Bomber – 1.17.20 – “Guns ’N’ Stones”

25 High Impact Men got after it this morning and participated in a celebratory birthday workout for one of the greatest guitarists in rock music history.

QIC: Cunning Linguist

PAX: Bareback, Bicentennial Man, Blue Mule, BnB, Burrito (WL), Covenant Eyes, CowBell, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, DFrost, Duplex, Firefox, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Michelin Man, Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Princess Aurora, Right Said, Studio42, Tiny Dancer, Toothless, Vector

Weather: The perfect amount of gloom. If Goldilocks had a favorite type of gloom, it would be this one.

0529 was accompanied by the One Minute Warning, then 0530 was accompanied by the Disclaimer. Disclaimer was effectively given, then YHC led a Mosey out the entrance to McCabe and up to the right and ended at the round circular spot that looks like the nose of an aircraft (or something else, if you squint real hard) for WOR:

17 x SSH
10 x LBAC
10 x rLBAC
17 x Hillbillies
10 x WMH
17 SnL Squats

YHC took another Mosey toward the entrance to McCabe for THE THANG:

YHC waxed poetic and informed the PAX that today, January 17, is the 72nd birthday of Mick Taylor. Who is that, you ask? He is only the former lead guitarist of the Rolling Stones, known for being their guitarist during their Golden Era. In addition, one Slash (of Guns ’N’ Roses fame) has stated that his guitar style has been most influenced by Mick Taylor. At this point, YHC switched the playlist to “Gimme Shelter” by the Stones (nice catch by Blue Mule and Vector). Gimme Shelter from what, you ask? From the B.O.M.B.S., as listed below:

50 x Burpees
100 x Overhead Press
150 x Merkins
200 x Big Boy Sit-Ups
250 x Squats

We counted off 1s and 2s, where 1s performed the first move and 2s ran to the traffic circle, circled around it, and Bernied up the entrance (so they could see the cars entering McCabe and not get run over – Safety First, men!), then flapjack until completion.

Upon YHC’s completion, PAX were already in plank form (well done, gents) and YHC then called out Al Gores until the 6 wrapped up their exercise.

YHC then led the PAX to STARTEX for MARY:

17 x Flutter Kicks
10 x LBCs
10 x Alabama Prom Dates
10 x Freddie Mercuries


What an awesome turnout in literally freezing weather! I am yet again humbled by the fact that so many men opted to show up for a workout led by YHC.

-Prayers for the recoveries of Bad Boy, Hipster, and Siri – get well soon, gents! We miss you!
-BOLO for Side Straddle Hops, led by the Brothers Sottek in early February. See Slack for the deets.

This is The Colonel, signing off!

Bomber 12-27-19: Street Donuts and the Rock & Roll HOF

19 PAX emerged from their holiday food comas to get a little better.

PAX:  PA, T-cell, Crablegs, Firefox, Toothless, Bareback, Covenant Eyes, Crawlspace, Money Snake, Michelin Man, Blue Mule, Tiny Dancer, Turncoat (WL from Charlotte), en fuego, Miss Cleo, CTE (Kotters!), Fur Trapper (FNG),  Bongo Java (FNG), Vector (QIC)

Conditions:   Balmy, mid-50s.

Playlist:  To keep the PAX informed of important events in popular music, YHC crafted a playlist of the 2020 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees (see also  An eclectic mix for sure (I’m partial to Depeche Mode and NIN myself).  Of note, likely the only time Judas Priest makes a Vector-patented playlist. I’ve starred those that I think make it in to the Hall for 2020:

Enjoy the Silence – Depeche Mode*
Bang a Gong (Get It On) – T. Rex*
I Feel for You  – Chaka Khan
Hit Me With Your Best Shot – Pat Benatar*
Head Like a Hole – Nine Inch Nails
China Grove – Doobie Brothers*
You’ve Got Another Thing Coming – Judas Priest
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) – Whitney Houston
So Much to Say – Dave Mathews Band
Spoonman – Soundgarden*
[Ended Here for Time but Full Playlist Below for Your Listening Pleasure]
The Boys are Back in Town – Thin Lizzy
Mo Money Mo Problems – Notorious B.I.G.*
Bang the Drum All Day – Todd Rundgren
Ace of Spades – Motorhead
Autobahn – Kraftwerk

