Stronghold – 1/19/23 – If Help = Needed Then Ask

Gloom: Yes. Good
PAX: 42!
F3: Decaf, Moneyshot, Hacker. Knuckles (FNG), Young Pawn, Skeet, Esposa, Shocker, Rocket Mortgage, Monster Biscuit, Import, Cowboy, Bagger Vance, Winger, Grey Album, Grape, Black Lung, Chunks, Red Skull (AOQ), Michelin Man, Young and Restless, Blue Mule, Shoota, Red Tees, YHC

4:13: Pinky, Master Chief, Squidward, Thing 1, T-retch, Jazz Hands, Comeback, Mindset, Plumb Line, The Bus, Chef Yo, Zorro, Potluck, Contractor, Red Shark, Bolt

5.30: Disclaimer. Mosey in a big loop around to Basketball court
Air Press
Seal Clap

Partner up. 4:13er grabs coupon. 4:13er must ask for help if he wants his partner to take the coupon.
Mosey to Auditorium loop

Heavy Dora (Dora with blocks): 100 OH’s, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s

Mosey to Big Parking Lot
Sprint Parking Lot x2

Mosey to StartEx
SSH’s until everyone in

COT: What you focus on will appear bigger than everything else to you. When you’re tired, and don’t want to keep going because things are hard, don’t think about those things. Keep your mind on better things, and the problems will seem smaller.
Pray for these men as they go through this challenge. Pray every single one of them has the courage and fortitude to make it through.It was an honor and a privilege to lead this morning. Thanks to Moneyshot and Green Machine for converging, and for everyone out there who’s happy that Stronghold is back in session.
Detective Pikachu out.

For Coolio

Time under tension, 6s, Coolio

Press X
Carry X

Temp : 50
Gloom : Moderate

PAX: Chef Boyardee, Tealfin, Chip N’ Dale, Beaker, Dry Rub, Neo, Iron Head, Chatterbox, Big Bayou, Arm Bar, World Tour, T Sizzle, Shocker, Skeet, Black Widow, Hambone, TOGA, Blue Mule, Decaf, Det Pikachu, BNB, Red Skull, YnR, Bagger Vance


Circle Up, Disclaimer 0530

SSH (couple of restarts) X 13 IC
Spider Man Stretch
SGL leg bridges R/L
Bird dogs R/L
Black Widow Reach Backs R/L

Mosey to parking lot 326 for quick explainer and partner up 1:1 413:F3


I –
To the Row Bars
Gr1 on Bars 6s Up, Down, Hold x 6IC
Gr2 Wall work – Johnny Bench, Supermans F/R
Flap Jack

II –
Partner IP run to old bball court

Bball Court II
GR1 Drop Squats
GR2 Suicides
Flap Jack

Mary –
Various plank movements


NMM: working on the theme of time under tension … fewer reps more focus on form and static holds. With the recent passing of Coolio, we listened to Gangstas Paradise. Partners asked to focus on keeping together and holding each other accountable to form.

TOGA up next week. Be sure to join us for Tortoise n Hare on Tuesday’s. 3 mile loop around campus.



Circle Time is Over

The four horsemen posted at The Stronghold to celebrate the last F3 workout for this class.  Fun was had by all!

PAX: Cogito, Shocker, Red Skull, Toga (QIC)

Gloom Factor: 70 and Sunny

Thang:  Disclaimer followed by mosey to gravel lot for warmarama then head to the adjacent grassy area for some grass drills.

Mosey to the deck for everyone to pickup a coupon/block then head on over to the bball court.  Partner up for partner block work=

  • P1 bear crawl while P2 executes block thrusters, flapjack and repeato x3
  • P1 lunge while P2 executes block swings, flapjack and repeato x3
  • P1 carry overs while P2 executes curls, flapjack and repeato x3
  • P1 side lunges while P2 executes deadlifts, flapjack and repeato x3
  • P1 backwards run while P2 executes tricep extensions, flapjack and repeato x3
  • Core work intervals were scattered throughout

In honor of Blue Mule, and to make sure Cogito didn’t miss out on the experience, the PAX completed 30, 8 count body builders with some stops to discuss goals, core values and what 4:13 means to the PAX.

NMM: It was almost perfect!  The rain wanted to start a full downpour right when we started, but it never really got up to full, drenching speed.  That said, the PAX worked hard to get a lot done in one workout.  Best wishes to Cogito on his interviews and welcome back to Shocker from his IR status.

Stay Classy,


31 Mar 22

Primal Movements 101

Temp : 53
Gloom Factor : Moderate

PAX : Amoeba, Cogito, Flight Risk, Grute, Pause, Red Skull, BNB, Hambone, Bagger Vance

Long Mosey w
High Knees
Butt Kix
Side shuffle
High plank to Recovery position
Bear Crawl
Crawl Bear
Gorilla Walk


Mosey to the BBall court
SnL Squats x 6s
Turk”ish” Get Ups
Walk Arounds
Peter Parker Stretches
1/2 Court Sprints x 1, 2, 3, 5

Plank Progression to Finish


Fought through some adversity this am. Attitudes sufficiently adjusted including YHC. Several slices of humble pie were served early and often.

