Tour D Farce

Temp: 37
Gloom Factor: High

PAX: Black Lung, Preacher Man, Bicentennial Man, Drago, Pop a Lock, Reveille, Crawlspace, Crablegs, Porcelain, Bagger Vance

Mass chaos broke out this AM as the parking situation was all FUBAR and the PAX were forces to adapt and overcome. YHC was the loudest of those griping and complaining as usual. Early mosey sent us towards front of park only to double back for Pop, Rev & Preacherman.

Head over to HCA for a Black Miata sighting and
SSH x 13 IC
WMH R x 10 IC
WMH L x 10 IC
GMA x 10 IC
ISW x ? IC (the PAX pre frontal cortex weren’t firing properly so we blew this one up)

Mosey past Sand Volleyball Courts where YHC shuddered remembering Sandman & his EH’s near death experience several years back. The rope defining SVC tripped the FNG (Sandman) & he laid there for what must have been 20 minutes as YHC shook my head ashamed of that EH. I digress.

Over to Parthenon for Bear Crawl Burpeepallooza

5 Burpees at Corner I CrawlBear to corner II, 10 Burpees, BearCrawl long stretch, 15 Burpees Corner III, CrawlBear to corner IV
Incline & Decline Bear Crawl to StartEx

All -In, head out east side of Parthenon towards St Thomas then head south towards West End & Lord Kensington. Successfully navigate traffic and arrive at LK. YHC regaled the PAX w tales of the 21 Burpee salute from summers past. We knocked out 21 reverse burpees at the bottom and made our way back to StartEx in Indian Run fashion.

Circle up in West Parking lot area for

F kix X 20 IC
10 Merkins


MAMBA Mentality

9 PAX including 2 Willy Lomans showed up to celebrate the life of Kobe Bean Bryant, employee #8, AKA Black Mamba, and the 9 total passengers aboard this weekend’s helicopter flight

QIC: En Fuego

PAX: Pumpkin Spice, Cowboy (Respect), Rock Drop (WL, Respect), Reveille, Burrito (WL), DFrost, Trapper Keeper, Money Shot

Conditions: Per Pumpkin, a degree outside of IC credit

Following welcomes and introductions to our WLs, a disclaimer, and assurances to Rock Drop that III Pillars was in fact not a running AO, we mosey’d over to the base of Mt. Covenant to set up WOR shop, in preparation for a workout that could be mistaken as a running AO workout.

  • SSH x 20
  • WMH x 15
  • LBAC x 15
  • Scorpion Stretch x 12 (PAX knew it was coming and delighted in it)
  • GMs x 10 OYO

The Thang:

Head over to Mt. Covenant where YHC tees up that we will be honoring the legacy of Kobe by tapping into our Mamba Mentality (per Kobe: “The mindset isn’t about seeking a result – it’s more about the process of getting to that result.  It’s about the journey and the approach.  It’s a way of life…And you have to work hard in the dark to shine in the light.”).  With that, we recognize his 20 seasons, two jersey numbers (8 & 24), 5 rings and commence with the following:

Round 1

  • Perform 8 Merkins; Bernie to first light pole up Mt. Covenant, run back for:
  • 8 Merkins, 8 Air Squats; Bernie to second light pole and run back for:
  • 8 Merkins, 8 Air Squats, 8 Mike Tyson’s; Bernie to third light pole and run back for:
  • 8 Merkins, 8 Air Squats, 8 Mike Tyson’s, 8 Bonnie Blairs; Bernie to fourth light pole and run back for:
  • 8 Merkins, 8 Air Squats, 8 Mike Tyson’s, 8 Bonnie Blairs, and 8 Alternating Leg Raises (aka flutter kicks, 4-count); Bernie to top of Covenant and hold plank / SSH for the six.  All in, Mamba mentality fully engaged, we proceed  to base of southern entrance of Covenant for…

Round 2

  • Perform:
    • 24 Merkins at base;
    • Run to the top of hill for 24 Merkins & 24 Air Squats;
    • Run back to bottom for 24 Merkins, 24 Air Squats and 24 total reps of Mike Tyson’s & Monkey Humpers (12 each);
    • Run back to top and in interest of time straight into 24 Alternating Leg Raises

All in, head back to shovel flag and time called upon arrival.  COT / BOM, with T&Ps for healings amongst the PAX, CCR and his family, TK adoption process this Friday, and Pumpkin and Crablegs for their Ms and upcoming 2.0 arrivals.


