAX step out to the edge of the circle in position to “orbit” the Sun and call out an exercise for the Sun to perform. P1 (Earth) performs burpee broad jumps around the circle while P2 (Moon) bear crawls around him. Each time the Moon completes one revolution and gets between the Sun and the Earth (Eclipse), both PAX perform 5 Merkins. This continues for one full “year” at which point another pair switches out. Rinse and repeat until each pair has played both roles.


Now that it’s over, mosey back to the launch point for 7MOM, all IC.


  • Scissor Kicks x 33
  • LBCs X 33
  • American Hammers x 33
  • Plank x 33″
  • Side Plank R/L x 33″






Great to have everybody out there for the third week of Westeros, and a special thanks to Iron Lung for making the trek. It was the best birthday gift a Q could ask for. Since this is so late, I hope everybody was able to enjoy totality yesterday. If you didn’t, make plans to head to northwest Kentucky in 2024 where it’ll be happening again.




  • Hambone has the Q at Titan tomorrow. Should be rucking awesome.


  • Check out The Hill on Thursdays at FRA. Rumor is that you actually have to sign a waiver, so no verbal disclaimer needed when you Q there!


  • Speaking of, we need Qs for The Hill, Bomber, and Stonewall this week. There are too many PAX in F3 Nashville for this to be the case. If you’re feeling nervous, unfit, or inept, ask somebody to co-Q with you. You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: F3 is about the invigoration of male community leadership. Time to give back to your brethren and help them better themselves. You’ll better yourself in the process. Now let’s get that Q calendar filled up.


PA out.