Don’t Stop Til You Beat It with a Bad Jam that makes you wanna Scream

Murfreesboro, Bragg’s Isle, 06/28/2018

Michael Jackson died 9 years ago this past Monday, June 25 (R.I.Pee-hee). AND his dad died just yesterday. YHC has been waiting months to craft yet another musically-motivated creative workout that burns through the King of Pop’s career with his highest-energy hits. This Is It.

QIC: Aristotle, with a single white glove on his left hand

PAX: Iditarod, Aristotle, Ace & Jack (fartsack for King), Noble Virus, Grohl, and special guest The Count from Chattanooga


YHC overcame technical difficulties with the Bluetooth speaker while Noble Virus did a simple lap around the MMC parking lot and led PAX through Good Mornings x10 and Imperial Walkers x15.

(As we shall see, five minutes of fiddling with the Bluetooth was totally worth the next 40.)


Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” (DSTYGE) = With the speaker operational, YHC cut WOR short and quickly queued up DSTYGE as our cardio/mosey theme song and we began a brisk mosey to Bragg’s Isle. Halfway there, we switched to backwards Politician stride (today, it’s the Moonwalk).

Beat It” = Leg workout. As a group, nothing but Lt. Dan’s (squat + bi-weekly lunges) from the weird metal statue all the way to the gazebo. Sprint AYG from the gazebo back to the statue. Squats x25 OYO for good measure. Before the cops catch us for tresspassing, we Beat It.

Mosey to the playground with DSTYGE providing us with a groove. The song lasts for the entire trip there.

Bad” = Back workout. Partner up PAX. One partner does bench dips on the picnic tables, one partner does Pullups (or Negatives, or Inverted Rows) x10 on the monkey bars. Switch. Repeat until the end of the song. Who’s Bad?

YHC intended to mosey PAX to the basketball court to properly stage the next number, but for the first time ever in the history of Bragg’s Isle F3 we were caught by the train. Incline Merkins x20 while we waited, to no avail. So we utilized the soft playground floor instead.

Jam” = the centerpiece and original inspiration for this workout, many months ago. Each synth horn blast in the song, every 8 beats or approx every 5 seconds, is your cue to do an 8-count Bodybuilder (slowed-up burpee with Merkin and split jack). There are 66 horn blasts in “Jam” and no PAX did them all but we tried to keep up. Extra credit: after Heavy D’s second rap interjection, the horn blasts come at you every 4 beats, 7 total. Do burpees there, and stop for the pause where MJ kicks the basketball behind his back into the hoop nothing but net. (Y’all remember.) It ain’t too hard for me to Jam.

With the train long gone, DSTYGE for a gentle mosey back to MMC parking lot.

Scream” = Circle of MARY. Each PAX picks their ab poison while Michael and Janet belt out to remind us the pain makes us wanna Scream:

  • Iditarod – Flutter kicks x20 IC
  • Grohl – American Hammers x10 bi-weekly OYO
  • Ace – Leg lifts x15 OYO
  • Noble Virus – Rosalitas x 15 OYO (in honor of CDL)
  • The Count – Boxcutters x15 IC
  • Jack – American Hammers x15 bi-weekly OYO
  • Aristotle – LBC’s for the last minute of the song

Michael Jackson was awesome, Jesus is better (not sure where I was going with that but it works). Prayer.

Make that change.

March Madness

QIC: Iditarod
PAX: Iditarod, Aristotle, Grohl, CDL

A balmy 30 degrees awaited the 4 Red Pillers who decided to deny the fartsack and continue to condition themselves against apathy this AM.

YHC had toiled yesterday and came up with a workout to celebrate the madness that has no doubt riddled every prognosticator’s bracket. After assuring that the two streetballs that were in YHCs possession were inflated as near to proper specification as was possible our Fab Four, Frozen Four, Final Four set off on a mosey to new vision court for this AMs festivities. The PAX was serenaded by YHCs carefully curated playlist of Jock Jams mostly old but a couple of newer gems sprinkled in. See link if at all interested.

Upon arrival at New Vision formed two lines for warm up lay ups

Brief Stretching

Free Throws F3 Style-Upon a made free through the successful pax called out rep and exercise. Every missed free throw required 3 burpees as penance. Did several rounds of this. Our best percentage round was a round of 75%.

Knockout or Bump-F3 style-Your standard playground version with a twist after a made basket you were required to do a merkin before taking next shot. Once knocked out PAX completed suicides until the game was over. Did several games of this.

