Journey to the lost Circuit City

Location: Atlantis

Conditions: 77F, muggy but tolerable

Spice Index: 46

QIC: Crablegs

PAX: 15 total – best showing of Atlantis every by 7

Cunning Linguist, Vector, Brown Shorts (WL), Right Said, Padre (WL), Bareback, Hi-Viz, Princess Aurora, TK, Hipster, Toothless, Bicentennial Man, En Fuego, Pumpkin Spice

PAX accepted the challenge of the Swaggy P games and showed up to Atlantis in droves.

We took a journey around the barrier reef/running trail that encircles the lost city to limber up the PAX, followed by a Warmorama consisting of SSH, LBACs, Moroccan night clubs, Imperial walkers and good mornings.


PAX grabbed a partner and prepared for a circuit as follows:

AMRAP: 1 minute of Merkins, 1 minute of partner rows (1 PAX in high plank w/ partner doing a 1 arm row of that PAX) at 30s per arm, 1 minute of ab exercise (flutters -> Hammers -> Prom dates)

Following each circuit the PAX kept the heart rate up with suicides in the parking lot with the telephone poles as their markers

  • R3und 1: all 4 poles
  • Round 2: 3 poles
  • Round 3: Bernicide – bernie suicide to the third pole and back to the shovel flag.

We finished off with some stretching, particularly of the lower back that was well challenged with today’s exercise.


  • Many thanks to all the PAX who brought Atlantis to life today. The bar has been set.
  • T Claps to PA for completing 35 trips up and down Mt Covenant to celebrate turning 35.
  • Swaggy P games are in full effect with the score showing
    • Team Fitness: 18
    • Team Fellowship: 21
    • Team Faith: 27

You can follow along with the scoring here


  • Prayers for Porcelain, M and 2.0 as delivery seems near. Look out for a meal train

– Crablegs

Atlantis – 8.15.19 – “The Mount Rushmore of Pro Wrestling”

4 HIM took the DRP and fought through a phalanx of bodyweight exercises to become honorary Hulkamanics.

PAX: Crablegs, Trapper Keeper, Vector

QIC: Cunning Linguist

After a surprisingly short disclaimer (given YHC’s typically verbosity), we departed from the shovelflag area at 0530 with Bluetooth speaker in tow and moseyed approximately halfway around the lower soccer field and then found a dry spot to circle up for our WOR:






15SnL Squats

Feeling sufficiently warmed, we then moseyed to the playground area and then YHC announced THE THANG.

But first, some background: as a child of the 80’s, YHC was obsessed at an early age with pro wrestling.  YHC decided to create a list of my “Mount Rushmore of Pro Wrestlers” as well as a related playlist to keep us all motivated.


Song 1: “Real American” by Derringer – Theme Song of Hulk Hogan

During the verse, we performed American Hammers.

During the chorus, we performed Merkins. (because who is more American than the Hulkster, brother?!)

Countdown from 30-1, then short mosey to benches where YHC announced his second member of the Mount Rushmore of Pro Wrestlers.

Song 2: “Warrior” by Scandal ft. Patty Smyth – Song to represent Ultimate Warrior

During the verse, we performed Lt. Dans

During the chorus, we performed Overhead Presses (just like the Warrior).

Mosey around the lower field until finding a dry spot for our next stop.

Song 3: “Macho Man” by Village People – Song to represent “Macho Man” Randy Savage

During the verse, we performed Side Straddle Hops

During the chorus, we performed Burpees (because we all want to be macho men).

Yet another mosey toward lower parking lot, then pull off for final member of my list.

Song 4: “Rock & Roll All Night” by KISS – Song to represent Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

During the verse, we performed Squats

During the chorus, we performed Jump Squats (because we can’t perform the People’s Elbow without powerful legs as well – and have you seen the size of The Rock’s thighs??)

Mosey toward Pizza Hut gazebo, then stop for THANG 2.


3 rounds of DIDs – with “Da Dip” by Freak Nasty as our workout song (thanks to Crablegs for the suggestion and TK for the inspiration)


Incline Merkinsx10

Decline Merkinsx5

With time running short, YHC wanted to make it up to Vector for not following through on a promise made to him last week.

