Murfreesboro, Bragg’s Isle, 06/28/2018
Michael Jackson died 9 years ago this past Monday, June 25 (R.I.Pee-hee). AND his dad died just yesterday. YHC has been waiting months to craft yet another musically-motivated creative workout that burns through the King of Pop’s career with his highest-energy hits. This Is It.
QIC: Aristotle, with a single white glove on his left hand
PAX: Iditarod, Aristotle, Ace & Jack (fartsack for King), Noble Virus, Grohl, and special guest The Count from Chattanooga
YHC overcame technical difficulties with the Bluetooth speaker while Noble Virus did a simple lap around the MMC parking lot and led PAX through Good Mornings x10 and Imperial Walkers x15.
(As we shall see, five minutes of fiddling with the Bluetooth was totally worth the next 40.)
“Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” (DSTYGE) = With the speaker operational, YHC cut WOR short and quickly queued up DSTYGE as our cardio/mosey theme song and we began a brisk mosey to Bragg’s Isle. Halfway there, we switched to backwards Politician stride (today, it’s the Moonwalk).
“Beat It” = Leg workout. As a group, nothing but Lt. Dan’s (squat + bi-weekly lunges) from the weird metal statue all the way to the gazebo. Sprint AYG from the gazebo back to the statue. Squats x25 OYO for good measure. Before the cops catch us for tresspassing, we Beat It.
Mosey to the playground with DSTYGE providing us with a groove. The song lasts for the entire trip there.
“Bad” = Back workout. Partner up PAX. One partner does bench dips on the picnic tables, one partner does Pullups (or Negatives, or Inverted Rows) x10 on the monkey bars. Switch. Repeat until the end of the song. Who’s Bad?
YHC intended to mosey PAX to the basketball court to properly stage the next number, but for the first time ever in the history of Bragg’s Isle F3 we were caught by the train. Incline Merkins x20 while we waited, to no avail. So we utilized the soft playground floor instead.
“Jam” = the centerpiece and original inspiration for this workout, many months ago. Each synth horn blast in the song, every 8 beats or approx every 5 seconds, is your cue to do an 8-count Bodybuilder (slowed-up burpee with Merkin and split jack). There are 66 horn blasts in “Jam” and no PAX did them all but we tried to keep up. Extra credit: after Heavy D’s second rap interjection, the horn blasts come at you every 4 beats, 7 total. Do burpees there, and stop for the pause where MJ kicks the basketball behind his back into the hoop nothing but net. (Y’all remember.) It ain’t too hard for me to Jam.
With the train long gone, DSTYGE for a gentle mosey back to MMC parking lot.
“Scream” = Circle of MARY. Each PAX picks their ab poison while Michael and Janet belt out to remind us the pain makes us wanna Scream:
- Iditarod – Flutter kicks x20 IC
- Grohl – American Hammers x10 bi-weekly OYO
- Ace – Leg lifts x15 OYO
- Noble Virus – Rosalitas x 15 OYO (in honor of CDL)
- The Count – Boxcutters x15 IC
- Jack – American Hammers x15 bi-weekly OYO
- Aristotle – LBC’s for the last minute of the song
Michael Jackson was awesome, Jesus is better (not sure where I was going with that but it works). Prayer.
Make that change.