Ludwig van Osh Kosh, PSL, Yard Sale, CAPSLOCK, Dr. Smartt, Edible Arrangement, Vegemite, Brother at Law, Too Tall, Dupree, Dilly Dilly, Dine N Dash, Boy Band, TampaLibra, White Russian,  , CCR (QIC)

Conditions were damp and a little chilly, much like what I believe the conditions inside a Whale’s Vagina are. Quick disclaimer and off we went on a little mosey down Hogan and over the Crievewood Baptist parking lot.

SHH x20 IC
Willie Mays Hayes x10IC
Good mornings x10 IC
Little Baby Arm Circle Forward x10 IC
Baby Seal Claps x10IC
Slow and low merkins x10 IC
Mountain Climbers x10 IC

Time to get down to business…

WOR (already done)
Humpers – 10 humpers of your choosing at the bottom, run to the next four islands with 10 humpers at each island, run backward to the driveway, 10 more humpers, run backward to the top, 10 more humpers.  70 total humpers.  Indeterminate amount of fun.  Mosey back to parking lot.
Atomic Broad Jumps – Ever so slightly different than Burpee Broad Jumps (in name only). We did these back and forth across the parking lot with WWVI situps (ask Vegemite if you want info on WWVI situps) for the 6.
Lap around the new baseball/ADA path and down to the pavilion for some
Elevens – Simple.  Merkins and Squats.  2 burpee speed bump at mid-court added some difficulty.  Effective.
Sumo Squats – Like, Greasetrap deep squats x25 oyo

Various Exercises – Started by D’Mish in Whale’s Vag 1.0, improved upon yet again today.  PAX scatter and listed to me tell them what to do.
AMRAP – 60 seconds of good solid merkins
Gorilla Humpers – 50 humpers OYO
Incline Merkins – Find a bench…x15 oyo. SSH for the 6.  X10 OYO SSH for the 6.  X5 OYO, SSH for the 6
Nelson Mandelas – There was no obligatory terrorist chatter from Yard Sale today!  10 OYO and then 5 more OYO.  These really suck…just ask Yard Sale.  Off we all went on a reverse lap back to the parking lot.
Atomic Broad Jumps – Ever so slightly different than Burpee Broad Jumps (in name only). We did these back and forth across the parking lot with WWI situps for the 6.

Flutter kicks x20 IC, Boxcutters x20 IC and a 60 second high plank.  A final 5 burpees followed by 5 good mornings OYO and we were done.


Go vote.  See CAPSLOCK for any details regarding police oversight board.

Always great to bring back the Whale’s Vagina. For those that don’t know, I was born and raised inside the Whale’s Vagina (San Diego) which was the original inspiration for the workout. Continued prayers for Olin Mills’ dad, Vegemite and his wife and all those in need.

Until the next time,


The Pound is Launched

iPhone 7 front facing camera not all that good in the dark

Nolensville’s newest, freshest AO, The Pound, got off to a solid start with a Tebow-led Elite 11 wannabe QB camp. 3rd Degree, Altidore, Show Me, Nimbus, Stats, Barney Fievel, Typo+, Creeper, HushPuppy, Pocahontas, and Tebow were present.

Jog to soccer fields – thanks to whoever turned on the lights
SSH x 25
GMs x 10
Inchworms x 5
BACs x 10 + 10
Huggers x 10
Lunge stretch
Squats x 10
SSH x 10

Soccer field trudge – down and back:
Duck Walk / Merkins – down
Partner 1 – duck walk until partner 2 tags in, then merkins
Partner 2 – 15 merkins, then run and tag in to duck walk
Lt. Dans / Burpees – back
Partner 1 – walking Lt. Dans until partner 2 tags in, then burpees
Partner 2 – 10 burpees, then run and tag in for Lt. Dans

Mosey to Mill Creek Brewery parking lot for happy hour

11s – mountain climbers (x2) / iron mikes (x2) with run in between sets
Plank merry-go-round