Therefore, YHC played “I Ran (So Far Away)” by Flock of Seagulls and led group on a bonus mosey (while listening to the song) around lower parking lot and back to shovel flag.

Landed at shovelflag at 0612, leaving us with about 3 minutes of Mary:


20xFreddie Mercury

15xAlabama Prom Date

20xLittle Baby Crunches


Prayers for Vector as his son started his first day of HS this week!

Prayers for TK as he continues to receive positive news from the doc and whose right knee is healing well!

Prayers for Crablegs as he and the M recently celebrated 3 years of matrimony!


Quote from Phillipians 4:13: “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.”

May we continue to show our humility and vulnerability as we grow as leaders and pillars in the local community.


Always a pleasure – today was no different in that regard. That said, today was a true blast, and YHC’s goal was show that we are all human and we all have our guilty pleasures. It is okay to admit these to one another. Let us continue to grow in our willingness to be vulnerable and in our willingness to trust in our fellow man!

9/14 – 5th Anny of F3 Nashville. Fun starts at 0600. Don’t miss it!



Atlantis – 6.27.19 – “B.O.M.B.S. and Coyotes”

7 HIM escaped the fartsack and made the right decision on a moist, squishy, and beautiful Thursday morning.

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Crablegs, DFrost, En Fuego, T-Cell, Trapper Keeper

QIC: Cunning Linguist

YHC welcomed all at 0530 and, after a verbose and ever-so-linguistic disclaimer, led PAX on a mosey around the track and toward the lower parking lot, where we paused for the WOR.

20 x SSH
20 x Overhead Press
15 x LBACs
15 x rLBACs
12 x WMH
15 x SnL Squats

YHC then had PAX count off in twos and then led the PAX on a mosey toward Pizza Hut (aka the gazebo area) where we started on The Thang:

50 x Burpees
100 x Overhead Press
150 x Merkins
200 x Big Boy Sit Ups
250 x Squats
Plank upon completion while waiting for others.

1s performed the exercise while 2s ran around the Bob Ross-painted water tank thingy, followed by 2s performing the exercise while 1s ran around the thingy until all exercises were completed.

As we had some time to spare and we love the gazebo, YHC then called out Coyote Uglys, keeping the same partners in place.

Coyote Uglys
Wheelbarrow position for 1s, while 2s hold ankles of 1s.
1s move (using only their hands) from ground to bench of picnic table and perform Merkin.
1s then move to tabletop and perform Merkin.
1s then move back to bench and perform another Merkin.
1s then move to ground and perform yet another Merkin.
In other words, 4 Merkins = 1 Rep.
At 5 Reps, PAX switched partners.

Upon completion, we were all thoroughly exhausted (and at least one of us was *this* close to a Merlot Splash), but thankfully, we had a very short distance to run to get to our starting point and add three minutes of Mary to our lives.

13 x Freddie Mercurys
13 x Alabama Prom Dates
13 x American Hammers

Reading of 2 Corinthians 4: 16
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

Always a pleasure to lead the HIM of F3 Nashville. I am reminded with each Q I take that these men are truly amazing, and I am, quite frankly, humbled to be a part of such a great group of “high speed, low drag” men!

* Prayers for DFrost as he is expecting his first 2.0 in two weeks!
* 7/4 – 4th of July Convergence at Bicentennial Mall. 0530-0630 – Don’t miss it!!
* 7/23 – Libeery at Fat Bottom Brewing in The Nations. Book is Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. Reach out to Crablegs on Slack for more deets.


Atlantis – 06.13.19 – “PCMBBJ”

5 PAX including one Willy Loman from Chattanooga posted for a treat of a workout on this treat of a morning.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Crablegs, Pumpkin Spice, Trapper Keeper, WuzntMe (Chatt)


Disclaimer and medium mosey around the lower lot into COP:

  • SSH x 25
  • LBAC F x 10 – Hold for 20ct
  • LBAC R x 10 – Hold for 10ct
  • Seal Claps x 10 – Hold for 13ct
  • Overhead Press x 20 – Hold for 10ct
  • Alabama Prom Date x 15

Line up along median for a Suicide Ladder. PAX sprint to 1st light pole and back, performing 5 Froggies before running to 2nd pole. Repeat with remaining two poles, then plank and wait for six.

