Bomber 3-12-2021: 51

21 HIM came out to the gloom with a Q noting YHC 51st birthday on Sunday.  Playlist was the long-anticipated answer to the question “Vector, what songs do you consider the best of the 1980s?”  Basically, if these songs are on the radio in my car, don’t change the channel.  There was mumblechatter from the PAX about “why ’80s? Wasn’t he born in the 70s?” to which I respond, “it’s my birthday. So there.”

Need You Tonight – INXS
Take on Me – a-ha
Everything She Does is Magic – Police
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These) – Eurythmics
Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Tears for Fears

Just Can’t Get Enough – Depeche Mode
Head Over Heels – The Go-Go’s
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
Blue Monday – New Order
West End Girls – Pet Shop Boys

PAX:  River Dawg, Spinal Tap, Hi-viz, PA, Bad boy, Blueprint, Michelin Man, Softballz (FNG), Right Said Fred, Chowdah, T-cell, Crawlspace, BNB, Freakenomics, Cub Cadet, Hambone, Siri, F3G, Tagalong (FNG), Wet Wipes, Vector (QIC),

Conditions:   Outstanding, mid-60s. Not a long sleeve, cap, or man tight to be seen.

Disclaimer given and then jump right into the Warm-o-rama:  

SSH x 51, LBAC x 12, RLBAC x 12, Good Mornings x 10 OHO, Willy Mays Hayes x 12, Squats x 12

Round 1:   “51s” — 5 sets of 5 exercises x 10 reps + 1 burpee.  Overhead Claps, Merkins, Big Boy Sit-Ups, Squats, Lunges. After each set, do 1 burpee and then run around McCabe Rec Center.

Round 2:  Do it again:  LBACs, Incline Merkins, LBCs, Jump Squats, Pull-Ups. Burpee x 1 and run a lap.


  • Welcome FNGs Softballz and Tagalong!
  • Prayers for Chattanooga PAX who lost a new HIM (Night Sweats) in a car accident.
  • River Dawg is hosting a session on Human Trafficking on Thursday 3/18 at 6:30am — hit him up for the deets.
  • And sincere thanks to the HIM and F3.  I recalled my last birthday Q last March, which happened just as the world was starting to shut down.  I recalled pretty much losing it in the COT (and that that was the last “ball of men” COT we’ve had since).  Thanks to the PAX and especially Cub Cadet, T-cell, PA, Hi-Viz, Crablegs and Pumpkin Spice for the fellowship this year.  Thankfully there is optimism and a vaccine.  Thanks to all of you. #ISI



21 for a Bomber Beatdown 1.15.21



Gloom: dark but at least it was 35 and not 25. Enthusiasm level high.


Sideout (FNG)
Smokejumper (FNG)
Spinal Tap
Bad Boy
Rich Soil
Ranger Rick
Michelin Man
Princess Aurora
Hi Viz
The Nanny
Crab Legs
Right Said
Natural Ice


Mosey to greenway trailhead and around to McCabe parking lot.




Cherry Pickers



Air Presses

Foot to hand plank stretch (both sides)


Deuling Doomsday Clocks

2 circles of PAX each doing 1 Merkin each and incrementing the count

PAX bowed out once unable to hold plank or do do Merkin

First clock with fewer than 5 PAX loses.

Which clock won is unimportant. Much effort was exerted by all.



100 Merkins

200 LBCs

300 squats


Mosey back around to lower parking lot for Mary

Dealer’s choice abs exercises until time.

Props to Smokejumper for the surprise FNG cadence call.


Thanks to our coffee sponsors, Cafe Tacoma and Cafe Prius.



Dozen PAX in the Cold at Titan 1.13.21


Black Lung
Crab Legs
Rich Soil
Michelin Man
Blue Mule
Natural Ice
Right Said

Dark and cooooooold

mosey around Centennial park to Dragon
cherry pickers
plank position – foot by hand – both sides
step over fence forward/back – both leg
modified air presses (press over the “net”)
with squat
with jump squat

Parthenon step box jumps

parking lot shuffle
shuttle run up and down lot lines, burpee at every other lot line – and back

1m plank hold
side plank – both sides
AL prom dates
1-leg AL prom dates – both legs
Dealer’s choice to finish out

mosey back to Startex

Prius and Tacoma Cafes and fellowship followed


Trust me… it’s getting easier

PAX: Umbrella, Toga, Black Widow, Not-a-sport, Double Check, Venus, Offshore, Nurse Rachet, Penny Loafers, Olan Mills (QIC)

Rendezvous at the garage. Disclaimer &  mosey around the garage stalling for the uninformed to arrive.

