Bomber 3-12-2021: 51

21 HIM came out to the gloom with a Q noting YHC 51st birthday on Sunday.  Playlist was the long-anticipated answer to the question “Vector, what songs do you consider the best of the 1980s?”  Basically, if these songs are on the radio in my car, don’t change the channel.  There was mumblechatter from the PAX about “why ’80s? Wasn’t he born in the 70s?” to which I respond, “it’s my birthday. So there.”

Need You Tonight – INXS
Take on Me – a-ha
Everything She Does is Magic – Police
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These) – Eurythmics
Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Tears for Fears

Just Can’t Get Enough – Depeche Mode
Head Over Heels – The Go-Go’s
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
Blue Monday – New Order
West End Girls – Pet Shop Boys

PAX:  River Dawg, Spinal Tap, Hi-viz, PA, Bad boy, Blueprint, Michelin Man, Softballz (FNG), Right Said Fred, Chowdah, T-cell, Crawlspace, BNB, Freakenomics, Cub Cadet, Hambone, Siri, F3G, Tagalong (FNG), Wet Wipes, Vector (QIC),

Conditions:   Outstanding, mid-60s. Not a long sleeve, cap, or man tight to be seen.

Disclaimer given and then jump right into the Warm-o-rama:  

SSH x 51, LBAC x 12, RLBAC x 12, Good Mornings x 10 OHO, Willy Mays Hayes x 12, Squats x 12

Round 1:   “51s” — 5 sets of 5 exercises x 10 reps + 1 burpee.  Overhead Claps, Merkins, Big Boy Sit-Ups, Squats, Lunges. After each set, do 1 burpee and then run around McCabe Rec Center.

Round 2:  Do it again:  LBACs, Incline Merkins, LBCs, Jump Squats, Pull-Ups. Burpee x 1 and run a lap.


  • Welcome FNGs Softballz and Tagalong!
  • Prayers for Chattanooga PAX who lost a new HIM (Night Sweats) in a car accident.
  • River Dawg is hosting a session on Human Trafficking on Thursday 3/18 at 6:30am — hit him up for the deets.
  • And sincere thanks to the HIM and F3.  I recalled my last birthday Q last March, which happened just as the world was starting to shut down.  I recalled pretty much losing it in the COT (and that that was the last “ball of men” COT we’ve had since).  Thanks to the PAX and especially Cub Cadet, T-cell, PA, Hi-Viz, Crablegs and Pumpkin Spice for the fellowship this year.  Thankfully there is optimism and a vaccine.  Thanks to all of you. #ISI





Temp: 37
Gloom Factor: Nil
PAX: Topanga, Faulkner, CCR, T Cell, Grisham, Tampa Libra, Movin on Up, Too Tall, Accounts Receivable, Bagger Vance

UA: Razorback, Dupree, High Flyer, Vegemite

Noticeable Absences: W4AG, Trot, Rug Dr, Noodler, Pedialyte, D Frost

SSH, IW, SnLSquat, Inch Worms, Pistol LBC

Mosey the baseball loop in reverse (no handicap ramp in honor of Razorback) to swing-set for

5 Big Boy Pull-Ups
5 Burpees
10 Lt Dans
15 Inch Worms
20 Merks
25 Pistol LBCs
30 Squat Jumps
1 Baseball Loop

RnR 30’

After R 5 of work set, PAX instructed to Coupon walk the length of the swing-set holding ‘pon in different ways : Farmer, OH, Bear Hug
Return Coups and circle up in lot for

F Kix x 15 IC (2X)
Plank Progression
1’ of Burpees to finish


Good output today men. Pleasure to start the week w y’all. Looks like Too Tall has restarted his Tiger Blood routine. Be advised.
Nice to hear the work was adequate to get the blood flowing and the week stated.
Topanga continues to grind out one armed burpees, one armed merkins and one armed pull ups. It’s a sight to see for sure.
Welcome back to the Shire, T Cell. CCR nailed it… a co post from T Cell and Grisham can mean only one thing, SpringBreakY2K21 just around the corner.
TL and I shared some horror stories regarding our IBS issues from the AM
Rooster aka Mike Bannon and some other shadowy character were hanging out under the pavilion with some weights.