Graduation tonight 1800 on Campus. Y’all stop by and give the grads a fist bump.


The Return of the Block Party

PAX: Pipes, Shaguar, Pusher, Jimmy John, Astaire, Moonwalk, Works for a Guy, Hambone, Bagger Vance, Detective Pikachu, Crawl Space, Dan and Dave, D frost, Red Skull, Toga QIC), The Black Widow

Gloom Factor: Nil, 70  and Sunny

A hearty sixteen posted to get a little better in the gloom.  It went something like this:

Disclaimer, mosey to everyone’s favorite gravel lot, standard issue WOR (including nipple sharpeners), then lineup for some grass drills= PAX in one line facing the fence, chop legs like the mountain climber, and then roll right, left and forward based on the Q’s cadence.  Complete 4 rounds

Partner up, mosey to block pile and collect one block for each team before heading to the bball court.  Lineup on the baseline for some block work:

  1. Round 1: P1 bear crawl down the court and mosey back while P2 executes block shoulder presses, flapjack and repeato x3
  2. Round 2: P1 Carryovers down and back while P2 executes block squats, flapjack and repeato x3
  3. Round 3: P1 burpee broad jump down and mosey back while P2 executes WWII with blocks, flapjack and repeato x3
  4. Round 4: P1 lunge down and mosey back while P2 executes block curls, flapjack and repeato x3
  5. Round 5: P1 crab walk down and mosey back while P2 executes block swings flapjack and repeato x3

Deliver blocks back to the deck in a nice, neat pile, and conduct some very quick Mary in the parking lot while waiting for the 6.

Announcements: See Red Skull’s note in channel about a 5k to run with the 4:13 speedsters, see BV’s note (in ‘main’ channel) about an upcoming convergence in Franklin.  Prayers for Pusher’s son turning ONE TODAY!!

NMM:  It’s always an honor to lead at 4:13.  Most of us haven’t faced the challenges these young men have in their rearview or the ones they have in front of them.  Stay humble, work hard, support the man next to you, and enjoy a jock jams playlist where appropriate.

Stay Classy,



13 Jan 22


Guero (WL), FNG – Shotgun, Shootuh, Shocker, Life Champ (Kotter), Black Widow, PopALock, BnB, Detective Pikachu, Bogey, Hambone, Blue Mule, Dan N Dave, 413ers – Pipes, Astaire, Shaguar, Pusher, Jimmy John, Moonwalk, Red Skull, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Disclaimer, Claimed

Long Mosey out main road back to Smokestack w Side Shuffle L/R, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Bernie





Partner Up – 2 F3:1 413er

Mountain Climbers (4ct)
F Kix (4ct)

Run to top of Lot –
Lateral Bounds (2ct)
Ola Dollies (4ct)
8 Ct BB

RnR x 4

Round 4 completed at StartEx on my count.

1’ APD


Nice to have such a large crew to welcome 413 Strong class 1 of 2022. Willy Lomans – Guero pasted as promised along w Bogey. Kotters to Life Champ who’s back in the game. PopALock is a man on a mission back in the fold w a new fiancé. BnB laying out his plans for 2.0 sleep patterns, feedings, etc. Show of speed after coffeeteria from Astaire, Jimmy John, Moonwalk and Shaguar was nothing short of impressive. So glad they were sprinting and not smoking post Q. Pretty cool having the F3ers chime in on NameORama this class. We’ve got one 413er down w a stomach issue.

Tortoise n Hare kicks off next Tuesday 0530 same location. 5K loop around campus.


Blockz N Bucketz N Beans

Blockz n Bucketz n Beanz

Temp: 62
PAX: Shocker, Shootuh, Spandex, Det Pichachu, Red Skull, Blue Mule, Olan Mills, Black Widow, BnB, VooDoo, Space Needle (Quohog), Well Water, Van Dyke (Chavez Y Chavez). Florida Man (Jorts), Half Shell, Bagger Vance

Quick disclaimer, grouping up of 2 F3ers to 1 413er. All PAX grab a block. Return blocks to circle. Mosey the front loop around the buses and back to circle.

IW X 10 IC
HB X 10 IC


In groups of three with block in tow, each group performs
100 Block Burpees
200 Block Squats
300 Block Flutter Kix

PAX 1 run w block to Mater’s Civic and back. PAX 2&3 start on work set. Flap Jack until Reps completed.

Bucket Brigade
413er grab 5 gallon bucket of water. F3ers flank 413er. As a group carry bucket to far Quad. Every time water spills out there is a team penalty for entire group.

Penalty 1 – 10 Burpees
Penalty 2 – 10 Squats
Penalty 3 – Bucket transfer PAX to PAX around entirety of Quad 4.
Penalty 4 – 10 Merkins w feet on wall
Penalty 5 – Bucket transfer on 6 around traffic calming circle. PAX bear crawl in Native American run fashion.

413er returns bucket.


