MM under the sea

AO: atlantis
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Toothless, Salpal, Chunks, Hair Band, Oatmeal
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: acceptable

WARMUP: most of us ran. Oatmeal walked.

THE THANG: 1 burpee followed by 10 reps of an exercise called out by each successive PAX. 5 rounds: upper, lower, ab, total body, and traveling. Run the water tower loop in between.

MARY: nah


COT: Thankful.

Fall-Themed Coupons

AO: atlantis
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Toothless, Hair Band, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 67°F and almost balmy 🌅

WARMUP: disclaimer, GMs, imperial walkers, M. Phelps, mosey, hip stretches

THANG 1: Pax retrieved their fall-themed coupons graciously provided by YHC’s neighbor and that noticeably differed in weight. Performed five circuits of the following with 7, 8, 9, 10, and 15 reps:
– Twenty-one gun
– Squat press
– Lunges
– Weighted carry
– 7 second rest and trade coupons

THANG 2: P-U-M-P-K-I-N has seven letters so did a round of sevens on the driveway hill, squats at the top, burpees at the bottom.

MARY: All pax get brownie points for incorporating coupons into Mary. Especially notable are @Hair_Band for modified HCFs and @toothless for crushing chests during leg lifts. Closed with one last set of hip stretches.

🦃 Hobblin’ Gobbler Thanksgiving morning at 6a, details in #green-machine
🎲 12/2 game night hosted by @Firefox, details in #2ndF

🙏🏻 Prayers for a struggling family known to @Dinty_Moore, families of @Pole_Dancer and @Hair_Band as they grieve deaths and prepare for the holidays, and Immanuel Church raising money to buy a building.
☕️ Coffeeteria followed at Ramblin’ Joes. 🎳👷🏻‍♂️🛢️


20 Swashbucklin Questions

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Toothless, Salpal
FNGs: None

Disclaimer issued promptly at 0531

Air Press
Michael Phelps
Imperial Walkers
Willie Mays Hayes

Round 1:
10 stations of 10 burpees around the park, mosey in between, pirate movie related questions preceding each round of burpees: Salpal 5, Toothless 3,

Round 2:
At the playground: a set of 10 rows and 10 iron mikes (2 count), preceded again by pirate movie questions: Salpal 1, Toothless 2

Mosey the long way back to Start X

MARY: 3 min of ab exercises no rest

Salpal declared winner in a narrow 6-5 victory over toothless

– board game night at Firefox’s, check main channel for deets
– Salpal leading a disconnected november (presently forgetting the creative name), go HC for that
– info coming about potential Hobblin Gobbler this year for TG

– each man shared, Toothless asks for prayers for brother’s father in law, Salpal asked for success in his wife getting her paper published, I asked for safe travels and a peaceful trip as my mom goes to scotland for my Great Gran’s funeral
– please reach out to your fellow PAX and remind them you are thinking about them, praying for them, and are there for them if they need anything

Fall Break Fun

AO: atlantis
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: CubCadet, Hair Band, Free Bird (Fort Worth)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Gloomy. PAX watched the fog roll in

WARMUP: Mosey to lit parking lot on other side of Poop Tank

Mosey between planters, doing ten reps of two exercises at each planter. Stop after ten planters and repeat with different exercises
1: Merkins and squat jumps
2: plank jacks and LBCs

Finished with Elevens of APDs and WW1s

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Night Moves tonight at 6
Side Straddle Hoptoberfest at Toothless’ place tomorrow night
2nd F at Toolman’s on 10/27

COT: Bareback still has not given Hair Band the Shovelflag.

Purging Fires of Burpees

AO: atlantis
Q: Salpal
PAX: Bareback, sooner, Pep
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Optimal for the purging fires of burpees.

WARMUP: Quick mosey, WMH, Good Mornings, Squats and Merkins

THE THANG: Big Boy Burpee Blackjack. 2 stations. Alternate between increasing sets at station 1 of BB Situps starting at 1, and decreasing sets of burpees at station 2 starting at 20. Mosey between stations. 210 total burpees, 210 total BB Situps.

MARY: Did some back stretches instead.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Some yo momma jokes. Octoburpee well underway.

@Bareback and his father=in-law.
@sooner for work
all other unspoken intentions

03/03/22: Berner

AO: Atlantis

Conditions: Glorious

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Bareback, DFrost, Hambone, I-Beam (F3 Knoxville), Lunch Lady, Oatmeal, Sooner


I was warned that Lunchlady would be late, so we started with 50 SSH in cadence, only to realize Lunchlady would be even later than expected. We took a mosey around the big field and ended in the large parking lot.

