XC day

PAX: Mr. Roboto, Noble Virus, Papa Juan, Grohl, Scraps, Iditarod, Aristotle, Yosef
Weather: lovely 49F, 10-15 mph wind

CDL used his cross-country knowledge base to work PAX how he knows best: Running.

Mosey from MMC parking to Prentice Fridge & A/C parking for WOR
X9 IC? Goodmornings
X10 OYO Inch worms

Mosey across the street to the Underpass of Thompson Lane bridge over College.

The Thang:
X20 Pushups
X20 Squats
Spring the concrete hill up to Thompson, and mosey the road back around to the bottom.

Repeat x3

Mosey back to the Corner of Abdominal Pain.

YHC advised we had completed approx 2.5 miles of running.

X30 flutter kicks
X30 American Hammers
X30 Rosalita’s

CoT and BoM. And there was much comradery today

Bullhorn: PT test Thurs Feb 8th.
FYI, Yosef will be out of pocket due to travel the week of 2/12-2/16. That means the Thurs 2/15 workout is up for grabs. Hit the Google calendar signup, or let Iditarod or myself know.

A Most Excellent Adventure

Penned by Aristotle

QIC: Aristotle
PAX: Noble Virus, Scraps, Schnitzel, NPR, Yosef, Nuggets McPatty, Grohl, Iditarod
Weather: Mid-20’s and windy

9 PAX grunt and sweat on an adventure through history via Bill and Ted and learn to ‘Be excellent to each other.’

Long warm up lap around the Square –shake things up by going clockwise.

Circle up for short WOR:
SSH x 20 IC
GMs RBAC x 10 IC

The Thang:
Mosey to the parking deck between Walnut and Maple.

YHC explains the basic plot to ‘Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure’ for the few poor souls who have never seen it. Declares exercises will loosely relate to the military historical figures they traveled through time to kidnap and pass their history test –in order to save the world through the inspirational music of the Wyld Stallyns.

Excellent! [Enthusiastic air guitar]

Round 1: Napoleon Bonaparte
Starting on the bottom floor of the deck, keeping all things low to the ground like our French warrior-Emperor.
Elevens – Squats and Mericans, but Bear Crawls in between.
Much grunting by PAX. Bear Crawls = Waterloo

Round 2: Genghis Khan
Travel back to 1209 to rampage like the infamous Golden Hordes.
Escalator (of sorts) between each level of the parking deck, sprinting in between each one.
PAX were instructed to yell out random exercises. YHC picked the loudest one, and all sprinted to the next level:

Level 1: Burpees x 10 OYO
short sprint
Level 2: Lt. Dans x 20 OYO
long sprint
Level 3: Overhand claps x 25 IC
long sprint to the top due to time

Round 3: Joan of Arc
At the top, on your 6 for a full view of the sky. Go back to 1429 to share Joan’s divine vision to lead the French army to victory over the English.
MARY/Ring of Fire/choose your own ab exercise
PAX were encouraged to ‘Be excellent to each other’ in their choice of ab smokers:

Iditarod: Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
Yosef: Crunchy Frog x 10 OYO
Nuggets: LBC x 20 OYO
Scraps: Crab kicks x 20 OYO (a move of Scraps’ own creative invention)
Noble Virus: Freddie Mercury x 20 OYO
Grohl: WW1 x 10 OYO
NPR: Hello Dolly x 20 IC
Schnitzel: American Hammers x 20 OYO
YHC: Mosey back to Courthouse for all to count-off whilst planking.

COT and Prayer for all to be excellent to each other by remembering history, and through the Spirit doing the Greatest Commandment and the second one just like it.

Famous people

QIC: Yosef
PAX: CDL, Aristotle (and friends), Iditarod, Noble Virus, NPR
Weather: 23 degrees F, clear, no wind.