(Sorry, MC5 — don’t know any of your songs so not on the playlist)

Warm-o-rama:   Mosey to circle by McCabe Pro Shop for SSH x 26 (to celebrate Toothless’s 26th birthday on Dec 26), Cherry Pickers x 12, Willy Mayes Hayes x 12, LBAC x 12, Overhead Press x 12, Reverse LBAC x 12, Good Mornings x 12 OYO, High Knees x 12

Round 1:
Mosey to top of hill for some 11s.  Jump squats at the top, merkins (of whatever type pushes you the most) at the bottom.  DIDs for those who finish early.

Round 2:
Mosey to playground and partner up for DORA:  100 Pull-ups, 200 Big Boy Sit-Ups, 300 Squats; Partner runs around Rec Center.

Mary:  Flutter Kicks, Crunchy Happy Frogs, and too many American Hammers until time.


  • Welcome FNGs Fur Trapper (Family line goes back to the founders of Nashville) and Bongo Java (Works at coffeehouse [NOT Bongo Java] and plays drums –  I mean, it was like a T-ball shot to name him).
  • Have to admit, this older HIM really enjoys when the younger PAX start to mumblechatter about the degree of difficulty of the workout.  Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  • Prayers for Bad Boy, Hipster, and Boone’s Farm, recovering from procedures and medical issues.
  • NY Day convergence at 0700 at The Hill.  Come sweat out all of that beer, bourbon, White Claw (nasty, dude, just nasty), or whatever you imbibe the night before.   Start 2020 out right with some HIM.
  • 17 for coffeeteria at Charbucks with some surprise snacks c/o Money Snake.  Tasted a bit cindery but delicious.  We won’t speak from whence they came (#streetdonuts):

  • As always, an honor to lead you, as you push me every time I come out.  Thank you.



Bomber – 12.13.19 – “Casino!”

18 gambled away their Friday morning at the Bomber Casino and still managed to walk away winners. Conditions were oh-so-nice.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Cunning Linguist, DFrost, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Michelin Man, Panhandle (WL-Cherokee), Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice, Reveille, T-Cell, Vector, Wilbur (WL-Wilderness Road)


Quick disclaimer and a medium mosey taking the long way to the upper lot for a little COP featuring:

  • SSH x 13
  • SnL Squats x 13
  • Merkins x 13
  • Plank Jacks x 13
  • LBAC F/R x 13

Mosey back down to flag for our first tango with Lady Luck. PAX played a bit of Craps: F3 Edition. Utilizing the exercise progression of B.O.M.B.S. (because that’s what my craps usually are) and a single 20-sided die, PAX bet on the roll to determine their reps. PAX had two choices: play the odds and do 13 no matter the roll or take your chances hoping the shooter rolls something less. Most played it smart and played the odds while a brave few risked it all most of the game and did a lot of 13-rep sets.

Thoroughly crapped out, it was time to hit up the Black Jack (Webb) table in the upper lot for a 1 to 3 Merkin to Air Press ratio all the way to 7 (and 21!). Black Jack!

All that standing still meant it was time to get moving with a little Roulette Run. PAX formed a single file line and ran a designated lap around the upper lot acting as the roulette wheel. The first PAX in line then assumed the role of the ball and sprinted the opposite direction until catching back up to the new line leader to tag out and rejoin the back of the line. Round and round we went until all PAX had rolled.

What would a trip to the casino be without a little visit to the slot machines to work on our pulling muscles? In groups of six, find your spot on the monkey bars and crank out sets of 7 pull-ups until you reach 35 total, and then hold People’s Chair for the six.

After some dirty looks from the Pit Boss, it was time to stop pressing our luck and make our break for the door with our winnings still in tact. AYG to the flag!



PA is bad luck. You heard it here first. YHC was almost always on the wrong side of the Craps rolls, especially T-Cell’s double or nothing 39-rep shot. The bright side is more #gainz. T-claps to Vector for the “lucky/unlucky” playlist. Heard he’s available for parties now!



