Daft Punk

QIC: Scraps

Pax: Iditarod, Black Lung, Aristotle, NPR, Papa Juan, Seagull, Schnitzle, Yosef, Mr. Roboto, Grohl

10 Pax posted surprisingly, even though Yosef forgot to send a reminder. Sad Clowns, they are not.

Scraps took the VQ, and did not disappoint. Its like he’s led before.


Big lap of the parking lot, which included politicians and side to side, each side, and ended with a bear crawl.

13x Good mornings, x17 Willie Mays Hays, x9 big arm circles forward, x7 big arm circles backwards, x 11 imperial walkers, x 12 rock a billies.

The Thang:

Scraps introduced Pax to the French acid electronic stylings of Daft Punk. Truth nuggets a plenty throughout.

1) FIRE DRILL to Around the World (Each Pax yells “Fire”)- Merkin, roll right, merkin, roll left, back up to high knees

2) GET LUCKY to Get Lucky- Flutter kicks….”Up all night”- Al Gore- “Get Lucky”- Merkin

3) 100 MORE TIMES- to One More Time- PARTNER GOAL 50 Merkins, 100 crunches, 150 squats- while one sprints down and back

4) Bropees- to Harder, Better, Faster Stronger

5) Television Rules the Nation- Spell that out on your back with your feet all caps

6) Technologic- Patty Cake Merkins

The Thang soaked all the time, and appropriately smoked the Pax.

Cot & BoM: Scraps advised the Pax to use the words we’re insulted by to streghten us, not to be ashamed of what we’re called. Prayed out.

Bullhorn: Tuesday is open for Q if someone wants it.

Aristotle shared some positive news about the youngest on the way. Continued prayers are appreciated


Three-Way at CRUEL HALL

Bagger Vance, 2. Floppy Disk (Co-Q), 3. D’Mish (Co-Q), 4. Funyuns, 5. Calfkiller, 6. Yard Sale, 7. Books-A-Million, 8. Tidy Cats, 9. CAPSLOCK, 10. T-Swizzle, 11. Edible Arrangement, 12. Ludwig von Osh Kosh, 13. HVAC, 14. Swamp Fox, 15. Prevac (not pictured due to premature evacuation), 16. Walter White, 17. Mattress Money, 18. Accounts Receivable, 19. Cathy, 20. Venus, 21. Mugshot, 22. Dupree, 23. Drone Zone, 24. Colonel Flo-Dotty (FNG-David Ott), 25. Baker Mayfield (FNG-HVAC’s Vistor from Kalamazoo – Ohio State Fan), 26. Brother-At-Law (FNG-Mark Lenihan), 27. Lt. Dan (FNG-Dan Oliver), 28. CCR (YHC)

Bigstick (another bachelor party?), Foxtrot (beemer 3 is in the shop?), Aunt Bea (…), PSL (a groin concern), JV, Dine N Dash, Grisham, Rooster, Tebow, many more

A perfect gloomy morning was the setting for this morning’s easy slide into the weekend. As the PAX rolled in, three things became clear:  1) Everyone was hyped for the first ever three-way Q, 2) @auntbea, who requested that I bring out the Q-shorts, wasn’t going to make it and 3) there was a slew of FNGs .  All good things.  …and 4) @calfkiller was struggling…and farting more than usual.

5 quick burpees to get the blood flowing and we were off on a leisurely mosey toward @dupree ‘s domain and back between the baseball fields to the pavilion for some ovulation, disclaimer and…


Side Straddle Hop x20 IC
High Knees x10 IC each leg
Butt Kickers x10 IC each leg
Hop Kicks! X10 IC each leg
Slow and Low Merkins x10 IC
Willie Mayes Hayes X10 IC
Good Mornings x10 IC

Once the PAX were split up into 9 groups of three (plus me), we moseys over the bottom of the grass hill for some work. The gloom was personified by the low fog…breathtaking.

1s and 2s start on top of the hill with 3s down on the bottom. 1s start with atomic merkins on top.  3s start with jump squats on bottom.  2s sprint down the hill to relieve the 3s from their jump squats.  3s sprint up hill to relieve the 1s from their atomic merkins.  Repeat cycle with various upper body exercises called on the top.  These include atomic merkins, mountain merkins and straight up merkins.  After a few rounds, we held the 1s and 2s at the bottom and sprinted up the hill together to join the 2s.

