Ultimate Frisbee

AO: the-castle
Q: Disc Jockey
PAX: Chunks, Splitter, Sunshine, hambone, Desk Pop, Pep
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Arm Circle, SSH, Low & Slow Squats

THE THANG: Mosey over to the HS field for some ultimate frisbee. When the disc hits the ground, a pre-chosen exercise is performed by all for 5-10 reps.
Repeat until 6:45

MOLESKINE: In the spirit of fasting for Lent, ask yourself if you desire God more than (fill in the blank).



[pain-train] LOTR Tabata

AO: pain-train
Q: G-string
PAX: Wolfpack, Siri, Timber, Flo
FNGs: None
-Cool, Crisp, and a little damp
-Soundtrack for the workout was Lord of the Rings battle music

– Indian run around the track w/ football
– Runners stretch
– Downward dog
– Shoulder warmup
– High plank w/ merkins for mission/credo/core principles

Tabata style workout. 40 seconds work and 20 seconds rest for the first two rounds, then 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest for the remainder.
Tabata 1:
– sandbag rows
– Block swings
– Split squats
– Derkins
– Sandbag Front Squats

Tabata 2:
– sandbag bear complex
– Block presses
– Pistol squats
– Pull-ups
– Log Jumps

– Bird dogs
– Leg Raises
– Hollow Hold

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11

– Plankpril is going. Today is 2:06 for the plank
– Franklin is doing pull-up challenge (message G-String for details)

Intentions were offered. Prayers were said. Flo was named and welcomed in. Branding to come later.


AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks
PAX: Splitter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Dry. The rain held off.


THE THANG: 3.4 mile run along the greenway. Discussed hiking trips, marathons and ultras.

Coffee followed at Just Love Coffee.

Coffee shop doesn’t open till 6:30, so discussing either extending the distance or starting at 6:00. More info to follow.

While at coffee, we discussed how so many men are suffering in silence and choose to take their own life. As someone who struggled with depression in my past, this is all to real. Never miss an opportunity to reach out to someone, just to say your thinking about them. That can be life giving for anyone struggling. See y’all Saturday morning.



Another Dora

AO: the-castle
Q: Pep
PAX: Chunks, Sunshine, Dilbert, hambone
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold for April

– little baby arm circles
– seal claps
– Good mornings
– Willie mays hayes

– run: around two of the tennis courts
– Exercises:
– burpees: 100
– American hammers: 200
– fire hydrants: 300
– big boy sit ups: 200
– dips: 100

Hambone said…
oops. I don’t it’s safe to repeat what he said.

Next Saturday at Chunk’s house is ufc + brisket


Pain Train is back baby!!

AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: The Banker, Siri, Merchant, G-string (Eli Kresta), Three Stooges, Sooie
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Little chilly, but clear and comfortable.

WARMUP: Jumped on the train and moseyed to the incredibly well lit and large church parking lot across the street. SSH, BACs, BAC BACs, Overhead Claps, Imperial Walkers, WMHs

THE THANG: Run to a location, perform Tabata exercises (90 second work/45 second rest)

Red Caboose
– Merkins
– Spiccoli’s

– Wall Sits
– Burpees (jump up onto stage at the top and back down)

– Dips
– Incline Merkins

– Skullcrushers
– Pull Ups
– Step Ups

Red Caboose Field
– LBCs
– Plank
– Merkin Ring of Fire

MOLESKINE: Incredible to see the desire and support for growth in the Bellevue area… next 7 weeks Q’s are scheduled! Three Stooges bounced quickly so didn’t make it in the pic, but can confirm he was there! Sooie christened the caboose by accidentally dropping smashing his Nalgene into the ground in a sheer demonstration of Bellevue strength and power.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Plankril Day 5. F3 Huntsville is converging on Franklin AO Armada tomorrow morning. Ping G-String for details if you’re able to head down and show some support for our Franklin brothers.

COT: Reminder to PAX to seek out ways to be inspired and in turn seek opportunities to inspire others. Loving kindness and good vibes for all prayers.


AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks , Splitter
PAX: Splitter, Chunks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Brisk at first, but could have survived with only a Tshirt


THE THANG: 3.5 Mile party pace run. Discussed family, dad life, and how to grow F3 here in the north.

Started and ended at Just Love Coffee. Next week is TBD, so keep an eye on this channel.




[the-castle] Coupon Work

AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks
PAX: hambone, Dilbert, Disc Jockey
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: No rain or wind

Normal warm up: SSH, Left over Right, Good Mornings, Little Baby Arm Circles

Coupon work
Every HIM grabbed a coupon and moseyed to the lacrosse field
PAX did an exercise with a coupon while a HIM moved with different modes of travel as the timer.
Exercises: Curls, Squats, Burpees with sand bag toss, overhead press, Head, Shoulder Knees and Toes, Big Boy Situps
Mode of Travel: Murder Bunnies, Run with Sandbag, Run
Rifle carry back to Startex
Paused for a moment to take in the sunrise and think about the meaning of the upcoming Easter Weekend.
Shared a little bit of what I said at my Grandfathers funeral about being present in everything we do
UFC 300/BBQ on 4/13/24 at my house
Prayed for Easter Weekend

The OTB One at Pain Train

AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Flower Power, Link (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 65 and sprinkling. Perfect weather.