Barney came through with the coffeeteria

Thanks to everyone for coming out and helping launch another opportunity to get better. Thanks to Stats and Altidore for the flag.
And, finally, Nolensville swag has arrived (online)! Thanks to TVGuide and 3rdDegree for producing. Order by Nov. 8 – go here to get all swagged up:


Resume Virtues vs Eulogy Virtues

As I was reading an obituary today, I reminded that I still haven’t seen “proficient at Excel”, “knew his way around a CRM” or “put together one of the best P&L sheets I’ve ever seen” in an obituary byline. Obituaries are saved for things that we really remember people for. What was the difference they made? How did they serve? How did they take care of those in their care?

As a leader, what are you focusing on today in terms of what you will be remembered by? How will you make a difference, even if it’s small, in the life of someone today? How will you make people feel today that are under your care? How will you find a way to serve those that you are leading?

This is not to say that as a manager or a leader, you shouldn’t be expecting the very best out of people in terms of their expectations or behaviors. But are you expecting the best because of how it reflects on you OR are you expecting the best because you can help someone achieve their goals?

The author David Brooks has an article that explores just this topic. The résumé virtues are the skills you bring to the marketplace. The eulogy virtues are the ones that are talked about at your funeral — whether you were kind, brave, honest or faithful. Were you capable of deep love?

As a leader, I’d invite you to read this article today and think about how you can better cultivate eulogy virtues.


QIC: Iditarod
PAX: CDL, Yosef, Noble Virus, Iditarod
You can tell “cold” has made its impression on the F3 Murfreesboro PAX. 4 Red Pillers showed up to get better or at least keep from getting worse.
2 Laps
GMs x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
WMH x 10 IC
BAC x 10 IC
BACR x 10 IC

The Thang:
B.L.I.M.P.S. and Mosey
5 sets of BLIMPS in Various parking lots around downtown Murfreesboro wit Moseying in between.
Burpees x 5
Lunges x 10 each leg
Imperial Walkers x 15
Merkins x 20
Plank Jacks x 25
Squats x 30
Pax performed to perfection except the two sets in which all pax forgot what imperial walkers were and performed Hillbillies. Mr. Roboto, Schnitzel, Scraps, Aristotle, Nuggets, Ace, NPR, and G-String were all mentioned and discussed during mumble chatter but not in attendance. Also discuseed whether or not Blimpie restaurants still existed IRL or just in gas stations.

MARY: 1 Minute of Crunches


The Forge 10/20/2018 – Love Thy Neighbor and Swamp Bears

15 PAX came together in the gloom, welcomed the sunrise, and got a little stronger. Pax in attendance included: Barney Fievel (Q), Numbtucks, 3rd Degree, Sterno, Creeper, Mursa, Hushpuppy, Costa Rica, Cheese Whiz, Ragdoll, Sprinkles, Netflix, Pocahontas, Stats, and Little Miss Piggy

Long mosey around outside perimeter fence of football field. Various comments were made about how people that run marathons are over achievers and generally suck. Haters gonna hate.


Warm Up:

20 SSH, 30 seconds Good Mornings OYO, 30 seconds WMH OYO. Other various stretches Barney called out.

Stop by Barney’s beautiful black truck and pick up your coupon (20 pounds).

Thang 1: Love Thy Neighbor

PAX took 10 seconds to partner up. 4 exercises with an assigned number of reps (below) must be completed as a 2-man group. One PAX begins assigned exercise while other PAX jogs out to the predesignated marker (about 75 yards). That PAX jogs back to partner performing exercise and picks up where they left off. Repeat until assigned number of reps of each exercise are completed. How much do you love your neighbor? Enough to pick up the pace on that jog back and “relieve” him?!