Little warm up with some SSH, BACs, Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hays


3 sets with 2 exercises each. Each set starts with 15 reps of exercise 1  next to stairwell, run to opposite end of the garage for 15 reps of exercise 2, run back to stairwell and up to level 2. Decrement reps by 1, rinse and repeat up to level 5. People’s chair back at level 1 waiting for the six. Start set 2…

Set 1: WW1 & 8 count bodybuilder

Set 2: Toe-Knee’s & Burpee

Set 3: American Hammer & Merkins

Pleasure to lead you guys this morning.

12 Days of Christmas up next week. Currently it’s record against the PAX is 3-0. Come help us get our first victory.


Rob Baas Tribute Workout – The RaceTrack

02 Dec 2020

Temp – 19; Gloom Factor – High; PAX Turnout – Humbling

30 HIM showed up in cold and the dark to help pay tribute to my late brother.  Funyuns, Penny Loafers, Hugs Not Drugs, PSL, Big Stick, Red Skull, Dr. Smartt, Ginger, Toga, Bagger Vance, Not A Sport, Ponzi, Olan Mills, Faulkner, Too Tall, Leatherneck, Yard Sale, FTTAL, Offshore, CCR, Black Widow, Boone’s Farm, Tampa Libra, Nurse Ratched, Blue Mule, High Flyer, Big Bang, Razorback, Floppy Disk, Umbrella – QIC

5 burpees to get the blood moving and long mosey to parking lot behind Hill Center.


10 x Hillbillies; 15 x SSH; 10 x SNL Squats; 10 x BAC forward/reverse; WMH OYO, Good mornings OYO


Rob Baas – Born 9/29/74 – Father, Son, Brother, Uncle & Friend     

Part 1: Tour around Hill Center – 9 Speedbumps/29 reps at each bump:

SB1 – Diamond Merkins x 29

SB2 – Prisoner Squats x 29

SB3 – WW1’s x 29

SB 4 – Wide Grip Merkins x 29

SB 5 – Single Leg Squats x 29

SB 6 – WW2’s x 29

SB 7 – Incline/Decline Merkins x 29 total

SB 8 – Box Jump/Step Up x 29

SB 9 – Plank Hold x 74 seconds

Part 2 – Redline – Rob had a love for speed, whether riding his motorbikes or Indy Car Racing – Goal is to push our redline

Parking Garage – Politician on the flats, sprint the incline, 4 x burpee at top of each incline.  All the way to 6th floor top of parking deck where PAX met for:


We paused for Mary at top of parking garage to do so underneath a glorious sunrise – Thanks Rob

29 x Reverse Crunch; Low Plank into J-Lo’s x 15 count; 74 – 4 count Flutters

Mosey back to parking lot for COT

Thank you for the love today, men.  This F3 community has been the foundation of the best relationships I have formed since moving here  3 1/2 years ago.  I have been witness to this community rallying around each other at every turn and this week it was me and my family that have needed the prayers and support.  And of course F3 Nashville delivers.  Your prayers have carried us these past four days, and I am grateful.  Please be on watch for anyone you know that you think may be struggling with mental health issues.  For my brother it was mental health and alcoholism that overtook him, but maybe we can reach out to someone who we know may be struggling and just love on them.  Who knows, it may be just what they need to be encouraged to keep going.  From the bottom of my heart, I remain grateful to each of you brothers.

Much Love & Peace – Umbrella

Purple Cow 2020-11-16

PAX: Toga, Not a Sport, Penny Loafers, Nurse.Ratched, Wedding Singer, Hugs not Drugs, Venus, Boone’s Farm

QIC: Boone’s Farm


  • SSH x20
  • BAC x10 F/R
  • Squats x10
  • Merkins x10
  • Scorpion x10


Mosey to GWP path stopping periodically along the way for:

  • Burpees x10
  • Iron Mikes x20
  • American Hammers x30
  • Mosey
  • Pull-ups x10
  • Merkins x20
  • LBC x30
  • Mosey
  • Squat Jumps x10
  • Mountain Climbers x20
  • Flutters x30 IC
  • Mosey
  • RnR x3


All in, finished with indigenous peoples run back to parking lot. Prayers for Wedding Singers uncle with COVID in hospital, Nurse.Ratchet, co-worker Dad with mass behind eye, traveling safety and difficult family conversations over thanksgiving, particularly this year.

Great work by all to get the week started right.

Always an honor,


Bomber 11-6-2020: 3 is the Magic Number

A shy over 3 years ago, I finally succumbed to Ebola’s prodding and came out to meet a bunch of men, working out, in the dark cold gloom.  Flash forward to 2020, and the positive impact of F3 on my life has been huge.  Thus, this morning, I wanted to celebrate all things 3.

