PAX: Bagger Vance, PreVac, Lewd Wig, El Maestro, Big Bang, Black Widow, Big Stick, Karamazov, PopALock, Floppy D, Funyuns, Skidmark, PSL, Olan Mills, Edible Arrangement, Cowboy, Black Lung, Razor, Vegemite, Cathy*

*I am leaving out a pax, investigation is ongoing

22 HIM rose and show for some Mid-30 degree fun at Sir E this morning. Light MC before capri lap around the parking lot and back for a little WOR all IC:

LBCs x 10 front

LBCs x 10 reverse

BAC x 10 front

BAC x 10 reverse

Seal claps x 10

Air presses x 10

Deep squats x 10

Good Mornings x 10

Willie Mays Hayes x 10


Mosey across the street to the Ag Center to the right base of the circle drive. En route, little MC from BV assuming which exercises YHC didn’t care for, more on that later.  Pax to run AYG up the hill, lunge in front of the mansion, jog back, plank for the 6. All in. 5 squats OYO.  Face the “pond” (BV contests this description) and shuffle AYG up the hill, butt kickers in front of the mansion, plank for the 6.  All in.  5 squats OYO. Face the flagpole, shuffle AYG up the hill, high knees in front of the mansion and jog back for the 6.  All in. 5 squats OYO.  Back peddle up the hill, lunge in front of the mansion.  People’s chair for the 6.

Mosey to the museum lot. All pax line up at base line for merkin suicides.  Run to island 1 for 25 diamond merkins, back to base line.  Run to island 2 for 25 wide-base merkins, back to base line.  Run to island 3 for 25 regular merkins and back to base line.  All in

Mosey back to Church playground and borrow Tidy Cats fence for leg lift/ alabama prom date 11s.

Crap, still 10 minutes left.

20 pull ups, 20 Irkins, 20 rows OYO. Lt Dan to top of the hill for some…


20 SSH in cadence just for BV’s assumption from earlier

Tempo Merkins x 10

Flutter Kick x 20

Tempo Squat x 10



Praise: So amazing to have our friend and brother El Maestro back out there this morning.  Fingers crossed we get to see more of him very soon!

The title of today’s workout was inspired by the origin of my F3 name, given to me by Blue Mule.  One time when I was in law school, someone told me that listening to me argue a case was like listening to someone stuck on CAPS LOCK.  While it was so accurate I couldn’t be offended, it made me think about the way I communicate to make a point.  Short story, if you’re loud and passionate about everything, you’re loud and passionate about nothing.  As we enter the Lenten season tomorrow, let us remind ourselves that there is a time and place for loud words, but equally a time and place for impactful actions.

The pleasure, this morning, was entirely mine.




#RF20 at Sir Ellington

PAX: BV, Floppy Disk, PSL, CAPSLOCK, Donuts, Vegemite, Funyuns, Big Stick, FTTAL, Pop a Lock, Karamazov, Prevac, Blue Mule, Venus, Skidmark, Brown Nose, Black Lung, Ludwig van Oshkosh (QIC)

I’m blanking on two others. Q fail — rake me over the coals for it.

28 degrees greeted the highly appropriate 20 PAX who were so excited for an #RF20 themed Q.

YHC makes no secret of the fact that he’s an ardent fan of Roger Federer. Each time the Swiss Maestro has won a grand slam, YHC has led a Federer themed workout, and today was no exception. This past Sunday, Federer won his record extending 20th grand slam and 6th Australian Open title. 20 and 6 would be our main numbers for the day.

Moseyed from the church up the left side of the main Ag Center loop to the top for WOR.

20 SSH

10 Good Mornings

10 WMH

20 Air Presses

20 Seal Claps

10 Butt Kickers


BLIMPS (burpees, lunges, imperial walkers, merkins, plankjax and squats)

There are 9 speed bumps on the upper loop. PAX would do 20 reps of each BLIMP exercise at the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th speed bumps, and a 6th set of BLIMPS back at the start of the loop in front of the house. When all was said and done, a total of 120 reps of each.

Alternate between 20 WW1s and 20 Mountain Climbers until the 6 is in.

As Blue Mule would say: Simple, but effective.

Head back down to the playground for 20 rows and 20 hanging knees to chest. Since Fed went back to back at the Australian Open, it was a given we would do 2 sets of each exercise.

Plank for the 6.

Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary.