Exercises were:

  • 60 Blockees (coupon burpees)
  • 80 Block Merkins
  • 100 Block Squats
  • 120 Block American Hammers

Thang 2: Swamp Bears (11’s)

An old favorite, 11’s. PAX line up on the short side of the parking lot. Two exercises are Ginuwines with coupons and WWIs. Bear crawl across the parking lot is mode of transportation.  40 yard bear crawls between exercises kept us from finishing on time. Next time.


Barney led the group in some yoga stretches, toe touches, and other various stretches. Flexibility is power!



  • Tuesday, October 23rd – Double Virgin Co-Q by Ragdoll and Cheeze Whiz
    • Let’s all come out and support these guys!
  • Thursday, October 25th – New AO Launch – The Pound
    • This makes the third AO for the Nolensville F3 group since we started 6 months ago. Excellent work, guys!
  • Saturday, October 27th – Boos and Booze Party at Netflix’s house
    • 7:30pm-??? – Adults only please. Look to Slack for address and more details from Netflix.

2 Timothy 1:7 – For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.

“How’s Your Heart?”

How’s Your Heart and Leadership

I know. Men don’t typically ask that question. It’s usually saved for the girls over tea at the Puffy Muffin. However, I think when asked from a man to another man, it shows true leadership.

I’m (T-Cell) in the midst of a job transition. And my fellow job-transitioner, Bagger Vance, called me last week to ask me this question. His first question wasn’t, “What the heck are you going to do next?” or giving me advice on what I should or shouldn’t be doing during this time, it was simply, how are you doing? And not a “don’t answer fine”, but really doing.

This was a tough question for two reasons. First, as men, we typically leave the heart stuff to women and we don’t let ourselves go deep with other men. By Sims asking me the question, he becomes implicated. He can’t dissociate from the outcome of the question. If my answer is, “I’m hurting man. I need help”, Sims has to act. This question from Sims showed true leadership. Sims knew that there could be implications from his asking and he wasn’t afraid of the challenge that may await on the other side of my answer.

Second, it’s a tough question for me. When he asked, I was just a day into not having an office to go into and we were moving, so things were still “busy”. And truly, I had not had time to process the change. However, as days would pass and the busyness subsides, my “new normal” changes. Am I anxious? Nervous? Fearful? Depressed? Because Sims asked this question, I now have to be cognizant of my feelings and address them. I can’t hide or medicate. A leader asks questions of other’s that contribute to the flourishing of others.

What did I learn or what lessons were affirmed through Sim’s question?

Leaders care about someone else’s flourishing more than their own.

Leaders ask hard questions.

Leaders aren’t afraid to step into hard situations.

Leaders care.

Leaders listen.

I’m grateful for a friend like Sims and his leadership in my own life and the lives of those in F3.

How can you exhibit these traits of a leader in your interactions today? 


Nobel Virus Bday Q

Q: Nobel Virus for his 28th

Pax: Aristotle, Iditarod, Scraps, Yosef

Warmup: Mosey, side shuffle, politicians, Hillbillies, imperial Walkers, Daisy pickers, side straddle hops all x11

Indian Run to playground
Bear crawl steps, plank and wait at top, crawl Bear back down the steps.
11’s- merkens and squats across the parking lot
Burpee up downs- each pax(5) called the down 4 times
Lunge back up the path.
Indian Run back to MMC, person in the back dropped for 5 merkens
Partnered up, 100 lbc’s and 150 overhead arm claps, alternated while partner ran sprints
Circle of Fire

CoT, BoM.

The Forge – 9/29/18

16 PAX challenged themselves this morning. Pax in attendance included:Barney Fievel (Q), Numbtucks, Soccer Mom, Cheese Whiz, Ragdoll, Show Me, Sprinkles, Mic Drop, Netflix, Quickie, Pocahontas, Typo+, Stats, Ned Ryerson, Little Miss Piggy, Lovie (FNG)

Long mosey around outside perimeter fence of football field.

Stop by Barney’s beautiful black truck and pick up your coupon (20 pounds).