Mosey to the parking lot for round 2.

1s, 2s and 3s line up pole to hole with a few yards of room in between for some burpee broad jump Indian runs. A few groans later we started.  All PAX perform called exercise while the PAX in the back of the line burpee broad jump to the front of the line.  Rinse and repeat until all PAX have had a chance to display their skills.  Called exercises included merkins, burpees, squats, and atomic merkins.

We finished with 10 burpees OYO and the reigns were handed to the ever so capable floppy D.

Staying in our three groups, Floppy send us out and three different 1 mile routes to retrieve flags that he had planted earlier. One group ran to Sir E and back, one group went north on Trousdale and one went south on Trousdale.  Once back, get into your team of three for some group total work:

100 Burpees, 200 Deep Squats and 300 Freddy Mercury…plank and wait for the 6.

Floppy had to prevac to get back before the M left for work, so D’Mish took over Mary and BOM/COT for the first ever 3-way Co-Q. Much to the relief of the PAX,  D’Mish punted the standard Mary in exchange for a nice easy stretch to close it out.


Discussion regarding GrowRuck in Chattanooga. Hit up BV, Funyuns or Hambone with questions.

T-Shirt order coming soon. Keep an eye out for order details.

Continued prayers for the Kemp family.

On behalf the three way Q team, it was a pleasure. Seeing three FNGs this morning, with one being my brother-at-law, was awesome.  There is still plenty of room on the Q calendar, so do yourself a favor and sign up.  There are plenty of guys willing to co-Q or simply be a sounding board if it is your first time.

Until next time,
CCR, on behalf of Floppy D and D’Mish

Irma, BLIMPS, and Sir E

QIC:  Dupree

PAX:  Bartman (visitor from Knoxville), Cathy, Venus, PreVac, Too Tall, Black Widow, Black Lung, Funyuns, Yard Sale, Caps A Lot, Big Stick

12 PAX battled the remnants of Hurricane Irma at Sir E this morning.  Theme for the day was perseverance through the storm.  Irma’s remnant rained down on this cool morning as we moseyed from CMC to Sir E.

Warm UP:

Side Straddle Hop  xs 15

Willie Mays xs 15

Baby Arm Circles xs 10

Reverse baby arm circles xs 10

Cherry Pickers xs 10

The Thang:

Today’s beatdown was a test of endurance.  The PAX never stopped moving.  Figure eights around Sir E with two burpees at every speed bump.  At the bottom of the hill, in the middle, and at the top of the figure 8, we stopped for BLIMPS.  Ten reps each exercise



Imperial Marches


Plank Jacks


25 WWI’s for fun.  Plank and wait for the 6.  Mosey back to the parking lot.


Flutter Kicks

Low Plank

End with stretching – Willie Mays Hays and hamstring stretch.


A few PAX interested in buying F3 gear.  Funyuns noted the importance of sizing up.  We prayed for Harvey and Irma victims, the Kemps, and for God to continue to bless us and our families as we seek to serve Him.


It was an honor Qing this morning.  As I thought about the workout, I couldn’t help but think of all the people in the aftermath of the storms that have hit our coasts lately.  They are having to persevere and endure the trauma of putting their lives back together.  As we kept moving today, I was reminded that we are training our bodies, minds, and souls to persevere no matter what comes our way.  (A little 3rd F for you on this rainy day).



Ultimate Thursday

PAX: Frugal Macdoogal (Q), Big Stick, D’Mish, Cinderella, CCR, Dr. Smart, Wee Wee, Toga, Nightstand, Venus, Cathy, Jigsaw, Vegemite

We took a little break from the dumbbell workouts that the PAX have been accustomed to at The Hill to get the blood pumping and have a little fun through a game of ultimate frisbee, F3 style.


SSH x 15

Good Mornings x 10

Willie Mays Hays x 10

FBAC x 15

RBAC x 15

Overhead Claps x 15

Overhead Press x 15


We counted off and broke in to two teams (tapping in to our middle school selves by playing shirts vs. skins) to play ultimate frisbee on the entire football field, with slight variations.  Every time a team scored, the scoring team would do 20 merkins.  The team that got scored on would do 20 squats.  Upon completion, we’d go right back in to ultimate.  Music was also playing over the stadium speakers, so at the conclusion of every song, we’d pause play and do 5 burpees, then continue where we left off.   We did burpees much more often than merkins/squats due to our ineptitude at scoring.

