AO: handsomizer
Q: Wedding Singer
PAX: Umbrella, Purple Tiger, Wedding Singer, Salami, Freakonomics, bluemule, Natural Ice – CBO, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool and crisp
Recognition of Umbrella, who allowed YHC to freely steal and modify (including the notable absence of even a single Michael Buble song on the playlist this time!) his long-standing tradition and recent beatdown at the-racetrack Mosey to the bottom of the steps
12 Days of Christmas
Day 1 – 8 count Body Builder
Day 2 – Apollo Onos
Day 3 – Worst Merkin
Day 4 – Lt. Dan
Day 5 – Burpees
Day 6 – Storm squats
Day 7 – WWI or WWII
Day 8 – Windmill Merkins
Day 9 – Iron Mike’s
Day 10 – Makhtar N’Diayes
Day 11 – Mountain Climbers
Day 12 – V-Ups
The day corresponds with number of reps. Start on Day 1 and then run lap up the stairs and back down the ramp. Day 2 then 1, run. Day 3 then 2 then 1, run…until you finish or time. 2 is 1 for all applicable exercises. That fact, along with the long set of stairs and ramp back down proved to be too much for any of the PAX to complete the work, but several got to Day 10!
Mosey back to startex
MARY: n/a – called for time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Franklin 10-year anniversary beatdown Saturday 1/4 at Pinkerton Park – 0630
See elsewhere on Slack for deets about New Year’s Day convergence and Lean PAX
COT: Reminder that F3 is first and foremost a leadership organization. It is in our Mission statement
Always an honor to lead.
Stay strong and keep signing-