RnR upping the Froggies to 10 at each return to the starting line.

Short little hop over to the swings for some standing (more like rolling) Elevens. Start with 1 Underdog, then roll over to perform 9 Gracies (both sides=1)

Step up to the low wall across from the water tank to introduce the PAX to the Prison Cell Merkin Burpee Box Jump. (Visit to learn more. You’ll figure it out.)  PCMBBJ x 10 followed by a lap around the gravel path surrounding the tank. Plank and wait for six. RnR with 9, then 8.

Mosey back over to the lot for some Mary:

  • Flutter Kicks x 20
  • Jane Fondas x 15 ea side
  • Crunchy Frogs x 15
  • Hello Dollies x 15



It was good to welcome WuzntMe from Chattanooga even if he is a Gamecock. F3 is open to all men after all. From the start of the suicide ladder, YHC wondered if he’d started things off a bit too rough, but the casual mumblechatter with Pumpkin Spice throughout said otherwise.

Also worth noting are that the Gracies will get you, and the PCMB and all its mutant offspring will definitely make another appearance. Perhaps even tomorrow.


  • TAPs:
    • Ludwig
    • Penny Loafers
  • Upcoming:
    • 6/21 – Leadership Lunch brought to you by Vector. Get your RSVP in by 6/17.
    • 7/4 – 4th of July Convergence at Bicentennial Mall
    • 7/26 – Nightpath
    • 8/17 – Yuck Ruck
    • 9/14 – F3 Nashville 5th Anniversary Spectacular
    • 10/19 – TNCANRUCK

PA out.

6/6/19: Big Boy Burpee Pyramid

Location: Atlantis

Conditions: Low 70s, humid

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Crawlspace, DFrost, Vector, YHC


In the usual fashion, disclaimer was made and the PAX moseyed around the field and then entered the field on the west side for some Warmorama.

  • SSH x 15
  • Imperial Walkers x 15
  • LBAC x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15
  • rLBAC x 15

After we were sufficiently warm, we took our places on the sideline and did a pyramid workout using the telephone poles that are ~100 feet apart. PAX ran to Pole #1 and did 5 Burpees, then Bernied back to the start line and did 10 Big Boy Situps. They then ran to Pole #2 and did 10 Burpees, and Bernied back to the start for 10 BBS. Continue the pattern for Poles # 3 and # 4 with 15 and 20 Burpees at each and Bernie back to the start line for your 10 BBS. Then finish the pyramid by working down again for Poles #3, #2, and #1 with 15, 10, and 5 Burpees at each.

After completing the Big Boy Burpee Pyramid, the PAX moseyed back around the field with an AYG 300m sprint to the Pizza Hut. PAX partnered up and while one partner did AMRAP Steve Irwins, the other ran around the water tower. PAX tagged up and changed roles. Next up was AMRAP Swerkins while partners ran around the water tower. Once both partners had ran twice and did both exercises, we made our way back to the shovel flag for 90 seconds of Freddie Mercury before all was said and done.


  • A small but quality workout today out at Atlantis. Mumblechatter included discussion on David Goggins and what it means to push yourself beyond the mental barriers you put on what your body is capable of. You can do at least 1 more rep than you think, you can hold proper position without going to your knees for 5 more seconds, and you can exercise with perfect form even when your body wants to take shortcuts. You won’t get better if you don’t push yourself!


  • June Leadership Lunch – JUNE 21, 11:45a-1p
    • Cafe at Thistle Farms on Charlotte Ave.
      Discussion on how to deal with difficult personalities by Dr. Jerry Hickson. He’s an excellent speaker and leader. Well worth your time to attend.
      Lunch will run $20/person and can pay Vector.
      Need final count by June 17 (planning for 15-20 but room for more). RSVP using the link on Slack.

– Pumpkin Spice

Atlantis – 05.30.19 – “Lingchi”

7 PAX experienced the lingering death at Atlantis this week. At least the weather was nice!

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Crablegs, Crawlspace, Lunch Lady, Right Said, Trapper Keeper, FNG Woodstock


Disclaimer and long mosey around the lower fields with some Buttkickers, High Knees, Side Shuffles, and Backpedals strewn throughout. Back to the flag for COP:

  • SSH x 20
  • WMH x 20
  • SnL Squats x 15
  • LBAC x 15
  • Overhead Claps x 15
  • RLBAC x 15

Torture time! YHC quizzed the PAX to see if anyone knew what “lingchi” was.