Didn’t get a Q for next week but I’m sure TL has that on lock.

Prayers up for Martin family and for Ludwig and his family. See F3 General tab for ways to help Ludwig.


Bomber – 03.05.21 – “Here Comes the Sun”

25 HIM improved their celestial bodies as we honored the Father of Heliocentrism, Nicolaus Copernicus, in a snow-delayed birthday celebration and lesson in astronomy. The temperature was perfect and the greenhouse effect negligible.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bad Boy, Blueprint, BnB, CB, Cobb Wrangler, Chowdah, Crawlspace, Freakanomics, F3G, Hambone, High Flyer, Lunch Lady, Michelin Man, Minus 3, The Nanny, Natural Ice, Pop-A-Lock (LIFO), Rev Runs (FNG), Rich Soil, Right Said, Spinal Tap, T-Cell, Vector, Wet Wipes


Mission prep with the usual disclaimer and launch into the upper atmosphere (parking lot) for COP and explanation of today’s heliocentric theme:

  • SSH x 15
  • Overhead Clap x 15
  • Lunges x 16
  • Air Presses x 15
  • Reverse Lunges x 16

Having escaped Earth’s orbit, it’s time to carry out the mission. Journey all 2.8 billion miles to (the lower crosswalk by the groundskeepers’ hut) to enter Neptune’s orbit.

Perform the following circuit for 20 reps each:

  • Overhead Squats
  • Ranger Merkins
  • Burpees
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Turkish Sit-ups

In between each ORBIT, speed across the Solar System to the center of it all (stop sign at top of driveway) for a planet-specific exercise, reps representing the length in hours of a solar day on each planet. Return back to ORBIT but closing the distance by about 10-15 yards with each trip.

  • Neptune – 1.5x Squats x 16
  • Uranus – Apollo Ohnos x 17
  • Saturn – Chinooks x 11
  • Jupiter – 8ct Bodybuilders x 10
  • Mars – Dive Bombers x 25
  • Earth – Merkins x 24
  • Venus – LBCs x 117*
  • Mercury – High Knees x 176*

*These actually represent the length in days as the rep counts for these two slow-moving planets are in the thousands

Most everybody made it to Venus before we ran out of fuel (time).



Welcome to FNG Rev Runs, and congratulations all for earning your astronaut wings. As one would expect when embarking on an interplanetary journey, our spacecraft had a few hiccups along the way. Not only was communication from mission control a bit clunky and jumbled, but we began experiencing audio failure within minutes of reaching Uranus. Additionally, our reconnaissance (rep counts) once inside the Asteroid Belt needed to be shortened due to time constraints, and yet we were still unable to explore Mercury. I trust that all PAX perform their 176 high knees upon return to Earth. Nevertheless, you all navigated the Final Frontier wonderfully, and Copernicus would be proud of your better understanding of our Solar System.


  • Prayers for the return of students and teachers to school. Keep everyone safe and help schools to navigate staffing issues.
  • Congrats to Michelin Man for landing his new gig. Looks like he’s getting a little mud on the tires.
  • Vector birthday Q next week!

PA out.

Titan – 2.10.21 – Choose your own adventure

Intent was to keep PAX guessing as to what was next

PAX: Cub Cadet (QIC), Michelin Man, Smoke Jumper, Vector (R-E-S-P-E-C-T), Defrost, Crawl Space, Ask Jeeves, Hambone, Siri, Rich Soil, Blue Mule, Crablegs, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Freakonomics

Conditions:  Cold enough for most of us to wear hats, but warm enough for Mule and Soil to wear shorts

Usual disclaimers and warm-up in front of the Parthenon.