  • Vector’s friend’s son suffering from anxiety
  • Pop-A-Lock’s friends experiencing close loss
  • Praises for the diagnosis and prayers for Wilbur’s mother’s treatment for C. diff
  • Speedy recoveries for Bad Boy and Hipster post-knee surgery


  • 16 are confirmed for the Inaugural Gentleman’s Dinner on 01.16.20 at Jimmy Kelly’s. Reveille reserved it for 20, so see him for your second chance if you missed out the first time.
  • 5th Annual NYD workout at The Hill on 01.01.20. Guaranteed to be special as together F3 Nashville starts anew!

Bomber – Dec 6th 2019 – Greenway Indian Run

Dec 6th, 2019

Gloom: 50 and clear

PAX: Pumpkin Spice, Rightsaid, PA, Rev, Deuce, Covenant Eyes, Bicentennial Man, PopaLock Curve Ball, Vector, Michelin Man (FNG), Cub Cadet ,Bareback, Cunning Linguist , Porcelain Riverdawg, Defrost

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog around the circle , side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, squats, LBCs, air presses, shanooks, RLBCs etc…

Work: Indian run around the greenway while lunging the bridges and periodic plank/pushups to keep the PAX together. Sprint to the finish for Mary.

Mary: hello dolly, LBCs, leg lifts etc…


YHC Crawlspace

Bomber – 11.29.19 – “A Post-Thanksgiving T.H.A.N.K You”

9 HIM got after it the morning after Thanksgiving to work off some of that stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie with a gratitude-focused workout.

PAX: Crawlspace, Cunning Linguist (QIC), DFrost, Gentle Red (FNG), Hi-Viz, Right Said, T-Cell, Toothless, Trapper Keeper

At 0530, YHC gave the Disclaimer and then we moseyed out the 48th Street entrance to McCabe and toward the Sylvan Park Elementary School for our WOR:

20 x SSH
12 x LBACs
12 x rLBACs
10 x Windmills
12 x WMH
10 x SnL Squats

From here, we moseyed over to Wyoming where we turned left and headed on toward the gazebo area of McCabe Park for The Thang:

PAX partner up in pairs, with 1s performing the exercise while 2s run toward the stop sign at 51st and back to gazebo, then flapjack until completion.
Exercises were as follows:
50 x The Burpee
100 x Humpers (of the Monkey variety)
150 x Apolo Ohnos
200 x merkiNs
250 x Kicks (of the Flutter variety)

Upon completion, we moseyed back the way we came and landed on our sixes for a few minutes of MARY:
12 x Flutter Kicks
12 x Alabama Prom Dates
12 x Freddie Mercuries
12 x LBCs


Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


Welcome to F3, Gentle Red!

I just want to express my gratitude and thanks to all of the HIM of F3 who I have interacted with up to this point in my journey. You are all an inspiration, and it is always an honor to lead you!


F3 Room at the Inn – check the 3rd F channel on Slack for details

Order your F3 Nashville swag ASAP! Orders will be taken until end of day 11/30! Here’s the link:

This is C.L., signing off. See you in the gloom, gents!

3S, 2Turkeys – 14 for a gloomy gobbler at Bomber

We had 14 PAX + a brief coupon delivery man (PA) for a gloomy gobbler. We fully utilized the 3S2T philosophy – Sauce, Sides, Serious Precipitation + Turkey & Turkey. Joke still didn’t land…We all learned that the human body don’t rust in the rain.

PAX: Porcelain, Blue Mule, Duplex, Right Said, Toothless, Hambone, Cub Cadet, Black Lung, Bicentennial Man, HiViz, T cell, River Dawg, Covenant Eyes

QIC: Crablegs

Conditions: Gloomy. ~58F with a nice, progressive rain shower that finished conveniently at the same time as the workout.


  • Most Thanksgivings begin with a bit of travel so PAX took a meandering road trip mosey around the McCabe clubhouse area. We were fortunate for no unnecessary slowdowns or disagreements about the radio.
  • Next was a brief, non-creative Warm-a-rama with highlights of the moroccan night club and OYO good mornings.


