Broken Wheel Field-trip!

8 PAX in Attendance: Barney Fievel, Soccer Mom, Von Trapp, Show Me, Aunt Bea, Netflix, Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)

YHC couldn’t sleep (too excited about Q’ing) and came early for a 10 burpee on the minute for 10 minutes pre-party. Awesome playlist, if I say so myself. Eventually the PAX came in and we got (kept) rolling.

Warm up lap around parking lot, enjoying the aroma of ripe port-o-jons


  • 13 SSH
  • 13 SJ
  • 10 Tempo Merks
  • 10 Tempo Squats
  • 30 seconds GM OYO
  • 30 seconds Willy Mays Hays

Mosey to Nolensville Elementary School Pain-ground (~0.3 mi) for 11s


  • Swerkins (Swing Merkins)
  • Pull-ups

MOT: lunge walk back and forth

Back to Park bridge (~0.4 mi)

“It’s kinda my thing…”

Bear crawl and then crawl-bear the bridge. Always a good time.

Old-guy Wisdom imparting intermission. I think they were intimidated by Netflix’s biceps and were overcompensating…anyway, enough mumble-chatter, time to land this thing…


  • Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
  • High-Plank, alternating Knees to opposite Elbow x 25 IC

What?! Over already? The fun was just starting…to be continued at The Forge!


  • Convergence tomorrow at Centennial Park (Parthenon) 5:30-7:30 CSAUP. Hit me up if you want to carpool.
  • Pray for Barney and his family as they welcome another 2.0 any day now (Patience, peace, strength and health)
  • Make sure we put God first, then family, then everything else…priorities

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Welcome to The Forge!

Nolensville broke in their new AO, The Forge, with a workout focused on strength, endurance, and coordination. Iron sharpens iron!

PAX in Attendance: Barney Fievel (Q), Nimbus 2000, 3rd Degree, Numbtucks, Aunt Bea


  • 30 seconds of Good Mornings
  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Imperial Walkers
  • 1 Al Gore
  • 10 LBAC (forward and reverse)

Thang 1: Mini Cooper with 20 pound coupons

  • 6 Burpees, 6 Merkins, 6 Deep Squats, one lap around track
  • Rinse and repeat decreasing one rep each time
  • Total of 1.5 miles and 21 reps of each exercise

Thang 2: Stadium Runs with Assorted Exercises

Run up, along the backside and down the bleachers doing an exercise in-between with your coupon.


  • 20 side-to-side lunges (use coupon as your center point)
  • 20 bicep curls (with coupon)
  • 10 windshield wipers (on your six, coupon held over you, feet touch from right to coupon to left to coupon)
  • 20 overhead tricep curls (coupon overhead and behind back)
  • 15 derkins (close grip hands on coupon)
  • 10 pull-up rows (coupon in lap)
  • 10 burpees (with coupon)


  • Flutter Kicks
  • WW1s
  • Alabama Prom Dates
  • Megan Berry’s
  • J-Lo’s


Hebrews 12: 1-3

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Duck that – Broken Wheel 6/26/18

PAX: Numbtucks, Rag Doll, Barney Fievel, 3rd Degree, Show Me, Soccer Mom, Creeper, Netflix, Sterno, Nimbus, Cheese Whiz, MRSA, Hush Puppy, Blood Clot, Tebow

QIC: Tebow

Warm Up

Jog lap
BACs x 10 (both ways)
Huggers x 5
Good Mornings x 10
Willie Mays Hayes x 10
Squats x 10
Merkins x 10


-Mosey to baseball fields-
With partner,
Alternating lunges x 20 / wall walks (~5 mins)

-Mosey to soccer fields-
From goal to goal,
Duck walk down w/ 10 merkin rest penalty
Bear crawl back w/ 15 squat rest penalty
American hammers x 20
WWIs x 20

With partner,
Run down to goal and back / mountain climbers (~3 mins)
Run down to goal and back / spider climbers (~3 mins)

Circle up,
Squat clock
(in a squat stance, side shuffle around the circle for a given distance and direction)


Crunchy frogs x 15
JLo’s x 15
WWI w/ twist courtesy of 3rdD
American Hammers x 20

Be praying for Soccer Mom and his family as they prepare to move to Africa to spread the gospel.