Once CDL LIFOed out for Daddy Duties the pax completed a few rounds of escalators 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs.

Mosey back to MMC for TOT and Prayer.

Iditarod Out

Sonic the Hedgehog’s workout

Q: Yosef

PAX: Aristotle, Mr. Roboto, Jack, King, Ace, Iditarod, Schnitzel, Black Lung

The Sandman must have made the rest of the Pax very comfortable fartsacks. Made for a small PAX to post.

Warm-o-Rama: 1 lap around the lot straight up, lap 2 required everyone to face North until the lap completed. Made for side shuffles on the ends, politician up the back stretch.

Side straddle hops x20 IC

Willie Mays Hayes while doing forward and backwards arm circles x10 IC each direction

Tha Thang: Iditarod was fresh off his anny celebration, which involved a lot of strength, but not much cardio. Since Aristotle had recently Q’d a Mario workout, Q felt like his childhood hero, Sonic the Hedgehog, needed to be honored as well.

Sonic wasn’t just naturally a fast hedgehog though. That requires a smoker of a workout.

Mosey across the parking lot to the Corner of Pain, for a Circle of Pain.
Introduced PAX to Sonic’s difficult workout, time limitations did not permit the SuperSonic workout.

20 sec high knees, 20 sec mountain climbers, 20 sec burpee.
30 sec of rest, rinse and repeat x10

Mosey across the lot to a different corner and explained that Sonic never defeats Dr Robotnik by himself, Tails is always helping out.
PAX paired off and completed 100 Merkins, 200 air squats, and 300 side straddle hops. While one partner worked on the exercise at hand, the other ran suicides to the tune of the street lights. Partners switched at each completion of a suicide.

PAX was sufficiently smoked and sweaty, and ran one minute long.
COT and BOM was brief, Q reminded PAX that as much of a hurry as we want to get in, and life is moving at Sonic speed, slow down and focus on other around them. Serve and love and develop those relationships. Prayed out.

BULLHORN: Tuesday workout is up for grabs. It doesn’t hurt near as much when you get to tell everyone what to do!
Airwolf could use a few more volunteers at Greenhouse oil change Day. Give a shout out today if you can help or want to learn.

Lets a Go!

QIC: Aristotle, Co-Q Yosef (for MARY)


PAX: Aristotle, Iditarod, Yosef, Scraps, Ace, Jack, King, NPR, Grohl, Schnitzel, Seagull, Mr. Roboto


Super Mario Circle of Pain: an 8-Bit idea turns slightly two-bit execution due to glitches, but 12 PAX did a fun workout.


YHC programmed a custom soundboard app on his phone with basic sound effects from the original Super Mario Bros. Bringing the game into the real world.


Warm O Rama:

Short lap around MMC parking lot, with Politician and side-skip thrown in

All exercises IC:

SSH x20

Willie Mays Hays x10

Front Arm Circles x8

Reverse Arm Circles x8

Overhand claps x8

Good Mornings x10

Slow, deep squats x10

Long lap around MMC parking lot, with intermittent “jump” sounds to signal a mid-run hop, and the “time running out” sound to signal a sprint to our circle spot.


The Thang: Super Mario COP


Sound FX from the app correspond to an exercise:


Coin = Two ‘Mericans (because $$$)

1-UP = Burpee

Jump = Split lunges, each leg

Pipe = Two squats

(honorable mention to Fire Ball and Pause, which got no assignments but were randomly pressed)


Everyone gets a turn to play. One PAX planks while retaining control of the sounds. Planking PAX mashes a button, and all do the exercise. Initially button-mashing was for as long as they could hold a plank. Switched up to 1 minute timers due to other-worldly ab strength becoming an unfair advantage (“Dad, when do I get a turn?!”)


Some went completely random. Some stuck mostly to one exercise for their tenure. All had a good time and got to work.


Due to water buildup and phone unreliability, there were app glitches. MC included requests to just call out the workouts, and how the phone issues were straight out of a Portlandia episode (true). Cobains to all for two-bit execution of a cool 8-bit idea.


Old-school speak: had to stop the game a few times to blow the dust out of the cartridge and resume play. You know how it is.



Lessons learned:

Mario and Luigi gotta be super jacked with all that running and jumping. Must be all the mushrooms.

Technology is a good supplement to a workout, but cannot be relied upon. Need to be able to do without.

When we got into a groove, it was good. Without the glitches we would have been sufficiently smoked.

KISS principle. Too many moving parts. Will refine and simplify the process and execute again soon (maybe next time with Sonic the Hedgehog sound FX).