Excellent effort by the PAX – Mamba leading to 3.05 miles traversed with 51 stories climbed.   As previously coined by PA, those Driveway to Heaven suicides are brutal, especially when Bernied.   Great having Burrito & Rock Drop join representing Chattanooga and Lexington, SC.

Always appreciative of the opportunity to lead.  YHC will leave you with a quote Louisville basketball coach Chris Mack told his team when breaking the Kobe news:

“I told my team today how lucky we are to breathe, how lucky we are to have problems, how lucky we are to have one another.  Sometimes in the midst of all our problems we need to realize we’re having the time of our lives even if we don’t know it.  Find it in the little things man.  In things like driving your kids to school.  Like telling your son a bedtime story…”

En Fuego



Bears & Burpees


Gloom Factor: Clear skies and cold enough for 2 layers except for Tebow

Pre-Party: Stats.  May have been Han Solo because he didn’t tell me if anyone else joined him or not.

PAX in Attendance: Pocahontas, Humpty, Deliverance, Staples, Best Balls, Professor X (Respect), Barney,  Sex Ed, Tebow, Nimbus 1500, FNG (Weed Whacker), FNG (Land Shark), FNG (Baby Shark), MicDrop, Huggy, Creeper,  Numb Tucks, Typo Positive, Bieber, Numb Tucks, and Stats

Warm Up:  Lap around football field back to parking lot. Disclaimer, 10 “L” Reaches (5 each side), 10 Dwarf Kicks (5 each side), and 10 1 Legged Toe Touches (5 per side)

Thang 1
4 trees as markers and each represent a set + repetitions (4 sets – 10, 20, 30, 40 reps) – “Deconstruction of a Burpee” exercises with Sideway Bear Crawls as MOT in between sets.

10 Burpees
20 Burps
30 Double Knees
40 Merkins

At end of exercises, parking lot “Box Bear Crawls.”  Bear Crawl using parking space as a “square,”  MOT Bear Crawl to next parking space until reach other end of parking lot.  3 total squares on the way up and on the way back – 6 total “Box Bear Crawls.”

Thang 2

Rinse and repeat Thang 1, but in descending order with Sideway Bear Crawls still MOT.

40 Merkins
30 Double Knees
20 Burps
10 Burpees

Thang 4
Parking lot partner work Bear Crawls aka “Awkward Bear Crawls if Partner Stops Suddenly.”  Partner 1 assumes Bear Crawl position while Partner 2 provides resistance while grabbing the shoe heels of Partner 1 while they do Bear Crawls to the 1/2 way point of the parking lot (light pole).  Partner 2 does his best to look straight down and not straight ahead because hard to have that visual so early in the morning.

Thang 5
Parking lot “Stationary Bear Crawls” in parking space (10 total – 3 sets) Bear Crawl to next parking space, repeat until reach other end of parking lot.  Rinse and repeat on way back.

Thang 6

Cool down w quick mosey and “Loaded Beasts” ( 1 minute)

Number Off/Name-a-rama/COT – 3 new FNG’s – Weed Whacker, Land Shark, and Baby Shark
Prayer Requests
Continued prayers for LMP’s wife
Ironclad signups – encourage everyone to step up to the challenge, Yardwork for

McDeuce in the Morning

PAX: Paw Patrol, Juicy Juice, Gold E Lox, Benjamin Button, Major Pain, Day Day, Lil Joker, Titan Man, Hedgehog, Baby, Redskull, B&B, Geek, Hot n Ready, Bagger Vance, Reveille, Boone’s Farm, Danosaur, Black Widow, The Country Gentleman, Pop a Lock, Toga (QIC)

Gloom Factor: Sunny and 70

22 tackled the Dirty McDeuce this morning, and it went something like this:

Capri lap then mosey to bball court for warmarama.  Stay in circle to execute ye ol’ Dirty McDeuce (4 sets of 3 exercises with 12 reps ea)=

  • merkins, squats, WWII
  • Lap around the quad in columns
  • Werkins, lunges, leg raises
  • Lap around the quad in columns
  • Clerkins, Lt Dan, flutters
  • Series of bear crawls, crab walks, braid jump burpees
  • burpees, side lunges, dollies
  • sprints

Circle back up for some Mary then Bagger took us out in the COT.  Be in the present moment!


  • Prayers for the CCR family, see BAL’s post in General and more ways to help will follow
  • Game night tomorrow at 4:13
  • Flag football tournament with 4:13 team is coming.  Redskull will be posting the details

1.22.20 “Ups and Downs” (The Racetrack)

Today’s workout was inspired by the chaotic ups and downs of our recent weather patterns. PAX experienced lots of elevation change during some gloomy low 20’s temps.