So, a quick educational moment for you, dear reader: lingchi is the term given to an old torture and execution technique during which the “recipient” had small pieces of flesh cut away over time. Westerners came to call it “death by a thousand cuts,” and that was to be our theme of the day.

As a group, the aim was to complete 1000 reps of the following:

  • Clerkins
  • Upright Rows (30# plate)
  • Thrusters
  • Sumo Squats (CMU)

After a rocky start in terms of tracking reps (#Qfail), we eventually settled in to a system of marking on the pavement as reps were completed. No surprise that the Thrusters were the first to be knocked out. While time ran out with our counts for Upright Rows and Sumo Squats somewhere in the high 800s, most impressive was that we completed the Clerkins in the eleventh hour. That’s 143 clap merkins each, and if you’ve never done that, YHC recommends you keep it that way.



Tclaps to everybody for dogging this one out. Had YHC not dragged you around for a half-mile and 5′ COP to start, 1000 reps would’ve been hit across the board. Special shoutout to FNG Woodstock for enduring this as his first workout. Please come back!

Other observations: the scent of fresh cut “grass” in the air, Right Said always keeps a pen and pad handy, and sometimes you just don’t need Mary to close it out.


  • June 21: Vector Leadership Lunch at Thistle Farms
  • Late July/Early August: Social Ruck CSAUP
  • September 14: 5th Anniversary Workout – Save the date!
  • Late October/Early November: TN CAN RUCK 002!
  • Be on the lookout for some site upgrades and other new initiatives to help connect the PAX and disseminate information.

PA out.

Circuit City

PAX: Crablegs, Vector, Trapper Keeper, Cunning Linguist, Toothless, TheNanny, & YHC TheJeweler

QIC: TheJeweler

Conditions: 70 degrees, foggy, gloom factor HIGH!

Warm-O-Rama: Disclaimer…. Jog from the parking lot around to the playground… circle up.  20 SSH, 10 Good Mornings, 15 WMHs, 10 Hill Billies, 10 Imperial Walkers, BACs, & Air Presses.  Sprint Drills: High Knees & Butt Kicks

The THANG: We started off with 2x 400m circuits.  The circuit consists of a 100m sprint, 10 merkins, 100m sprint, 10 LBCs, 100m sprint, 10 burpees, 100m sprint 5 flutter kicks & 5 crossovers.   Between the circuits we jogged 100m for recovery.

Mosey back to the playground for some burpee fun.  Each burpee consisted of 6 reps:  Regular Burpees, Burpee Jacks, Walmart Burpees (roll back on your back then kick your legs back to a pushup and back up is one), Burpee Mountain Climbers, Side Burpees (legs get kicked out to the right and left), Superman burpees.

Mosey back to the start of the circuit for one more go at the 400m circuit.  This one really gets the heart rate up.

With everyone a bit winded, we jogged to the water tank for a little partner work.  We split up in teams of two… each team had to complete 300 squats.  While one team member was performing squats, the other sprinted 1 lap around the water tank.  Trade out and repeat until all squats are complete.

MARY: 10x WW1s, 20 Olympic Sit-ups aka Rocking Chairs, 30x Flutter Kicks…. TIME

Announcements: Memorial Day Murph

Prayer Request: Ludwig’s Wife… and i’m probably forgetting some again but that’s my fault for being behind on posting this BB.

As always, thank you gents for allowing me to lead and for pouring into my life.


YHC ~ TheJeweler


Atlantis – 04.18.19 – “Just Barely BEARable”

6 PAX took the DRP this morning and went with the flow at Atlantis (pun intended).

QIC: Cunning Linguist
PAX: Crablegs, Cunning Linguist, En Fuego, Lunch Lady, Pumpkin Spice, Trapper Keeper
TEMP: A fairly balmy and moist 62 degrees at launch.