  • PAX counted off and picked partners because nobody should be alone on Thanksgiving.
  • We all headed to the coupon corner to gather up the necessary tools to prepare for the feast. We had cinder blocks, kettle bells, Ruck Plates, Bumper plates, Mule bricks and others – shout out Blue Mule, PA, Cub Cadet, EnFuego, T cell and Porcelain for the coups. Sorry if you brought a coup and I missed you here.
  • PAX began to prepare the Thanksgiving TURKEY. One partner took a turkey trot to the top of the hill and made room for the meal with 3 burpees at the top while the other was going for AMRAP of the Turkey exercises below.
  • T-U-R-K-E-Y
  • Turkins- strongly resemble Merkins
  • Upright Coupon Rows – to row the Mayflower
  • (plymouth) ROCKERs – similar to a coupon side lunge
  • Korn bread Koupon thrusters (like the band)
  • Elf on the shelf – American Hammer style movement with a coupon thruster in the middle, in order to both retrieve and place said elf on said shelf.
  • Yam Yurpees

PAX then brought their air chairs to the air table and passed the plate. Once the plates were sufficiently passed, we went back for seconds and modified the Turkey to swap the 3 burpees up top for 1 Yurpee and the Yam Yurpees with American Yammers, which are exactly what you think they are (+coupon).

PAX returned to the table for more plate passing, this time with double the plates. Perfect form was needed to impress the in-laws and most succeeded.


It was a pleasure to get back and lead the PAX at #Bomber. Many thanks to all getting out in the rain and making the most of the DRP. We missed our brothers in the Vandersack (s/o Pumpkin Spice, Vector, $$$nake). Prayers for Covenant Eyes’ friend Nathan and their family after the recent loss of his mother and for all of those lonely and without family during the Thanksgiving season (esp River Dawg’s Wife’s Ministry). There’s no room in the backblast to express my gratitude towards the PAX of F3 for helping my own acceleration.


  • Be on the lookout for info regarding Thursday workouts next week. #Atlantis is likely out, but we’ll see.
  • 11/23 – The FitTest Challenge at Nolensville High – 0600
  • 12/1 – 3rd F opp with Crievewood Baptist and Room at the Inn – details and sign up here
  • 1/16 – Gentleman’s Dinner at Jimmy Kelly’s – 1800 – HC here

Gobble gobble,


Bomber 11-1-2019: 2 Years and Counting

Two years ago, a was dragging my flabby self around McCabe c/o Hambone.  Today, 19 PAX celebrated a “2” themed Q.

PAX:  PA, T-cell, Hi-Viz, Pumpkin Spice, Right Said, Duplex, Hambone, Harvey Updyke, Crablegs, Firefox, Toothless, Bareback, Cub Cadet, Money Snake, Reveille, Cunning Linguist, Black Lung, Miss Cleo (FNG), Vector (QIC)

Conditions:   First sub-freezing Q of the season brought out more layers but not less enthusiasm and mumblechatter

Warm-o-rama:   LBAC x 22, Reverse LBAC x 22, Seal claps x 22, Imperial Walkers x 22, Willy Mayes Hayes x 22, Good Mornin’s x 2 (much to T-cell’s displeasure), SSH x 22,

To celebrate YHC 2nd F3 Birthday, a playlist, inspired by Cunning Linguist’s suggestion for a One-Hit Wonders playlist, was born: Two-Hit Wonders (only had 2 songs that hit the Top 40 ever)


Golden Earring:  Twilight Zone and Radar Love
Jesus Jones: Right Here, Right Now and Real, Real Real*
a-ha:  Take On Me and The Sun Always Shines on TV
Tone Loc: Wild Thing and Funky Cold Medina

*Technically, PA was correct, as this song made Top 30 on the Top Alternative Chart but not the Hot 100.  The Management regrets the error.

Round 1:
Mosey to Upper Parking Lot for “22s” — Like 11s x 2.  Jump squats on one end, merkins on the other (2 and 20, 4 and 18, 6 and 15, etc.)