20 Flutter Kicks

20 LBCs

40 secs of low plank

Great work today. Iron sharpens iron, so the group pushes all of us to get better. Or as Nike would say, Betterer.

Keep El Maestro and his family in your prayers. His wife is battling the flu, they have a newborn, and he may have had another seizure last week.

Tough Mudder coming up in the fall. Contact Donuts ‘n Mish for details. If you act quickly, it’s only $400 right now.


Roll Tide Mosey

Bagger Vance, Floppy Disk, Funyuns, Big Bang, Blood Clot, CCR, Donuts, PSL, Dr. Smartt, CAPSLOCK, Black Widow, Edible Arrangement, Venus, Vegemite, Offshore, Braveheart, Quickie Lube, Oliver Clothesoff, Due Process, Private Sandman, Big Stick, Foxtrot Talks-A-Lot, Aunt Bea (QIC)

This will be quick… Disclaimer, MC, more disclaimer, MC, etc.

Capri Lap. COP. Winkie. 10 Burps OYO. 10 Merkins IC. 10 SSH IC. 10 Good mornings IC, not to be confused with the Windmill. 10 Skaters IC. 10 BAC/Seal Chokers/OH Claps IC. Winkie

Let the mosey Begin. A few hill climbs sprinkled in. 10 SSH IC. Slight Diversion to Barn Shuffles. You know the drill. Merkin at the end of the stall. Plank and wait Pre/Post. Winkie

Mosey to Partner Relay in front of the Caldwell Residence.
Line it up. Winkie. Wheel Borrow. Down and Back. Leap Frog. Winkie. Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear. Winkie. Mosey to Home.

20 something’s. No Hands Burpees, Crunchy Frogs, Baby Crunches, Hello Dolly, Freddie Mercuries, Merkins, Flutters(Scissor) Kicks, Mariah Carey’s,

COT/BOM/COFFEE (Thanks to Floppy for bringing the pot of Joe this am)

Hit up Bagger for more details about the Barefoot Republic 5k 4 MLK. Monday. Here is the link for more information as well…
Remember to un-silence your alarm when you go to bed tonight.


0451 Fill In BOMBS and Short Card 2.0


Floppy Disk, Big Stick, Funyuns, Donuts, @unt Bea, Vegemite, PreVac, Big Bang, Willy Loman (?), Bagger Vance (ATQ)

At some point yesterday YHC and CAPSLOCK were corresponding about some high level cases going on in Music City at which point the deal was struck to CoQ CAPSLOCK’S triumphant return.  This am at 0451 the text came in that CAPSLOCK was unable to go due to ongoing 2.0 feeding/sleeping issues.  YHC gladly grabbed the baton, as you all know ATQ is always looking for the spotlight.

5 ish degrees met the 9 RedPillers of the day.  We had a Willy Loman in from the Carolinas and sad to say he didn’t make it all the way through…more to come.  We took off heading out towards the back part of the lot in a Politician style mosey which led into some side shuffles and out of the corner of YHC’s floating/wandering eye another PAX was spotted.  Our wildest dreams came true as we turned north on Marchant to see the Silver Stallion that belonged to none other that the elusive, infamous and otherwise absent @unt bea.

Circle Up for

WOR: SSH x 13 IC, Squats x 10 IC, Imperial Walkers and Hillbillies x 10 IC, Merkins x 10 IC, Mtn Climbers x 10 IC…BOMBS inserted as a nod to CAPSLOCK as he mentioned that being on his radar…5 Burpees, 5 Overhead Squats, 5 Merkins, 5 Burpees, 5 Squats OYO…enough time to REMIX Stonewall’s MARSOC short card, Cobains Vegemite!

Quick lap around CHUM

All PAX partnered up for accountability purposes for today’s festivities.  This would come back to haunt YHC as his #Pardsy got a bit light headed halfway through the Card, took a knee and ultimately bailed on us.  Well, so much for my ability to help PAX push through…a great and timely blow to YHCs inflated ego!  So, we partner up for the following

MARSOC Short Card

30X Merkins (OYO), Squats (OYO), LBCs (IC)

10X Burpees, Windmills (OYO)

quick mosey 1/2 down lot and back

30 Merkins (OYO), 30 Flutter Kix (IC), 30 Mtn Climbers (OYO sgl ct…these proved to stump YHC as we normally do these IC but hey, it was 5* out)