6 PAX posted for an education on some important historical people.

Warm Up lap
X20 side straddle hops
X10 slow good mornings
X10 slow willie mays hayes
X10 high knees
X10 butt kicks

The Thang: Mosey to the long side of the parking lot, introduced PAX to Wilt Chamberlain. In honor of his 100 point game, PAX completed the following:

X100 LBC’s
Sprint 100 yrds (length of parking lot)
X100 squats
100 yrds
X100 swim kicks
100 yrds
X100 lunges (50 per leg)
100 yrds

Mosey’d a bit to shake everything loose and then circled up to introduce PAX to Bruce Lee, and his workout.

x20 American Hammers
x20 LBC’s
x20 toe touches
x20 Crunchy Frogs
x20 heel taps
x20 swim kicks = 1 set

Full Bruce Lee is 6 sets, but we only had time for 3 sets.

Moved on to Johnny Cash, and his Ring of Fire:

PAX circles up and gets into plank position. Gave 3 pax a choice of their favorite ab exercises. The results were shoulder touches, bicycles, WW1 situps. All Pax held plank, while pax one at a time completed all three exercises x10 reps, and then resuming plank while the pax to the left goes, until the circle is complete. It just keeps on burning.

Mosey back to start.

CoT & BoM.

Snow Covered Hills

When: 1/19/2018

QIC: Grisham

The PAX: 19 men decided to role out of bed and get after it Friday morning.

At 21 degrees, it was a little chilly at the beginning, but after the warm-up started, the weather was perfect.

Warm Up:

  • Mosey around the circle
  • Shoulder circuit to warm up
  • Grinder PT (SSH, Deep Squats, Lunges, Dive Bombers, Supermans, sit ups, pushups, Carolina dry dockers, etc.


Part I – Strength Work:


  • 3 X 10 Hand Stand Pushups / Alternating w/ 20 V-ups
  • Grab a coupon. Partner up.  1 warm up, 3 work sets Row X 10 /alternating with clapping ‘Mericans .

Part II – Metcon:

  • 11’s  – Pull ups and snowy reverse burpbees at the bottom of the hill.
  • Mosey to parking lot & circle up
    • 15’Mericans
    • 15 situps


Really great to see everyone out this morning. Have a great weekend!

Winter Wonderland

QIC: Yosef
PAX: Aristotle, Iditarod, Papa Juan, Schnitzel
Weather 5 degrees F, Wind: 0.

T-claps to pax for posting despite brutal cold and icy/snow conditions.

Warm up lap
Side straddle hops x15
Extra slow good mornings x10
Willie Mays Hayes x12
Lt. Dan’s from one curb to the next, approx. 10 yards.

To keep Pax warm and dry, we went on a Mosey tour of Gateway Island and that which surrounds it.
1st Stop: The Island. Partner up and one stays and does dips on the planter, while the other partner runs to the first building and drops 10 Merkins. Runs back. Switch. Then partner runs to gazebo and drops 20 Merkins, runs back, switch. A good little triceps toaster, and kept the hands dry.
2nd stop: The Crossroads. MC ensued regarding Bone Thugs. We had no harmony. Crossroads had a particularly dry patch, so 25 squats, 50 LBC’s, 20 Russian twists (or American Hammers), 15 burpees.
3rd stop: The playground. WWI sit-ups on the picnic tables while PAX takes turns doing AMRAP pullups on the monkey bars.
4th stop: The Crossroads. Short on time, so 25 side straddle hops and depart.
5th stop: Finish, CoT and BoM.

Bullhorn: Temps should warm to above freezing for next week, so don’t be a sad clown. Put on your discipline britches and mosey on down to the Square for a workout.

Mr. Roboto’s VQ

PAX: Schnitzel, Aristotle, Yosef, Iditarod, Mr. Roboto (QIC)

Mosey for a while then circle up for warm ups. Then the partner routine which included one partner running two laps around the square while the other started 50 Burpees, 100 overhand claps, 150 Merkins, and 200 squats alternating til all reps complete. Then we did 11’s. 10 squats 1 burpee, 9 squats 2 burpees…etc while lunges in between each exercise from curb to curb. Ended with around the world with your favorite exercise for the last 5 minutes or so.


Bullhorn: Join Iditarod for the special kids 5k/15k if you want to give a race a whirl.

Failure is Imminent

QIC: Yosef
PAX: Scraps, Iditarod, NPR, Aristotle, Schnitzel (Irish Goodbye)

PAX posted for unseasonably warm temperatures in the high 50’s for a heater.

