Strutter, party of 1…

AO: the-castle
Q: Strutter
PAX: Strutter
FNGs: None

WARMUP: 100 penalty burpees. STK.

THE THANG: Mosey to the soccer field. Run up the hill then run a lap around the field. Walk a lap and reflect. Repeato 3X.

MOLESKINE: Mumblechatter is so much better when I’m not the only one giggling.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Good luck half and full marathoners today!

COT: Prayers for a safe race today.
Prayers for all back on the job hunt, (including me).

Not the Gauntlet

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Stubs, Sparrow
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Anyone have the remote to hit Pause?


Tabata: 30 seconds on/20 seconds rest. 4 exercises, 2 rounds then run.

– Pull ups
– Squats
– Coupon Rows
– Piccolis
– Lap around park

– Pulls ups
– Lunges
– Coupon presses
– Box jumps
– Lap around park

Round 3
– Pulls ups
– Jump Squats
– Coupon curls
– Jump Squats
– Agility/Speed work

Mary: 2 rounds of
– 20 crunches
– 20 heel taps
– 10 Mountain Summits

Holding on to The Gauntlet workout until we have a bigger group :slightly_smiling_face:


COT: I’ve switched my tactics on teaching Link to clean up the living room to two mantras “What do you notice and what action is needed? Don’t put it down, put it away.” It’s helped a lot in keeping things clean, but I’ve also realized the importance of applying this to everyday emotional tasks as well. Encouragement to all PAX to take the time to ask yourself, “What do I notice in my life? What is working, what isn’t? And what actions do I need to take to stay on the right path?” also… when something comes up, let’s not put it down and out of sight… let’s figure out what we need to do with those emotions and put them away in the right spot.

Back to Basics

AO: pain-train
Q: Cheeks
PAX: G-string, Timber
FNGs: None
Cold and Gloomy

Mosey to Tennis Courts with Sandbags
Motivators from 6
Leg stretches on you own
25x Single Leg Toe Touch

2 sets of:

20x Hand Release Merkins
20x Squats with sandbags
Mode of transportation across Tennis court
(Bear Crawl, Duck Walk, Crawl Bear, Spiderman Pushups)
Hold wall sit or plank until PAX all in

15x Big Boys
15x Ankle Touches
15x Leg Clap V Ups
1 Minute Plank

Mosey back with sandbags


Always try to be prepared. As men we are sometimes called on the spot and have to step up. Taking this Q, I wasn’t well prepared. Easiest thing was to do a simple back to basics workout. I believe we got decent work in. Thanks for joining!


Chiliteria coming this Sunday. Check the general channel for more information.
Tussle coming in November. Volunteers needed. Don’t forget to join a team and signup if you want.

Van Halen not Van Hagar

AO: the-discipline
Q: Chunks
PAX: hambone, Dilbert, Country Parkour
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold. hats and Ninja Ice made an appearance

Mosey to lower parking lot and back
20 SSH
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Arm Circles Forward
20 Arm Circles Reverse


20 Hand Release Merkins
20 Squats
20 Big Boy Situps
Mosey to Lower Parking Lot
17 Hand Release Merkins
17 Squats
17 Big Boy Situs
Mosey to Upper Parking lot
Continue with pattern down to 2

Circle up for 10 Burpees

5 Mins of Mary – Dealers Choice

Finished with 5 Burpees



Chiliteria – Sunday
Half Marathon – 10/26
The Struggle 003 upcoming 11/1

COT: Prayers for 413 after the incident. Prayers for all the men that don’t know they need F3.

Always an honor to lead. STRENGTH AND HONOR!

Golf Outing During Series A Fundraising

AO: offthebooks
Q: SalPal
PAX: Pep, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Seasonally appropriate

WARMUP: OYO stretches + mosey

THE THANG: farmer carries + kettle bell swings, then octoburpee set l. Pole Dancer was a good sport and posted record time of 1:09 with no penalties on the ninja course.

MOLESKINE: Pain Lab continues to be on the forefront of F3 innovation.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: chili event next Sunday.

Move Fast and Break Things

AO: offthebooks
Q: SalPal
PAX: SalPal, Salami, Pep
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Little regard for F3 conventions.

WARMUP: Largely optional

THE THANG: interval pull ups, Merkins, burpees and squats. Mosey in between sets. Then ninja course time trials. Mild injury sustained.

MOLESKINE: Great chance to break the F3 mold. We will get coffee out there next week.


COT: prayers of gratitude that Pep passed his test. For those suffering from Helene.

I’m Not a Professional

AO: pain-train
Q: Sooie
PAX: Stubs, Sparrow, Sooie, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
Temperature: :pinched_fingers:
Light: :palm_down_hand: :palm_up_hand: :palm_down_hand:
Wetness: :-1:

OYO stretches head to toe while reviewing Mission/Core Principles/ Credo

Partner up for Dora with obstacle course. Each team to complete:
200 merkins
400 sit-ups
600 squats
Hero style finish
Partner A began work on the 200/400/600 while Partner B ran the obstacle course. PAX switched after Partner B completed the course.

The obstacle course was 4 cones, each spaced 15 yards apart. Cinder blocks at cones 2 and 3.
– Zombie crawl from cone 1 to cone 2
– Murder Bunny from cone 2 to cone 3
– The floor is lava (must remain on a cinder block at all times) from cone 3 to cone 4
– Lift Cindies onto table at cone 4
– Farmer carry from cone 4 to 3 (drop one cindie)
– single carry from cone 3 to 2 (drop cindie)
– Sprint/mosey/crawl from cone 2 to 1
– Switch with partner

Alas time proved to be our great adversary and lo, despite valiant efforts to complete the 200/400/600, the final tally was closer akin to 120/240/360. The floor is lava took longer than anticipated due to me not being a professional.

Isaiah 40:31
but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.

This verse has been on my mind lately and I’ve been thinking about the progression in the latter half of the verse: soar :arrow_right: run :arrow_right: walk. Sometimes we have the strength to soar through the situations life throws at us. Other times we can run. Sometimes all we can do is walk. The LORD supplies the strength we need where we are at.

10/20 Chili cookoff at Shelby Park. M’s and 2.0’s welcome. More deets coming to a channel near you.

Offered prayers for East Tennessee/North Carolina and all who are traveling over fall break.

Enjoyed :boar: :coffee: :tm: and launched a new AI/hardware tech company.

[nashvillemarthaon] Marathon Prep

AO: nashville-half-marthaon
Q: Hair Band , Cuban Missile
PAX: Hair Band, Cuban Missile
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool, damp, rock and roll vibe

WARMUP: nada

THE THANG: runnin

MOLESKINE: hills are hard but nevertheless we persist

– AOQ Grow School Sat Oct 12th tel:0600-0800 at Stonewall
– Marathon/ Half marathon Oct 26th 0700 First Horizon Park
– Tennessee Tussle Sat Nov 9th at Broken Wheel in Nolensville

• prayers for blue liner as he continues to make his recovery
• prayers for Chunks and family in the wake of the loss of his grandmother
• general health and wellness

Rock on,

Hair Band