The final score was 4-3* shirts…the asterisk is due to the fact that the shirts had an extra player.  Although skins had  Big Stick, who really counts as two players since he’s got a non-stop motor…

After the game, we made a quick detour to run a round of stadium steps on the mosey back to the parking lot then WWI until time called.

Circle of Trust to end with prayers for Chum’s dad, the Kemps, those in Houston, as well as those affected by or going to be from Hurricane Irma.

It was a fun time – enjoyed it and look forward to Big Stick leading the charge next week.

Until Next Time,


Bringing SEXY back

18 in the Pax – Cinderella (Q), Calfkiller, Vegemite, Boudan, Dupree, Homeboy, Funyuns, D’Mish, CCR, Edible Arrangements, Too Tall, Dr. Smarrt, Floppy Disk, Hambone, Venus, Binary, Due Process, CAPSLOCK.

Warm Up – 5 Burpees then mosey up the hill to do 10 slow and low squats then mosey to do some alternating shoulder taps, only to mosey over to have a near death experience with a skunk. After that, we moseyed over to do some calf raises, then to finally make our way over to the Thang.

Thang – SEXY

5 burpees

S – Squirkins – 20 Merkins, 20 Squats for each partner

Ran the loop

E – E2K – 50 reps each leg/side

Ran the loop

X – Factor – 25 reps each side

Ran the loop

Y – Yul Brynner – 12 reps of diamond, military, reg, wide, and Carolina dry docks

Ran the loop.

S – Squirkins – rinse and repeat

25 slow and low Squats

5 burpees then moseyed to do calf raises 100 total, 25 dips, 15 single leg dips left, 15 single leg dips right.

Moseyed back to the parking lot – stretched, 5 burpees, alphabet on our six, then gorilla humpers.

Let’s keep praying for Houston and surrounding areas. Dupree and Calfkiller are headed down to do some clean up work. Remember to pray for the Kemps any and every time you think of them.



Pumping Iron at The Hill

The Hill

13 PAX showed up on a misty morn on the Hill.

PAX: Frugal (Q), Foxtrot, Toga, Vegemite, Big Stick, Yard Sale, D’Mish, Too Tall, Grease Trap, Cinderella, Dr. Smart, Tampa Libra, Venus

WOR (All IC):
SSH x 10
Good Mornings x 10
Willie Mays Hays x 10
FBAC x 10
RBAC x 10
Overhead Claps x 10

Line up on the goal line.
Bear Crawl x 20 yards
Broad Jump x 20 yards
Sprint x 60 yards
10 Burpees
Plank and Wait

Mosey down to the amphitheater and get in groups of three to grab weights from the weight room.

Station One (with light dumbbells: 15-25 lbs): Curl, Step Up, Curl x 10
Station Two (with heavy dumbbells: 40-55 lbs): Farmers Stairs
Station Three (with kettlebell): Swings

Rotate when partner at Station One is done.
Plank and Wait after completing all stations.

Station One: Deep Squat into Shoulder Press (aka Pooper Press) x 20
Station Two: Farmers Stairs
Station Three: Deadlift into Upright Row

Rotate when partner at Station One is done.
Plank and Wait after completing all stations.

Station One: Merkin into Renegade Row x 20
Station Two: Farmers Stairs
Station Three: Goblet Squat

Rotate when partner at Station One is done.
Plank and Wait after completing all stations.

Station One: Curls AYG for 30 seconds
Station Two: Shrugs AYG for 30 seconds
Station Three: Upright Rows AYG for 30 seconds

Rotate after each station until completing all stations.

Station One: Shoulder Press AYG for 30 seconds
Station Two: Triceps Pushups AYG for 30 seconds
Station Three: Weighted LBCs AYG for 30 seconds

Rotate after each station until completing all stations.

Rinse and Repeat Parts 1-3 but cutting reps in half.

Mosey to put weights back to weight room then head back with a AYG sprint up the hill to the top lot.

Circle of Trust

One announcement from Bagger that Q failed to mention:
We are $1300 out of 6th place in F3’s Give2Give. If we get in top six, we can get a say in expansion. Check out twitter or the F3 gear page for more info. Go support!