High Plank


NMM: Today’s Q was a combo of the BV classic Weight v Wait and the words of Proverbs 27:17 …

I’ve been a huge fan for a while now of pairing up or partnering the F3/413 PAX and today proved no different. Having been DR last week and missed out on the PFT admin’s by Red Skull YHC had to dig deep into the Pain Cave for this Q. The idea that we have a physical weight (the block) and a mental weight (why you’re an F3er/413er) hit home from the beginning today. I ripped that Weight v Wait concept from Rob Jones; a double above knee amputee who served as an IED searcher in the Marines. Hoping that Red Skull can expand upon this during the week of Bible study.

(YHC was struggling w the 413 names hence the other names in parenthesis.)

BH :
Spandex’s bro
Shocker’s nephew
BnB’s 2.0 coming Dec 2021
Traveling mercies


Never Stop Never Stopping

PAX: Bagger Vance, Hambone, Blue Mule, Boom Clap, Squeeze, IDK , Photo Shop, Happy Feet, Otis, Big Country, Toga (QIC), Detective Picachu, B&B, Red Skull, Shocker, Mater (Prevac)

16 Redwoods posted for a little fun in the sun, rain and mud this morning.  It went something like this:

Thang: Mosey to gravel lot for warmarama (including the fan favorite scorpion stretch in a puddle)

Mosey to grassy area next to the gravel lot for ye ol’ football ground drills= chopping feet a la mtn climbers until the Q calls for rolls right, left and forward.  Repeato x 4

Mosey to nearest wall of the STEM school for wall sits= 30 sec people’s chair followed by 10 IC alternating lunges.  Repeato x 4

Mosey to Bball court for SEAL Burpees= burpees with 3 merkins and alternating knees to elbows.  12 reps

Mosey to the nearest grassy hill for 4 minutes of Quadraphilia= bear crawl down the hill and crawl bear back up for 4 minutes= Crowd Pleaser

Mosey back to basketball court for EMOM shuttle run.  The PAX started at 5 and made it to 14.

Quick Mary and COT with YHC taking us out.

NMM: Strong work by the PAX as we focused on getting out of your head and finishing what we started.  Jobs and life don’t get done when you quit on yourself and those around you.

Stay Classy,


Fool’s Errand

413 Class II Q I

Temp: 36
Gloom Factor: Low

Stranger, Black Widow, Boushe’ (WL), TOGA, Red Skull, Hambone, Jackie Moon (LIFO), Boom Clap, Squeeze, IDK , Photo Shop, Happy Feet, Otis, Goofy, Big Country, Bagger Vance (QIC)


Main Lot


Side Shuffle L/R down sidewalk at STEM Bldg

Indoor Pool Smoking Deck
Plank Jax X 10 IC

Smokestack Lot
LBAC F/R x 13 IC

THANG – Fools Errand

Partner Up

413 PAX Line up shoulder to shoulder
F3 PAX Line up shoulder to shoulder
PAX across is your partner

413 Reps each between the PAX. When you switch Movements, run to the light at the top of Smokestack Lot and back.



Time called at 0610 for us to hit some Hand Stand Push Ups (homage to Grisham whom YHC had a lunch meeting with) on the wall heading back.

AL Prom dates (finishing position) x 13 IC
Plank 1 M
Flutter Kix x 20 IC
5 Burpees


NMM: Today’s workout was inspired by the book of Proverbs and its many references to foolishness and fools. The PAX were sent on a Fool’s Errand to try and finish all called Movements along with the running breaks. All PAX challenged to read through the Book of Proverbs this month.
Today’s Playlist also inspired by the term “Fool”

Won’t Get Fooled Again – The Who
Foolin’ – Def Leopard
Fool in the Rain – Led Zeppelin
Fooling Yourself – Styx
Fool for Love – Lord Huron
Ship of Fools – Grateful Dead
Fool – Fitz and the Tantrums
What a Fool Believes – Doobie Brothers
Fool Hearted Memory – George Strait

BH: it’s Holy Week, be sure to seek or share depending on where you stand.



It will wash off

15 redwoods posted to see just how wet and muddy they could get.  Here’s how it went down:

Gloom Factor: Nada!  Seventy and sunny

PAX: Noble Virus, Detective Pichachu, B&B, Toga (QIC), Red Skull, THE Black Widow, Hambone, World tour, Man about Town, Tender foot, Dry rub , Butt Dial, Zyppah, Bagger Vance, Billy Blanks (FNG)

Quick disclaimer then mosey to gravel lot on the back 40.  Warmarama then line up facing the far side of the lot for Noah’s ark= transport down and mosey back using the following modes:  bear crawl, crab walk, inch worm merkins, kangaroo hops (broad jumps), some other animal?

Line up in the grass facing South for 5x grass drills= chopping and rolling

Mosey to bball court for some bonus calisthenics then line up on the side line for ye old EMOM shuttle run.  We started with 5 and increased by one rep EMOM.  Time was called at 14 reps

COT with YHC taking us out!

NMM:  The focus of today was working through not so awesome conditions, not giving up and not letting the guy next to you down.  Strong performance by the PAX!  Shoutout to Butt Dial who is not only the first 4:13 member to bring an FNG, but he’s also expecting a new arrival and could use our prayers for a healthy baby.