The conn was handed to co-Q Yosef for the last 10 with the Mary. Yosef remembered Mario was a little pudgy around the middle and didn’t want the PAX’s abdominals to feel neglected.

25 LBC’s, 25 adolescent situps (half situps), 25 WW II sit ups on OYO.

Flutter kicks in cadence x 16

Scissor kicks in cadence x16

Reverse situps x30

Bicycles x20 in cadence

Rockies x25

PAX were relieved to hear we were out of time, but sad to hear we only did 3/4 of what I had planned for the abs. Will save the smoker for another day.


Mosey back to starting position.


BOM/BOL- Aristotle likened following Jesus to playing the best video game ever– one where you get free plays, but you aren’t the hero, the game is already won, there are infinite lives, and it lasts forever. Prayed for PAX to catch that vision of eternity and the resurrection as much more attractive than temporary pursuits, look forward to that hope, and share with others.

BULLHORN-Tuesday is Anniversary Q for Iditarod-Lets mark it as High Post Tuesday-Our high number since starting this thing is 20 PAX.  See if we can break that for Iditarod’s Anny-Q

September 23-Greenhouse Ministries Oil Change day-Air Wolf is heading up-Great way to serve the underprivileged of our community.  No experience necessary Air Wolf and company can teach anyone willing.

It’s Not About You

Why do we post Back Blasts?
As my dad would have said to me when I was a kid, “Because I told you to!” Obviously, that didn’t work for me then and it doesn’t work for us now as GAM, grown ass men.
I have been thinking a lot lately about the importance of the Back Blast coming off the Memphis launch, a host of new and reworked AOs and a great Nantaan call recently.
As I understand them, the Back Blast is the following:
  • A recap of the workout
  • A place to recognize those who posted
  • A way to track numbers and growth
  • A way to commemorate a break through
  • A way to commemorate someone splashing merlot for posterity
  • A way to make announcements
  • A way to document new and different exicon from the PAX
  • You’re a leader and part of Qing a workout is writing the BB
I’m sure there’s more on that from DREDD & OBT in Freed to Lead but I can’t get my hands on it right now.
All the above is great and I wholeheartedly agree with #1-8 and with the Nantaan of the Nation and the Great Weasel Shaker at WWHQ in their excellently penned Freed to Lead (which I still can’t find). But to me, the real reason we post the BB I realized today when I got a text from country code +44. At first glance I thought it was spam. Upon further inspection, it was from the one and only Scribe of F3Nashville Faulkner. So, without blabbing on, here’s what he wrote (I edited the very end)
“Been doing three F3 workouts a week by following the backblasts. Off days I run 4 miles. Miss the camaraderie and spiritual support. Tell everyone I said hey. Praying for those mentioned in backblasts, particularly the Kemps. Glad to see how F3 is growing … In this pic, I just finished Edible Arrangement’s latest Qed workout. The park I work out in mainly behind me. Hope you’re well.”

The title of this post is from the people at GoRuck.  I was constantly reminded of this over the past weekend in the 9-11 Memorial Ruck.  Ultimately, the BB isn’t about us being too busy, too lazy or too indifferent because it’s not about us and how we feel about posting the BB…it’s what someone else gets out of it.
So if not for #1-8 and for F2L, do it for the Faulkner’s, the Rooms2Go and others that find themselves DR for an extended period of time and that miss y’all, that miss F3Nashville and miss the 15 Burpess every minute for 10 minutes from that jerk Funyuns!

Wide World of North American Sports

QIC: Yosef


PAX: Sea Gull, Grohl, Anchor, AirWolf, Ace, King, Jack, Aristotle, Black Lung, Papa Juan, NPR, Iditarod, Nadal


PAX overcame the fartsack to Post on the first cool fall-feeling morning of the year.


Warm O Rama:

1 lap in MMC parking lot

Stretches in cadence: toe touch, flat back left & right, groin stretch L&R, Quads L&R, Arm across L&R, Triceps L&R


Led Pax in plyometrics to get a litte winded and warm.


High skips

Butt kicks

Grapevine L&R



Advised PAX that QIC has sports on the brain, gave options of workouts that apply or relate to football, basketball, and baseball. PAX grumbled they wanted to try football


Introduced PAX to CB turn drills – backpedal from the “line of scrimmage”, open your hips to follow the receiver, and then sprint after the “catch.” Confirmed PAX was feeling the burn before moving on.