10X Burpees (YHC Count), 10X Cherry Pickers (OYO)

quick mosey 1/2 down lot and back

30 Merkins (OYO), 30 SSH (IC), 30 Supermans (YHC Count)

10 Burpees (OYO), 10 Chain Breakers (IC)

quick mosey 1/2 down lot and back

30 Merkins (OYO), 30 Sgl Leg Lunges (OYO), 30 Ola Binary’s (IC)

10 Burpees (YHC Count), 10 Am Hammers


5 Dead Hang Pull Ups, focusing on the negative on way down

Rinse N Repeat

No Mosey in between sets, Time called right before Am Hams

NM: a little cold and frost and the PAX dwindle down significantly.   Floppy was on bean patrol this am and you know he brought some seriously bad coffee when he bolts out and has Donuts bring the carafe back.  So great to have @unt Bea back in the Gloom, he picked up right where he left off busting everyone’s balls and rolling in 2 minutes late!  Now all we need to do is get Juan back out and we can resume our Mission from God.  Cobains to Willy Loman on many counts 1) not getting his F3 name when he was my Pardsy 2) not realizing he was fading during the Short Car 3) not getting his info to follow up with him post workout.  If you are reading this, please accept my apology and know that the rest of F3Nashville/F3Franklin is much more empathetic and caring than YHC.

I saw a twitter post from a PAX in a different region who had performed a rogue test.  He dropped out of his normal running and boot camp AOs for 2.5 months to see if anyone would notice.  While I think this is a bit, “hey look at me”, he brought up a telling point that only 1 PAX reached out to him and only one other did he bump into at Church.  I share this to say, yall think about the PAX you were sweating next to a few months ago that have been absent, reach out to them and let them know you care and want them back in the Gloom with the rest of us Disrupters.


Warpath 6.5 this weekend in Franklin.  Starts and ends at Armada, it’s gonna be cold and it’s gonna suck.  There will likely be many variations of burpees and there will undoubtedly be a crap ton of running, should be just what you need to get the NewTear started.

5K4MLK supporting Barefoot Republic on 15 January starting at East Community Center, check this out for more info:

Keep Leveraging yourself to Serve others and help them accomplish what is important to them.   Keep Lowering yourself to Lift others.  Keep Headlocking to eradicate SadClownism in your community!


Bagger Vance

Twenty Seventeen

Edible Arrangements
Due Process
Deck the Hollis
Big Stick
Floppy Disk
Blood Clot
Lewd Wig
D’Mish O Nuts
Pre Vac
Blue Mule
Off Shore
Skid Mark
Black Lung
Yard Sale
Life Saver
Quickie Lube (FNG)
Oliver Clothesoff (FNG)
Too Tall
Slow capri lap up to Manley down Marchant and circle up in lower lot of CHUM
SSH x 20 IC
IW x 20 IC
HB x 17 IC
Mosey to Upper lot
20 Merkins
17 Lunges
Mosey to Handicap parking spots
20 Merkins
17 Squats
Mosey to Lower lot
20 Negative Merkins
17 Squats
Plank and Wait
Side shuffle up Marchant to upper lot
Crabwalk 20 yards
Walkcrab 17 yards (ok who knows if it was 17 yards or 20 for that matter but I’ve got a theme going here)
20 negative Merkins
17 Squats
Head down to playground
P1 Hold Chest to bar 20 ct
P2 17 Squats
Flap Jack
RnR but switch to Jump Squats
Wheel barrow up hill
20 merkins
17 Squats
Empty wheel barrow down hill
Flap Jack
Firemans Carry P1 up steps
Flap Jack
20 ct chest to bar hold
17 air presses
Flap Jack
RnR but switch to Thrusters
20 Derkins on fence
17 Squats
Head back up to Caballo Blanco Plank for 6
P1 in Hcap spot P2 opposite spot 1 Merkins in place bear crawl to center 1 Merkin crawl bear back until P1 and P2 get to 20 merkins
P1s Indian Run up Manley
P2s Indian Run down Marchant
When the two meet 10 Burpees
Finish IR
P1 in Hcap spot
P2 opposite
Duck walk
Walk Duck
Squats x 17
Supermans x 17 IC
Ola Binary x 20 IC
Dive Bombers x 17 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Great work today HIM! Awesome to have one of the OGs and a Franklin regular Blood Clot with us, he was even early!
Due Process making a triumphant Return to the GLOOM and a fine showing indeed. KOTTERS
I enjoy the Partner aspect for a couple reasons, one: accountability on reps and form two: lots of good convos happen btwn the two PAX during the Mosey and the Suck.
Two Willy Loman back at it again today, thank yall for posting with us and seeing multiple AOs and Qs. Tell dem boys back in Mecca that we are on point here in Music City!
Good to spend time w FNGs Oliver Clothesoff and Quickie Lube. Couple of notes in them, Oliver posted even though his EHs didn’t show. QL posted thanks to D’Mish O Nuts which isn’t all to surprising but did damn near the entire workout as prescribed with a prosthesis…HIM! Don’t tell me you can’t push through something when you see a fellow PAX like QL doing it!
New Lexicon: God Name … total Q fail when asking a simple Question
It’s been a real honor and blessing to see how our group has grown this year and how lives have been IMPACTed and how IRON has been sharpened! Yall are an inspiration to me and to others. Whenever you think “it’s too cold” “it’s been too long since I’ve posted” “I’m tired” “I smell like last night” don’t forget about the other HIM saying the same thing but CHOOSING the REDPILL because he doesn’t want to let YOU down!
As we near the end of ’17 please think about what F3 has meant to you. Is it just a workout or is there something more to it to you? We hope that the workout is beneficial but more importantly that you are becoming a better leader in your own AO, that you have come alongside someone to SHARPEN them and that whatever your FAITH walk entails it has been strengthened.
Prayers up for the Kemp Family, Humphreys Family and Verner Family
Bartman’s elbow surgery
Grease Trap’s back
Bagger Vance

