May your pull up final test, pain train edition

AO: offthebooks
Q: morning stār , Wolfpack
PAX: morning stār, Wolfpack, Half Lyfe, Bumble bee (2.0)
FNGs: None

0600 – got going with no disclaimer, oops

mosey to the 9 square bars and warm up the arm and shoulders then some stretching OYO

may-you-pull-up final test

Met Charlie from the Exchange Club who was setting up for the Bellevue Clean Up day. Helped him set up and had a nice chat.
– The Bellevue Exchange Club works to support causes like ending child abuse, Americanism/Patriotism (they are the ones that set up all the flags during memorial holidays), community engagement.
– Charlie invited us to a meeting to share about F3. Said some members could use what we’re doing.

Finished our mosey back to the park.

YHC was thinking we’d be done but Wolfpack wouldn’t have it. Took turns picking an exercise for the group to do:
– bumble bee – motivators from 1 to as fast as you can go (stopped at 8)
– Half Lyfe – 10 push ups with one arm on a step
– Wolfpack – 20 mountain climbers
– YHC – carry the 20 coupons from the car to the back of the stage

Wrapped up with cafeteria, thank you Wolfpack for the brew!

– was really cool to meet Charlie, a Bellevue statesman; excited to follow up and see where the relationship might go
– was great to slow down the pace and enjoy some extra mumble chatter

– taco ruck in Franklin today at 4pm at Mojos at the factory; kids welcome
– bring your kids to workout day next Tuesday at the-knoll
– f3dads workout next Saturday at 9am at green hills park

COT: YHC reflected on the power of daily focus towards one goal and how it compounds towards growth and acceleration. Invited all PAX to consider 1 thing to direct focus towards in June. Ended with a toast to the PAX present and not present and the FNGs that are to come : that we would continue to grow as men (and kids).

Off Campus

AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks
PAX: Sunshine, hambone, Pep, Dilbert, Under the Table, SPAM (DR the Natti)
FNGs: None



Moseyed across Main Street to the Drakes Creek complex stopping along the way for Burpees

Posted up under the pavilion for an round of DIDS

Moseyed further into the Park stopping to do a round of BOMBS

Moseyed back to Startex stopping a couple times for Burpees

Finished up with some P90X yoga and some box breathing.

Always honored to Q and excited to see Hendersonville rising.

First White House OTB workout on Monday and each following monday

Mind Games

AO: pain-train
Q: Timber
PAX: Wolfpack, G-string, The Banker, Timber, Suspect, Half Lyfe, FLO, Airhead
FNGs: 1 Airhead
CONDITIONS: 60 degrees, pleasant

WARMUP: IC SSH, High Knees, BACs, Back BACs, overhead clap, seal clap, mosey to the Bellevue Middle track

Station 1: Matching
8 pairs of workout cards (16 cardboard cards total) placed face down; PAX took turns flipping cards. If NO match, PAX completed both workouts; if match, PAX discarded the cards without having to complete the workout. BW squats when not completing card workout.
Station 2: KIMs game
~ 40 items laid out on the ground and PAX studied for 1 minute; items covered up after 1 minute. Each PAX had to answer a question about the “scene”, any question MISSED = 3 burpees/pullups. Round 1: 5/7 incorrect = 15 burpees. 30 more seconds to study and then 4 items removed. Round 2: 2/7 missed = 6 pullups. Shoulder press when not completing exercises.
Station 3: Ultimate Frisbee (4 v 4)

MOLESKINE: quick adjustment to park across the street when News 2 was in our parking lot. Welcome to Airhead! Team of The Banker, Wolfpack, G-string, and Suspect were Ultimate winners. Thank you to Wolfpack for the coffeeteria!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: may-you-pull-up final day on Saturday morning at pain-train at 6a; coworking continues to be successful

COT: It is good habit to be aware of our surroundings. This is actually something you can practice and get better at. In my time with the Scout unit in the Army we would incorporate the KIMs game in our training sometimes. One practical piece of advice: when going to and from your vehicle in parking lots, stay off your phone and look around. By doing this, you are far less likely to be attacked by any possible attacker.

Thanks for coming out in the gloom this morning!

It’s Just Rain

AO: the-castle
Q: Pep
PAX: Dilbert, Sunshine, Chunks, Pep, hambone, Under the table, country parkour
FNGs: None
Wet but cool temperature

Run to high school
Baby arm circles
Imperial walkers
Good mornings

– burpees + world war 2

pax choice
– pax chooses an exercise for everyone to do while he runs to midfield and back

run back to startx
– finish with merry

Monday murph
– one in nashville at green machine
– one starting at just love in hendersonville


– under the table : new child
– sunshine: new child coming very soon

[coworking] 2ndFing while coworking in public, Bellevue Edition

AO: coworking
Q: morning stār
PAX: Ex-Pat, Sparrow, FLO, Wolfpack, The Merchant, morning stār, Three Stooges, EH (yet to be named)
FNGs: 1 EH (yet to be named)
WARMUP: get oriented and order a drink

5 rounds of 25 min work session followed by 5 min walk

Found a pull up “bar” on one walk but were asked by DeSano’s not to use it again.