PAX: Umbrella, Bagger Vance, Boone’s Farm, Leatherneck, Toga, Not a Sport, Old Fashioned, Soft Serve, Ochocinco (QIC)

Started off on great footing (literally and figuratively) with some sage advice “modify at your own risk!” This foreshadowed 3 minutes into the mosey when YHC modified the paved track in favor of a shortcut through the grass–only to end up leading a few men into several inches of wet muck.

Mosey through the park, up the grand staircase, and to the parking garage for some warm up exercises, including Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hayes, Toe Touches/Stretch and Hop Kicks (in remembrance of CCR who was home with a sick child).

THANG 1: (Ascent: Parking Garage Stairs):

Start at level 1 (1 burpee), then up to level 2 (2 burpees), down to bottom, then repeat all the way to the top (up and down) stopping at each level for said amount of burpees, to level 6.

THANG 2: (Four Corners at the Top)

  • Corners 1, 2, 3, 4: SSH x 25 each corner OYO
  • Long sides: mosey to next corner
  • Short sides: side shuffle to next corner

THANG 3: (Descent)

We worked our way down six levels of the garage, stopping at each end to perform 5 slow and low merkins. Alternated methods of movement from one end to the other, including sprints, back-pedals, bear crawl, lunge, Lieutenant Dans, and side-shuffles. At the bottom, mosey back to the grand staircase by the park.

THANG 4: (Grand Staircase / Reverse Jacob’s Ladder)

  • Run down stairs; 7 jump squats; Run back up
  • RnR (decrease reps by one each round)
  • Cut short for time (only finished 3 rounds)
  • Mosey back to start for Mary and COT


  • Plank alternates (High, elbow, low) for 30 seconds each
  • 10 WWIs OYO
  • 20 LBCs OYO
  • 20 Prom Dates OYO
  • Finish with Good Mornings

1.22.20 – “BOMBTRACK” – Titan

Jan 22, 2020

Gloom: 21 and clear

PAX: Pumpkin Spice, Rightsaid, Rev, PopaLock, Cub Cadet, Defrost, Blue Mule, Hambone, Drago, MotorBoater, Bnb, Crablegs and FNG: Ri-Co-LA!

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog around the park , side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, squats, LBCs, air presses, shanooks, RLBCs , squats, merkins etc…

Work: 2 rounds of Bombtrack!

2 groups of seven formed parallel lines with the first PAX running around the “track” to the end of their line. When the lap was completed the PAX all advanced to the next letter in the acronym BOMBS performing corresponding exercise while high fiving their counterpart in the opposing line/team. Ex: clap merkins, high five burpees… after everyone progressed through all exercises twice we each did 20 box jumps on the way to Mary.

Mary: hello dolly, LBCs, leg lifts etc…

Hot chicken lunch this Thursday (Jan 23, 2020) also it is hot chicken week in Nashville!


YHC Crawlspace

Bean Juice

Right Said, Cowboy, Money Shot, High Flyer, En Fuego, Princess Aurora, Toothless, Crawlspace, Bareback, Jug Band, Cowbell, Bicentennial Man, Michelin Man, Reveille, yours Q-ly Tampa Libra

SSH X 25, WMH x 10 oyo, Good Mornings x 10, Smurf Jacks x 10, hip flexor stretch x 6


  • Mosey to the field for what Money Shot referred to as “a real creative workout”
  • Sprint length of the field and back to the 10 for 2 burpees, 10 prison squats, 10 sec hold
  • Spring the length of the field and back to the 10 for 4 burpees, 20 prison squats, 20 sec hold
  • 6, 30, 30….10, 50, 50
  • R&R with 10 Air Presses, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 push up hold….40, 40, 40 before calling time


  • 10 flutters, sprint, 10 flutters, sprint back
  • 20 flutters, sprint, 20 flutters, sprint back
  • 50 heel touches, 15 single leg LBCs each side, 40/15, 30/15, 20/15


  • Grow Ruck 10/10
  • CSAUP with details forthcoming
  • Prayers for those recovering from surgery
  • Prayers for Awaken Nashville and prayer/fasting throughout Feb
  • Hot Chicken lunch on Thursday

2nd F Backblast – Inaugural Gentlemen’s Dinner

On January 16th, 18 PAX gathered at Jimmy Kelly’s steakhouse in Nashville for the Inaugural Gentlemen’s Dinner. The turnout was a mixture of Nashville region guys and The Strenuous Life men (from the Art of Manliness platform). Pax in attendance were Toothless, Bareback, Laff Track, Princess Aurora,  Hipster, Blue Mule, Cub Cadet, Vector, Hambone, Pop-A-Lock, Crawlspace, Hi-Viz, Harvey Updyke, and Reveille.