Crazy H8 or H8ful Eight

PAX: Skid Mark, Offshore, Walter White, Umbrella, Black Lung, Funyuns, Big Bang, Bagger Vance, Dr Smartt, Big Stick, CAPS LOCK, PSL, Cowboy, Venus, PreVac, Ludwig, Cinderella, Crawfish, Floppy Disk

QIC: Floppy Disk

45 degrees with a strong north wind greeted 19 redpillers at Sir E this morning. YHC explained that this was intended to be an Aunt Bea Q, but that his wife had contracted the stomach flu, and thus he would be unable to attend. Instead, we would pay homage to AB with different components of the workout starting right out with a reverse mosey capri lap. Following the loop we switched to a standard forward mosey, and made our way up towards the big house obviously not following sanctioned paths as is the standard under AB guidance.

We convened around the flag to get all warmed up.

WoR (all IC)
ssh x20
high knees x15
butt kicks x15
good morns x10
willie mays x10
windmills x10
squats x10

The first evolution was dubbed the Crazy H8, but I’m also considering H8ful Eight. Borrowing a page out of Tidy Cat’s playbook we did the standard double-loop figure eight with the following rules in place:

  • 8x Burpees at the middle, top and bottom of the 8 starting and finishing with said Burpees for a total of 40.
  • 8x each of Atomic Merks, Jump Squats and WW1s at each speed bump. 10x speed bumps for a total of 80x reps of each.

We mosey’d to the homestead for: 50x calf raises (25x each leg) followed by 15x more each leg.

Mosey to the big lot for some island to island work: bear crawl to first island, broad jump to second island, burpee broad jump to final island.

Once all in we mosey’d back to the church playground for a quick 10x pullups (lock those arms out, BV) and 20x rows.

We had just enough time for the final portion of the morning, which, obviously had to end in classic Aunt Bea fashion…“Peaches” by Presidents of the USA: holding a plank perform a merkin each time you hear the word “peaches” or “peach”. Our muscles were tired, but our hearts were full as the music faded at the strike of 6:15am.

This was a tough workout, especially the first portion. Kudos to all for pushing themselves. Big Stick kept talking about how easy it was. That guy. We will need to review video evidence on whether Bagger was performing a cheat step on each of his burpee broad jumps. The ruling on the field was that he was.

Check Slack for info on the TAK PAKs. Let’s try to get a bunch of those together for a great cause. I was talking with the M today about getting our kids involved with putting those together. I think it could be a great family tradition. Numbtucks will be collecting them next week at Detention and the Racetrack.

See you boys in the gloom,
Floppy Disk


PAX: CAPS LOCK, Pappa Lock, brother-in-law, Funyuns, PSL, PreVac, Grease Trap, Floppy Disk, Big Bang, Big stick,BV, umbrella, Black Lung, FNG (skidmark)

14 PAX braved the rain this morning to enjoy one last day of warm weather (60 degrees) before winter really rolls in.

Bagger was on the Co-Q to protect the group from experiencing a full VQ this AM. After a mosey to the top of the Ag Center and a quick disclaimer, Bagger responded to some mumble chatter with another lap around the Ag Center for good measure and then proceeded with WOR

Partnered up for DORA 123
Partner 1 ran the distance while partner 2 performed the exercise and then swapped, building to a cumulative number of each exercise.