Till Next Time,


Path of Totality

22 answered the bell, punched the sirens of the fartsack in the gullet, popped the red pill and posted for a Q they wouldn’t long forget.  This was a request from Funyuns so you can blame him if it sucked.

74 and humid

Mosey around the upper loop and convene back in front of main entrance.


All IC x 13


Imperial Walkers

Lt Dans

Flutter Kix (yes in the WOR)


Partner up of equal yolking, grab the mini flags and speaker and roll up Marchant.  Pretty quick pace up past the gate and then a sudden bank to the left and off in the grass.  First mini flag was planted next to utility pole at the top of the hill.  Second mini flag was planted in the bottom of the Holler, yes it’s a holler in Mid TN.  Speakers left at near curb in big lot and PAX planked out at the Fire Watch Tower.


As a group of two complete two Burpees at FWT, four Burpees at Speaker, six Burpees at Mini flag 1 and 8 Burpees at Mini Flag 2 or was that 1?  Irrelevant.  On the way back to FWT hit the Burpee Stations in reverse order…6, 4, 2…

Side Straddle Hop for the Six

Rinse n Repeat

Lt. Dan for the Six

Rinse n Repeat

Two Minute Plank Progression

Imperial Walker for the Six

Rinse n Repeat

Flutter Kix for the Six

Rinse n Repeat with this caveat…

4 Burpees at FWT, 8 Burpees at Speaker, 12 Burpees at Mini Flag 1, 16 Burpees at Mini Flag 2

Plank for the Six

Get Partnered back up for Indian Run back to CHUM


2:40.01 Plank Progression

Supermans x 13 IC

Flutter Kix x 22 IC

Ola Binarys x 13 IC



This Q was a Redux from 2 Feb 16 which was CCRs second post.  I was surprised with the Turnout of HIM for this am.

Floppy Disk brought the coffee and went over to the Playground for his bum ankle Solo Q.  After many a call from the PAX he joined us for Mary.


Many new AOs to choose from, I would encourage you all to get out there and test one of them out.

9/11 Convergence at Percy Warner Park at the Stairs to the now Shuddered Stairway to Heaven.  Launch time will be 0500.  ALL NASHVILLE AND FRANKLIN AO WILL BE DIRECTED THERE.

ROCK n ROAD 30 Mile 5 Man Team Race coming up on 22 October.  This is a great race and a great replacement for the Tough Mudder.

Continued Prayers for the Kemps, they are currently in Disney on a Make A Wish trip.

My Buddy John Wallace returns home tomorrow.  He is in for a long tough recovery.  Please pray for his fortitude, his family and his marriage.

Truly an honor to call you men Brothers.  Thank you for your willingness to lead, your willingness to follow and for busting me down when I need it!


Bagger Vance


CCR, Big Bang, Funyuns, FTTAL, Black Widow, Night Stand, Dr Smartt, Vegemite, Floppy Disk, Black Lung, Edible Arrangements, CHUM(p), Dupree, Binary, Cinderella, Too Tall, Venus, PreVac, Umbrella, RBON, Preacher Man, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Doom and gloom of the ECLIPSE – August 21, 2017

21 PAX – Dupree (Q), Cinderella (Co-Q), Too Tall, Due Process, Drone Zone, Big Bang, Ludwig, Blacktop, Boudan, Grisham, Calfkiller, Venus, Accounts Receivable, Blackwater, T-Swizz, Yard Sale, Vegemite, Olan Mills, Dr. Smarrt, Dine and Dash, Arbon.

Warm up – Side straddle hop, Willie Mays Hays, Good mornings, baby arm circles (forwards and backwards), seal claps, slow squats, and slow merkins.

Thang – The theme was ECLIPSE for the supernatural phenomenon of the solar eclipse coming through Nashville. We completed each phase of the ECLIPSE with running in between. Each phase were as follows:

E – Elevens – Jump Squats and Merkins
C – Carolina Dry Docks (50)
L – Lunges (100 total)
I – Imperial Walkers – (100 total)
P – Pull Ups – (20)
S – Squats – (40)
E – Elevens Burpees and Mountain Merkins

We did 2 minutes of “on our 6” work – Flutter kicks and LBC’s.

Finished up with some masterful prayer by the pastor himself, Dupree.

** Be careful to not look directly into the sun without approved eye wear. Cause if you do, then we will be seeing you, but you won’t be seeing us anymore.

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