We kicked it off with a few drinks and brief introductions, then opened up with a toast before sitting down for some appetizers. We then went around the room to make introductions and tell how we each received our names. Scott wowed us all with his gift of custom-made poker chips with his TSL class logo and motto (The Black Jacks) represented.

Steaks were then presented in exemplary fashion, and another toast was given by Pop-a-Lock to recognize Hambone for his work as Comz director. The evening was so much more than we could have anticipated. The meal was exquisite, but it paled in comparison to the camaraderie and fellowship felt by all.

Thanks to all of you for making this happen!

Bomber – 1.17.20 – “Guns ’N’ Stones”

25 High Impact Men got after it this morning and participated in a celebratory birthday workout for one of the greatest guitarists in rock music history.

QIC: Cunning Linguist

PAX: Bareback, Bicentennial Man, Blue Mule, BnB, Burrito (WL), Covenant Eyes, CowBell, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, DFrost, Duplex, Firefox, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Michelin Man, Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Princess Aurora, Right Said, Studio42, Tiny Dancer, Toothless, Vector

Weather: The perfect amount of gloom. If Goldilocks had a favorite type of gloom, it would be this one.

0529 was accompanied by the One Minute Warning, then 0530 was accompanied by the Disclaimer. Disclaimer was effectively given, then YHC led a Mosey out the entrance to McCabe and up to the right and ended at the round circular spot that looks like the nose of an aircraft (or something else, if you squint real hard) for WOR:

17 x SSH
10 x LBAC
10 x rLBAC
17 x Hillbillies
10 x WMH
17 SnL Squats

YHC took another Mosey toward the entrance to McCabe for THE THANG:

YHC waxed poetic and informed the PAX that today, January 17, is the 72nd birthday of Mick Taylor. Who is that, you ask? He is only the former lead guitarist of the Rolling Stones, known for being their guitarist during their Golden Era. In addition, one Slash (of Guns ’N’ Roses fame) has stated that his guitar style has been most influenced by Mick Taylor. At this point, YHC switched the playlist to “Gimme Shelter” by the Stones (nice catch by Blue Mule and Vector). Gimme Shelter from what, you ask? From the B.O.M.B.S., as listed below:

50 x Burpees
100 x Overhead Press
150 x Merkins
200 x Big Boy Sit-Ups
250 x Squats

We counted off 1s and 2s, where 1s performed the first move and 2s ran to the traffic circle, circled around it, and Bernied up the entrance (so they could see the cars entering McCabe and not get run over – Safety First, men!), then flapjack until completion.

Upon YHC’s completion, PAX were already in plank form (well done, gents) and YHC then called out Al Gores until the 6 wrapped up their exercise.

YHC then led the PAX to STARTEX for MARY:

17 x Flutter Kicks
10 x LBCs
10 x Alabama Prom Dates
10 x Freddie Mercuries


What an awesome turnout in literally freezing weather! I am yet again humbled by the fact that so many men opted to show up for a workout led by YHC.

-Prayers for the recoveries of Bad Boy, Hipster, and Siri – get well soon, gents! We miss you!
-BOLO for Side Straddle Hops, led by the Brothers Sottek in early February. See Slack for the deets.

This is The Colonel, signing off!

Racetrack 1/15/20

PAX: Umbrella, Not a Sport, Ochocinco, Old Fashioned (FNG Luke Duncan), Old Hickory, Barney Fivel, Tampa Libra, Offshore, Bagger Vance, Faulkner, Blackwidow, Soft Serve,

QIC: Boone’s Farm


  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Merkins x10
  • Squats x10


Mosey to parking deck.

  • 20 Iron Mikes
  • 20 Dry Docks
  • 20 Alt Should Taps
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • 20 LBC

Run up stairs, across top deck, down other stairs, back across bottom of deck

RNR x5

Mosey to 2nd level, partner up

Partner 1: backpedal up ramp, run back down

Partner 2: exercises (combined, flapjack when P1 finished)

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Flutter kicks

Head back to parking lot to finish.

Great work by all. Kuddos to Ocho for FNG. Remember those who are sick and need of healing, continue to lift one another up to be more engaged and impactful in relationships with wives, kids, co-workers, employees, churches

Always an honor,