Soopa-Koopa @ ThePound 3/14/19

Image result for gif koopa

Conditions: About 67 degrees and WINDY. Gloom is in full effect with spring forward.

Pre-Party: YHC led Kermit & Creeper (arrived after round 2, classic!) for 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. I think Stats also joined in around round 6 or 7, but the fog of war was pretty thick and I am not really sure…Hate those during, but love them afterwards…

13 PAX in attendance: Kermit, HushPuppy, Creeper, Inspector Gadget, Nimbus 1075.5, Stats, ShowMe, RoadRash, HotNReady, Typo+, MicDrop, OldHickory & 3rd Degree (Q)


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up) (ShowMe Lap)
  • SSH IC x 10
  • SJ IC x 10
  • GM OYO
  • Quad Stretch OYO

Explained the concept for today: modified Cooper Routine (origianlly 1/4 mile track lap with burpees, merkins and squats after each lap) with Mario and Boston, MA accent twist…the Soopa-Koopa.

Thang: Soopa-Koopa:

Partner up! You and your teammate will pace and push each other to complete one 1/3 mi. lap, then the following exercises in succession. Then Rinse and Repeat but decrease number of reps of each exercise by one each every lap (unless you’re Kermit in the Fog of War who did 10 of everything, every lap). Start with 10 of each after first lap.

Exercises were:

Pull-ups, Atomic Merkins & Floating Starfish (each side was 1/2)

YHC and partner Nimbus (T-claps brother for pushing me) were able to lead and complete down to the 4 reps lap but encouraged all PAX to attempt 10 reps of everything since time was wrapping up on the last lap. In all, we completed 2.33 miles (7 laps) and 55 reps of each exercise in the ~40 minutes we were allowed to use.

No Mary since no time! Pax had interspersed Ab work throughout the morning with atomic Merks and Floating Starfish…so no hard feelings


ShowMe was the 9th man and shared about family (wife and 3 sons), profession (pastor at Revive Church in Nolensville), hobbies (hunting, baseball coach)

What we Learned:

  • Thanks to Kermit for Coffee!!! Please let the PAX know how and when to donate for supplies PRN.
  • Math is Hard when you are in the heat of battle…
  • The MEDIC was needed all the way around the track, but was a comfort at the pain-station.
  • Glad to see RoadRash come out and push hard, even with a mid-routine bathroom break 🙂 And with a Merlot Splash! Thanks bud…welcome to F3Nolensville.
  • HotNReady & OldHickory have officially changed membership to Nolensville, welcome!
  • HushPuppy was lured from the FartSak by >60* temps and did great today! Welcome Back…
  • YHC shared how a proverb affected him recently and inspired the Q…The wounds of a friend are faithful, while profuse are the kisses of an enemy. I may have wounded you today with this routine, but the goal is for your good. I could have led you in AMRAP Good Mornings or a 15 minute pace jog and a sit-up or two, but which routine is going to push you to grow and get better? Surround yourself with true friends who will confront you when you’re wrong and care for you by correcting you instead of a bunch of yes men who would never confront you. If you want more info, to discuss or debate, hit me up and let’s get some coffee or happy-hour to discuss further…

Post Party: 14 Clurpees, strong finish!

Multiple PAX stuck around for coffeeteria.


  • Recent Nolensville/Franklin Convergence was a huge success! T-Claps to the 13 PAX able to represent F3Nolensville! 29 total came.
  • F3 Nolensville will launch our 4th AO, DEFIANT, on 3/25/19 (Monday) at Nolensville Elementary 5:30-6:15 Bootcamp style workouts. (one more step to becoming our own region)
  • The Gauntlet is coming! 5/4/19 F3Nolensville’s first CSAUP event. Today was in prep for that…2.5-3 hours, ~8 miles, 5 AOs, endless memories…
  • ThirdThursday lunch (2ndF) will be led by YHC next week. Deets forthcoming…