Lunch at Honey Fire.

– looking at Monday afternoon and Friday morning for next week

20.5 cinder blocks for $10

AO: offthebooks
Q: morning stār
PAX: Wolfpack, morning stār
FNGs: None

WARMUP: catch up on the drive to the Easter sale

Farmer and suitcase carry cinder blocks to the car (up a hill).

Drive to YHCs house and unload.

– got 3 halves and an extra large one!
– #f3-lyfe-foreva :joy:

– will be pressure washed and ready for release into pain-train circulation by 6/7


AO: pain-train
Q: The Banker
PAX: AAA, Cheeks, G-string, Lunch Lady, Siri, Sooie, The Merchant, Timber, voucher
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool and slightly wet

WARMUP: stretching

THE THANG: We did a half Murph to prime ourselves for Memorial Day challenge.
.5 mile run followed by 50 pull-ups, 100 merkins, and 150 body weight squats, finished with .5 mile run.

MOLESKINE: Finishing up school and transitioning to summer is hard and stressful for me at times. Im trying to focus on keeping my head up and taking some deep breaths. These mornings with my F3 brothers become increasingly important to me and help prime the day.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bellevue Picnic tomorrow, May pull up challenge going strong, Green machine hosting Murph challenge on Memorial Day.

COT: Prayers

2ndFing while co-working in public, Bellevue edition

AO: 2ndf
Q: morning stār
PAX: FLO, Sooie, Ex-Pat, JM (yet to be named)
FNGs: 1 JM (yet to be named)

WARMUP: we all arrived at different times, but it worked out just fine.

THE THANG: 45 min work sessions and 5 min walks. Weighted Carrie’s on some of the walks.

Had a Cindy (35lb), 30lb kb and 15lb kb

Lunch at Hans Deli with awesome conversation.

– this is the next best thing since soaked, slow cooked oatmeal (I don’t eat sliced bread)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: planning to do it same place and time next wed.

Lord of the Rings BD

AO: the-castle
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Strutter, hambone, Pep, Salami
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool, crisp, and moist

WARMUP: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Low & Slow Squats, SSH

THE THANG: Tabata-style workout, 1:40 on, 20 sec rest. PAX move through all exercises at each station. Repeat until Mary.

Fellowship of the Ring
– You Shall Not Pass Thrusters (Coupon Thrusters)
– Curls for Arwen
– Anduin Canoe Crunches
Two Towers
– Helm’s Deep Squats (Coupon Squats)
– Two Towers of Power (Tower of Power)
– Toss the Dwarf (Coupon Swings)
Return of the King
– Mount Doom Climbers (Mountain Climbers)
– One Ring Hurleys (Bobby Hurleys)
– I Can’t Carry Your Burden… (Coupon Lunges)

Mary: Dealer’s Choice- LBCs, Flutter Kicks, 8-Count Body Builders, Dying Cockroaches

MOLESKINE: Samwise Gamgee’s speech at the end of Two Towers. It can be easy to get overwhelmed and despair at the darkness in the world. Look for the good to fight for.


COT: Strutter’s move. Sunshine’s M and 2.0 on the way

ALL ABOARD! Pain Train Launch!

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack , Siri
PAX: Cheeks, voucher, Timber, The Banker, FLO, G-string, Firefox, Toothless, Vector, Salami, Puzzlah, Pop-A-Lock, Sooie, Ex-Pat, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Peeerrrfection

WARMUP: Jog around the track and a Siri led shoulder burn.

Thang 1 – Coupon 11’s
Merkins on one end
Coupon squats on the other
Coupon carry between the two sides

Thang 2 – Parking Lot Tabata
20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
Jump Squats

Jog around the church

Iron Mikes

Jog back to caboose

THANG 3 – Merkin Ring of Fire
PAX circle up in high plank. Go around in a circle doing 1 merkin, then 2, then 3, then 4. Hold high plank waiting for the merkin to come back around to you. Feel the burn!!

MOLESKIN: PAX enjoyed coffeterria and tagging coupons with F3 logo after.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: may-you-pull-up challenge is upon us!

COT: Thanks to everyone for coming out to the launch today. Thought a lot about what it means to Plant Grow and Serve lately. As Pain Train enters its SERVE phase a reminder to all PAX to seek out initiatives to Plant something for yourself, put the time and energy necessary for it to Grow and then find how it can best serve others. Cheers!