Conditions: About 16 degrees and frosty. Gloom is in full effect to start but a beautifully clear and bright sunrise lit up the second half of the AO today. Glory on display…
Pre-Party: YHC led Kermit, Staples, Creeper, and Barney in a 6-7-8 routine of pull-ups (modify Underdoggies PRN), Merkins and Iron Mikes, respectively, on the minute (sort of) for 9 rounds. Thanks for waiting on me rolling in hot! Jambox already blaring…
11 PAX in attendance: Barney Fievel, Staples, Kermit, 3rd Degree (Q), Tebow, Creeper, Inspector Gadget, Nimbus 1075.5, Stats, Sterno & ShowMe
- Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up) (Capri Lap for Sterno)
- SSH IC x 10
- IW IC x 15
Theme for today is brokenness. Like the gif above, when their car gets destroyed, it’s all about perspective on how you handle it.
Also, I have loved some different concepts introduced by other Pax and wanted to incorporate them into the beat-down today..so here we go!
Thang 1: Ab and Upper-body Circuits (inspired by Tebow)
Split the PAX roughly in half and while one crew does exercises at the pain ground, the other head to the gazebo for some upper-body blasting. 3 minutes of AMRAP at each location then switch. The Medic (aka jambox) succumbed to the cold and passed out. Sorry gents, no tunes…MEDIC!!! (ala StarShip Troopers)
Exercises were:
8 T2B, 8 AH (each side 1/2), 8 Sweat-Angels (Painground)
8 Dips, Derk, One-legged Burps (Gazebo)
Thang 2: BrokenWheel Lap (adapted from Nimbus)
Partner up with someone you have never partnered with before, then proceed to one-legged hop for 15 hops, then stop and perform 3 Hillary Rodham Clintons (submitted to the Exicon) HRCs, then switch hopping leg and proceed to complete the 1/3 mile loop. Woof! Nimbus and ShowMe for the impressive win (although word has it that SM adapted and honored the former 1st lady since they are on a first-name-only-basis)
We tried a 10 count of a mix b/w American Hammer and Freddie Mercury, but since YHC couldn’t stay in the right position and added LBCs to the mix, we did 10. More work to do on that before full integration…
Thang 3: Partner-Carry Lap (adapted from Nimbus)
Just like it sounds. Switch carrying-partner PRN to complete the lap as a team. Barney and 3D took the pole-position. Sounds weird now that I type that out…
Those that finished lined up in a gauntlet of Plank positions to welcome in the 6 that sprinted to the finish…fine work gents!
Thang 4: Adapted Bridge-work (YHC’s favorite)
It’s kinda my thing…but with a twist. Crawl-Bear the bridge first and enjoy the beautiful sky…Layers were coming off…Nimbus with the win without stopping. Then mosey back to the far side of the bridge and finish strong with a bear-crawl to the pole.
no Mary since no time! Pax had interspersed Ab work throughout the morning waiting for the 6 and with Thang 1 today…so no hard feelings
Staples was the 9th man and testified that 2 years ago he was literally crippled by Rheumatoid Arthritis and now look at him…Inspiring! Medicine has its place…Another SoccerMom EH that has turned into a VETERAN. Strong work.
What we Learned:
- T-Claps to the HIMs that were able to donate ~$350 that was used to buy supplies for Tusculum Elementary School refugee students. Special thanks to Sterno, Stats and Altidore for supply run and to NumbTucks for bringing the need to light. Keep finding 3rd F opportunities for us gentlemen!
- Thanks to Tebow for Coffee!!! He is about to go skiing Saturday after the convergence, so back up coffee-providers unite! (Thanks Kermit in advance) Please let the PAX know how and when to donate for supplies PRN.
- YHC shared how the world, and often ourselves, are broken and we have to carry on. But like the sunrise today, there is beauty and hope to behold. If you want more info, to discuss or debate, hit me up and let’s get some coffee or happy-hour to discuss further…
- I miss TVG, MuRSA, HushPuppy, SnowBall and many other PAX that are MIA.
- ShowMe admitted Tebow makes his butt sore. His words, not mine…
Remember! Nolensville / Franklin Convergence is this Saturday the 9th from 6-7:30am. The Forge will not meet this Saturday in light of this. Rendezvous at Nolensville Park to carpool to AO with cars rolling at 5:20-5:25. Come one, come all and rep 37135 as we partner with another local region.