1st Exercise: 100 Merkins; partner ran to 1st speedbump
2nd Exercise: 200 LBCs; partner ran half way down Ag center driveway
3rd Exercise: 300 Squat Jumps: partner ran full loop up/down hill to Ag center.

Plank until all in then . . . you guessed it

Reverse DORA123 (AROD?)

1st Exercise: 300 Frog Humpers partner ran half the hill
2nd Exercise: 200 Flutter kicks while partner ran to first speedbump
3rd Exercise: 100 Carolina Dry Docks (no running)

Mosey back to the parking lot for 6 minutes of MARY DJ style, then announcement and the naming of FNG Skidmark

Great work today,
Black Lung

GrowSchool 2.0

0600 Time to Go…Couple of Stragglers coming in on Two Wheels
Mosey to Soccer field w side shuffle L/R, Politician, High Knees and Butt Kickers
WOR (Princess Aurora)
All IC
SSH X 20
The Dirty McDuece
Count off 1s and 2s to partner up
Round I
Merkins, Squats, Ola Dollies x 12 IC
Run 400M
Round II
Atomic Merkins, Lunges, LBCs x 12 IC
Run 400M
Round III
CDD, Jump Squats (OYO), Reverse Crunches x 12 IC
Run 400M
Round IV
Burpees (OYO), Jump Lunges, Flutter Kix x 12 IC
Run 400M
High Plank on Hill for some of the Genesis of F3 Nation.
Looooong Aunt Bea like wandering mosey around the football field, softball field past the playground through the woods, slalom through the red tips.
Plank Progression in parking lot. More on F3Nashville’s beginnings.
Cross country over to JOHS baseball field back up to rear parking lot. Plank progression on Leadership, Fartsacking and the like.
Why do they call it Mary, CCR? From the famous car ride scene in Something About Mary…look it up.
High plank, low plank, flutters x30 IC, American Hammers x20 IC, Mariah’s x13 IC, j-los x13 IC, 10 burpees oyo
Goal today was to replicate the Qs of OBT & DREDD of GrowSchools and GrowRucks of the past. Must say, think we nailed it! Great work by Qs to explain what we do, why we do it and how we do it. Nice work by the PAX in chiming in w the MC and hard work. Probably the most Forward Leaning Rest/Listening Position/High Plank on record.
Proud to be a part of this great group of men. Thank yall for your hard work and dedication to the reinvigoration of male leadership in our communities.
If anyone knows of some small men that may need this, please a little EH on em.
Lots of great stuff going on right now…many opportunities to serve. Please reach out to me if you feel led to serve in any of the roles we mentioned this am or in any other way we would love to help.
I will get all of the GrowSchool info in one document and see about getting it on the interwebs.
Bagger Vance
Bicentennial Man, Brother @ Law, Right Said, PA, CCR, Floppy Disk, FTTAL, TOGA, T Cell, Traffic Jam, HiViz, Bad Boy, Pappa Lock, Frugal McDugal, Life Champ, Dupree, Numbtucks, Nimbus 2K (FNG), Black Lung, Hambone, Crawfish, PreVac, Lewd Wig, Foggy Pirate, Chum, Vegemite, Big Stick, Deep Dish, Cowboy, BV

Acción de GRACIAS

PAX: Rooms2Go, Bagger Vance, CCR, Big Bang, PSL, Cowboy, Big Stick, Venus, Cathy, Black Lung, Foggy Pirate, FNG Triple D, Binary, Juan Valdez, Vegemite, Jigsaw, Prevac, Braveheart, Ludwig, Offshore, Umbrella, Too Tall, Wall Ball, Walter White, Floppy Disk

40 degrees, a homecoming Rooms2Go and no Floppy met the 24 PAX this morning that gathered to give thanks in workout form at Sir Ellington. YHC had a coffee maker snafu, and therefore came in on two wheels 30 seconds late. On the warmup mosey R2G was thinking about two things: 1. WTF was Floppy? 2. WTF was he going to do as this was supposed to be a co-Q? Perhaps this is a bit of an embellishment. R2G had it under control.