Mosey from shovelflag along the track toward lower parking lot and then pull off onto grassy area near said parking lot for COP:

• SSH x 20
• LBAC x 15
• rLBAC x 15
• WMH x 12
• SnL Squats x 15

YHC failed to have the PAX count off in pairs and instead moseyed toward end of parking lot. Having remembered the count off at this time, YHC then called for Bear Crawl 1-2-3s (allegedly a Pumpkin Spice Special).

YHC however was slightly aggressive in his plans for this routine, as the routine (IIRC) calls for Bear Crawls and then Crawl Bears back while partner performs 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Squats.

However, YHC could sense after the first round that the Crawl Bears were a bit ambitious, and therefore, modified the maneuver so that all PAX were to sprint back to starting line instead of Crawl Bears. Plank upon completion.

Once all in, YHC called on Pumpkin Spice to give countdown from 30 to 1 then mosey to Pizza Hut (during which, there was significant mumblechatter overheard discussing the best pizza places in town) for 7s, starting with:

• Dips x 6
• Step-Ups x 1 (1/2 per leg)
• Mosey to port-a-john between rounds

Again, plank upon completion.

With time to spare, we moseyed over to the Swings to perform 50 Down Unders (aka Steve Irwins) OYO.

Then, slightly circuitous mosey back to shovelflag and down on 6s for Mary:

15 Boxcutters
20 Alabama Prom Dates (thanks Crablegs)
20 WWIs OYO (thanks En Fuego)


It never ceased to amaze me that PAX continue to show up to YHC’s Qs. I continue to be humbled by such HIMs, day in and day out. Each one of you who I interact with as a member of F3 is an inspiration.

• Prayers for Lunch Lady on two fronts: new job opportunity closer to home, and postpartum depression suffered by a friend
• Keep an eye out for the 4/25 Leadership Lunch with Tom Ward, CEO of the Oasis Center, at Crievewood Baptist

Golden Bear Crawls – 11 Apr 2019

PAX: Defrost, Lunch lady, Pumpkin Spice, Crablegs (YHC)


PAX warmed up with a quick mosey around the front of the park, traveling along Morrow road and to the playground – aka Driving Range for WOR

WOR: SSH, Squats, Moroccan night clubs, LBACs (f/r), good mornings


PAX moseyed from the range to the first tee with a pit stop at the swings to perform 2 reps of the Shark Swinger (Steve Irwin/Underdog/Under row), honoring the 2nd place finishes of Greg Norman.

Upon arriving to the first tee PAX performed 5 rounds of the following (goal was 6, one for each of Jack’s green jackets):

  • Golden Bear Crawl down the path to the parking lot
  • Lefty Lunge down the parking lot
  • Sarazen Sprint back to the tee
  • 15 Jordan Jacks (new exercise – Moroccan Night Jacks, 2015 Masters winner)
  • 29 Rory MerkIlroys (29y old soon to be 2019 Masters champ)
  • 37 Sergio Squats (age 37 at time of masters victory)
  • 64 Hogan Hammers (one for each of Hogan’s 64 PGA tour victories)

Having been thoroughly exhausted by the circuit, PAX performed

  • 4 Big Cat Burpees (one for each green jacket)
  • Bobby Jones Broad Jump – from the first tee to the Clubhouse (aka – Pizza Hut) for a brief Mary
MARY: 30 Fowler Flutter kicks in cadence

Mosey back to the 19th hole for COT

  • Prayers for Lunch Lady’s friends as they deal with postpartum depression
  • Prayers for my family with circumstances around the loss of my grandfather a few weeks ago

Thirsty Thursday

April 4, 2019

Gloom: crisp, clear, 50°

PAX: Defrost, LunchLady, RightSaid

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog around/ through the park, side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, squats, lil baby arm circles, air presses, Moroccan night clubs, Shnooks, reverse lil baby arm circles etc…

Work: At the playground with two teams of two: One PAX sprinted to the shipping container then jogged back to swap with working PAX.

  • 50 pullups
  • 100 squats
  • 100 swing merkins
  • 100 box jumps
  • 100 down unders

Mary: sit ups, box cutters, hello dolly, world war 1’s, Freddy mercury’s, leg raises, one minute plank.

COT: Everyone is excited for Vector’s Q at Bomber tomorrow and we realized that Atlantis isn’t on the website for new folks to find. All in all a great start to the morning!


YHC Crawlspace