PAX:  Black Lung, CB, Cowbell, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Dewey, Dfrost, F3G, Hambone, High Flyer, Hi-Viz, Michelin Man, Organ Donor (FNG), Porcelain, Ranger Rick (FNG), Right Said, Spinal Tap, Vector (QIC),

Conditions:   Cool, mid-40s

Playlist:  What better way to celebrate 3 years than with a playlist featuring the biggest trios from pop music history?

Stayin’ Alive – Bee Gees
Synchronicity II – The Police
Take on Me – a-ha
Basket Case – Green Day
Land of Confusion – Genesis
Tom Sawyer – Rush
In Bloom – Nirvana
Sabotage – Beastie Boys
Uprising – Muse
Walk this Way – Run-DMC (feat. Aerosmith)

Disclaimer given and then mosey up hill and down to the McCabe Rec Center for the Warm-o-rama:  

Round 1:   Divide into groups of 3.  Triple DORA – 300 reps of the following exercises with 1 person lapping the Rec Center, 2 others do the exercise:
Squats, then merkins, then WWIs

Round 2:  Mosey to hill — 3 runs of 3 person hill sprints

Round 3: Triple D-I-Ds (or I-D-Ds — oops) – 30 reps each of irkins, dips, and derkins

Mary:  30 reps of Flutter Kicks, American/Russian/Drago Twists, Freddy Mercury, Alabama Prom Dates, and more.


  • Welcome FNGs Organ Donor and Ranger Rick!
  • Prayers for Crablegs 2.0 who may need neurosurgery down the road
  • 4:13 fundraiser Nov 16th(?) – hit up Hambone for details
  • And sincere thanks to the HIM and F3.  Weeks like this one and times like these vividly illustrate the importance of F3 in our lives. Being an HIM, inspired by all of you, has made me such a better person and leader. Keep pushing and inspiring me and each other. #ISI



What is Love? – Titan 11.4.20


5 PAX crawled out of the fartsack to post. A sunny 41 degrees.


Blue Mule


D Frost

Rug Doctor



Warm up:

Mosey around Centennial Park



Jump squat/air press combo


Good Mornings


Thang: (Playlist: Night at the Roxbury Soundtrack)


100 Merkins

200 LBCs

300 Squats



Rapid fire dealer’s choice



Bomber – 10.16.20 – “We Did Dora and We Did the DIDs”

14 of F3 Nashville’s finest PAX paid an early morning visit to Bomber and arrived ready to engage in a beatdown which was delivered with gusto by YHC.

PAX: CB, Cowbell, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Dfrost, Drago, Hi-Viz, Michelin Man, Natural Ice, Paddywax (FNG), Red Skull, Right Said, T-Cell
QIC: Cunning Linguist

Gloom Factor: Medium rare.

At 0529, YHC did that One Minute Warning thing.

This occurred without a hitch at 0530.

Then, YHC led the PAX on a mosey in the direction of the greenway (which is the exact opposite direction of where most Qs start us off in, for those who are visualizing this in their heads), and after approximately a one minute mosey, we stopped off onto the grass for the Warm-O-Rama.

15 x SSH
12 x LBAC
12 x rLBAC
15 x Seal Claps
12 x WMH
15 x SnL Squats

Next, YHC led the PAX on a much longer mosey along the greenway and toward the church on 51st and Wyoming, where we finally stopped at a gazebo area for the Thang.

100 x Merkins
200 x LBCs
300 x Squats

Partner up and Partner 1 does the exercise, Partner 2 does a run to the stop sign at 51st and Wyoming.
Lather, rinse, repeat until all PAX are done.

Kudos to Michelin Man for jumping in and contributing to YHC’s group totals due to finishing up early. That Michelin Man, he’s a solid dude. Meanwhile, I am about as solid as Jell-O.


F3 Nashville’s finest PAX completed Dora in (dare I say) record time, and  seeing as how the men were craving even more from their workout, YHC led the PAX down Wyoming and then a sharp right onto 48th delivered us to the side entrance to Bomber and near the shovelflag/STARTEX.

At this point, YHC called out 2 rounds of DIDs.

15 x Dips
10 x Incline Merkins
5 x Decline Merkins

Of note: While his caused a few groans of displeasure in the moment, it was well worth the effort based on the text and Slack messages I have received since this morning.

At this point, we had approximately 6 minutes left for Mary.