WARMUP: mosey around the park. SSH, BACs, BACBACs, stretch your legs

200 reps Merkins
200 reps dips
One Pax runs around the playground while the other is knocking out the reps.

Thang 2: 11’s
Pull ups
Skull Crushers
15 yard run in between

Thang 3: Follow the Leader
Tested our mobility and ability to squeeze through tight spots on the playground while following Link as best we could.

Freddie Mercuries

MOLESKINE: Huzzah for showing up and getting the work done in the rain.


COT: Fellowship at The Well

[F3 Nashville] Comment: “Katy Guest Q compliments of VMax”

New comment on your post “Katy Guest Q compliments of VMax”
Author: Morning Star (IP address:,
Email: [email protected]
(Rest of BB) …
Anointing – YHC was introduced to a time-honored, sacred Knoll
tradition. Upon his first time Qing at the Knoll, the Q is invited to
down a shot of olive oil. He has the option of passing off the glass
to the AOQ, but of course YHC wasn’t gonna go sawft like that. It
went down smooth and has been a constant reminder in the back of my
throat all day of the great hospitality shown by these HIMs. 😉

Coffeeteria was a solid time of 2nd F comparing regional traditions
and successes between Nashville and Katy. YHC loved hearing about the
CSAUPs here and different AO setups. I shared our growth experience
and how things like 3-4 day per week AOs and the 30/30 phenomenon have
both been successful. But the best part was hearing the historic
dominance that Knoll pax have displayed over any female wrestler who
dared step onto the mat to try her hand. Much more impressive than
YHC getting pinned by a blind wrestler freshman year of high school.
My trickeration proved futile.

Such a great morning in the gloom with my Nashville brothers across
the country. It was an honor to lead and privilege to serve. Thanks
again to Morning Star for allowing me to Q and VMax for the
hospitality all weekend hosting our family. If any Nashville pax are
in the Houston area come out on the west side and visit The Peak

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[nashville-general] New Nantan!

AO: -f3-nashville-general
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Michelin Man, Toothless
FNGs: None
F3 Nashville PAX,

It is with great pleasure that I announce that @Toothless is taking over as F3 Nashville Nantan starting today. He will do a great job.

F3 Nashville’s mission is to plant, grow and serve small men’s workout groups to reinvigorate community leadership in Nashville. We do this through small men’s workout groups organized around 5 core principles: Free, Open to All Men, Meeting Outdoors Rain or Shine, Led in a Rotating Fashion by the Participants, and Ending in a Circle of Trust. Our focus over the last 2 years was to create active, visible leadership after COVID shook up F3 back in 2020. We wanted to create the systems and conditions to allow other guys to step up and lead efforts they were passionate about. Then we wanted to find our replacements and create a virtuous circle of leadership within F3. I believe we have been successful in those goals.

I’m proud of where we are as a group. I’m proud of our 21 weekly workouts and the consistency of the guys coming out to do hard work every day across Nashville. I’m proud of @Skeet and @McAfee’s work to set up F3 in Lebanon and Mt. Juliet. I’m proud of @morning star’s work to jump start a group in Bellevue. I’m excited for the potential of @Sunshine and @Chunks’ work to plant a group in #hendersonville. I’m proud of the consistency of the Eastside guys, Westside guys, and Crieve Hall guys. I’m proud of our convergences and CSAUPs. I’m proud that we have our house in order and are ready to accelerate in 2024.

I’m thankful for what this group has meant to me. F3 came to me at a very important point in my life. It has been a joy to be part of this community for the past 5 or so years and to serve as Nantan for the last 2 years. I’m thankful for all those who served along with me, including @Toothless as weasel shaker, @Black Lung as 1stF Q, @Hipster as 2ndF Q, @Right Said as 3rdF Q, and @McAfee as comz/tech Q. I’m thanking for the 40+ guys who served as AOQs over the last 2 years. I’m thankful to @baggervance, @ccr, and @princessaurora who served as the former Nantan brain trust. I’m thankful to @t-cell for EH’ing me to F3.

This role has been very meaningful to me. But, in the words of @Vector, who gave me the opportunity to succeed him as #bomber AOQ back in the day, you have to leave before you are ready. So its about time then. I’ll be laying low for a minute and then circling back to find a way to be “Freed to Lead” again.

We are in good hands with @Toothless. Glad to see him take this forward.

@Michelin Man out.