This Thursday morning, 5:30a, Show Me needs help setting up a tent at Revive Church in Nolensville (check slack for more info on when people will be showing up). Coffee and donuts will be provided. Lets get out there and make quick work of that tent. Bout to go all Broken Wheel on that tent. (Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it; y’all should go, though).

2ndF tonight at Nolen’s Place. 3rd Degree will be there at 8p! Come hang. (I won’t be able to make this either; y’all should go, though)

New AO to be named at Nolensville High School on Saturday morning.

Great work guys. See y’all next time




The Hills Were Alive

11 Pax treated themselves to an early morning beatdown with a new FNG “Von Trapp” and the hills were alive with the sound of music…well actually with sounds of pain, but that is the official F3 music anyways.

QIC: Creeper
Co-Q: NumbTucks
PAX: 3rd Degree, Ragdoll, Netfilx, Hushpuppy, Barney Fievel, MRSE (FNG), Von Trapp (FNG), Sterno (F3 Franklin), Shocker (F3 Franklin)

SSH x 20; Imperial Walkers x15; Merkins Slow and Low x 10; Good Mornings x 10; Willies x 10

THANG 1: Creeper took over to introduce us to some good pain
1 lap around the track (.35 miles) then 10 double pump burpees all together
1 more lap then 15 Merkins
1 more lap and then 20 Copenhagens
1 more lap and then 25 squats
1 last lap

Partner up
1 bear crawls around pavilion and 1 lunges around pavilion then 20 diamond merkins
switch mode of transportation around pavilion and then 20 merkins
switch modes again and then 20 squats?
switch one last time and then 20 reps of your choice

Good Mornings – 10
Willies – 10
Cherry Pickers – 10
High Plank  – 1 min

Great job Creeper for first Q! Remember that this Saturday we are testing out Nolensville High School at 6am-7am for a potential new AO. Come on out to support and be punished.

Broken Wheel: Saved by the Bell


Soupy start to Tuesday for 10 F3Nolensville Pax this morning.

Pax in attendance:

Nimbus 2000 (Co-Q, VQ), 3rd Degree (Co-Q), RagDoll, Tebow, Creeper, SoccerMom, ShowMe, Barney Fievel, HushPuppy & welcome to Mr. Belding (FNG)

Mosey around lot for Creeper and HushPuppy (taking his sweet time rolling out of car and putting gloves on)

Circle up for Warm-o-rama and Disclaimer via 3D:

15x SSH IC, 10x Seal Jacks IC, 10x Tempo Merkins, 10x Tempo Squats, 10x Willy Mays Hays IC, 5x Good Mornings OYO

Nimbus VQ for the THANG:

“Indian BearCrawl”
Line up head to toe in high plank, PAX at the end bear crawls to the front, then the next guy etc. While waiting PAX are doing Elbow plank merkins (High-Plank to Low Plank and Flapjack AMRAP).
• To mid field
“Indian Crabwalk (AKA Crunchy Crab)”
While lined up on your six, the guy in the back crabwalks to the front, then next guy, etc. PAX on 6s are doing LBCCs (Little Baby Circle Crunches) while waiting.
• To mid field
Rinse and Repeat headed back towards starting position
“Catch me if you can”
Two partners. Partner 1 performs 5x Exercise called by Q, and then sprints to catch the Partner 2, who has been running backwards (AKA back-pedaling AKA Politician). When partner catches and tags Patner 2, reverse roles. Repeat until total below reached by team:
• 50 Knerkins
• 50 Scrquats
Nimbus2000 passed Q Torch to 3rd Degree who slow moseyed the PAX to the long bridge.
“Well, it’s kinda my thing…” The F3Nolensville Faithful knew what was coming…BearCrawl the bridge! PAX endured this with grit and determination. When all had reached the end, we crawl-beared back to FNG who was midway demonstrating the F3 Motto: “No man left behind, but leave no man where you found him” where we crawled with him and cheered him on to completion of the bridge. WELL DONE!
Slow Mosey back to the Parking lot for 6 Minutes of Mary as follows:
25x Flutter Kix IC
25x Freddie Mercuries IC
10x Supermans IC
And for Extra credit past 6:15 (Cobains for going over, I really need a watch)
10x WWIs OYO
COT, Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Christening of Mr. Belding (WELCOME!)
Praise for Barney’s Mom getting into own place, Prayers for Creeper as he officiates a funeral of previous youth member from church who recently passed away.
Other Announcements:
T-Claps to Nimbus2000 for stepping up and Co-Qing. Great job!
Don’t forget to check out F3Dads Camp coming up soon!