Main Event:  Top of front steps of the Parthenon was considered home base.  One random pax would select an adventure, identified by letter A-F, with outcome unknown until selected.   Each adventure included a group run to a point elsewhere at Centennial Park, followed by one minute each of two different exercises.  The group released to sprint back to home base.  Upon arriving at home base, squat jump up steps and hold plank at top.   Sequence selected as follows:

  • Adventure F: Back of ellipse, formerly near women’s’ suffrage statue. Wide Arm PU, American Hammers
  • Adventure C: Open air theater near McDonalds. Route cut short by construction fence.  Dips, Leg raises
  • Adventure E: Play set / playground. Pull-ups, LBC
  • Adventure A (fan favorite): Hilltop monument across road vic dog park. Burpees, Alabama things
  • Near time, so skipped Adventures B and D; modified by doing squats, flutter kicks at home base.
  • Sprint back to AO

COT: no FNG.  Each PAX asked to share aloud one specific item of thanks / gratitude for today.  Prayer.  Coffee compliments of Hambone.


Cub Cadet

Westeros 2-8-2021: Art Class

Last Friday at Bomber, Blue Mule taught music class, so today at Westeros, 17 HIM learned about art – colors, to be specific.

PAX:  Vector (QIC), Ask Jeeves, BnB, CB, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, DFrost, F3G,  Natural Ice, Oatmeal,  Porcelain, Rock Bottom, Siri, Sooner, & FNG Fancy Bikes with our running club of Pumpkin Spice & Michelin Man.

Conditions:   Balmy 28 degrees.

Disclaimer given. Mosey just beyond the port-a-potty and the sketchy parked cars for the

Warm-o-rama:  SSH x 15, LBAC x 15, RLBAC x 15, WMH x 15, Good Mornings x 10 OYO

Mosey to front of WEMS for Round 1 of the Main Event:

Main Event:
Because I always base my Qs first on a playlist and then scramble to fit a workout to the theme, this week’s theme was based on colors (My daughter deemed it “pretty cool, Dad” so I had that going for me).  So 3 sets with 3 stations representing the featured colors.  Move between the stations until the 3 songs are over.  Then move on to the next set.

Playlist in italics:  So. Many. Colors.

Round 1: Front of WEMS
Little Red 🔴 Corvette – Prince
Orange 🔶 Crush – R.E.M.
Yellow 💛 – Coldplay 

Red Station (at right end of WEMS) – 30 Squats
Orange Station (steps of WEMS) – 10 burpees
Yellow Station (at left end of WEMS) – 30 squats

Round 2: the traffic circle
Green 💚 River – CCR (the band, not the dude)
Blue 🔵 Monday – New Order
Purple 💜 Haze – Jimi Hendrix 

Green Station (at stairs at WEMS traffic circle) – 40 LBCs
Blue Station (the driveway loop) – Run around circle
Purple Station (at far end of traffic circle) – 30 American Hammers

Round 3: back to parking lot
Pretty in Pink 🎀 – Psychedelic Furs
Back in Black ⚫ – AC/DC
White ⚪Lines: Grandmaster Flash

Pink Station (at end of lot with stairs) – 10 irkins
Black Station (middle of lot by the cars) – 20 lunges
White Station (at end by greenway sign) – 10 merkins


  • Welcome FNG Fancy Bikes (EH of Oatmeal who noted FB has bikes that are more expensive than his car) – other options included “Falcon” (he was his high school’s mascot) and a riff on his role as portfolio manager (I think) for State of TN.  We were feeling fancy, hence “Fancy Bikes.”

Was an honor as always to lead you men this morning.  Glad to hear appreciation for the playlist — like to expose you young un’s to the classics now and then.  Until next time . . . 


TITAN – February 3, 2021 – “NOT the most disappointing Titan of the football season”

Wednesday, February 3th 2021

Gloom: cold, real real cold

PAX:  Buster Bluth , MichelinMan, CubCadet, Natural Ice, Blueprint, Minus 3, RightSaid, AskJeeves, CrabLegs, D-frost, Siri, Badboy, BlackLung, Hambone

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog to the Parthenon, side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, slownlow Merkins, lil baby arm circles, reverse lil baby arm circles etc…

Work:  Circuit training around the Parthenon:

Using the corners of the Parthenon as “baseball bases” we traveled with Hillbillys/ High knees, Emerial walkers/ butt kickers, Pumpkin Spice patented “Obamas” and Lieutenant Dans. Halfway box jumps or run the stairs. Home plate = 20 merkins, 3rd base = 20 pullups and 1st/3rd =20 seconds rest

MARY: 5seconds of situps and Burpees

COT:  good work, men!