WAR: Warm up lap, 10x side straddle hops, x11 good mornings, x11 willie mays hayes, x10 big arm circles forward, x10 reverse, x10 imperial walkers, x10 hillbillies.

The Thang

Focus for today was muscle failure. QIC wanted to ensure no one, including himself, felt perfect.

Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day,” plank the song, Merkins on Lovely Day mentions, which are many.

Ran around Gateway Island, stopping twice to pitstop for some LBC’s (x30), Burpees, WWI’s, and Merkins (all x15)

Returned to meeting area and completed 400m repeats, for time. PAX must complete lap within 75 seconds, or 1min, 15 secs. Failure to do so results in group repeat. Repeat 6x. Scraps agreed to be the standard by which we were judged, and he did not disappoint. No repeats were necessary. Schnitzel said his Irish Goodbye’s after lap 3.

Finished with an old punishment Yosef’s pops liked, hold arms at a 90 degree angle (straight out) for 5 minutes without rest. Failure results in punishment. Success results in strong shoulders and upper back, but there is much pain in between. MC was high to distract from the undertaking, and we learned much about parenting styles from Scraps and Iditarod.

COT and BoM. Reminded PAX that perfection is impossible, and makes Christ’s sacrifice for us pointless. But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to exemplify Christ to those around us.

Bullhorn: Despite high temps, many fartsackers. Don’t be a sad clown, come get in shape. Sign up to lead a Q if you haven’t in a while.

Tua T.’s 30 for 30

PAX: Iditarod, Yosef, Scraps, Nuggets McPatty, NPR, Aristotle, Papa Juan, and Dolly
About 36 degrees this am first above freezing workout of the year. YHC stayed up way too late last night watching the Tide Roll. This am doing a 30 for 30 exercise. As there is sure to be a ESPN 30 for 30 made at some point featuring Tua Tagovailoa after what he did the night before. Here is how it went down.

GMs x 17 IC
WMHs x 17 IC
BACF x 17 IC

The Thang
1. Merkins x 30
2. Burpees x 30
3. Squats x 30
4. WWi’s x 30
5. Dips x 30
6. Carolina Dry Dock x 30 Then lap around courthouse
7. Lt. Dans x 30
8. WWII’s x 30
9. Squat Jumps x 30
10. Alternating shoulder taps x 30
11. LBC’s x 30
12. Broad Jumps x 30 Then lap around courthouse
13. HR Merkins x 30
14. Y-Raises x 30
15. Reverse Crunches x 30
16. SSH’s x 30
17. Plank Jacks x 30
18. Freddy Mercuries x 30 Then lap around Courthouse
19. MTn. Climbers x 30
20. Nolan Ryans x 30
21. Monkey Humpers x 30
22. Thrusters x 30
23. Side Lunges x 30
24. High knees x 30
25. Hello Dollies x 30
26. Flutter Kicks x 30
27. Rosalita x 30
28. American Hammers x 30
29. Dead Bugs x 30
30. Crunchy Frogs x 30
All while enjoying an Alabama tribute play list consisting of Dixieland Delight by Alabama, Sweet home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynrd, Song of the South by Alabama, Tuscaloosa 1962 by Donnie Fritts.

COT-Prayer for men and reflections on facing adversity and having community around you after watching game last night and reading in the psalms in AM

Much MC about the political awareness/correctness of YHC’s playlist and relevancy in 80s versus Twentyteens. Great work by PAX pushing through. A Dolly splash of merlot post COT. Welcome back.