Round 2:
Mosey to Rec Center:  DIDs x 22 for 2 sets

Round 3: 
Catch-22:  Partner up.  Partner 1 sprints up hill while partner 2 tries to complete 22 of assigned exercise (squats, then manmakers, then lunges).  Reverse with partner 2 sprinting each set.

Round 4:
Ring of Fire Merkins with those PAX who did <10 doing and extra 10 at the end.  Them Mary with 22 reps of Flutter Kicks, Flutter Kicks (again), LBCs, American Hammers, and Crunchy Happy Frogs.

COT:   As I told the PAX, 2 years ago I came to Bomber c/o Ebola because I wanted to be in better shape, not realizing how much of a Sad Clown I was and how much I needed F3 and the HIM of F3 Nashville.  While there are still days where I wonder why I am out there (esp. as the “elder statesman”) and if I am just a poser hanging with the younger dudes, I am so thankful for everyone’s support and friendship.  Even little mentions, like a comment in a Backblast by PA about me improving, meant so much to keep me going.  This has been one of the best decision of my life, truly, and I thank everyone for that.  Iron truly sharpens iron.  So remember that even small remarks of encouragement can be so meaningful.  Look for the Sad Clowns among us and encourage them, get them out.

  • Welcome FNG Miss Cleo — hope to see you back out!
  • Prayers for Bad Boy and upcoming surgery and for a colleague at Vandy who died suddenly this week.
  • See Slack for PA’s “Knowvember” Challenge
  • First Friday Lunch now at Double Dogs today at noon (already happened, I know, but block your calendar for next month!)
  • Reveille is planning an Old-Fashioned Gentleman’s Dinner Jan 16th at Jimmy Kelly’s — see Slack for deets and HC by December 1.
  • Need a Bomber Q for next Friday – let me know if interested



Bomber – 09.27.19 – “Lucky 18s”

26 HIM took that DRP and posted for a run-heavy workout that -ahem-  ran long, primarily due to an excess of Q-drenaline inspired by YHC’s 1-year F3 anniversary.

QIC: Cunning Linguist

PAX: Bad Boy, Bareback, Bicentennial Man, Cooties, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Dewey, Dinty Moore, Duplex, Dutch Oven, Firefox, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Lunch Lady, Macaroni, Money Snake (FNG), Napster, Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice, Reveille, Right Said, River Dawg, Studio 42, Vector

Disclaimer: Disclaimed per usual. BLUF: Don’t sue me or F3, there’s no money in it.

Mosey from shovel flag to “The Nip” for WOR:





18xSnL Squats

This totaled 72, as in the 72nd b-day of the US Air Force (which occurred about 10 days ago).

As the US Air Force has played an integral part of my life, I shared this celebration with the PAX.

We then moseyed (in near-full-gloom) toward the top of McCabe Hill” for Activity 1 of THE THANG:

Burpee Mile: 12 burpees every 1/4 mile or so.

We stopped two times (so half a mile in) then I whipped out a surprise at the bottom of McCabe Hill:

Activity 2:

Jacob’s Ladder: Mosey to bench, drop for 1 burpee, then to bottom of hill and back to the top for 2 burpees. RnR up to 7.

Al Gores upon early completion, which raised questions about the “Chair Force.”

Jokes – we sure got ‘em, don’t we?

Countdown from 30 to 1, then mosey along for our continuation of the Burpee Mile (which we effectively completed as a group).

At this point, it was suggested that we may not make it back to the shovelflag in time. I scoffed – after all, we *always* finish on time, right???

Feeling the beatdown set in, we all dropped for Activity 3:


And on we moseyed to the gazebo. At which point, we stopped for some early Mary (as YHC was about to Splash Merlot):


10xAlabama Prom Dates

10xFlutter Kicks

Then, realizing that we were NOT going to return to the parking lot in time, YHC called an AYG to the shovelflag.

All in at ~0619, which was, while not dreadful, still late. YHC needs to get better with respecting the time of others. It’s true.