YHC Crawlspace

Racetrack – Golden Glutes Beatdown 1/27/2021

PAX: Umbrella, Black Widow, Olan Mills, Wedding Singer, Ponzi, Ginger, Double Check, Moving On Up, Faulkner, Venus, Leatherneck, Hugs not Drugs, Nurse.Ratched, Not-a-Sport

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Conditions: nice crisp 35 degrees


Mosey to parking lot next to parking deck

  • SSH x20
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Merkins x10
  • Squats x10
  • But-kickers half parking lot x2
  • High knees half parking lot x2


Mosey to parking deck stairs

  • 20 merkins, lap 1 up stairs, 5 burpees, down stairs
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, lap 2
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, lap 3
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, lap 4
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 Iron Mikes (1 is 1 rep), lap 5
  • 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 lunges, lap 6
  • 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 lunges, lap 7
  • 20 WWI, 20 lunges, lap 8
  • 20 lunges, lap 9

Great work by all this morning. Great coffeeteria  fellowship after. Umbrella is going to post a service opportunity on Slack for 3/6.  Leatherneck is going lead 2 hour ruck/workout 2/6.

Always an honor,


It will wash off

15 redwoods posted to see just how wet and muddy they could get.  Here’s how it went down:

Gloom Factor: Nada!  Seventy and sunny

PAX: Noble Virus, Detective Pichachu, B&B, Toga (QIC), Red Skull, THE Black Widow, Hambone, World tour, Man about Town, Tender foot, Dry rub , Butt Dial, Zyppah, Bagger Vance, Billy Blanks (FNG)

Quick disclaimer then mosey to gravel lot on the back 40.  Warmarama then line up facing the far side of the lot for Noah’s ark= transport down and mosey back using the following modes:  bear crawl, crab walk, inch worm merkins, kangaroo hops (broad jumps), some other animal?

Line up in the grass facing South for 5x grass drills= chopping and rolling

Mosey to bball court for some bonus calisthenics then line up on the side line for ye old EMOM shuttle run.  We started with 5 and increased by one rep EMOM.  Time was called at 14 reps

COT with YHC taking us out!

NMM:  The focus of today was working through not so awesome conditions, not giving up and not letting the guy next to you down.  Strong performance by the PAX!  Shoutout to Butt Dial who is not only the first 4:13 member to bring an FNG, but he’s also expecting a new arrival and could use our prayers for a healthy baby.

14 for MLK Day At Westeros 1.18.21

Gloom: cool but high 30s no wind isn’t too bad

Blue Mule
Michelin man
Natural Ice
pumpkin Spice
Red skull
Rich Soil
Right Said

Mosey to pick-up circle
Cherry Pickers
Air presses
Imperial Walkers

Dueling Doomsday Clocks

Squat holds to Up and Down by Venga Boys
(Squat hold when they say “down” and stand up when they say “up.”)

11s pull-ups on playground and burpees at top of school steps

Mosey back to startex

Dealer’s choice abs

Cafe Prius and Cafe Tacoma followed.


21 for a Bomber Beatdown 1.15.21



Gloom: dark but at least it was 35 and not 25. Enthusiasm level high.


Sideout (FNG)
Smokejumper (FNG)
Spinal Tap
Bad Boy
Rich Soil
Ranger Rick
Michelin Man
Princess Aurora
Hi Viz
The Nanny
Crab Legs
Right Said
Natural Ice


Mosey to greenway trailhead and around to McCabe parking lot.




Cherry Pickers



Air Presses

Foot to hand plank stretch (both sides)


Deuling Doomsday Clocks

2 circles of PAX each doing 1 Merkin each and incrementing the count

PAX bowed out once unable to hold plank or do do Merkin

First clock with fewer than 5 PAX loses.

Which clock won is unimportant. Much effort was exerted by all.



100 Merkins

200 LBCs

300 squats


Mosey back around to lower parking lot for Mary

Dealer’s choice abs exercises until time.

Props to Smokejumper for the surprise FNG cadence call.


Thanks to our coffee sponsors, Cafe Tacoma and Cafe Prius.