We mosey’d up to the big house for R2G to get us all warmed up.

WoR (all IC)
ssh x25
bac x10
rbac x10
overhead claps x10
air press x10
willie mays x10
high knees x25
Hamstretch x10


Acción de GRACIAS
G – orilla Humpers x100. Focus on form. Pain started quickly.
R – oute 66: Mosey around the top loop and stop at each speed bump for ascending burpees. Starting with 1x and work our way to 11x for a total of 66x burpees. Plank/wait then WW1 and wait. Mosey to the tractor pavilion.
A – lternating toe taps on the green benches by the tractor. We did 50x and everyone seemed to be enjoying them so much that we did 30x more.
C – arolina Dry Docks x50. Momentary brain-lapse for YHC on the name for this exercise, though I knew it started with a C. Thankfully, CCR came to the rescue as he does so many times.
I – mperial Squat Walkers x50 IC. A real crowd pleaser. I thought about more, but we were short on time.
A – lternating Shoulder Taps x50 IC. We were running out of time, so we quick moseyed over to the big and traffic-busy hill.
S – evens (Mtn. Climber Merks/Diamond Merks). Due to poor clock management by YHC, we had to cut this short. Traffic is also unwieldy at this point. Noted for future Q planning efforts.

We trail moseyed back to the start where reigns were passed to R2G’s very capable hands for a quick Mary.

Boxcutters x25 IC
ABC’s kinda IC

It was so great to have Rooms2Go back out in the gloom. He’s a great friend, and his willingness to co-Q was inspiring. Welcome FNG Triple D. He’s a friend of Foggy Pirate’s, who was in classic foggy form this morning. It was also good to see some faces that we haven’t seen out in the gloom in a while. Apologies to R2G and the PAX for my clock management. At least we got a couple minutes of Mary in. I am sure everyone will do their own ab makeup.

Reminder to sign up for Room in the Inn at Crievewood Baptist. Info and link are on Slack. Reach out to Dupree for more details.

Black Friday convergence at The Hill (Franklin Road Academy). Workout will be 6-7am. Meet around back at the football fields.

Grow School on Saturday, December 2nd at FRA. Workout 7-8am followed by biscuits and discussion about the purpose behind F3. If you value F3 please come to this. It will be a good chance to learn more about why we do what we do and how we can make it better.

See you boys in the gloom,
Floppy Disk & Rooms2Go

500 Yards of Martin Luthers

500 years ago today, Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation with the writing and posting of his 95 Theses and altered the course of world history.  I’m pretty confident this why we have Halloween and kids dress up and get candy from strangers, right?

When he did it, I’m sure a part of Luther was wondering, “you know what, I wonder if this will inspire people 500 years from now to do a workout in my name…” And to that, I’ll say: it did.

Maybe that’s not the case, but this was a momentous occasion in Protestant history and QIC wanted to make sure we all could remember that 500 years ago was Martin Luther’s release of his 95 Theses.  So in remembrance of this hallowed day in history and on a chilly 38 degree Halloween morning, 21 men embarked on a workout in Luther’s name.

PAX: Frugal Macdoogal (QIC), Cathy, Venus, PreVac, Off Shore, Umbrella, Brother at Law, Big Bang, Cowboy, Binary, Funyuns, Donuts, Big Stick, Yard Sale, Floppy Disk, PSL, Bagger Vance, Edible Arrangements, Ludwig, CAPSLOCK, Dupree

Quick Disclaimer then straight in to mosey up the hill to flagpole parking lot in front of the main building in the Ag Center (probably not the formal name for the building).


Partner up. Partner One runs the loop down to the front gate and back up, almost 500 yards while Partner Two begins the MARTIN LUTHER workout, 95 reps of each exercise before moving to the next one.  When Partner One returns, he picks up the workout while Partner Two runs the loop.

M – Merkins

A – Aiken Legs (20 Squats, 20 Squat Jumps, 20 Lunges, 20 Split Jacks)

R – Reverse Crunches

T – Tuck Jumps

I – Inch Worm

N – Ninety Five Gorilla Humpers

L – LBCs

U – Uchi Mata Merkins (merkins with leg raise on push up)

T – Toe Touch Abs

H – Hydraulic Squat

E – Elbow Plank Donkey Kicks

R – Rockette Hillbillies

Mosey back to church lot and COT.

QIC had to skip out at 6am, so thanks to Donuts for wrapping things up.

Great work today, guys!

Till Next Time,