Well, THAT was a learning opportunity. YHC has no excuse, other than an overabundance of Q-drenaline. YHC needs to work on reining that in and apologizes to the PAX of Bomber today, and while it WAS a celebration of sorts, today’s workout also served as a reminder that the Q is not infallible. YHC is a flawed human being, and as such, there is room for me to grow and learn from this experience.



-Prayers for continued healing of Pumpkin Spice’s injuries.

-Welcome to F3, Money Snake!


10/29 – Libeery at Fat Bottom Brewery in the Nations. Book is “The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family” by Patrick Lencioni.  If you read it, great. If not, you should still probably show up to Libeery for some high-quality fellowship.



Bomber 9-14-2019: River Dawg’s NFL Combine

19 HIM arrived at Bomber to start the day with River Dawg’s NFL Combine.

PAX:  Pumpkin Spice, Dinty Moore, Princess Aurora, Bareback, Cootie, Trapper Keeper, Pop-a-lock, Vector, Hi-Viz, Studio 42, Lunch Lady, Cub Cadet, Right Said, Crawl Space, Toothless, Bad Boy, Harvey Updyke, T-Cell, River Dawg

Warm Up/Disclaimer

–          15 lil baby arm circles (FWD, BKWRD)

–          10 Side lunges each way OYO

–          15 Pushups in Cadence

–          25 Sit-ups OYO

–          30 Seconds freestyle stretch (get whatcha need)

Mosey to Station 1

Yellow Hurdle Footwork Drill: Repeat rep if a hurdle is displaced (max of 2 repeat per set)

–          1 foot in each X2

–          2 feet in each X2

–          Side Shuffle Step-Over X2

–          Side shuffle weave X2

–          Vertical weave X2

–          Double leg hops X2

–          Single leg hops X2

Station 2

30 yard hill speed work

–          High Knee 15 yds. Sprint 15 yds. X2

–          Side shuffle 15 yds. Sprint 15 yds. X2

–          Bound 15 yds. Sprint 15 yds. X2


Each PAX chooses an exercise for up to 5 reps…I have NO clue how we got through everyone, but S/O to the boys because we were MOVING down the line on that.

(Notably we had one set of 3 “reverse burpees?” I don’t know what kind of kale salad eating, beanie in July wearing, cross-fit competing crap that was, but for the first time in a long time I learned a new exercise today.)

COT/Prayer Requests:

  • Praise for Alysia’s CAT Scan coming back clear!
  • See everyone tomorrow morning – 0600 @ Stonewall for 5th Anniversary Celebration!

River Dawg

Bomber 9-6: Limited Running

Hit with a request to limit the running, YHC devised a simple — but challenging — swansong to the workweek for the 16 HIM who showed.

GLOOM FACTOR: Nil. Damn near perfect.

PAX: Blue Mule, Crablegs, Crawlspace, FNG TomTom, Bareback, Studio 42, Toothless, River Dawg, Bad Boy, T-Cell, Firefox, Trapper Keeper, Lunch Lady, Right Said, Princess Aurora, Hi-Viz (QIC)

DISCLAIMER: Disclaimed.

WOR: Brief Mosey, followed by SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Squats, Air Presses, LBACs, Reverse LBACs, and 6-Count Burpees.

Brief Mosey to the driving range path.

Bear Crawl Burner. PAX partner up for encouragement, as it’s each man on his own to bear crawl the distance of the driving range. At each post, rotate the bear crawl 90 degrees. SSH for the 6. #CrowdPleaser

Brief Mosey to the parking lot.

Ciabatta time! 20 on/10 off for 8 rounds of Squats, Merkins, Alabama Prom Dates, & Plank Jacks.

Brief Mosey to the cars.

Mary included LBCs, Plank Shoulder Taps, and Flutter Kicks.



  • Welcome to FNG TomTom, named for his apparent lack of cross country navigation skills, as witnessed to by Bareback. TomTom serves in the Navy and heads back this weekend. We’ll hope to see him come December, when he’s back in Nashville.
  • 5-Year Anni celebration is next weekend. Details on Slack!

Pleasure to lead you this morning. Great work all around.

Viz out.