We Interrupt Sharknado to Bring you Deconstructed Burpees

Bagger Vance, Floppy Disk, Black Widow, CAPSLOCK, PSL, Ludwig Van Osh Kosh, Dupree, Vegemite, Accounts Receivable, Umbrella, Black Lung, Rooster, Too Tall, Brother-at-Law, Greasetrap, NumbTucks, Pop-A-Lock, Harvey Updyke, Kashernick, Dilly Dilly (FNG), CCR (Your Humble Correspondent)

As time ticked closer to 5:30am, the 20 PAX must have felt confused…maybe a little scared.   Brother at Law confided in me that he was totally embarrassed.  5:30, no CCR. At this very moment, CCR was enjoying the very last bit of REM sleep which included a vision of the scoreboard from tonight’s historic beatdown (more to come on what it revealed). 5:32am came and a frantic blur of hygene, urination, coffee making (after urination), dressing, hitting a dear, fixing the dents, hitting vegemite’s wife as she was out getting the paper in her robe, caring for her, buying cones at CVS and finally pulling into the parking lot at 5:39am. Surprisingly, Bagger had taken charge of the situation and pulled out the fan favorite Sharknado.  Anyone seen Big Perm lately?  Quite a start to the morning. I assume there was a warm-up of some sort, but that will be left out of this account. PAX finish up their 2nd Sharknado lap and head to the parking lot, line up and partner up for the real THANG.

Deconstructed Burpees
Parter 1 performs a 5-legged suicide (run forward, backpedal back) while Parter 2 performs the deconstructed burpee pieces listed below. Flapjack, rinse and repeat until each piece has been completed, SSH for the 6 of course.

Squats (Deep…touching both hands to the ground)
Thrusters (like an atomic merkin without the merkin)
Merkins (slow and low focusing on form over quantity)
Frog Hops (These were bad if you actually did them the whole time)
Squat Jumps (form started slipping here)

All-In…SSH together for a few seconds, then resume suicides with Full Burpees in lieu of the pieces we just practiced. PSL and Too Tall both noted that the burpees were way easier after practicing all the pieces for so long. SSH for the 6

Rinse and repeat with a 3-legged suicide vs. 5. Enough of that.

Flutter Kicks x30 IC
Hello Dollys x20 IC
LBCs x20 IC

High Plank for about 1 min…Ludwig interjects with a great joke about counting. Done.

COT/BOM/COFFEE (Thanks to Umbrella for bringing the necessary 2nd pot of Joe this am)

Hit up Bagger for more details about the Barefoot Republic 5k 4 MLK. Next Monday. Here is the link for more information as well…https://barefootrepublic.org/archive-events/5k-4-mlk/
Remember to un-silence your alarm when you go to bed tonight.

Good times this am. I feel lucky that this morning was the first time in almost two years that I had an alarm malfunction. Glad Bagger gave everyone a small taste of the Sharknado, but even more glad that you didn’t have to finish. Good luck to Harvey Updyke and the underdog Tide as they try to beat the long odds tonight. Almost forgot…my REM vision…i am going to make the very bold prediction that UGA puts the beatdown on Bama tonight. Final score 27-13. Take that to the bank fellas. If I am wrong, I will do 10 extra burpees tomorrow am.


Roll Tide! & LOOONNNNGGGG Mosey

PAX: Yosef, Aristotle, Mr. Roboto, Iditarod (QIC)

YHC sent out a call to have more PAX than degrees the night before the workout but to no avail we fell short as it was 5 degrees out and only 4 PAX posted for what YHC had in store.

Obligatory normal lap around the courthouse followed by a capri lap (Politicians)

Good Mornings x 10 IC
SSH x 24 IC
WMHs x 24 IC
BACF x 24 IC
BACR x 24 IC

The Thang
Cash in with 6 Burpees representing the only points that Bama gave up the night before against Clemson.

Long Mosey to Oaklands Mansion steps and back with breaks along the way for the following

Reverse Lunges
One Legged Burpees
Lt. Dans

Tony Hawk Burpees
Escalator-Burpees, Merkins, Lunges, Squats

Made it back to the courthouse just in time. Like YHC timed it perfectly.

COT-Prayer for us all.

NM-About halfway through asked PAX if they knew what we were spelling out in my tribute to the tides playoff victory YHC had to tell them probably due to frozen brain cells or something. Noticed Sea Gull did not post today. Wanted to wager him for next Tuesdays workout but alas lots of Fartsackers in the Boro Pax the last couple of weeks. APB for Schnitzel, CDL, NPR, Scraps Air Wolf, Dolly, Nuggets, Pharoah, Papa Juan Et. Al.