PAX decided to give baseball a try next. Performed Field of Dreams x1. 1st base: LBC’s, 2B: Merkins, 3B: rowers, Home plate: 15 burpees. Teams of 4 each took a base and only moved on once the home plate team completed their burpees and relived the next base. Performed until everyone had completed burpees and ran the bases.


QIC got excited about football and had to be reminded we love basketball too.


Suicide ladder x3 with a twist. 1st set x5 Merkins, 2nd set x10 air squats, 3rd set x15 full sit ups. Proud of the PAX for finishing the last 15 situps as a team.


Finished out with a plank smoker, Plank Hurdles, down and back. PAX excelled at hurdling, not at how much space to leave between each other.


Finished with Circle of Trust and Ball of Man as we ran out of time



Showing “the Jugg’s” a little TLC

QIC: Iditarod

PAX: Schnitzel, Sea Gull, Yosef, Air Wolf, Black Lung, Pharaoh, Scraps, Ace, King, Jack, Aristotle, Monkey Bars, Grohl, Anchor (FNG)

15 Pax Post to show the Juggs some TLC this morning.

Warm O Rama:

1 Lap in MMC Parking lot.  Some Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, squats till all in

Good Mornings X 10 IC

Willie Mays Hayes x 20 IC

Michael Phelps x 10 IC

HillBillies x 10 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

Butt Kickers x 20 IC

The Thang:

YHC Introduced “The Juggs” to the Pax.  4 Gallon sized Milk Juggs filled with Water.  Pax formed two lines for Indian Runs.  Lead Pax to hold 2 Juggs.  Trade off once spinter got to Lead.

Jugg Run to the trailhead playground parking Lot.  Circle up. YHC explained that “the Juggs” required TLC so that is what we’d give them.

Round 1-Baby, Baby, Baby-TLC-Plank Jacks for the first verse-1 Merkin for every Baby said.

Jugg Run to the Round about near the Island-Air Wolf Joined us on the Lifo at the round about.

Round 2-Creep-TLC-Overhead Arm Claps for the verses Every time “creep” mentioned do a burpee.

Jug Run the long way to MMC Parking lot

Round 3-No Scrubs-TLC Lunges for duration every time “Scrub” is mentioned perform squat.


1 Min of Flutter Kicks

Moleskin: YHC Shared about developing spiritual fitness along side our physical fitness. TClaps to Aristotle for ability to identify who was singing what parts during the Songs.  If you’d like to lead one you can sign up on out Google doc .  Scraps is moving on Saturday so Pop up AO at his house 9am he’ll Q there will be heavy things to lift and he’ll even feed you some little Caesars or something. Reach out if you want to help.  Starting Next Week Yosef will be the AO Site Q for Bragg’s Isle.  If you want to lead one there reach out to him.



Block O Rama

QIC: Iditarod

PAX: Godfather, Aristotle, Sea Gull, Schnitzel, Hawk, Papa Juan, G-String, NPR, Iditarod (QIC), Grohl, Derty, Ace, 2.0 FNG King, 2.0 FNG Jack, FNG Rev. Scraps

Lap through parking lot second lap sprinkle in some bear crawl, crawl bear, politicians.
Good Mornings x 12 IC
Willie Mayes Hayes + Baby arm Circles x 20 IC
Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC
Tempo Merkins x 10 IC
Mosey to Construction Yard
Stop at the bridge for 10 Burpees OYO
Pick up the 6-Once all in instruct to find partner each pair gets one Cinder block from construction site Mosey to three way intersection for instructions for the remainder of the workout

The Thang
Partner work with Blocks-P 1 performs exercise while P2 runs to 3rd street light and returns.
Rd 1
Plank for the 6

Rd 2
Bench Press
Once finished started alternating Blockees(Burpees with a Cinder Block) with Partner-Work till all in then 1 or 2 minutes more.

Return blocks to site
Squat Jumps for Mud Removal
Once all in AYG back to MMC Parking lot.  Plank for the 6


2 x 2.0’s in attendance children of  Ace-Fittingly dubbed King and Jack-The Queen, Ace’s M would have been proud of the hard work put in by her suit. FNG Rev. Scrappy has a tendency to finish others un eaten leftovers.

YHC shared about devotional time this morning spent in Mark where Jesus says to the Pharisees and Sadducees-Give to Ceasar what has his image give to God what bears his (Man).  Prayed for PAX.

Please sign up on slack as we are using that for communication and linking to mothership F3Nashville PAX. Email CCR [email protected] for a slack invitation

Also I’ve created a Q signup Spreadsheet on Google Docs