20 x Flutter Kicks
12 x Hello Dolly
15 x LBCs
15 x Alabama Prom Dates
10 x Boxcutters
1 Minute High Plank — side note, if you wear the new F3 Nashville shirt and flip around after a few minutes of Mary, you will see the new logo imprinted in your own sweat on the concrete. Who says we can’t all be artists?!?!
15 x Freddie Mercury
10 x Reverse Boxcutters

End Workout at 0615.

Always an honor to lead the fine men of F3 Nashville. I cannot overemphasize the appreciation I have for you allowing me to lead, and I welcome any and all feedback on how to improve my Q skills.

Matthew 6:5-13 was the prayer that YHC closed us out with. For me, it’s worth revisiting on daily basis.

-Life is extremely tough for just about everyone right now — let’s all make a concerted effort to re-connect with those who we have not heard from in a while. Even a text message can make a huge difference these days!
-Let’s all extend a welcome the newest member of F3 Nashville, Paddywax! Great work today, sir!
-To those interested in learning more about brewskis, BOLO for a Side Straddle Hops event in the not-too-distant future. Connect with Bareback on Slack for the deets.

This is your Cunning Linguist, signing off!


Westeros 9-28-2020: Celebrating Autumn by Killing Your Legs

14 HIM got in an autumnal (yes, BnB, that’s a real word – mood at the first Westeros of the fall season.

PAX:  Vector (QIC), Hi-Viz, Harvey Updyke, Cub Cadet, Crablegs, Pumpkin Spice, Drago, Blue Mule, T-cell, Cunning Linguist, BnB, Michelin Man, Natural Ice plus a wandering Black Lung who found the PAX at 6:14:58

Conditions:   Cool mid-60 degrees.

Disclaimer given. Mosey to side of WEMS for the

Warm-o-rama:  LBAC x 15, Overhead Claps x 15, RLBAC x 15, WMH x 12, Good Mornings Apocalypse with 10 reps, LBAC x 12, RLBAC x 12, SSH x 15

Decided that the many trees, slight breeze, and rustling of the leaves made this the right location for the main event:

Main Event:
A:  American Hammers
U:  Usual Merkins
T:  Tysons, Mike (a.k.a. Iron Mikes)
U:  Usual Squats
M:  Mountain Climbers
N:  Newton’s Cradle

100 reps of each (and for A, T, M, and N, each leg/side = 1/2 rep, a decision Q would regret by the end). Between sets, run around (or if you are Pumpkin Spice, through) the tree-filled glen to Bowling Ave.

Playlist:  Selected to emphasize the autumnal (BnB, there’s that word again) theme.

DISCLAIMER:  Autumn-themed songs are pretty limited, and because we start to get sad about the end of summer, they tend to be mopey and slow.  Not ideal for a work-out.  So some doozies in this list (of course, CL kept pointing out better songs I missed . . . Fall on Me by R.E.M., songs by Fall Out Boy, etc.).

Sweater Weather – The Neighborhood (2013)
Fall Down Toad the Wet Sprocket (1994)
Wake Me Up When September Ends – Green Day (2004)
Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground – White Stripes (2001)
Seasons Change – Expose‘ (chock full of 80’s cheesy sax playing, 1987)
September – Earth, Wind, & Fire (1978)
November Rain – GnR (1991)
The Boys of Summer – The Ataris (2003)
Yellow – Coldplay  (like the color of the leaves . . . it works and I stand by it) (2000)

Several key items to note:

  1.  Because Drago was born after most of these songs came out, I have added the year of release.  (Note the paucity of 80s songs, my friends.  Vector’s branching out!)
  2. T-cell got an extra groove in his step when November Rain hit, recalling the (#1 at the time, now a respectable #25 – very expensive video complete with wedding between GnR lead singer Axl Rose and supermodel Stephanie Seymore, at the time his girlfriend (sadly, it didn’t work out):

3.  Some mumble chatter by the over 40 crowd about my choice to not use the Don Henley version of Boys of Summer.  YHC was trying to remain hip and cool (as the kids say, I think) to the younger members of the PAX.

Second Round:  A quick, due to time, shout out to the informal season name.  25 reps each of
F:  Frogs, of the Crunchy Variety
A:  Alternating Side Squats
L:  Lt Dans
L:  LBCs

Sprint like an autumnal (attn: BnB) breeze to the cars.


  • Thanks for T-cell’s impending new arrival and Blue Mule’s renewal of vows.

Was an honor as always to lead you men this morning. I must say, as the older (NOT elder) statesman of F3 Nashville, I worry that some may see my Q on the calendar and think “Hmm, a lighter day . . . nice!”  So I try to amp up the exercises (while avoiding the running — you’re welcome, Natural Ice).  Based on the Slack post-Q mumble chatter, mission accomplished.  Made this older (NOT old) dude feel a bit better.  