LBAC x 15

rLBAC x 15

Moroccan Night Clubs x 15

High Knees x 15

Butt Kickers x 15




The PAX assembled at the base of the parking lot for successive shuttle runs involving the medians, which are roughly 50 yards apart. Run to the first median, bernie back. Run to the second median, bernie back… etc. for all 5 medians. After completing each median shuttle, complete the following exercises:

  1. 5 Burpees
  2. 5 Burpees, 10 Overhead Presses
  3. 5 Burpees, 10 Overhead Presses, 20 Merkins
  4. 5 Burpees, 10 Overhead Presses, 20 Merkins, 30 Big Boy Situps
  5. 5 Burpees, 10 Overhead Presses, 20 Merkins, 30 Big Boy Situps, 40 Squats

SSH for the six. After all was completed, the PAX then lunged to the first median, did 5 burpees. Lunge to the second median, do 10 Overhead Presses. Lunge to the third median, do 20 Merkins. Lunge to the fourth median, do 30 Big Boy Situps. Lunge to the 5th Median, do 40 Squats. Then Crawlbear back to the start.

Mosey to the swings, everyone do 10 Underdogs and 10 Swerkins. Mosey to the startex for 1 minute of Flutter Kicks and 1 minute of American Hammers in cadence.


Nice to have Hambone visiting, wish it occurred more often. I should have toned down the cardio, because the mumblechatter one might expect from a combined Lunch Lady and Hambone attendance was underwhelming.


Prayers for all the parents out there figuring out how to best shepherd their children.

– Spice

Atlantis 7/9/2020

Atlantis 7/9
8 for an under the sea adventure lunging to greatness. Bareback, D-Frost, TK, Long lost Porcelain, Parachute Pants, Crablegs, Toothless, and YHC Covenant Eyes
25 ssh
10 wmh
10 GMs
10 cherry pickers

Moseyed down to lower parking lot via a lap around the fields

3 parking lot sections
Lunge to travel-exercise every 4 spaces till grass patch
– [ ] 20 merkins till first grass patch
– [ ] 20 ww1 till second grass patch
– [ ] 20 jLO to last patch
Coming back
– [ ] 30 shoulder tap to grass patch
– [ ] 10 burpee to next patch (coming back)
– [ ] 20 squat to start (skipped for time)

Mosey to upper parking lot.

15 box cutter
15 American hammer
15 flutter kicks
20 Freddie Mercury’s
10 hello dolly
15 LBC
20 Alabama prom dates
20 happy crunchy frog

5 minutes of stretching to take care of our bodies! Forgot how good the scorpion and reverse scorpion felt.



7/2/20: 244

PAX: Crablegs, Parachute Pants (FNG), Swingline, Bare Back, Toothless, Covenant Eyes, Pumpkin Spice, Hi Viz, T Cell, Siri, and Trapper Keeper (QIC).

Disclaimer was givin and PAX mosied around walking trail to the back parking lot for warm up.

Warm up:

SSHs x 14 IC
Squats x 14 IC
LBACs x 14 IC
RLBACs x 14 IC
Butt Kickers x 14 IC
High Knees x 14 IC

Mosied up to the pizza hut pavilion for the thang.


To celebrate 244 years of America the beautiful the PAX was commissioned to complete 244 reps of each exercise listed, and after each exercise the PAX would mosie around the side walking trail to loop back to the pavilion.

Side Straddle Hops
Jane Fondas (122 each leg)
Little Baby Crunches
Calf Raises
Split Squats
Flutter Kicks (both legs count as one)
Single Leg Lifts (122 each leg)

The PAX got as far as the Jane Fondas before we had to drop the mosing around the loop, and then eventually ran out of time afterthe 244 calf raises.

QIC was a little bit to enthusiastic making the list. Maybe because I knew high caliber/overachieving HIM would be showing up. Do not worry, the list will be completed soon.


It was a pleasure to have Swingline join us from F3 Franklin and he also brought an FNG (Parachute Pants) with him, which was also a pleasure to welcome him to F3.

~Trapper Keeper

Atlantis – 3.12.20 – “Bears on the Brain”

8 PAX did that hard thing and got better together while dealing with YHC’s bear fascination as of late.

PAX: Bareback, Crablegs, Dfrost, Pop-A-Lock, Pumpkin Spice, Right Said, Trapper Keeper

QIC: Cunning Linguist

Gloom Factor: Mild to non-existent. One might legitimately argue that it was ideal workout weather.

At 0529, YHC called out that One Minute Warning and then exactly one minute later, the Disclaimer was given (well, more like stumbled through, but we made it). Then, a quick mosey (into a slight mud puddle — my apologies, gents) all the way over to the farthest reaches of the lower parking lot at Atlantis for WOR.

15 x SSH
12 x LBAC
12 x rLBAC
12 x WMH
15 x SnL Squats

Next, YHC led a mosey to the near end of the parking lot for the first part of THE THANG.

Lately, all that YHC has been able to think about is “bears.” Literally. First, during the Moscow Mule workout at Westeros, we did tons of “Russian” Bear Crawls. Then, prior to the official cancellation of March Madness (now affectionately known as March Sadness),  YHC was thinking about my UCLA Bruins. And last but not least, I heard my buddy Cramer on Mad Money mention a “bear market” just last night. In other words, bears were everywhere in my mind. I had “bears on the brain,” one might say.