Chasing John Cusack and the DDoD

10 PAX in attendance:

Tebow (welcome back!), Numbtucks, 3rd Degree, Creeper, Show Me, Ragdoll, Soccer Mom, Hushpuppy, Nimbus 2000, Barney Fievel (Q).


One lap around the track (.3 mile), 20 SSH in cadence, 30 seconds WMH, and 30 seconds LBAC.

Chasing John Cusack:

Mosey to Barney’s truck and grab a coupon (20 lbs). Partner up. One partner runs on the track with the coupon above his head. Think John Cusack with the boombox in “Say Anything”. The other partner does 10 burpees, runs after partner, and “relieves” him of the coupon. The PAX with the coupon continues around the track while the “relieved” PAX does 10 burpees. Repeat for 15 WWI’s, 20 merkins, and 25 deep squats.

DDoD: Discounted Deck of Death:

Everyone pick up a coupon and mosey back to the parking lot. Deck of Death with deck of cards, but add the coupon.

Going in a circle, each PAX draws a card from the deck that corresponds to an exercise and number of reps. Spades = blockees (coupon burpees), Clubs = deep squats, Hearts = merkins, Diamonds = American hammers.


Philippians 2:3 – Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility, value others above yourselves.

The KING of Coupons

9 PAX: Barney Fievel, 3rd Degree, Nimbus 2000; CheezWhiz; Rag Doll; Soccer Mom (FNG); Netflix; Show Me; NumbTucks (QIC) 

In honor of LeBron “King” James, we had a nicely themed workout around three numbers 23 (jersey number) 8 (NBA Finals appearance) & 18 (the age when LeBron entered the NBA). We had one rule, no disrespecting the King (this caused me great anger when it happened).  Oh and we introduced coupons to Nolensville as well!

Very Short Warmup 
quick jog, circle up for disclaimers (we made Bagger proud)
23 SSH; 18 Baby Arm Circles; 8 Squats; 18 Air Presses (I educated everyone on these numbers – they must learn the ways of King James)

Burpee Apocalypse (Thanks to Franklin F3)
Begin with 8 burpees – then 7 – 6 – 5-4-…. no more than 5 sec break in between

Coupon Work
Go grab a coupon (landscaping stone) from Barney’s Truck
8 Coupon Burpees – 18 Coupon Merkins – 23 Coupon Squat Presses – 23 Coupon Swings
Put Coupon Down – 23 SSH (in Cadence) – 23 Mountain Climbers (In Cadence) – 23 Coupon Flutter Kicks (in Cadence)
Rinse a Repeat everything above going down to 18 Squat Presses & Coupon Swings

SSH & Burpee Work (8 Rounds)
4 Count SSH followed by 3 Burpees (moving fast with no breaks) 8 Rounds

Bear Crawl Merkins
Bear Crawl Parking Spaces – every line do 2 merkins then 3 merkins alternating for 6 parking lines – the crawl bear back doing the same

LBCs – Hello Dollys – Flutter Kicks – Good Mornings


Get Funky!

12 PAX join in on the dance this morning at F3Nolensville including:

Numbtucks, Nimbus 2000, Creeper, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Netflix, A-bomb,  Pope, Show Me, HushPuppy,  Rag Doll (FNG), CheezWhiz (FNG) and 3rd Degree (QiC)

A beautiful start to the morning as we congregate in the morning light. 5:30? Let’s roll!

Warm up lap around the parking lot to catch any stragglers and deliver the disclaimer, then circle up for Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x15 In Cadence (IC), Claps x10 IC, Little Baby Arm Circles (LBAC) Forward with 4 counts of Big Arm Circles (BACs)  x10,  Repeat in Reverse, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Tempo Squats, Good Mornings On Your Own (OYO) to get our minds right.