Warm Up:

15 SSH, 30 seconds Good Mornings OYO, 30 seconds WMH OYO. Other various stretches Barney called out.

Thang 1: Love Thy Neighbor

PAX took 10 seconds to partner up. 4 exercises with an assigned number of reps (below) must be completed as a 2-man group. One PAX begins assigned exercise while other PAX jogs out to the 50-yard line. That PAX jogs back to partner performing exercise and picks up where they left off. Repeat until assigned number of reps of each exercise are completed.

Exercises were:

  • 60 Blockees (coupon burpees)
  • 80 Block Merkins
  • 100 Block Squats
  • 120 Block American Hammers

Thang 2: MLBs (Merkins, Lunges, Bear Crawls)

Perform as individuals: Three stones act as distance markers. Beginning at the first stone, all PAX do 10 Merkins, lunge to the second stone marker, and finally bear crawl to the third marker. Mosey back to first marker and repeat going down by 1 rep each time.

Thang 3: Discount Deck of Death

Deck of Death with Coupons

Spades – Blockees

Clubs – Block Merkins

Hearts – Block Squats

Diamonds – Block American Hammers



Welcome new PAX: Lovie!

VQ & Ants – Broken Wheel – 9/25/18

The storms held off for Creeper to get his feet wet as Co-VQ. The ants, however, did not hold off according to Numbtucks.

10 PAX: Creeper (Co-VQ), Tebow (Co-Q), 3rd Degree, Numbtucks, Soccer Mom, Show Me, Stats, Barney Fievel, TypO+, Hush Puppy

Warm Up
Jog, SSH x 15, Inch Worms x 5, Imperial Walkers x 10, WMH, Squats x 10, Huggers, Roller Coasters, Merkins x 5

Merkin Mile – 4 laps around loop w/ partner
partner 1 does 10 merks @ halfway point of each loop while partner 2 planks
partner 2 does 10 merks after each loop while partner 1 planks

Indian Wall Sits – everyone on the wall while each PAX successively does 2 laps around concession stand

Bear Crawl Ring of Fire – bear crawl around pavilion one complete rotation CCW, then 10 merks each successively while all other pax in plank; RxR CW

Flutter Kicks, AH, Crunchy frogs, Side planks, Mountain climbers, Al Gore

Great work by Creeper leading us through the workout portion. I hope I used the word “successively” right because I doubled down and used it twice.

The Forge is happening this Saturday for those who aren’t attending the 4 year anniversary at Stonewall. 2ndF this Saturday night at TypO+’s house. Check slack for details.








Stonewall 22 SEP 2018 — Running, Merkins, Pullups, Gorilla Humpers, Repeat

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Foxtrot, Black Lung, Big Stick, Hustler, Wall Ball, Electron (FNG)

Very humid and hot conditions.  Unpleasant.  Gloomy at the start.  The type of weather conditions you’re really only going to work out at 0600 on a Saturday morning if there are PAX waiting for you.

MOSEY:  @ 0600 three PAX took off…. then another PAX arrived at 0602 … then another three PAX at 0605… resulting in a 10 minute long warm up mosey.

WARM UP:  Stretches and arm circles and other boring stuff.

THE THANG:  Split up into two groups by birthdays which changed randomly during the three waves of the exercise.  One group runs from playground to corner of park and back, approximately ~4 minutes to run there and back.  Other group performs stationary exercise.

-Round One:  Three rounds of there and backs with pull ups in between.  That’s ~15 minutes of pull ups.

-Round Two:  Three rounds of there and backs with push ups in between.  That’s ~15 minutes of pushups.

-Round Three:  Three rounds of there and backs with gorilla humpers in between.  That’s ~15 minutes of gorilla humpers.

MARY:  20 count hillbillies, 20 count imperial walkers, 7 burpees.

Apologies for the delay in the backblast — YHC wasn’t scheduled for Q, so I didn’t schedule time during the weekend to do the BB — had to wait until Monday after work.

Welcome FNG Electron, who jumped in head first and held his own like someone who’s been posting for years.


Blue Mule