Because of this, our routines would likely include bear-related maneuvers, and the PAX would have to grin and –wait for it  — bear it.

I’ll be here all week, folks!

We started at the near end of the parking lot and individually performed Bear Crawls until the first lamp post.

Then, we sprinted to the second lamp post.

Next, we did Crawl Bears until the third lamp post.

Finally, we sprinted to the final lamp post. Rinse and repeat back to the start of THANG 1.

Simple, but effective.

After a brief countdown from 20-1, a mosey to the Bob Ross water tank for THANG 2.

Partner up as 1s and 2s for DORA 1-2-3.
1s run around the water tank, 2s perform:
100 x Merkins
200 x LBCs
300 x Squats
Tag in and out until completion.

With some time leftover, we took another mosey, this time to the upper parking lot (near STARTEX) for a bit of an experiment (before which, Pop-A-Lock called out “I love experiments,” or something to that effect). In fact, this was something I heard was created by our buddies at F3 Nolensville. So, we began THANG 3.

Bear Brawls
Keeping the same 1s and 2s from THANG 2, 1s get in Bear Crawl position, 2s put pressure on the shoulders of 1s for 3 rounds (and then alternating with each round).
Round 1, 50% resistance
Round 2, 75% resistance
Round 3, 100% resistance

This appeared to be well-received, as I heard some mumblechatter of approval amongst the PAX. If YHC played golf, he would likely give himself a golf clap right about now.

Then, very short mosey to STARTEX for Mary.

15 x Flutter Kicks
10 x Alabama Prom Dates
15 x Box Cutters
10 x American Hammers
12 x Freddie Mercury

At this point, it was 0615, so we called it a wrap and circled up for COT/ BOM.

Thank you to all who continue to show up when YHC is on the Q sheet. I continue to be humbled by the fact that you’d rather work out with me than ride the Peloton or go to the Y (not that there’s anything wrong with those things)!

-Thoughts and prayers were given for many folks, some of which were PAX-specific (including the Soft Shell Crab and the imminent Baby Pumpkin) and non PAX-specific.
-Congrats to Michelin Man and his M, as they had their “Training Wheel” this AM (and a Hat Tip to Bareback for the creativity).
-Let’s make a concerted effort to reach out to those who we haven’t heard from lately, as this coronavirus thing may be causing added anxiety amongst the PAX. Vector stated something similar in a recent Slack message of his, and YHC would like to second this concern.

This is your Colonel, signing off!

1/30/20: KOBe

Location: Atlantis

Conditions: Cold and Gloomy, 10 degrees off from Ironclad Credit

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Covenant Eyes, Crablegs, Cub Cadet, Porcelain, TK, Toothless


Warmorama :

We went for the customary loop around the field, then back to the imaginary shovelflag for some WOR:

  • SSH x 24
  • WMH x 8
  • LBAC x 8
  • rLBAC x 8
  • MNC x 8
  • Chinook x 8
  • rChinook x 8
  • Seal Claps x 8
  • High Knees x 24

After getting sufficiently warm, the PAX received instructions for the Main Event, in honor of the late Kobe Bryant. A criminal at worst and adulterous at best, none of us are perfect. Just because he was imperfect like us doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate all the good things he did as a person and an athlete.

Main Event

The PAX would make their way across the parking lot by doing one “KOBe” in each parking space (total of 15), which consists of:

  • Knee-bender (Squat)
  • Overhead clap
  • BurpEe

Once at the end of the parking lot, the PAX then had to bear crawl around the other side back to the start (~35m). Once back at the start, the PAX then rinsed and repeated with the KOBe exercises, except they progressed walking backwards and doing Crawlbears on the way back.

After completing the forward and reverse KOBes, the PAX went for a nice mosey around the Laker (AKA Water Tower) and back to the parking lot. There, we performed one minute each of KOBE Mary:

  • happy Krunchy frogs
  • O’merican hammers
  • Big boy situps
  • Extenders (reverse crunch)

Another Mosey around the Laker and then the PAX rinsed and repeated the whole workout again, with forward and reverse KOBes and more KOBE Mary.

That’s all she wrote!


  • TK and his wife finalized the adoption of their three kids they had been fostering for around two years. What a tremendous example to us all of selflessness and humility — TK is an inspiration to us all!


  • Libeery coming up on March 10th at Fat Bottom Brewery. The book is “Essentialism”. Time TBD, but likely 7pm-ish
  • CCR’s son Charlie was able to unexpectedly go home for a brief time before he will need to go back for more treatment for leukemia. Continue to keep Charlie the CCR family in your prayers!
  • We continue to pray for Siri, Bad Boy, and Hipster as they recover from injuries/surgeries

– Pumpkin Spice