Mosey to the Football Field, HushPuppy comes into the fray.

Explain Tabata (20 seconds maximal effort of whatever is called, followed by 10 seconds rest) Outline: Sprint, rest, Exercise, rest, back to Sprinting toward the original side of the field, etc. Rinse and Repeat as indicated with 10-15 count in-between as called by Q.

We did: SSH, Merkins, Big Boy Situps, Squats to Tabata Songs Playlist played through BT speaker carried back and forth across the field with Q.

Playlist: UpTown Funk, Back in Black, Still Dre, Smells like Teen Spirit, Rocky theme music (20 minute total of Tabata)

I was kind of upset that no merlot was yet spilled, and was determined it not be me, though I was close…

Mosey to the Swing set for Speedometer of 4 exercises. 3 PAX perform 15 Inch Worms (Feet in swing while in High Plank, draw knees to chest and back out = 1) as the speedometer, while the other 3 groups of 3 PAX each perform either Derkins (decline Merkins), Squats, or Mtn. Climbers.

All in? Good…

Now, it’s kind of my thing…Bear Crawl the long Bridge. Steel Yourself! Then Crawl Bear back across..Feel the burn! LBC or SSH for the 6.

To the Parking Lot for Circle of Trust (CoT) with countorama, nameorama, Christening of Rag Doll and CheezWhiz (FNGs) and kneel to shout out.

Announcements: F3Dads sign up deadline is approaching, get it in!

Great job EH’ing guys and for continuing to show up and work hard. Proud to be a part…3D Out!

Pass the Merlot

8 PAX including 1 FNG: NumbTucks, 3rd Degree, Barney Fievel, Creeper, Show Me, Hush Puppy, Itsy Bitsy Spider (FNG), and Netflix.

Birds were chirping, dew was glistening, and everything was right with the world. This stillness was shattered by the Trumpets of War as Barney Fievel declared everyone was about to puke (unless they needed to modify the workout) via a simple, but dastardly workout routine he dubbed, Pass the Merlot.

Warmup: 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Willie Mays Hays, 1 Al Gore

Routine: Partner up. One partner takes a lap (.3 mile) while other partner does AMRAP Burpees, switch when partner completes lap. Rinse and repeat for Merkins, WWIs, Dips, Squats, and Planks.

CoT: Good Mornings, Flutter Kicks, and J-Los.

Coffeeteria provided by NumbTucks, F2 and F1 opportunities discussed by 3rd Degree.

Field of Fun

10 PAX: NumbTucks (QIC), 3rd Degree, A Bomb, Berney, Nimbus 2K, Barney Fievel, Creeper, Show Me, Pope, Hushy Puppy (FNG).

Today felt like a new day at the Broken Wheel (Berney showed his face after the elections & another visit by the Pope), we looked around and realized we hit double digits with almost an all Nolensville crew (But I think we are going to adopt the Pope).

Run around baseball field with some slides & high knees.
Circle up with:
25 SSH
10 Good Mornings
10 Willie Ms
10 Cherry Pickers
20 Scrots (GreeseTrap Squats)
25 Air Presses
15 Baby Arms Circles forward and backward

Native American Run (PC) to the soccer fields

Super 10 (taking it easy on the new guys usually Super 21): 1 Merkin followed by 1 WWI, then 2 of each, then 3, then….you get the idea. Stop at 10

Field of Dreams or Pain, whatever you want.  Home base does 15 burpees, bear crawls to first, first does AMRAP of Squats until Home reaches first, then bear crawl to second, second base is pumping out Merkins until first relieves second base, second bear crawls to third, while third is doing LBCs until second reaches them, third to home for 15 burpees. Go around until home base crew reaches home.

Native American Run back to parking lot.

Ring of Fire: High Plank with each person doing 10 Merkins around the circle
25 Flutter Kicks (IC)
20 Alabama Prom Nights
20 Box Cutters
High Plank to end

Except for the QIC forgetting to introduce FNG it was a good morning. Thanks Hush Puppy for joining us. Broken Wheel is gaining ground with a lot of potential.